East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 03, 1908, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    PAGE eight.
Marketing Becomes a Ploasuro
J When you can do it in a store where
cleanliness, convenience and comfort, are
distinct" features. You'll find these things
fully embraced in our store.
J Added lo this the superlative quality of
our groceries and provisions, our generous
methods and our prompt and efficient de
livery system and you have the chief ele
ments of our trade-winning combination.
Standard Grocery Co.
The BestflGroceries
Yesterday Busy Day for Church Go
t .Cunflar School Rail 7 Opening
Service of D7 and Ninety Hud In
Card Morning Service Impressive
Two Afternoon Meetings for,
Men and Women Great Crowd
Out to Hear Evening Service.
Yesterday at the close of the even
Ins service of the union evangelistic
services it was found that a total of
one hundred and seventy one cards
had been signed to date expressing a
purpose to lead a Christian life and
unite with some of the churches of
The services of the day began with
a rally of the Sunday schools at 10
o'clock. There was an atmosphere
of expectation and enthusiasm from
the beginning of the service, and,
when after brief addresses from the
pastors present and the superintend
ents of the' schools, the evangelist ad
dressed the children and gave the
Invitation over 90 responded and came
forward, there were many older
Christians who showed deepest emo.
tion- ifuza
One thought was tremendously em
phasized by the situation. The
churches and Christian people of
Pendleton cannot treat lightly the
claims of these young people who
are asking for their sympathetic help
and encouragement in the path they
are choosing.
At the morning service Mr. Hau
denschield preached on "The Cour
age of the Christian." Many who
have convictions but do not live up
to them, felt the appeal of the plain,
straightforward, direct message of
the preacher.
Nearly four hundred men gathered
The very hour a cold starts Is the
time to check It. Don't wait It may
become deep-seated and the cure will
be harder thn. Every hour lost at
the start may add days to your suf
fering. Take
F & S
Cold Capsules
Used In time they save all that
might follow sickness, worry, ex
penses. They never fail.
Tallman & Co.
Leafing Druggists.
Da You Get Your Portion of the Cream ?
Are you absolutely certain that your milk is free from
dirt or infection and that it is handled in a clean, sanitary
manner? The only way to procure good rich, clean milk
not that with the cream poured off is to get milk in
That is the Kindle Sell
Pendleton Creamery Co.
Phone Main 155
8th Semi-Annual
Payment of Interest.
The regular semi-annual installment of interest on deposits
in the Savings Department of this bank will be due and credited
on February first. Same will be ready for payment on or after
that date. Interest not withdrawn will be added to principal.
Commercial National Bank
for the aftenoon meeting. They sang
the old songs with a vigor that al
most silenced the organ and orches
tra, and Indicated a sympathetic re
ception of the message. If any one
came expecting a sensational address
or mere entertainment he was cer
tainly disappointed.
The text of the hour was simple
and direct as the message. "Prepare
to Meet Thy God." Men realized the
significance of the subject announc
ed. "The Red Light." A danger sig
nal was flashed In the face of the
man who is not prepared for the
meeting with God. At the close of
the service a number of men Indi
cated their decision to take a stand
for Christ,
At the same hour a meeting for
. u',a.X.iw''."4 .vy-V "ri AT '.'
women was held in the BaptLrt
church. The house was filled and
the Interest manifested in other serv-
Ives'was sustained here. The ad
dress was given by Miss Constance
McCorkle, secretary of the Young
Women's Christian ' association of
Miss McCorkle also spoke at the
Young People's meeting in the even
ing at the Congregational church.
Rev. R. E. Storey presided at this
At the evening service the Metho
dist church was filled to the limit of
its capacity. The sermon was a mas
terly presentation of the evidences ot
the divinity of Christ. Mr. Hauden
schleld Is not one of those who weak'
en the high teaching of the church
of the past on this point. The evidence
of the scripture was taken at its
Vi W Y
!( M
fact value, and the testimony of the
ages was marshalled as evidence for
those who sit to Judge today.
