PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OnECOXIAX, PEXPLETOX, OREGON. SATUWAY, JAMAHY 25, 1008. TWELVE lGi;S. S OF two handsome pianos. Matt Mos grove the merchant, and Dr. Thomas made the gifts. ' The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Berry Is quite ill with pneumo nia. There are a number of cases of la grippe in the Milton and Free wa ter country at this time. sax: AIJUAXGE.MKXTS 1Y)U SE(XXD SKMICSTEK AT THE NORMAL D8QT WESTON termors' Tticihotie Lino Doing Im proved nikl Extended Scnrlet I'e vr IHIlciils lYw From Qiittrantine Considerable AYlieat Sold on tlie First or the I-ast Week A Basket ball Game Will Tuke Place To night at Normal. For she cannot help it Women are cfton cross, irritable, hysteric, and declare they are driven to distrac tion at the slightest provocation. Men cannot understand why this Bhould be so. To them it is a mys tery because in nine times out of ten this condition is caused by a serious feminine derangement A remedy is necessary w hich acta directly upon the organs afflicted, re etoring a healthy normal condition to the feminine system, which will quickly dispel all hysterical, nervous and irritable conditions. Such is LYDIA EPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND The following letter serves to prove this fact , Mrs. Mattie Oopenhaver, 315 So. Slst St, Parsons, Kans, writes: M For two yean I suffered from the " wont forms of feminine ills, until I was almost driven frantic. Nothing but morphine would relieve me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound brought me health and happiness and made me a well woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the ftandard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands 01 women who have been troubled with displacements, in flammation, ulcerar tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. "Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women tc write lier for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Weston, Jan. 25. The second semester for the Weston Normal will begin the first of February. Many Improvements will be made and there will be a number of new students at the school. Dr. Cole was up from Pendleton the early part of the week to assist In a surgical operation. The Farmers' Telephone line Is making many improvements in Its line and is making a great many ex tensions. The R. L. Wilson family, which was quarantined on account of typhoid fever, are all on their way to re covery. Every precaut'on was taken to prevent any further spread of the disease. About 40.000 bushels of wheat have been sold here in the past week, all going to local buyers at 75 cents. There will not be much more to sell In the spring. Tonight there will be a basketball game between the first team of the Normal and the Waitsburg team. The game is being looked forward to as one of the best of the season. A number of the teachers and pu pils at the Normal will go to Walla Walla this evening to hear Herbert Witherspoon, the famous concert basso. The revival meeting at the M. E. church continues to grow In Inter est. L. L. Hursey of Denver, Is con ducting the meetings. Hls wife Is with him, and Is a splendid singer. The meetings will continue over next week. AtlM-na City Election. Athena, Jan. 25. Interest Is al ready being taken In the city elec tion which will be hold in Athena In March. Mayor J. D. Plamondon has called a meeting for January SI tor the purpose of nominating officers to be voted upon at this election. NEWS NOTES FROM ALBA. Japan la determined that there will be no Korea. She means to add the peninsula empire to the mikado's do main. We are always making: strenu ous efforts to increase our business, and are determined to succeed In convincing yon that when It comes to offering you big values in modern clothing. Four your money there's no power to equal us. Investigate our special offerings In correct men's wear. Bond Brothers Pendleton's Leading Clothien. "Everybody Works But Mother" She Cooks With Gas AFFORDS A SOFT. WHITE, LIGHT AND IS UNSURPASS ED TO READ BT. Call at office for particulars, Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. matlock nriLDnro. The East Oregonlaii Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It loads and flic people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. It Is tlte advertising medium of the section. Many Colds Among reople Weather Mild as Indian Summer. Alba. Ore., Jan. 25. The weather is warm as Indian summer all the time. Winter has not set In yet. The horses are ranging in pastures and not being fed yet, but the prophets are looking wise and reporting that we are going to have a late spring, but If all weather signs fall, then the country Is certainly getting more tropical since the San Francisco earthquake. F. Wright, the forester, frequently meets stockmen at Alba and takes applications for grazing permits, which have all to be In by February 15th. Harras, of the Pendleton meat market, was here this week and bought several head of beef for the Pendleton market. Ora Arbagast, while waiting for snow to log Is repairing and changing his mill and making it modern every particular. vThe slabs and saw dust will be carried off In a flume by means of an endless chain run by steam oower. doing away with th labor of two or three men. Although there Is no serious sick ness here the most of the population Ij barking with bad colds. Koalty Transfers. The following real estate transfers have just been filed with the county recorder: Lee Hummel et ux to Edith G. Berkeley et al, 12500. North half of southwest quarter, section 21, town ship 2 north, range 32 E. W, M. David L. Johnson et ux to Tlllle IVarson. $1MH). South half of Sec t'on 16 and lots 12 and 1) of section 23. and lots 3 and four of section S3, township 6 north, range 31 E. W. M. Mary C. Fulford et lr. to W. S. Williams, $1. Lots M and fractional lots N. O, Q, Halstead's addition, Echo, Oregon. w. k. Jewett et ux to