East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 22, 1908, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    r.GE FOUR.
Pnh;lhed DHt. Weekly tad Semi Weekly,
at Pendleton, Oregon, b the
Sl ltsritlPTlON UATES:
Pally, (.n year, by mall $VO0
Tally. lx tnimli. by mall 2.51)
t'allT. three ninnilia. by mall 1.2R
Pally. pni mna-.h. by tnall SO
Pally, one year, by carrier 7. SO
Pally. ix mouths, by carrier 8 75
Pally, three nrnntha. by carrier 1.95
Pally, one mmith, by carrier .A3
Weekly, one vesr. by mall 1.50
Weekly, alx montha. by mall 75
Weekly, four tnonttm. by mall SO
rteml Weekly, one year, by mall I SO
-Semi Weekly, alx montha. by mall... .75
Semi Weekly, (our montha, by mall.. .50
The Dally East Oregonlan la kept on aala
tt the Oregon Newi Co., 147 6th itreet,
Portland. Oregon.
Chicago Bureau, J09 Security balldlng.
Washington, D. C. Bureau, 801 Four
Tnth street. N. W.
Member United Preea AaaoclaMon.
Telephone Main 1
Entered it the poatofflre at Pendleton,
Oregon, aa aecoodclaM mall matter.
As a fond mother, when the day
Is o'er,
Leads by the hand her little
child to bed,
H.Uf willing, half reluctant to
be led.
And leave his broken playthings
on the floor,
Still framing at them through the
4 open door,
Xor wholly repssured and
By promises of others In
their stead,
Which, though more cplendlJ,
may not please him
.So Nature deals with us, and
takes away
Our plaything one by one,
. and by the hand
Lead. us to rest so gently,
that we go
Scarce knowing if we wish to go
or stay,
Being- too full of sleep to un-
How far the unknown tran-
.scends thr what we
Henry Wadsworth Longfel-
The Tax Reform league of Port
land has sent out a large number of
initiative petitions asking for signa
tures on the new tax reform law
which will be submitted to the voters
this year.
The proposed law makes a most
radical change In the manner of as
sessment and would revolutionize
ralues and upset the entire assess
ment system of Oregon If adopted as
a whole, at one time. It Is a single,
tax measutv. . pure nnd simple and
places all the burden of taxation on
land. While this is a good system
and a syst.-m that will be adopted
some day throughout the United
States, perhaps, Oregon cannot af
ford to take the entire dose at one
Let us have un educational process,
a close study of taxation, a few mild
experiments along the single tax line
before adopting the entire system.
Xet us assess Idle land high and adopt
a graduated tax to prevent land mo
nopoly, but let us not sweep out of
existence all livestock and manufac
turing values at one stroke. This
would throw an enormous burden
upon the land, all at one time, when
we must climb up to the single land
tax. step by step.
The proposed tax law changes Sec
tion I. Article IX. of the constitution
of Oregon to read as follows:
"The legislative assembly shall pro
vide by law for uniform and equal
rate of assessment ard taxation; and
shall prescribe t.uch regulations as
hall secure a Just valuation of all
property, both real and personal, ex
cepting that all dwelling houses,
barns, sheds, outhouses and all ot.ier
appurtenances thereto, all machinery
and buildings used exclusively for
manufacturing purposes, and the ap
purtenances thereto, all fences and
farm machinery and appliances used
as surh. all fruit trees, vines, shrub
bery and all other farm Improve
ments, all livestock, all household
furniture In use, all toolH used by
workmen and In use. shall be exempt
from taxation; excepting also such
property for municipal, educational,
literary, si'i.-ntiflc, religious, charita
ble purposes, as may le specially ex-r.-mpU-d
by law."
t'Mi .lly the county seat of a coun
ty monopolizes the county offices and
dictates county affairs, but neither of
these charz. can o(. laid at Pendle
'.oii's '!no:
A Rlaiice at the list of county ami
d;.-ti!(.t offices ot UmatHla county
shows that Pendleton has but few
candidate among them. Most of the
(lumber claimed their homes else
where before election to their present
official positions. Those who were
resident of Pendleton before their
election are Circuit Judge H. J.