The conclusion is an anneal to ans
wer the question. "What Think Te
of Christ?" was a remarkably for
clble address. Several more came
forward at the close of the service
The sermon this evening will bo
"The Last Call." Tomorrow after
noon meetings will be resumed at tho
Presbyterian church, with the sub
ject, "The Fundamental Principles of
the Christian Life."
Special features of the services In.
eluded music at the Sunday school
and both afternoon services by the
glee club of the acadamy, a male
quartet at the men's meeting and so
los at both afternoon meetings bv Mr
J. S. Landers. The work of ihn
chorus is especially noticeable. Sel
dom does Pendleton hear such chor
us singing as Is done by the singers
from the various churches In this
Play Will be Given in the Oregon
Tli cater Sure tor and Bryan As
sisting the Soldier Boys First
Part Musical Second Part Will be
the "Subdual of Hcrmlston," a
Riproarlng Farce That Is Guaran
teed to Canoe the Weary to Laugh
and Cure the Ills of the Down
hearted. On Tuesday evenlnr. February 18.
company L will present its long
piannea, local talent, comic opera
and military extravaganza. For
many weeks preparations for the per
formances have been under way, but
owing to the great amount of train
ing necessary for the production the
date was not definitely fixed until
The Dlav will be given In the Ore
gon theater, which Manager Streeter
the militia boys for the occasion.:
Aside from this, Mr. streeter and
Miss Bryan are also lending much
valuable assistance in training some
of the best features of the entertain
ment and they themselves will have
a specialty that will more than
The program for the cominir enter
tainment will be in two parts. The
first half will consist of specialties,
mostly choruses, by well kfiown
young Pehdleton Deoole. while the
second part will be devoted to a mil
itary extravaganza "The Subdual
of Hermiston," a local talent produc
tion that will permit of soma verv
thrilling scenes. The thing will be
almost entirely burlesque and in the
course of the performance many of
the local people as well as Hermls
tonians will be shown ud in an en.
tirely new light Aside from the lo
cal color In the extravaganza it will
also be interesting because it will
show many of the humorous features
aDout camp life and some hitherto
unpublished orders will be made
known for the first time.
The company entertainment is be
ing managed by a committee from
the company with the assistance of
Morrie B. Streeter and Miss Blanche
Bryan of the Oregon theater. Dan P.
Smythe is chairman of the company
L committee,
New Pmddent Will be Chosen To
morrow Night Como Out.
Tomorrow night will occur the reg.
ular monthly meeting of the Com
mercial association and It will also
be the time for the annual election
of officers. Owing to this fact a
large attendance Is desired. All bus
iness men and others holding mem
bership in the assoc'atlon are re
quested to be present.
In the annual election of officers
for the association much interest cen
ters in the election of a president
which position Is one of honor and
Importance in this city.
D. Turner and Mrs. Jennie Burrell
were married In this city on Satur
day, January 25. The ceremony was
performad by Justice of the Peace
Joe Parkes. The groom and bride
have been acquaintances since child
hood, having lived as neighbors In
the Willamette valley many years
ago. The bride's home is in Texas
but she has been In Washington dur
ing the past few years. Mr. and Mrs.
Turner will have their home In the
former's residence on East Court
The office of the Chinese Reform
News In New York Is tied up for
want of compositors. The office force
was depleted some days ago by the
resignation of several men and Chi
nese compositors are few and far be
tween. The (company cannot Im
port men from China.
DiTTERSBitte- we
guarantee k
so. It will
Sour Risings,
Indices Hon.
j) Dyspepsia,
u -irw - - J Colds and
'QtZ&Zrjr Malarial Fcvef
-rCTT. If you want
r& Ayy an absolutely
cnEBRAraWFe medi
C STOMArw tvcine get a
fTW . ? IS.
