East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 25, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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21st Anniversary Sale
Bargains That You Need Right Now
For Saturday Only.
1200 yards Dark Outing Flannels at, yard - 5c
1000 yards Cotton Challies (for comfort
covering) at, yard - - - . 5c
$1.25 Cotton Fleeced Blankets (large size) pr. 95c
12 l-2c Cotton Batting for - - - 10c
$1.00 Union Suits (Ladies) Natural and White 75c
75c Hemmed Bed Sheets (72 X 81) at, each - 65c
$1.50 Flannelette Wrappers Great Special - 95c
Childrens Winter Coats $5.00 values for - $2.95
Ladies9 $4 White Felt Hats for - - $2,75
Ladies9 $4.50 Trimmed Hats far - $2.95
Children's $1.00 School Caps (all colors) - 50c
Women's $4 & $5 Patent Leather Shoes, pr. $3.50
Misses9 $2 & $2.25 School Shoes, pair - $ 1 .75
$6.50 Large Size Tan Blankets (all wool) pr. $5.00
Women9s 50c Black Lace Hose for, pair - 35c
Bring Your Eggs and Batter, Highest Prices Paid.
The Peoples Warehouse
Government Secures Conviction Af
ter Hard Fought Cas Vltncenes
Appeared from Several State -Review
of Operations of tlus Gang
Early Spotted by Government and
Where It Pays To Trade
Save Your Coupons
Both Cities Will Battle for Coming
Republican National Convention.
Chicago. Oct. 24.-Chlcago and
Kansas City will fight it out for both
the republican and democratic na
tional conventions of 1908. Chicago
will win oniy on condition that a
larger convention hall be provided
than the Ccliseum and better ar
ranged. Thomas D. Knight, presi
dent cf the Hamilton club, delivered
this message at a banquet of the
"Old Guard" of the club. He had
lust returned after a consultation
with Chairman New and other re
publican national leaders at Wash
ington: "Chicago must provide a hall which
will comfortably seat 14,000," said
Mr. Knight. "That Is the founda
tion stone of the demands of the na
tional committee, and must be met
by Chicago, or the cenventlon goes
to Kansas City, where there is a hall
seating 20,000. Already many east
ern committeemen have pledged
their support to Kansas city, which
has made a strong campaign. The
Colliseum, as at present arranged,
does not answer nearly the demand.
We will strive to arrange a system of
new galleries. Mr. New will be here
In a short time to see. what we can
do. We are considering urging the
rapid construction of the new Sev
enth Regiment armory, which will
be adequate, or failing In that, to
build a temporary wigwam. Chica
go mu:t hustle to land .both conventions."
Forestry .Official Says Oregon Must
Draw on Northern Supply.
"Within 15 years Oregon will be
buying lumber from Canada," said
Knos A. Mills of the United States
forestry bureau this morning, says
the Oregon Dally Journal. Mr. Mills
Is thj special lecturer of the forestry
service and Is traveling over nearly
the whole of the country speaking
on behalf of the conservatism of the
nation's forests.
Mr. Mills is probably the most In
teresting man In the government for
estry service today. He has traveled
on foot over almost the entire coun
try, especially through the mountain
ous districts of the western states and
Alaska. Years ago when Oregon was
a very new state he followed a pre
carious trail up the Columbia and
found much of what wag then tho
virgin forest land of Oregon and
Washington. He went many places
that man had never been before,
merely following his desire to learn
everything possible about what he
had chosen for his life studytrees.
He Is the owner of one of the most
original and delightful places in the
country the Long's Park Inn, a
hnUF built far up on the side of
I.on iak, Colorado, constructed
rtlrely of logs which have been
through forest fires. There is not
a drop of paint on tbe premises the
aecoration Is furnished by the deli
cate carving wrought on the bark
and logs by the flames.
"I am not strongly In favor or fea
orai nwnershlD of the forests," said
Mr. Mills at the Portland hotel this
morning. "The best thing is for each
state to take up the forestry work
and operate to save everything os
sible. Our floods and our clogged
up streams like the Columbia and the
Mississippi are both the result of the
deforestation of the country. The
Columbia has a good channel and
would be free of the mud which now
fills It If trees were planted near the
deadwaters to retain the soil Instead
of allowing it to be washed down.
