" VKiHT. DAILY EAST OREGOKIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 31. 1907. FOURTEEN PAGES. COST OF LIVING STILL GOING UP SOCIETY MAKES INCREAS ING DEMANDS ALSO. Woman Connected With Leading 'Col life Reviews Price of Provisions, and Other Necessities Salaries Have Retrained Stationary While Expenses Have Soared Skyward. , A woman who is connected with a prominent college in the middle west, has written a remarkable letter about the rise in the cost of living. In the college with which she Is connected the professors now receive 1800 a year, which, after 10 years' service Is Increased to $2004 a year. According to the author of the let ter the Income of the professors has remained nearly stationary for 20 years, while the cost of living has immensely increased. Hard coal which used to seem high enough at 15 to $5.25 a ton, now ranges from it to $7 a ton. Soft coal and wood have followed it In its upward flight Such staples of family consumption as meat, milk, butter, eggs, fruit and vegetables have all taken on prices which makes one sigh for the old days of cheap and lavish living. Qolng on the writer says: "People used generally to have dinner at noon. They were Invited guests to a 6 o'clock tea instead of a dinner. Two or three courses were ample for the meal. Within the last few years we have all discovered that human beings were never intended to dine at noon. Like the rest of the world, we dine at night, and now when we entertain our friends we invite them to a t o'clock dinner of six or more courses. "Less than 10 years ago there were so few social events among us that no one thought it necessary to have an evening gown. The plain gown worn to church and for calling answered for all social occasions. Then a man did not feel obliged to have a suit of evening clothes. ' Now there is not a woman that does not make an at tempt at an evening gown, nor a man that does not appear In regulation evening garb at the proper time." All these concessions make a large demand upon the purse. Under such conditions It Is evident that something is bound to happen. The something In this case Is the transition of the wives of some of the professors Into the mortey-earnlng class. "Thus among the college families In a number of Instances married wo men are teaching in the conservatory of music, the academy, the public schools or privately," says the writer. "Two or three are employed In newspaper or literary work. A few are taking boarders. Several are qui etly earning a little money In differ ent ways. Altogether there are few cases In which a family lives an the regular salary of a college professor, and of course many of the men add to their salaries by extra work, the In come from books and in other ways." Altogether, the letter Is very Inter esting and illuminating. LIBERALS IN SESSION. Religions of Liberal Nature to Meet In Ronton. Boston, Mass.,t Sept 21. Represen tatives of many creeds and many countries are gathered In this city to take part in the fourth International congress of the federation of religious liberals. The attendance will com prise 2000 members from all over the United States, and 200 noted guests from abroad. These represent alto gether 15 nationalities, whof meet to gether, to quote the language of the official call, "for the purpose of open ing communication with those in all lands who are striving to unite pure religion and perfect liberty, and to Increase fellowship and co-operation among them." The congress will open at Symphony hall tomorrow evening, where the leading features will be addresses by noted delegates. Each day of the coming week will be opened with ser vice at King's Chapel, meetings will be held at xarlous churches of Boston and there will be a number of excur sions to places of religious and his toric Interest. The international congress was or ganized in Boston in 1900 on the 75th birthday of the American Unitarian association. Among the affiliated as sociations are the national conference of Unitarian and other Christian churches, the Unlversalist general convention, the Friends' general con ference, the Reformed Jews and va rious liberal orthodox churches and philanthropic societies and individuals. Including organizations In Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, France, Belgium, Ger many, Holland and Hungary. Among the noted guests from abroad who are to take part Jn the present congress are Dr. Thomas G. Masaryk, professor of sociology in the University of Prague; the Rev. Dr. John Hunter, of Trinity Congregation al church, Glasgow; the Hon. Freder ick Maddlsnn, M. P., of London; the Rev. Miss Gertrude von Petzold, the only Unitarian woman preacher in England; Prof. Otto Pflelderer of Berlin University, Prof. Martin Rade of the University of Marburg, Prof. B. D. Erdmnns and H. J. Groenewe gen of the University of Leyden, Prof. Meyboom, of the University of Gron lngen, and the Rev. Dr. Max Fisher of St Mark's, In Berlin. Sunday Theatrloale. Sunday theatricals had a rough time of it A one period of England's his tory. On Sunday, Sept 27, 1631, Shake speare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" was privately performed In the bishop of Lincoln's house In London. , The Pur itans bad the affair Inquired into, and there Is a suspicion of humor in th punishment awarded to the performer of Bottom, the vreaver "We do order that Mr. Wilson, as he was special plotter and contriver of this business and did in such a brutish manner act the same with an ass' bead, shall upon Tuesday next from 6 o'clock In the morning till 6 o'clock at night sit In the porter's , lodge at my lord bishop's house with his feet in the stocks and attired .with an ass' bead and a bottla of hay before blm and this subscription oa his breast: . "Good people, I have played the beast And brought 111 things te pass.. I was a man, but thus have made Myself a silly ass." . - ' . Lincoln's Much Quoted Words. Perhaps the most famous address ever made by President Lincoln' la the one that be delivered at the dedication of the soldiers' monument on the battle field of .Gettysburg, and the words moat quoted from It are "the govern ment of the people, by the people and for the people.". This phrase was no donbt an unconscious quotation, . for the same words were used by Theodore Parker In an address to . the Anti Slavery society May 13, 1864. Nor was) the phrase original