Evangelist Delivers Vigorous Sermon
on "Have This in Mind In Yon
Which Wag in Christ Jesus" Four
Conversions Follow Morning Serv
iceEvangelist Presented Willi In.
dlan Robes ns Token of Frjcmlslilp
by Church Members.
Sunday at the Christian church,
was the groatont day in the service
in the revival meetings. After an Im
pressive communion service Evange
list Wilson read the second chapter
of Philippines and the 11th verse.
Prof. L'ntt sang In his usual earnest
and expressive way, "Just for To-
dav." The text chosen by the speak
er was as follows: "Have tnis in you
which was In Christ Jesus."
The religion of Jesus Christ ought
to make people act and teach Ilk
him. We are willing to keen Christ
mas and Easter In memory of events
In his life, but many are not willing
tn kpen his nreceDts. we are wining
to observ the ho y lana. noiy sepui
chre, but many are not wining
mnka their lives holy.
An lil (a Is abroad that anvthlnir
in a religious way manes a man
Christian, but to be a Christian
to be like Christ, to act like him,
teach I ke him. to Imitate him
spirit and letter. To know Virgil
wa do not (ro to the Dluce Of his
birth or the place where he lived, or
the place where he died, but we study
works pertaining to h's life. To
know the promptings of Jesus
Christ's great heart we do not need
to go to the place of his birth Or tho
place of his life or the place of his
death, but we must study his life as
set forth by those who associated
with him.
Th mind makes the man. As a
man thlnketh, so It is he." Better
thourhta mak the better man.
Pur thnuarhta makA the oure man:
corrupt thoughts make the corrupt
man; evil tnougnts, maxes tne tjvu
The earle does not th'nk how. but
stretches his wings and files; it is his
nature. The flower does not think
how to a-row: it slmDlv arrows. Man.
and man alone. Is left to think his
way through life. He who thinks
much does much. He who thinks
little, does little. The heathen In ill
ness resorts to the Incantations of the
medicine man; the more intelligent
have studied a system nf theraneu-
tics which really accomplishes the
relief or tne ailment.
Wronr thoughts make a wrons
life, or dwarfed thoughts make a
dwarfed life. By making a man ca-
oable of thoueht and studv Oort has
made him capable of development
and of great usefulness to himself
and to his country. '
Instruction of divine writ Is, "Study
to show yourself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be
Ashamed, rlrhtlv dlvldlnor the word
Of truth." Again, "Let this mind be
In you which was also In Christ Je
sus." What was the mind of Jesus?
First, meekness and lowliness. He
says, "I am meek and lowly In spirit."
This Is one of the strong evidences
of the divinity of Christ. If he had
been a creature of the Imagination
of some man he would not have been
humble and lowly, but honored and
honorable' and high and mighty and
the ruler that the Jews expected him
to be.
There are two steps In his humil
ity. First, from being the son of 'God
at the right hand of his father at the
throne of God, help'ng to rule the
universe, the all-DOwerful and mighty
Prince of Peace, he came to earth
and was born In the most lowly pos
nihU wav. of humble parentage.
Second, he became the servant or
iav of man. occupying the lowest,
most menial position during his earthly
life. It was he who first taught us
to call our servants friends. His
death proved that he was looked up
on as a slave, for no country cruci
fied Its cltUcns, but Its slaves only.
Tana died the death of a slave.
The second step In the mind of
Christ Is purity. The man with the
dirtv atorv. or the woman with the
gossiping tongue has not the mind of
Christ. The instruction lo iei ima
mind be In you which is the Christ's
mind should eliminate all that is low
and base that satan would put Into
our minds. "Thoughts are deeds and
may be crimes."
Thoughts always come before ac
tion and deeds follow. A man may
say when he has committed an evil
deed that he did it unthoughtedly,
but this Is not true. If the seeds of
evil had not been In his mind, the
evil deed would not have followed.