"The western states are making
little effort to save their forests
they are letting the lumberman de
stroy everything as fast as they wish
to. Timber land In private hands
will not be saved that has been
proven too often. If each state con
trolled the timber within Its boun
daries that is a reasonable propor
tion of It and logged off a certain
amount each year an amount that
would correspond to the annual re
forestation forestry would pay well
and at the same time the valuable
tlmberland would be kept as a heri
tage for future times.
"In the east several states have
taken up the work, notably Pennsyl
vania, which made a start with 10,
000 acres, and is now Increasing its
holdings. New Tork has followed
suit and Michigan and Wisconsin are
making a beginning toward repairing
the wrong done by extravagant and
wasteful lumbering.
Ill Dear Old Mother.
"My dear old mother, who is now
eighty three years old, thrives on
Electric Bitters," writes W. B. Bmn
son of Dublin, Ga. "She has takrn
them for about two years and enjoys
an excellent appetite, feels stronj and
sleeps well." That is the way Klec
trlc Bitters affect the aged, and the
same harjoy results follow In all ease
of female weakness and general de
bility. Weak, puny children, toe, are
rrpativ strengthened by them. Guar
anteed also for stomach, liver and
kidney troubles, by Tallman & Co.,
druggists. So cents.
To Salem on Electric Line Dec. 1.
saifm. Oct. 25. The Oregon Elec
tric Railway company has completed
track laying some distance Deyona
Brooks, and with a continuation oi
the present Ideal weather it Is said
that the line will be completed to
Portland and ready for operation at
the time specified several weeks ago,
December 1.
A sure cure, one you can depend
upon. Hickory Bark. Cough Remedy.
A sure coure, and Its pure! Use It for
all lung trouble, coughs, colds, hoarse
ness and sore throat. For sale by
any druggist and first-class dealers
everywhere. Pendleton Drug Co.
Found Small brown leather purse
containing keys. Enquire at this office.
Copy of Willamette River Appropri
ation Bill Sent to Washington.
Governor Chamberlain has sent
letters to the secretary of war at
i Washington. D. C, as follows:
1 The legislature ' of this rtat? nt Its
last session, passed a bill appropriat
ing J300.000 to be paid to the United
States for the purpose of assisting the
United States In acquiring by con
demnation or 'construction of a boat
canal and locks around the falls of
: the Willamette river at Oregon City,
The Dresent and only canal and
' locks around these falls is owned by
a private corporation which has the
I power and does Impose a tax of 50
i cents per ton on every ton of freight
that passes from the upper to the
' lower river or from the lower to the
I upper river.
I This tax as the state grows Is an an-
' nually increasing burden and the
: npoole for a number of years past
h.'iv been strenuously demanding
government ownership and control of
' the locks at the falls of the Wlllam-
! ette to the bend, the river may be
1 opened to free navigation Its entire
' length.
I The delegation from Oregon to the
'congress of the United States intend
to bring this matter to the attention
of congress and urge upon that body
imnnrtance to our people of an
I open waterway through the heart of
j the Willamette valley, and l am taa
j Ing the liberty of enclosing you here
i with a copy of the act of the Oregon
i legislature bearing upon the subject
In order that your department may
'be fully advised in the premises.
Salem Grower Exhibits a Freak in
potato Culture.
The most interesting and newest
feature of the board of trade exhibit
Is a potato vine which Is 9 feet In
length and under which grew 16
large potatoes, weighing 11 pounds,
says the Salem Statesman. The po
tatoes are of the Burbank variety
and were raised by H. S. Belle, pro
prietor of the Grand Union Tea store
at 271 Commercial street.
Mr. Bell Is a well experienced hand
at potato raising, having In former
years resided on a farm three miles
east of this city where, during one
season, he raised 3350 bushels of po
tatoes from eight acres.
"The only time of the year I like
potatoes Is In May and I most gen
erally have my new potatoes at that
time," said Mr. Bell.
On a piece of ground about 40 feet
square on his property at 226 Church
street, Mr. Bell plants potatoes two
times a year, the first crop being
planted In December and harvested In
May Immediately after which the seo
ond crop Is planted, a sample of
which can be seen at the board of
trade rooms. Raising his own pota
toes Is one of Mr. Bell's hobbles.
The convention of E. R. Coon by
a Jury In the United States district
court for conspiring to counterfeit
government coins with Albert Turn
er, Elmer Turner and H. K. Mills
brings to close one of the most fa
mous criminal cases that has been
tried in Portland for years, says tho
Journal. Coon was found guilty on
four counts, John II. Williams and
Hans Johannsen also tried with Coon
were acquitted.