Bean, Senators Smith and Cole,
Treasurer Hendley, Surveyor Klmb
rell and Coroner Folsom.
The other county officials were
well distributed over the county as
follows: District Attorney OS. V.
Phelps. Ilcppner; Sheriff Taylor.
Athena; County Clerk Saling. Wes
ton; Superintendent Frank Welles,
Milton; Assessor C. P. Strain, Milton;
County Judue OHilUiwl. Pilot Rook;
Commissioner Walker, Helix; Com
missioner Lee, Milton: Representa
tive Barrett, Athena; Representative
Sleen, Milton; Representative Slush
er, Nolln; Treasurer Bradley, Athe
na. The East Oregonlan Is glad to make
a note of this fact nnd to call the
attention of the taxpayers and voters
of the county to the matter. Pendle
ton is anxious to see the different
parts of the county represented. She
wants to see development, settlement,
good public Improvements nnd good
service nnd she Is willing to forego
all the prestige which Tendleton men
in office might give her. In order to
see' the county at large well repre
sented and enjoying the most rapid
development and best public conven
iences. In the county election this year it
is not believed that Pendleton will
claim a solitary county office not
now held by a Pendleton man. She
wants to see Umatilla county satis
fied and well taken care of. Her
pleasure and success depends upon
the county's well-being and well-do-ing.
Not only in Pendleton, but in every
northwest city, and In fact, all over
the United States, a broadening of
religious sentiment nnd a more prac
tical and utilitarian plan of preach
ing is noticed.
The East Oregonlan makes a note
of(thls superb progress frequently
and it Is delighted to see that other
newspapers are taking note of this
growth. The Spokane Chronicle
! says of the changing sentiment in
that city:
Within the last few years there has
been a great change in the policy of
many churches. The orthodox min
isters of today try to keep abreast of
the times.
They are preaching from the pul
pits on subjects of popular interest.
Questions of state, of municipal poli
tics and of civic reforms give the
basis for eloquent discourses that in
terest large congregations. It Is like
popular songs succeeding the classics.
Take, for example, the sermons
preached In the city of Spokane last
Sunday. Many dealt with the recent
Sunday closing movement. There
were sermons dealing with the sa
loonkeepers, the variety actresses and
the man in the street, while some
were of the old-fashioned sort.
Whether this change Is for the bet
ter is a question that is being argued.
One thing is certain, It Is drawing
attention to the work of the churches
and bringing these organizations
nearer to the world. Is the church
losing In earnestness? Is It replac
ing Its best line of work by a search
for popularity?
Or is It simply entering a new era
of broad-minded enterprise and
practical work for the good of man
Th Pendleton Tribune Is much
agitated over the fact that the edi
tor of the East Oregonian Is a "new-
republican. " If this were so, the
editor of the East Oregonlan would
be proud of the fact that his first
service for the republican party In
eastern Oregon Is to ask for a square
deal for the pioneer, permanent resi
dents of the second or eastern Ore
gon congressional district.
It is not a square deal to have
Frank Davey come over from Salem
and "copper" the bf-st job In Har
ney county within a year and a half;
neither Is It a square deal for the
pioneer residents and aspirants of
the second congressional district to
have T. T. Geer come over from Sa
lem and claim the congressional nom
ination In a district In whlch he has
not lived for over a third of a cen
tury. If it remains for the new recruits
In the republican party to ask for
and demand a square deal for the
veteran members of that party, the
editor of the East Oregonlan is
pleased to be reckoned with the new
recruits. A square deal Is all any
man can ask, but that much Is due
every man.
If all the favorable comment heard
from passengers on O. R. & N. trains
on Pendleton's street- paving could
be collected Into one volume. It
would make a much larger book than
the city charter and ordinances.
