TWELVE PAGES. DAILY EAST ORECJOMAX, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATl'HDAV, JANUARY II. 1908. PAGE THREE. , ' " " " 5 i' ' il .' '' ; , i: COUGHS KING OF CURES . GOLDS THE WONDER WORKER ; 1 1 I r V U: ' FOR """""""""""""""""l AND THROAT I PR, CONG'S 1 LUNGS A 1 .' Lz, Firm Clirbrtini) Church, where, tt'ilwon meeting arc being hold. Churches The special tact Jor sermon tomor row In the churches Joining In the altcd evangelistic campaign Is found In Psalm B2, verses 11-and 12. "God hath spoken once, twice have I heard this, Jhat power bclongeth Tin to God; also unto Thee, O Lord, ekneth loving kindness, (or Thou rendered to every iman according to his wfkr Hrt rwetibtfertan Church. ' Presbyterian church, corner Col lege and Alt. WV. L. Nan Nuys, pas tot. Morning worship at 10:30; ser mon by Rev. I. B. Tallman. Evening praise and prayer at 7: SO, sermon by the pastor. The text for the united evangelistic movement will be con sidered at this service. The Good Fellowship drab will assist In the eve ning and will furnish special music. Bible chodl at 11 m. 'Young Peo ple's meeting at 7:J0 - m. Flit Baptist Ctiurxh. Baptist church, Rev. R. E. Story, pastor. Morning worship at 11 O'clock with sermon, "The Powerful God." Text, Psalm 2:11-1J. Eve ning service at 7:30, subject of ser- mon, "A Hard Situation." Sunday school at 10 O'clock; Junior Union at 3:00; Young Peoples union at 6:30; 'Friday evening the anneal roll call and banquet In the dining hall of the church. AVOOL OUTLOOK NOT GOOD. New Mexico VojI Man Tells of East ern Conditions. James Wilkinson, president of the Albuquerque Wood Scouring Mills, who was called to Dover, N. H., a few weeks ago on account of the death of his father, returned to the city last night, says the Albuquerque Journal. While In the east, Mr. Wilkinson visited Boston and other wool centers, and says that the prospects for the wool market the coming 'season are not very flattering. "Money Is very tight all over the east." said Mr. Wilkinson, "the man ufacturers are over a month late In getting started In their weaving. There is not much demand for woolen goods and consequently the demand for the staple article Is rather light The financial stringency and the com ing i presidential election tend to make the eastern wool buyers rather conservative in their speculations. "Altogether, I am afraid the demand for -wool will not be very heavy the con-ting season, and the price will be affected somewhat as a result. Just what effect this will have on local prices remains to be seen." Sale on Trimmed lists All "left over" trimmed hats for ladles or children to be closed out at once regardless of cost. No winter patterns to be carried over as we need the room for new spring goods. THE VOGUE MILLINERY, &22 Main St Mrs. N. E. Harris, proprietor. It -will be unnecessary -to go through a painful, expensive operation for piles If you use ManZan. Put up In a collapsible tube with nozzle, ready to apply. For any form of plls. price 60 cents. Sold by A. C. Koep- pen & Bros. in pnnn JuLblju ru Ik? 3 FOR COUGHS AND COLDS """" PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to Cod, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and welL MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C TALLMAN A CO. 1. Frank C. Myers of Belllngham. Is heralded ns an honest man. Myers entenad suit against the city for dam ages rom a fall on a sidewalk. He askefl $1000. Later he recovered from This injuries and reduced the suit to $33 to cover only the medical Mil. Carload of Fine Pianos. The Thornton music store enjoyed such a fine holiday trade on their fa mous standard makes of pianos, that they were compelled to place a rush order for another car, which will ar rive In a few days. This shows that the public wants high grade goods. Be sure and see these new Instruments upon their arrival. COFFEE "What is essential to food coffee? Good bean ground fresh, and a woman of common sense. Your grocer rrturni your money if yon don't like Schillini'n Rent: we pa him Entire New Change STAR THEATER Tonight The wonderful Malcolms In mar velous ball-rolling feat HELEN THOMPSON In her beautiful jungle act LEE FORD . Presenting for the first time THE DOPE FIEND WILL TIUTES And bis illustrate song Entire change of moving pictures. Also presenting the laughable farce comedy TOMMY'S TROUBLES. The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Oregon's representative paper, leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their patronage. It "Everybody Works But Mother" She Cooks With Gas AFFORDS A SOFT. WHITE, LIGHT AND IS UNSURPASS ED TO READ BY. Call' at' office for particulars. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. MATLOCK BUILDING. Flivt Clirtt-tlnn Church. & 45 Bible school. A class for any age or grado, come and itudy with us. W. F. Taylor, superintendent. 11a. m., commuiWon and (preaching. Sermon, "D"hold the Lamb of God. Llntt will sing "O. Don't Tou Hear Him Knocking?" 3 p. m., Junior Endeavor and Mission Band; 6:30, Young Peoplo's soriety. Subject for study, "The True Center of Life." Jno. 11:1-10. Van Bowman, leader. 7:?0. sermon, Ten Pendleton Reasons for Not Being a Ohrlstinn." Solo. "When I to the End of the Way." The choir will sing as n special, "The Flpht is On." There will be services tonight.. Sermon, "Joyous Bells of Heaven." Llnft will sing "A Dream of Home." The meetings will contin ue on except of Monday nlchts. A rordlul Invitation In extended to all. ' Church of the Redeemer. There will be a celebration of ttic Holy Communion at 8 n. ml divine sorvlre with sermon nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. All are cordially Invited. Charles Qulnney, rector. Motliotlist Episcopal Cliuivh. First' M. E. church, corner Webb and Johnson streets, W T. Euster, nnatni rn'lonPI next dOOT to the church. Morning Riibject Sunday. "The Mystery of Power: Which Be lonceth Unto Cod." In the evening' the subloct will be "TliAUCUrlV Pel- "jov and That Fellow's Olrl, or the Friends and Foes of the Young Peo ple In Pendleton." Mornlng'nnthemi "In Heavenly Love Abiding." by Wil son; solo by Mrs. J. S. Landers; eve- nlnir anthem. "I Sought the Lord, by Ash ford; Male quartet for the eve ning also. Sabbath sahool, at 10 a. m.; Ep worth League at 6:30 p. m. No. meeting of any kind In the church the coming week on account of prepar ing for the Haudenschleld meetings coming soon. , , ChrWInn Science. Eagle building. Sunday service, 11 n. m.; subject of lesson sermon, "Sac rament." Sunday school, 10 a. nY; Wednesday meeting, 8 p. m. Reading room, same place, open dally except Sunday from 2 to i p. m. RIMS From the Powers That BeTl G. G. Anthony Bought the Entire Stock ' A Higher Health level. "I have reached a higher health level since I began using Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Springer of West Franklin, Maine, "They koep my stomach, liver and bowels working Just right."- "If these pills disappoint you on trial, monej will be refunded at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. 15 cents. To be Immediately Closed Out Come for Bargains The "Clean up Sale" Means Just What it Suggests. Everything Goes at a Price. A Price too that Carries More Savings than you have had Possible, in Years. What we've done to every price--prefering to sell out the entire Cloak & Suit House Stock. Everything to go Anthony s Cleaning Sale means the most radical price concessions that Pendleton has ever known. il iiiivS !ok it? Miise