. Coon, Williams, Johannsen, Mills
and the Turner brothers were arrest
ed a year ago last June near Hunt
ington, Oregon. Coon, Williams and
Johannsen had only been out of Mc
Neil's Island, a few months when the
federal authorities grew suspicious of
their actions and ran down what they
believed to be a gigantic scheme to
defraud the government by manufac
turing spurious coins. Their move
ments were watched for several
months and their arrests followed.
Thomas Foster, secret service ope
rative, discovered the plot and work
ed up the case. He traced the move
ments of the men who were augment
ed by the turner brothers of Idaho
and Mills from Portland to New York
and in Texas. The scheme was one
of the most elaborate ever framed up
and at the trial last week the govern
ment had witnesses from five states,
some coming from New York, others
from Texas, while many were from
Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
At the time of the arrest of the
men on the Bastnln ranch near Hunt
ington, 11 ex-convicts were found em
ployed in the vicinity and the authori
ties had to deal with the most des
perate set of chlmlnals to be found;
In the state. ,
With the exception of mills and
one of the Turner' brothers, all of the
men tried have served terms In va
rious penitentiaries. "Old Man"
Williams has served 27 years In pen
itentiaries so far as can be traced.
but It Is believed that he has serve 3
at least 10 more that could not be
found against him, making a total
of about 37 years he has served out
of a life of 76 years. He Is gray
bearded and wears a long, flowing
All the men were Indicted by the
last federal grand Jury on four counts
and Coon was found guilty on all of
them. The Turners and Mills plead
ed gujlty to the Indictment before the
trial and were used as witnesses
against their confederates named In
the Indictment.
Of Special Value to Many Here In
The progress made In medicine
during the last few years has been
as a whole general rather than spe
cific. One of the most notable discoveries
and one that undoubtedly appeals
more than anything else to many
people here In Pendleton is the com
bination of stomach remedies in the
Ml-o-na treatment. This prescrip
tion has worked wonders, and there
Is now no excuse for anyone suffering
with Indigestion or weak stomach.
It acts specifically upon the muscles
of the stomach and bowels, strength
ening and stimulating them so that
they readily take care of the food
that Is eaten. It also Increases the
flow of gastrlo Juices, thus getting
from the food the nourishment that
tr necessary for health and energy.
The symptoms of Indigestion are
numerous, such as distress after eat
ing, fatulence, heart-burn, sick
headaches, dizziness and Irritability,
These are all dispelled by a few doses
of Ml-o-na when the trouble Is re
cent, but Just as surely as long and
chronic cases If the treatment Is fol
lowed for a reasonable length of time.
So positive are the good effects
following the use of Ml-o-na that the
remedy Is sold by Tallman & Co. un
der an absolute guarantee to refund
the money If It should fall to cure.
With an offer like this none can af
ford to suffer long from Indigestion
or stomach troubles.
Do not think because of the quick
benefits derived from the use of Ml-o-na
that It Is .merely a temporary
agent It Is a remedy that cures by
making over the weak stomach Into
a strong one.
There Is more Catarrh In this lection of
ihe couiitnr than all other disease put to
gether, and until the last tw years was
ciippoRccI to be Incurable. 1'or a great
many years doctors pronounced it a local
disease and prescribed lix.nl remedies, and
:y conatnutly railing to cure witu local
treatment, pronounced It IncuraMe. icl
iMico ha proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease nud therefore reaulres con-
iltiirlonal trnetment. Hull's i-atarrh Cure,
manufactured by V. 3. Cheney ft Co., To
ledo, Oliln, Is tbe only constitutional cure
on tbe market. It la taken internally in
loses from 10 drop to s tenspoonfut. It
actH directly on the blood aud mucous sur-
lacea or the system, iney orrer one Dim
dred dollars for any rase It falls to care,
lend for circulars nnd testimonials.
Address K. J. CHUNKY ft CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by drupirlsts. 7!ic.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Bond Bros, has a good suit for every
man In Umatilla county.
Yakima Mun Harvests SJ8000 Worth
of Spuria on 40 Acres.
Attorney Vestal Snyder now has a
force of 25 men at work harvesting
his 40-acre field of potatoes, says tho
Yakima Republic. A modern four
horse digger Is one of the Implements
employed In the field. The harvest
ers are camped on the ground and
are prosecuting the work with vigor
Notwithstanding the advanced
price of hay this year and the eager
market for It at current prices, Mr.