W. Hams, $176.75. Lots K and stead addition Echo, Oregon. S. L, Wil-Hal- NEW YORK LETTER in Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts upon the bowels and tnereDy drives the cold out of the system. contains no opiates it Is pleasant to take and is highly recommendd for children. Sold by Tallman & Co. RECLAMATION ATTORNEY nERE New Purchasing Agent Arrives to Re side In Hcrrolston. Hermiston, Jan. 25. Attorney Oli ver P. Morton, wno nas cnnrge ui mo legal work on the Umatilla project, ha moved his office from ixno 10 this place, and is now located m building near the reclamation head quarters. His will will now be here and on the Okanogan project in Washington. C. E.i Onslow of Portland, formerly purchasing agent for the Portland & Astoria railroad, has accepted the po sltion of purchasing agent for the re demption service here and has al ready taken up his duties, filling the vacancy made by the resignation of Mr. Scroggs. KODOL Is the best remedy known today for dyspepsia. Indigestion and all troubles arising from a disordered stomach. It Is pleasant, prompt and thorough. Sold by Tallman tt Co. MILTON NOTES. Two Handsome Pianos presented College by Milton Residents. Milton, Jan. 5. The Milton Gun club has been reorganized. Tnirty new members have Joined the organ ization. Mac Cockburn has been looted president, and the club prom ises to flourish In the future. T. S. Bruee Is seriously HI with paralysis and It Is feared that he will not live. Columbia roller has been given ANOTREDAMEUDY'SAPPEAL To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism, whether muscular or of the Joints, Sciatica, lumhagos, backache, pains In the kidneys or neuralgia alnn, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cured II of these tortures. She feels It her July to sf'in it to all sufferers FRKK. i'ou cure yourself ;it home, as thous- ii'ls will testify no change of cll- matp belrie necessary. This simple liseovcry banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, purifies the blood, and brlshtens the yes. If the above Interests you, for proof !jltess Mrs. M. Summers, I5ox 11. Notre Dame, Ind. New York. Jan. 23. The poor have their troubles, as well as the rich of this big city. Statistics esti mate that 175,000 men and women are now out of employment and are wandering the streets of New York, facing starvation. One of the most pitiful cases of extreme poverty yet reported was that of Eugene Halle, a young German composer and mu sician, who came near forfeiting his life in order that his wife might be provided for and that he could con tinue work on an opera which he hopes will place him In the . front ranks of musical composers. Halle resides In a little flat In West 83d street. Some time ago, the fever of ambition firing his veins, he aban doned his music classes and began the composition of an opera founded on "Viola d'Amore," permission hav ing been granted by the author, Hans von Wolzogen, the distinguished Ger man poet. Then the young composer gave an evidence of devotion such as Is sel dom In evidence in modern life.. Re alizing that his savings would not be sufficient to support two during the period required for the production of the opera, he gave all his money to his wife to provide food for her self and baby, telling her that he had made arrangements to take his meals with a friend. Carrying out this pretense he left the flat at meal times, returning to resume his work with the feverish Intensity of a man whose life de pended upon the Issue, and who was even then slowly dying of starvation For days and weeks he lived with scarce a mouthful of food, until he collapsed and was taken to a hospital Careful attention and nursing brought the composer back to life, Now, aided by Helnrlch Neyn, wealthy artist, he is pursuing his work under more favorable condi Hons. Nothing is needed to complete this little romance of real life but the completion and success of the opera to which Halle came near sacrificing his life. Perhaps that last chapter may be added In the future. For President -BUI Haywood. A man who not many months ago occupied a prison cell, charged with being the most ruthless arch-consplr ator of the century, recently faced a New York audience as the logical candidate for the presidency of the United States. Eugene V. Debs, the Indiana orator who has twice led the socialist "hosts" to defeat, has ap parently retired from the field In fa vor of William D. Haywood, he who was acquitted of complicity In the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg, after Harry Orchard had accredited him with being the Inspiring force In the assassination of scores of men during the western labor war. Now the accredited mouthpiece of the Western Federation of Miners, Hay wood Is touring the country as the acknowledged standard-bearer of the social democracy, whose nomination for the presidency Is a foregone con elusion. Whatever may be thought of Hay wood's party and policy, those who see and hear him recognize a man of great force of character. Lacking the scholarly brilliance of the French- American Debs, he Is yet In possession of a wide knowledge that Is startling In one who has spent the greater part of his, life in the mines. The days, nd weeks, and months spent in the Boise Jail was fruitful of wisdom for this chosen leader of the "proletar iat." That period offered him the leisure for a protracted course In science, llt- rature, sociology, economics, history and law, ana he lmprovea it to tne tmost. To the knowledge of human nature In the rough, gained In tne western mines and as a leader of that most militant of labor organizations, the Western Federation, of Miners, Haywood has added the polish and ulture that comes of reading many books. He Is a serious man, this stocky, heavy-set son of toll, and bull-dog etermlnatlon Is reflected In his sin gle eye and In his square-moulded face, and his bulky, sinewy form sug gests the strength of a giant and the hardihood of the pioneer. He does not consider the presidential nomi nation of the "red-cara" party as a Joke. With Fabian socialism, drawing room reform and kid-glove revolution he has nothing In common. He gives the Impression of a man of action, I CON OF THROAT AND REEfil- IPG IS COUGHS MiD GOLDS CURES '"THROAT" LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S LIFE My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lan? trouble. We doctored tome months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. ' MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. 