There will be no contest over the
congressional nomlnIon in the Wil
lamette valley district. The people
of Willamette valley would not stand
for nn eastern Oregon man to go over
there and run for congress the first
year of his residence there. Only
permanent residents are engiuie in
the. first district.
The l.ilncliml plank In T. T. Cieer'a
congressional platform Is the fuel
that In- .crossed the Umatilla river
where the Main street biiilr.e In Pen
dleton Is now located, 41 years aRo.
The new thought doctrine of the
brotherhood of man means a square
deal In politics as well as In social
and business relations.
Nof the city bonds are sold, let us
lay the cornerstone of the city hall.
There Is many a rest in the road of
If we only would stop to take It.
And many n tone from the better
If the querulous heart would wake
To the sunny soul that Is full of
And whose beautiful trust ne'er
The grass Is green and the flowers
are br'ght,
Though the wintry storm prevail
ed!. Better to hope, though the ' clouds
And to keep the eyes still lifted;
For the sweet blue sky will soon peep
When the ominous clouds are rift
ed. There was never a night without a
Or an evening without a morning.
And the darkest hours, as the pro
verb goes.
Is the hour before the dawning,
There Is many a gem In the path of
Which we pass In our idle pleas
ure, That is richer far than the jeweled
Or the miser's hoarded treasure:
It may be the love of a little child,
Or a mother's prayer to Heaven;
Or only a beggar's grateful thanks
For a cup of water given.
Better to weave In the web of life
A bright and golden filling.
And to do God's will with a ready
And hands that are swift and will
ing. Than to snap the delicate, slender
Of our curious lives asunder.
And then blame Heaven for the tan
gled ends
And sit and grieve and wonder.
M. A. Kidder.
"Hello!" says I.
"Hello!" says he.
I never seen the man nfore.
"Swap!" says I.
"Dunno." says he.
"Mebbe. I ain't shore."
"Th' bay!" says I.
"Th" gray," says he.
"Swap!" says we, and both unhitched.
"Fine horse," says I.
' "Of course," says he.
An' In a minute we had switched.
"Git up!" says I.
"Git up!" says he.
An' both them horses stood stock still.
"Balk?" says I.
"Yep," says he.
"Mine, too!" We laughln fit to kill.
"Say!" says I.
"Hey!" says he.
"Guess that's a horse apiece," says
"Guess that's a horse apiece," says we.
Good day," says I.
"Good day," says he.
Best Joke, b'gosh, 1 ever see!
A petty falsehood, started by a gossip-loving
Grew- Into dire proportions, and upon
Its blackness hung
A woman's reputation (pure, unsul
lied as the day)
And her whole life was darkened by
the fatal words "They say."
A man of worth, with honest work
earned both success and gold,
Then envy pointed at him with a nod
and whispered bold:
He fills a suicide's lone grave, yet
(doubt It ye who may),
His death was but the poisoned fruit
of these two words "They
Oh, you who list to slander's tongue,
I charge you In God's name.
Have carej lest at-the harvest time
you reap a double shame:
And dare not, for your own soul's
sake, invite the dreadful day
When Justice must hand forth to you,
the fruit of the words "They
Fanny Herron Wlngate.
Some men do mean things like some
women wear gloves Just to keep
their hands In.
of letters
Sm aveheen
nig mat me
Bitters can
Poor Appetite,
Chills, Colds
I tostiveness
Trv it today.
The preservation of health and prevention against disease Is almost
entirely dependent upon pure, healthy blood ; every organ,, tissue, nerve and
sinew of the body draws on this vital fluid for nourishment and strength.
