East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1908, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Which Broke out on Face and Body
Medical Treatment Did Them
No Good Mother Cured Both Her
Little Ones and Now The
Special Correspondence
"My hon't, trouble was running som
which" firt appeared on his face r.nd
over his body. I
had tried doctor
after doctor for
ihrp months but
none helped him.
TlirYi I was ad
vised to try Cuti
eura. My drug
gist paid that he
could give me a
salve that would
help him, but I de
manded Cutieura
Ointment and after
using it for a while
1 was surprised to
see an improv-
munt I fronted
the sores with Cutieura Ointment on soft
bandages after washing with warm water
and Cutieura Soap, and gave him the
Cutieura Pills. In two weeks he was al
most cured, and after the steady use of
Cutieura Remedies for two or three
months I can now say that I have one of
the finest boys in town, and I tell all my
neighbors that he owes his health to
CuUcura. Later my little daughter was
all covered with sores on her fare and
body. I didn't waste much time or
moDey with doctors, as I had done when
my boy was sick, but used the Cutieura
Kennedies on her, and now my little girl
U entirely cured. I send you her photo
graph to show how she looks after wo
used Cutieura. 1 know of several
other cures which Cutieura Remedies
have effected, including that of our
domestic, Miss S , whose face was
covered with mosquito bites which she
1 - . t . ...! - ..
cratcnea until mey Decame a u.ass w
sores and which she cured in no t ime with
Cutieura Ointment. Our whole family
joins in sending their thanks and praise
for all that Cutieura Remedies have
done for us. Mrs. Rose Floss, 1206
W. Madison St., Chicago, III., Nov. 3
and Dec. 3, 1906, and Jan. 24, 1907,"
CMnDlm Kittfnal sad IntmuJ Tmtmmt for
rry Humor or Inlmu. Childrrn. ami Adulit
rooiau of CuUrura Sp (25c ) to IVmnat the frkm,
ruurura otnuuanl (SOe.) lo Hni the Skin, nd
Cuiwurm Rraoiwot (AOO. (in thr form of CWoUia
Omu1 Pim IA pr Tll ol i to Purity the hh1.
Butt throucboul the world. Puttrr Drug a Oitm.
Corp. Sok Prop. Boeton. M
annulled Fnc Cuucura book oo bkln DImm.
t'l.Ol'K SENT OVI.lt THE
Apple Are (Joins to Nebraska Over
the Northern Pacific New Auto
matic Switches Itclnjr Installed by
Traction Company at the Sub Sta
tion This Week Postofflcc In-
.H'ctor Was llcif Man Here
Looking fur Investment.
Freewater. Jan. 21. The first
flour sent out from the Peacock
mills of Milton over the traction line
I was pout out yesterday when a ship
ment of two carloads, consigned to
Seattle and Tacoma, was made. Tlie
traction company has succeeded In
getting a loading track to the flour
mill after a miniature railroad war
with the 0. It. & N. company.
Apples to Nebraska.
The Shields Fruit company sent
Well Known family Remove to Mini
In State of Vniiln;rton A Mlnla-I
tirro Cyclone Riorted at Spring
Hollow Doing Some Danuipe Store
Will Soon He Heady for Husine-
liaskctlmll (ininox by Norma)
Weston. Jan. 21. William Benney
has arrived from Chicago to Join his
wife here. Mrs. Benney Is a teacher
in the music department at, the .or
mal. Mr. Benney Is an attorney
and may decide to locate here
The social dance which was given
here a few evenings ago, was a decld
e success.
Mr nn.i Mrs. Jack Warren have
gone to LJnd, Wash., where they ex
neet to make their future home.