60c AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C TALLMAN ft CO. of one who does things. It may be offered as the "one best bet" of the day that Bill Haywood will never oc cupy the presidential chair at Wash ington. In the eyes of most of his fellow citizens, desirable and other wise, he Is riding a nightmare after nothing. At that, he will doubtless ride a good race, and be cheered In the stretch by more Americans than have ever before applauded a social istic presidential candidate. Liquor Dealers on Strike. The strike of the tenement dwel lers of the east side was but a trivial thing compared with the latest ca lamity that threatens New York. A dryness like unto that of the desert of Sahara will envelop the metropo lis, unless the brewers recede from their demands for an Increase of $1 a barrel In the price of beer. As an alternative, the doors of the saloons will be locked and the white-robed-he-angels of Bacchus will depart and be known In the accustomed haunts no more. And the convivial New Yorker, unless he be of the wine-blb-bing or cocktail-consuming class will be deprived of his accustomed foamy beverage and, perforce, go sober to his bed. 'Tls a dreary prospect offered by this threatened strike of the saloon keepers, and, like most modern ca lamities, it is due to the wicked and grasping machinations of a trust. The alleged combination of New York brewers is held responsible for the present crisis and their nefarious tac tics may become the subject of a leg islatlve investigation. If it has no other result, the Incident may supply inspiration to the prohibitionists. The liquor dealers have declared solemn ly against a business devoid of profit. Moral, deprive them of profit and the traffic will be effectually squelch ed. Easy, Isn't it? When in Pendleton Make your head- A GKNTLKMAN'S ItKSOIt'F quarters at HENNEMAN'S fl'v ' '"T" CIGAR STORE- Cigars, Tobaccos, Candles, Fruits and FOIt A Ql'lCT GAME AXl Smokers' Supplies. SMOKF. Ring's Little Liver Pills wake up lasy livers, clean the system and clear the skin. Try them for bllltr-Smsss and sick headache. Pries rr otd by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Genuine religion looses the purse-strings. Nil PEOPLE II LOCAL DRUGGISTS ARE KEPT VERY RUSY No Sufferer vi Kidney Trouble or Rheumatism Should Leave It Un tried Get the Ingredients from Any Good Pharmacy and Mix Them yourself. That the readers of this paper ap- oreclate advice when given In good faith is plainly demonstrated by the fact that one well-known local phar macy supplied the ingredients for the 'vegetable prescription" many times within the past two weeks. The an nouncement of this simple, harmless mixture has certainly accomplished much In reducing the great many cases of kidney complaint and rheu matism here, relieving pain and mis ery, especially among the older pop ulation, who are always suffering more or less with bladder and urinary troubles, backache and particularly rheumatism. Another well-known druggist asks us to continue the announcement or the prescription. It Is doing so much real good here, he continues, that It would be a crime not to do so. It can n,ot be repeated too often, and further states many cases of remark able cures wrought. The following Is the prescription, of simple Ingredients, making a harm less, Inexpensive compound, which any person can prepare by shaking well in a bottle: Fluid Extract Dan delion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsarparllla, three ounces. Any first class drug store will sell this small amount of each Ingredient, and the ose for adults is one teaspoonful to be taken after each meal and again at bedtime. There is enough here to last for one week, if taken according directions. Good results will be apparent from the first few doses. 1 Known For Its Strength The First National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Designated United States Depository Established 1682 Has operated under the National Bank Act for more than a quarter of a century, making five statements of condition each year, besides undergoing semi-annual examinations by Federal examiners. To day its business is larger than ever in its history. It invites nev business on the basis of its strength and security. Courteous treatment, progressive methods and a careful consideration of your require ments are assured. SECURITY NET PROFITS WHEN you advertise you expect to get something out of it more than you put in it ; if you don't, it's a losing game and losing money is poor policy. But it's not how much an ad costs it's how much profit it brings you. Net profitthat's the main thing.) fitt ADVERTISING is not a magic art. All it is, ii putting into print effective selling arguments a good salesman would use orally. Write those arguments in an attractive style bring out the merits of a proposition so that the other fellow feels an instinctive desire to possess it tell him why he should buy it and then finally satisfy him that the price is right To get the best results, cater to the largest number you can reach among those who make good wages and live well people who can afford to buy what you have to sell. The East Oregonian's readers are composed of that class who willingly pay 65 cents a month for it in preference to buying the cheaper papers. Net result they are people who can afford to buy what you have to sell. They are not penurious. Thry are not paupers.