Poisons, humors and genus from various sources often get into the blood,
and then this great life-stream becomes a source of infection and disease,
Instead o! a nourishing, health-sustainjnjj fluid. Heredity Js likewise an
important factor, regulating the quality of the blood. Some persons are born
with tainted blood from diseased ancestry, and Scrofula in one of its numerous
forms is sure to crop out some time in life. Not only poisons ia the blood
are responsible for disease, but when the circulation is run down and becomes
poor and weak in quality, then we see the effect in o general bad condition
of health, such as weakness, sallow complexions, boils, and various skin
eruptions. All blood troubles require a tonic and blood purifier, and none
erished blood, and fortifies the system against
disease. S. S. S. permanently cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers,
Scrofula, Eczema, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and disorders. Book
on the blood and any medical advice free.
The sHlent splendor of her eyes alight
Kisses my forehead still with
thought as fair
As ever mortal longing breathed
In prayer
Beneath the maiden moon and starry
She must be Iddklng on her garden
Where all the dewy odors drift and.
Upon her musing peace and she
must feel
That for such Joy her heart has
hardly room. Selected.
"Cork legs are not bad in their
way," said the man who had one.
Some people are rather sensitive
about theirs, but I'm not. I even
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning
sickness, and other dis
comforts of this period.
Sold by all druggists at
ti.oo per bottle. Book
containing valuable information free.
Tie Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
TUB LADY'S NEEDS are here In
the way of Drugs, Medicines, Per
fumes, Powders and all Toilet requi
sites. Every supply for the dressing
table, bathroom or boudoir. Fancy
Soaps and Sachets, Cold Creams, Puff
Boxes, etc. All kinds of Perfumery,
Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Mani
cure Sets and Sponges. The quality
of our goods will satisfy the most exacting.
(go irj
Is where your money Is. You should
be interested in this Bank, for It Is a
product of and has kept pace with
the development of Umatilla County.
By reason of Its liberal' treatment of
customers the "Savings Hank" has
helped build up more substantial for
tunes than any other institution In
Eastern Oregon. Its capital, surplus
and profits exceed a Quarter of a MU
Hon Dollars.
YOI KS FOIt 1008.
The Pendleton baNKNS
We make out.
Have your Notary work done by a reliable Notary.
1 12 E. Court, St., Pendleton, Ore.
other equals a. a. a. it goes aown to me
very foundation of the trouble, and removes
every particle of the poison or impurity from
the blood. And not only does 8. S. S.
antidote the poisons, humors and germs, but
it possesses health-giving, tonic properties,
which build up and strengthen weak, impov
have a little fun with it sometimes. I
was in the smoker of a railroad train
the other day talking with three oth
er men while we puffed away at our
cigars when the conversation turned
on stoicism. Every man had an Inci
dent to relate about some acquaint
ance's remarkable ability to bear ex
treme pain without a murmur. When
the third man bad reached the end of
his yard I mentioned casually that I
rather prided myself on my ability to
put up with a good deal of pain
without making a squeal. "To Illus
trate.' I said, and then opened my
pen knife and slowly forced the point
of Hm long, keen blade Into my leg
Just above the knee, at the same time
smiling pleasantly. One man fainted,
another became deathly pale, and tho
third got up hastily and left the car."
New York Press.
It Is easy to wait with nothing In
ordeal which a0
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. The thought
Rexall Cold
Breaker and
Grippe Cure
Do it in four hour
. Guaranteed by
Drug Co.
Livermore &s Bickers
Boom 12, Judd Bldg.
Pendleton - - - Oregon
Under the direction of the Sister of
M. Frmncts, of Philadelphia. Resident
and day pupils. Special attention
given to muslo and elocution. Stu
dent prepared for teacher' exami
nations for county and state certifi
cate. For particular ad dree
Large Qyantity of the Famous
Rock Spring
Now on Hand
The coal that produces heat
and not dirt. Also fine lot of
good dry wood.
Dutch Henry
Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold Storage
Company. 'PUoue Main 178.
Columbia Bar
Rooming House
P. X. Schempp Estate
Fine Wines, Liquors,
and Cigars.
Newly furnMied and np-to-date.
Rooming House In Connection.
White Leghorn
Prom the famous
Prices very reasonable.
If you lee It In the East Oregonlan,
It' o.