Reports have reached here of a out a carload of winter apples yes-
miniture cyclone which occurred at terday in a Northern Pacific car over
tintir,... a hrrt time azo. I Vn VnIti Wnlla Traction eomnanv's
The machinery and barn on the place ii1ie to Crawford. Nebraska. The de
of Frank Martin were oauiy wrecaeu mand tor winter appies irom mi
and much damage was done, though district Is very strong from all parts
very little resulted to the house. In 0f tne country and orders are beln
all the damage Is est mated at J250. ,lt.cived for large shipments every
D. B. Jarman, who will shortly week.
rBn n central mercnanaise evvro v. o. Ke v has nurcnasea me
" o - . - ' "
here. Is moving In goods as rapidly r. & n. billiard hall from A. L. Gran
. ... I - I .
as possible and win soon nave a " stead and Is renovating ana improv
lng the place at considerable ex
Mrs. J. M. Labadle is In Walla Wal
la attending her son, who Is quite III
New automatic sw'tches are being
installed by the traction company at
the Freewater sub-station this week
These are the latest and most 1m
proved model switches and are ab
solutely safe and practicable
The mother of H. D. Staley, rural
mall carrier on the routh running
north out of this place. Is critically
111 and Mr. Staley Is off duty for
few days while attending her.
Postoffice Inspector Troensegaard
of New York city, is here Inspecting
the local postoffice and finds It In
excellent condition. Mr. Troense
gard came west to make a search
for a young Japanese who received
coughs KING OF CURES golds
I had the most dehilltating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that
when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
aU sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind.
Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free
line nn exhibition.
Rom to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Phlpps at their home on Dry creeV,
Monday, a son,
The Normal basketball team Is
YiaV!ry ntvnnrntlons to eo to Wash'
Ington state and other places to play
th Hirfprpnt teams in th near ru
ture, and they are making big prep
arations nractlclne continually
The weather has not been so Daa
so far this winter but what the farm.
prs could plow day after day. Ac
cording to reports of old settlers here
cold spell of weather Is expected
In February.
Oraln that was sown in the fall
was never In better condition In this
vicinity than at this time.
Japan Is determined that there will
be no Korea. She means to add the
peninsula empire to the mikado's do
main. We are always making strenu
ous efforts to increase our business,
and are determined to succeed in
convincing you that wlien it comes to
offering you big values in modern
clothing. Four your money there's
no power to equal us. Investigate our
nedal offerings In correct men's
Bond Brothers
Pendleton'a Leading Clothiers.
"Everybody Works
But Mother"
She Cooks
With Gas
It Is very Important and In fact It
Is absolutely necessary to health that
we give relief to the stomach prompt- . registered letter not be
ly at the first signs of trouble, lua
Bomethlne once in a while; especially tI .
, T.(xT,T i neiiry vumpitry ui uiuiiKCVitie
after meats; someimng um ld. ln thls c!tv ookn for an In
for Dyspepsia and Indigestion It wi.i
enable your stomach to do Its work
nronprlv. Sold bv Tallman & Co.
fom Hall Allpelnir that he Is a
brother, of Maxine Elliot, the actress,
was arrested in forliana aiuruay,
chareed with vagrancy. He was ar
rested as a suspicious character,
Lchase a small tract to be set out I
a mixed orchard if he can find
suitable location at a reasonable
A. Pierce of the Blue Mountain
Sawmill company, Is getting out logs
for a big run !n the near future
Series of Revival Meetings Being
Conducted Here.
Adams. Jan. 21. A series of re
vlval meetings are being held at the
E. church here by the Rev. Israe
Putnam of Athena, who Is drawing
big crowds at the little church each
evening. Rev. Putnam Is a very abl
speaker and his sermons are very
much enjoyed.
There Is some sickness In town, but
none of a very serious nature at pres
ent. The worst seems to be the grip
Where the Indian Got Ills Horse.
A. J. Splawn of North Yakima
who Is here visiting, is sratherinK
verv valuable data regarding the early
history of the northwest, which will
be given to the world In book form
ln a Rhort time, says The Dalles
I Chronicle.
Mr. Splawn has traced and found
I out where the "Indian got his horse,
or In other words, has worked for
three years and discovered the time
Mr. Solawn has been studying the
Indians' side of the Yakima war of
8!i-6. and says It has taken him sev
eral vears to gather all the Informa
tion he has gained, for the Indian Is
verv reticent and does not like to
tnlk. especially If he thinks the
Call J at J office for particular?!