with Parker. Dan iel .Webster la 1830 used the words "the people's government, made for the people, made by the people and an swerable to the people." And even be fore Webster Chief Justice Marshall had expressed the same Idea In similar phraseology. Ladles, when passing Louis Hun zlker's Jewelry store please notice the solid stiver tea set to be given away during fair week by Demott & Co. For particulars call at their booth Monday night The exhibition of union made and union label goods at the Jamestown exposition Is said to be one of the most complete ever made. Tunneled the Register. . A bookworm or some such creature has left bis mark upon a volume of the 'British Annual Register" of the year 1810 In a club library of New York. The worm ate Its way through seventeen leaves of the volume, and for much of the way Its path baa out lined something very like the crouch ing figure of a cat, with one ear erect and short tail. This figure is repeat ed upon eight or ten leaves and then gradually becomes less clearly defined until the progress of the worm Is mark ed, by a single small hole. ' At Dinner. "Who Is the taciturn man opposite, next to Miss Smith 7 "That Is Louis the Fourteenth." "Louis the Fourteenth?" ' "Well, yoa see; his name is Louis, and he Is called the Fourteenth be cause he's only asked to keep us from being thirteen at table." FHegende Blatter. -i 1 Co-operation among wage earners Is spreading rapidly In Switzerland, In 1901 six consumers' co-operative societies were founded; today there are 108 societies. . Put Me Off At Walla Walla "Something Doing Every Minute." FIRST ANNUAL Grand Elarvost Carnival Under the .auspices of the ' Walla Walla Commercial Club September 16 to 2 1 st.' Inclusive. Don't Forget the Date. ATTRACTIONS EXTRAORDINARY r o An opportunity to have the tune, of your life. I One solid week of high life. Uporralous fund and gaiety. Grand electrical queen's pageant and coronation. ' BANDS OF MUSIC Beautiful and Dazzling dominations. Thrilling Water Sports. A week of real life that yon cannot, afford to miss. A tented city full of wonderful novelties, amusements and daring performers. A street of mirth, where aoiety and laughter will have full swing. , REDUCED RATES ON THE RAILROADS. . - FOR DAINTY DINERS. There is nothing nicer , than draught of pure beer at lunch or din ner, and even the fair sex is partial to our brand, knowing that it gives) them life and seat, and a new supply of energy for their dally duties. This exceptionally good brew is made of the most Ol-IE... J. . .shrdleutaoln the purest water, the finest Imported Bohemian hops, and the best selected malt It is brewed according to spec ial formula, and has no equal any where at the price. Cases of two doien bottles beer or soda delivered (o your house for only $1.00. Old Kentucky Wine and Lloaor Store, JOHN GAGEN, Prop. -'Phone Main 650. Court St Opposite Goldea Rule 'Hotel. Are You Going to Build ? Then I Amv Talking to You, Remember yoa are not building for a few years, but probably for a lifetime. It costs no more to have your home planned and built artis tically, convenient and well arranged and lasting than R does to simply hare a plaos In which to live. ill -T'fS 4 , sv - The "Stonekote" rough cast cement block is all the rage. It makes the most perfect house, Is dura ble and lasting. It gives a moat pleasing effect and Its permanent and will . outlive an ordinary wood house al most a decade. It our sped ft cations are followed out. I have cement blocks, in all sizes and shapes, forbuilding purposes. They are much more substantial, and prettier than either rock or brick. Call and see the different designs. Contractor and Builder D. M. MHY Cor. Rail road amd Willow Sis. I Big Fir I lift is re FOR SIX DAYS ONLY; Sept. 23 to 29 inclusive. We have found ourselves to be overstocked and must close'out part of our large line of Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, Household Furnishings, Etc., by the first of October. To do this we have decided to slash the prices on every article in the store, regardless of its original cost. W ehavo always endeavored to give the most value for the least money at all times. The ; furniture we have offered at a reduced price, from time to tiipe, should not be confounded . with the cheaper class of goods offered by other, dealers. We want to strongly impress on the : minds of the people that any article we may offer for sale, no matter at what price, may be'depended on to be strictly first class in every respect. We established our largo business by selling only, dependable furniture, and that at the lowest possible price. ' ' When it is taken into consideration that wo are now offering every article in our store at from 20 to 50 per cent off from its former price now is the time to furnish your home Dining Room Tables , $40.00 beautiful Dining Room Table, quarter-!- sawed golden oak, during our 6-day sale $20 r j 1 vwf if $35.00 golden oak Dining Room Table, during our 0-davs sale 1 $2i) $30.00 golden oak Dining Room Table during our 0-dav sale $20 $20.00 Dining Room Tables for $15 Couches ... $40.00 Leather upholstered Couch during our 0-day sale $20 $20.00 Couches during our 0-day sale $15.25 $12.00 Couches during our 6-day sale. . $8 . Note These Extraordinary Prices on Bed-Room Suits $90.00 fine golden oak Bed Room Suite during our 6-day sale to go for $60 $00.00 golden oak Bed Room Suite during our C-days sale $40 $40.00 "olden oak Bed Room Suite durine our 6-day sale .' $25 $25.00 Bed Room Suite during our 6-day sale $15 Book Cases & Writing Desks $32.00 beautiful combination Book Case and writing desk, during our 6-day sale, only $20 $24.00 combination Book Case and writing desk, during our 6-day sale . . $16 $22.00 combination Book Case and writing desk during our 6-day sale $1J Rockers $20.00 Rockers during our 6-day sale. . .$14 $12.00 Rockers during our 6-day sale. $8.50 $6.00 Rockers during our 6-day sale. .$3.75 Center Tables $12.00 Center Tables during our 6 day sale $9 $8.00 Center Tables, during our 0-day sale $5.95 $4.00 Center Tables, during our 6-day salo $2.75 Iron Beds , $16 Iron Beds during our 6-day sale $13.75 $10 Iron Beds during our 6-day sale. .$7.95 $6 Iron Beds during our six-day salo .... $4 Everything else in our large Furniture Emporium goes at the same great cut in price. HUNTER FURNITURE STORE .612 MAIN STREET ' PHONE MAIN 97