DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1008 EIGHT PAGES. TO FLAYS THE SB E TABLE AIID DANCE MIXTUIE ANYONE CAN PREPARE AT HOME EVANGELIST PREACHES SER MON ON POPULAR AMUSEMENT PAGE SIX. fff A Harmless Proscription Which Is Said to Be Better Than Patent Medicines Can Be Made Vp at Home by Anyone and Is Fine Cleanser of the Blood. All medical authorities are agreed that the blood Is the great source of disease or of health in the human aystem. If the blood Is pure, the In dividual Is strong and healthy, if the blood is impure or diseased, then there is sickness or decay in the whole system. Rheumatism is strictly a blood dis ease. It Is caused by excessive uric acid. Sores, pimples, etc., mean bad blood. Catarrhal affections must be treated through the blood to get per manent results. To get well, to feel strong hearty and vigorous one must have a good clean blood and lots of It. Tou can't clean the blood thor oughly unless the kidneys are made active. Cad blood means clogged, inactive kidneys and liver which causes, too, such symptoms as back ache, nervousness, bladder and uri nary difficulties and other sympa thetic troubles. Here is a simple home remedy and the recipe for making It up is as fol lows: Fluid Extract Dandelion one-half ounce, Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. The Ingredients can be obtained at any good prescription pharmacy at small cost Here the readers of this paper have a simple yet powerful and effective remedy for all forms of blood dis eases which should relieve rheuma tism and catarrhal affections and re place that weak, worn-out indiffer ent feeling with strength, vigor and health. Draws Vigorous Lesson from Text "Be Not Deceived, God Is Not Mocked; Whatsoever a Man Sowcth That Sliall He Al. Reap"-Pre sents Statistics and Incidents to Prove HU Assertions Largest Au dience Yet Gallic red During the Union Meetings Hears Sermon. THE CHICAGO CLUBS, WITH THEIR TRUSTY CLUBS, WON THE PENNANT THEY'RE NO DUBS WE'VE BEEN PENNANT WIN NERS FOR TEARS WHEN IT COMES TO OFFERING THE PUB LIC STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE CLOTHING AT POPULAR PRICES. OLR EFFORTS HAVE BEEN CROWNED WITH SUCCESS AND IF YOU WANT TO HAVE DEAL INGS WITH A WINNING COMBINA TION, WHY NOT BUY THAT NEW SUIT HERE. Bond Brothers Pendleton's Leading Clothiers, The largest audience yet gathered during the union evangelistic meet Ings was present last night to hear Mr. Haudenschleld's sermon on pop ular amusements. He said at the opening of his ad dress, "No one expects me to defend these things." Instead of "sitting on the lid" he said it was his purpose to "lift the lid and let men see the hy dra headed monster of sin that is em bodied in these things." The whole message of the sermon was definitely embodied In the text, "Be not deceived, God is not mock ed; whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." ' His proposition was "Sow the saloon and reap the drunkard. Sow the card table and reap the gambler. Sow the dance, and reap the brothel." The sermon was a presentation of statistics and incidents to establish these assertions. The opinions of high officials and the express legis lation of various churches was read showing uniform condemnation of these things. Authorities were quoted from the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Methodist south, and Con gregational churches. A plainer, more direct, fearless ser morl has not been preached in Pen dleton for many a day. At the close the line of division on the question was cleany drawn. Those who were in sympathy with the preacher were enthusiastic In tneir approval. While others who were not in sympathy with him ver as outspoken In disapproval. It will be a long time before Pendleton hears the last about that sermon and for. gets it. There will be no afternoon service today or tomorrow, though evening services will be held as usual. To night the subject will be "No Room in the Inn." BILLY" SUNDAY TO YAKIMA. to "Everybody Works But Mother" She Cooks With Gas AFFORDS A SOFT. WHITE, LIGHT AND IS UNSURPASS ED TO READ BY. Call at office for particulars Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. MATLOCK HOLDING. famous Evangelist to be Invited Yakima Town. "Billy" Sunday, or as he is known today, the Rev. William Sunday, has been formally invited to North Yaki ma by the ministerial association of this city, says the Yakima Republic. And he will come. It may be many months, perhaps a year, before he be gins his work here, but that he will come is a certainty. He has prom ised it and the only thing to do is to wait until North Yakima can be mov ed from his waiting list to 'his long list of definite engagements. As an evangelist "Billy" Sunday is a world beater, or world mover. As it was in the days of his baseball ca- j reer when he was a member of the victorious Chicago pennant winning team, so it is now In his work In re ligion. It is said of him that he can more readily draw an audience of 6, 000 people than any other orator liv ing nnd do more with them after he has the number together than any other person. His mthods are mod ern and dignified, but alert and ef fective. Will Start a Tabernacle. Members of the ministerial associa tion of North Yakima have for some time been considering the desirabil ity of procuring his services. Having an assurance that he wnuiri mmo here if wanted they decided to issue an invitation and that Invitation is how In the hands of Rev. D. M. Mont gomery of the Presbyterian church to be forwarded. For the services which Rev. Mr. Sunday will conduct here it will be necessary to erect a tabernacle which will accommodate 5000 people. Plans in connection with this will be de ferred for the present, as It Is a cer tainty that it will be some months before the noted evangelist can come to the city. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for anjr case of Catarrh that cannot be cur oj nan a i atarrn Cure. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. e, tne undersigned, bare known K. J. ineney for the last 15 yeara, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bnslmv irauHaruonn ana financially able to carry out any obligations made by bin firm. waioini?, Klnnan ft Marvin, Wholesale brneclnta. TnioHn n Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the ayatem. Teatlmonlala sent rree. i rice iic per bottle. Bold by all Take Hall's Family Pills for constlna tlon. Missouri Blacksmith Shop PILOT ROCK, ORE We are now ready for your work in our new building. Right prices and prompt serv ice. Call and see us fur horse shoeing, wagon repairing, blacksmlthlng and machine work. C0PEUSD-&IS0N DON'T LIKE PREACHER. yve Perce Imllang Dislike Dr. Mac Arthur. The educated Indians of the Nez Perce tribe will prefer charges against Rev. Mac Arthur to the general pres bytery to be held at Walla Walla and TEA Linger longer over it; let it be steaming hot from the earthen pot; and the loveliest woman pour it. Your tracer rvluroi your none, if roa dos't Kk SchUlisc-'e Btl. m pj him Being made by the East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon, to all who subscribe for the Daily or Semi-Weekly East Oregonian on or before April 1st, 1908. Remember, offer closes APRIL If the following offers do not interest yon, please hand this to a friend or neighbor. Offer No. 3. 1908 Beautiful 26-piece silver set and Semi-Weekly East Ore gonian one year, by mail, in $5.75 advance Beautiful 26-piece silver set and Daily East Oregonian, one year, by mail, in advance TV At ' : i v. -Ml Add 65c for postago if set is mailed to you Offer No. 4. Beautiful 30-pieco silver set and Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, one year, by mail, in advance $8.50 WpllPiw Ml ins $7.00 Beautiful 30-pioce silver set and Daily East Oregonian, one year, by mail, in advance $9.75 Add 80c for postage if set is mailed to you. Anyone wishing to see how these goods stand hard usage may see them at The Delta or St. George Restau rant. Both establishments have used this ware for years. i to mffl&i .l.i.' '"'.I Offer No. 5. This set given, together with the Daily East Oregonian by carrier for the period of four months, by paying each month the QA. emnll sum of vUv This sot and Daily East Oregonian by mail, six months, for This set and Semi-Weekly Knit ()r- egoniiin, one year for CJ1 J-.X AWAY! Tin's set will be given away to all old or new subscribers to iho Daily East Oregonian who pay one year CilCC in advance, absolutely, II EC 3.50 2.50 If set Is to be sent by postage. mail, rm l)."f H rents for Offer No. 6. This set given with the Daily East Oregonian by carrier for the period of three months, byQA paying each month Qyl This set, and Daily East Oregonian byO QC mail six months, for ybivO This set, and Weekly East Oregonian one A ftf? year, for J) BJJJ GIVEN AWAY I This set will be given away to all old or new subscribers to the Daily East Oregonian who pay six months in advance, or to all Semi Weekly subscribers, who pay two years in ad- El) EC vance, absolutely I Ilkla Fill out the enclosed subscription blank and mail to us at once before it is too late. If set is to be sent by mail enclose 20c for postage. These Special Premium Offers Good for 90 Days Only. Starts Jan. 1st, 1908 Closes April 1st, 1908. Ill ask that his dictation be removed, says the Lewlston Teller. It Is alleged that Rev. Mac Arthur has exercised offices amongst his peo pie that will not be tolerated in the future, and one of the specific charges Is that he has endeavored to Influence Ed Raboln, the well known Indian in terpreter, in the conduct of his tribal relations. Silas Whitman, the well known In dian, says: "I have been a member of the church for several years, and the recent dictation of Mac Arthur has been such that our people do not believe that it Is along the lines of Christianity. We have all tried to be Christians and we do not think that our efforts can be criticised. "We have come to Lewlston and have dealt with the peoplo here, we have attended every fair, and now Mac Arthur says that we cannot attend the fair or any other public celebra- vances will not be supported by the general conference. . . "This is the reason that we have appealed for a change of pastors and the above is the complaint that we will make to the general conference." Rev. Mac Arthur has been the min ister of the Nez Perce pastorate for a number of years and it Is said that he has put himself up as a supreme being to some of the Indians. It Is claimed that he Is a renegade Indian. A sure cure, one yon can depend upon. Hickory Bark Cough Remedy. A sure coure, and its pure! Use it for all lung trouble, coughs, colds, hoarse ness and sore throat. For sale by any druggist and first-class dealers everywhere. Pendleton Drag Co. Marry a count and you are some account, young lady, as a good news paper item. A divorce will keep up tlon, and If we do our tribal obser- (he public Interest In yoo. Are You Troubled? Those who suffer with distress after eating, loss of appetite, bil iousness, nausea, flatulence, and other derangements of the digestive organs, should use the best means to get the stomach well and strong. Probably no other remedy will restore you to health so surely and so naturally as ECHAM'S FILLS Beecham's Pills immediately relieve acute dyspepsia, and are enually beneficial in chronic canes of indigestion and stomach weakness. They gently stimulate the digestive organs and have a wholesome effect upon the liver and bowels, cleansing and toning the entire di gestive tract. Beecham's Pills relieve the weakened organs, establish healthy conditions, improve the general health, create appetite and Strengthen the Digestion In boxes with full directions, 10c and 25c.