Northwestern Gas
& Electric Co.
NS'-XVOViO. to lli' r.v.., : n,l !,,. .. , ...
veir!- Douche
. . i a r .
It. if li f'lHiUt ''! x .,
t!ir M !IVKL. r.' ' ' ! r ro
oilier, taut cmd pl.vi.p f r 1" (, '
tnlcd lHHik-M. 1. .i - ! H itn
p-nii-alar n I t, ': 'nv i"
, . . ami where the Indians of early times
ine DacK tne ma nspring i
woman's organism. It quickly calls AborlKlnes.
tells, with other symptoms, such as
narvnnennsa hpadafhp. TtainS in the
, V.. ...v.. . , , i -
loins, weight m the lower part of
the rxwy, that a woman s iemmine
nrmniom nooHa 5 mmpH ntpi ftttpntion.
iu 6utu w-ics mo uiio ouio ivuivuj jj especially u ne wiiiirh mc
which speedily removes the cause, ,,wawa.. ne K)ves it going to be used
and restores the femimne organism commercalIy. when the history is
to a healthy, normal condition IS nlaeed in the library sea for the world
mm maiiilltvMIC tn read, it will be Invaluable to hlR
LTUIM t. r IriilrlMIII W tnry HtU(lent8) especially to future
1rftrTARLP CflRIPOUHD generations as a history of the ear-
Mrs. Will Young, Of 6 Columbia " years of the northwest.
. ut. Hotel St. George.
j At..i nit nm In my Monohan. G. S., Chicago; Cope-
.i- .nH mlsArhle In every wav. hnnd. fi. and wife. Hermlston; Rose
I doctored until I was discouraged and boom F. H., Detroit; Maxwell W. M.,
thought I would never get well. I read Hendel J. A., Portland; Johnson R.
what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable R Shclton J. F.. Echo; Meeks A. L.,
Compound had done for others and M k w n.. Spokane: Lee Sam, Al
. . . . . , . . A - 1 ' x-U - , '
decided to iry 11; aiier tamug iura
bottles I can truly say that I never felt
so well in my life."
Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl,
Pa., writes to Mrs. Finkham :
"I had very severe backaches, and
pressing-down pains. I could not sleep,
and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink-ham-s
Vegetable Compound cured me
and made me feel like a new woman."
For thirty years Lydia E. link
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have leen troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, barkache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration.
lison J. A.. Ircey J. F., Dunn wm
Van Datta P., Richardson, S. L.,
Hathburn S. L.. Portland; Colllson, S
L city; Ennls, F. O., Walla Walla;
Dav W. M., Spokane; Harrison, Chas.
Ia Grande; Kellogg. L. E., Range, S.
S., Moore, J. C, Berkley, C. A., Port
How to Avoid Pneumonia.
You can avoid pneumonia and
other serious results from a cold by
taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It
stops the cough and expels the cold
from the system as It Is mildly laxa
tiv. Refuse any but the genuine In
the yellow package. Pendleton Drug
A lot of men
gl- In telling .if
are about to do.
exhaust their ener
the big things they
Two new governors. E. F. Noel of
Mississippi, and J. Franklin Fort of
Xew Jersey, will take office next
A movement has ben started In
Massachusetts to make former Gov
ernor William L. Douglas the nomi
nee of the democratic party for the
vice president.
The democratic state central com
mittee of Oregon meets this week to
mnkp the necessary arrangements for
the selection of delegates to the Den
ver convention.
Governor Haskell of Oklahoma, Is
a strong supporter or tne moveneni
for the election of United States sen
ators by direct vote of the people.
The republican national convention
which Is to meet ln Chicago next
June, will consist of 980 delegates,
491 votes being necessary to noml
Governor Haskell of Oklahoma. Is
said to have been promised the place
of United States treasurer in case
William J. Bryan Is elected presl
dent .