Snyder plowed up 40 acres of alfal
fa nnd put the field to orchard and
He obtained a fine growth of fruit
trees for the first year and will have
at least BOO tons of the Netted Gem
potatoes, a very large and excellent
russet variety, for which he has al
ready been offered $16 a ton. He has
not sold, however.
Mr. Snyder picked up four potatoes
In the field this morning, Just as he
passed over the rows on which the
digger had operated, which have an
aggregate weight of 16 pounds. So
many large potatoes, many quite as
large as those which he picked up,
were seen along the upturned rows
that he didn't think It worth while
to bring in the samples he weighed.
; Attorney Snyder, whose farm is lo
cated about six miles west of the
city, ' under the Yakima Cnnal com
pany's ditch, now has about 70 acres
In fruits on his place and will plant
25 acres more next spring.
If a man has lived right, death Is
only a graduation.
Good tea, close price.
There is no other way to
build a good business or
keep a good business.
- Year grocer returns your nwner It you don't
like SchiHiiiir't Test: we pay him.
Empress of China Sinks at Docks.
Vancouver, Oct. 24. The com
pany's crack oriental liner, Empress
of China, sank last evening along
side her dock at this port. Her main
deck on the port side Is awash with
several feet of water. She sunk on
the port side so the main deck is at
an angle of about 45 degrees. Her
engines and dynamos are under wa
ter. She Is resting on a mud bottom
but the problem of saving her will
be that of righting the vessel and
preventing her from completely turn
ing turtle.
A Criminal Attack.
On an inoffensive citizen Is frequent
ly made in that apparently useless
little tube called the "appendix." It
Is generally the result of protracted
constipation, following a torpid liv
er. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu
late the liver, prevent appendicitis,
and establish regular habits of the
bowels. 25 cents at Tallman & Co.'s
drug store.
A Cough Remedy That Cures.
Hickory Bark Cough Remedy, made
by The Hickory Bark Cough Remedy
company, of Salem, Ore., guaranteed
to be pure; guaranteed to curj your
cough, or money refunded. Guaran
teed to make a friend of you. For
sale by all druggists and first-class
dealers everywhere. Pendleton Drug
Fllcimburg Part or Here.
Rev. William DeWeese, formerly
pastor of the M. E. church at Echo,
but now pastor at Ellenshurg, Wash.,
and also secretary of the Spokane
conference district, Is In the city to
day on business connected with the
publication of the proceedings of the
annual conference which are being
Issued by the East Oregonlan.
Alusliiins Want Home Rule.
Seattle, Oct. 24. Nearly the en
tire delegation from Nome to the
number of CO arrived Tuesday cn
route to the republican convention a
Juneau next month, endorsing noire
rule for Alaska and calling for the
Immediate removal of Governor
I jirtlitiake In Italy.
Rome, Italy, Oct. 24. An earth
quake caused the loss of 100 lives,
according to Trlbuna In this after
noon's edition.
Women Need
a natural laxative and tonic when
troubled with lassitude, depression,
nervousness or a general run-down
condition of the system.
Nature responds quickly, and regu
larity is established by the use of
Sold everywhere. In boxes lOcand 25c,
Universal peace Is far from belrg
an accomplished fact. Just now the
Moors are giving France considerable
trouble. We are always more than
able to hold our own when it comes
to selling high grade gentlemen's
clothing at prices that please. Tf
every man wore one of our correct
suits, Its dollars to doughnuts that
universal pence of mind would be an
assured fact.
Bond Brothers
Pendleton's Lending Clothiers.
Have i You Seen
The New Ladies' and
Moving Pictures
That are funny and
Illustrated Songs
All late and catchy
Programe Changes
every Sun. & Wed.
Shows 2 to 5 p. m.
and 6:30 to 10 p. m
Admission - 10c
Children under 10'yrs. 5c
Main 8t. Next to Raders
"Its one long howling laugh"
Every kind of
Ready Mixed
is to be found here already
for use. Also extra large
line of beautiful wall paper
Pendleton Paint Store
E J, Murphy.
121 E. Court Black 3181
White Leghorn
From the famous
Prices very reasonable.
Alleys and lables newly dressed and
overhauled. A quiet, orderly resort
for gentlemen aid ladles.
"Everybody Works
But Mother"
She Cooks
With Gas
Call at office for particulars.
Northwestern Gas
- & Electric Co.
The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore
gon' representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate It nnd show
it by their liberal pnt"rire, It la
the advertising medio 'section.