Pure thoughts bring a harvest of good
deeds. Jesus had the mind of God,
for he said, "It Is my will to do the
will of God."
The third step in the mind of
Christ is faith. The prayer 01
Christ was always carried on tne
wings of faith. When he approach
ed the grave of Lazarus he was told
that the body had been In the grave
... tn fhat dncav had set in, but
that did not deter the Christ, for he
lifted his voipe to God n conriaence
and faith and fald. "Father I thank
thee that thou hast always heard me
and that thou wilt hear me," and
then he raised his voice and said,
"Lazarus, come forth." Many
Christians when they pray simply
voice the words, their mind Is some
place else and faith is lacking and
their prayer rises no higher than their
nose. ,
The fourth step in the mind or
Christ is love of God and man. Jesus
showed his love for the father in ac
cepting without question every de-
The kind that keep out the cold. Frost proof. Keeps
"your s truly" warm and comfortable and saves docltor bills
Sweaters now going at the
price, your choice for
Get One Before They're Gone.
Where You Trade to Save.
mand of the father. He simply did
In trusting faith the things that God
asked him to do. The Christ-like
minded man or woman will do In
this respect as did Jesus. If this
was true, the Christian world would
be united and the world would be
taken for Christ. We must love God
as Jesus did. The proof of love Is
obedience. He said, "If you love me
you will keep my commands."
The sixth step In the mind of
Christ Is willingness te do. Christ's
life was an active one. It mattered
not how many weary miles he had
trod, or how tired his aching limbs
had become, no call was ever made
upon him that he was not still willing
to exercise his faculties In the ac
complishment of the will of God. The
Christian who does continually for
the Christ, ever active, Is the Chris
tian whose life Is satisfactory and
happy, as well as the one who ac
complishes results, but his Influence
and earnestness will convince where
argument will not. To know the will
of Christ we will study his will in the
New Testament.
There were four conversion at
the morning service. At the close of
the morning service the members of
the church were asked to remain and
the evangelists were presented each
with a Pendleton Indian robe as a
slight token of the esteem in which
they are held by the church In this
place. The presentation speech was
made by L. C. Martin and was re
sponded to very feelingly by both
Evangelist Wilson and Prof. Lintt.
Known For
First National
Pendleton. Oregon
Designated Ur.!fed States Deptlfcnr
Established 1682
Has operated under the National Bank
Act for more than a quarter of a century,
making five statements of condition each
year, besides undergoing semi-annual
examinations by Federal examiners. To
day its business is larger than, ever in
its history.
It invites new business on the basis of
its strength and security. Courteous
treatment, progressive methods and a
careful consideration of your require
ments are assured.
SOLD AT 25c.
815 MAIN ST.
below zero
At the evening service a splendid
audience gathered to enjoy the In
struction and spiritual uplift which Is
always in evidence at the Wllson
Llntt meetings. The evening subject
was presented In a very able and
scholarly manner; the subject being,
"Heaven's Last Invitation." The last
chapter of Revelations was read and
text taken from the 17th verse of
same.' Prof. Llntt sang "The Great
Judgment Morning."
Contrary to the plan observed In
this revival heretofore, services will
be held on Monday night The sub
ject for tonight Is "Naaman, the
Leper." The subject for Tuesday
night, "Shall we Know our Friends
In Heaven T"
Show Troupe Entertained Yesterday
at Fraiier's Tntnllla Ranch,
At the Frank Frailer ranch on
Tutullla creek yesterday, the ranch
operators entertained the members -of
the Streeter-Bryan company to
dinner and with a wild west tourna
ment that was strenuous.
After dinner had been served by '
Missouri, the ranch chef, the gentle
art of riding bucking bronchos was
illustrated to the show people with
Melvln Buck and Glenn Buahee "s.
demonstrators. Several horses that
had never seen saddles before were
ridden to a standstill amid the Joyous
exclamations-of the onlookers.
Bead the East Oregonlan.
Its Strength