James K. Vardaman, the retiring
governor of Mississippi, Is expected
soon to make formal announcement
of his candidacy to succeed A. J. Mc
Laurln In the United States senate.
Harry S. George Tucker will have
plenty of opposition In his contest
for the gubenatorlal nomination In
Virginia. Henry C. Stuart and Judge
William H. Mann are already in the
race and Congressman Carter Glass
and Judge B. T. Duke alsp are ex
pected to become candidates.
Frank S. Streeter. a prominent law
yer of Concord, Is an aspirant for the
seat of United States Senator Jacob
H. Galllnger of New Hampshire,
whose term will expire In March,
William J. Bryan will make an
other short trip to the south the lat
ter part of this month. He has al
ready accepted an invitation to speak
k Nashville and It is expected that
he will also be heard In Chattanooga
and one or two other places.
Senator Chester I. Long of Kansas,
whlsp term will expire next year, will
probably have trouble about his suc
cession. He will have several anic
onnonents. among them Joseph I.
Brlstow, former fourth assistant post
master general.
The case of Edward Thayer of
Texas, a member of the republican
state central committee of Texas, Is
to come up for hearing In the United
States supreme' court the latter part
of this month. Thayer was charged
with a violation of the civil service
law In writing letters to federal of
ficials urging contributions to the
campaign fund of 1906.
malorltv of two to one, but the re
publican vote was almost equally di
vided, and the necessary two-thirds
vote could not be obtained by either
of the three candidates. Colonel Colt
withdrew from the race some time
ago, leaving Senator Wetmore unop
posed in his own party.
Pacific Coast Hardware Men.
Portland. Ore.. Jan. 21. Follow
ing the meeting of the Oregon hard
ware dealers, which began today and
will continue through tomorrow, the
Pacific Federation of Retail Hard
ware and Implement associations
will assemble here Thursday for Its
first convention. Although tin- fed
eration was organized but a few
months ago, Indications point to a
highly successful meeting with a rep
resentative attendance of the hard
ware trade from all states west of
the Rocky mountains.
Senator Wetmore will be re-elected
by the Rhode Island legislature next
week. At the last session of the leg
islature there were three senatorial
candidates, Senator Wetmore and
Samuel P. Colt, republicans, and
Colonel Robert H. Goddard, demo
crat. The late legislature, and also
the present one, had a republican
After Once Tasting
no one wants an old-fashioned
cod liver oil prepara
tion or emulsion, because
Vinol is a much better body
builder and strength creator
for old people.weak children,
and for coughs, colds, bron
chitis, etc. If it does no good
we will return your money.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Is Your Hair
Falling Out?
I A few hairs here and there
are not missed, but it won't be
lon before they will be leaving
in such large ouantitics that you
will regret the fact that you
haven't done something to pre
vent the ultimate end baldness.
Rcxall "03" Hair Tonic
promptly stops falling hair, cures
dandruff and- will stimulate a new
growth of hair. It has done so
for others. It will do so for you.
It is not sticky or gummy ; will
not thicken on the hair; docs not
become rancid ; has no disagree
able odor; is clean and agreeable
to use.
At our store, only fifty cents
a bottle.
Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded.
Why we guarantee
Rexall Remedies.
We believe that The
United Drug Co., the
proprietors of the Rex
all Remedies, have in
augurated a perfect
system of supplying
ready-made prescrip
tions. They make 200
remedies under the
tradename "Rexall."
Each remedy is a well
tried recipe of a
famous physician who
is a specialist in hi
THE conviction that newspaper
. advertising is the best and
cheapest way to the pocketbooks
of buyers continues to grow'. .'
41 MMMMM tttttttta
Byers' Best Flour
' la made from the choice wheat that grows. Good bread Is as.ur
o d when BTBRS BH8T FLOUR is used. Bran, HhorU, Bteurn KUc
! ! Barley alwaye on hand.
' W. 8. BYERS, Proprietor.