EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEfiOXLVN, PENDLETON, OREGON, Tl'ESDAY, JVLY 10, 1907. PAGE THREE. How About Harvest Supplies .mm Now is the time to think about them. Buy your supplies befofe you get tod busy. We have a complete line of Blankets, Comforts, Tents, 8 oz. Duck Bed Sheets, Overalls, Jumpers, Gloves and Sox. Oar Ctoxry Dejt. is one of the largest and most complete departments in Umatilla County. The Alexander Department Store HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel St. George. O. 13. Slann, fit. Paul; E. Steeplee, Portland; John Judge, Huntington; E. H. Janneson, fipokane; M. M. Martin, San Fran cisco; A. H. McKeen. Portland; T. M. Toabo,' Portland; R, R. Wallace, Astorlt; A. D. McLlnn. Twin Full; Q. W. Benson, Union; Mrs. N. R. Griffith, Portland; Lottie Powell. Salt Luke; C. L. Custer, St. Joseph; O. T. Parr, Dalhart, Tex.; W. D. Olt man, Portland; T. S. Harris, La Grande; C. H. EMmlston, Portland; M. H. Smith, Seattle; C. E. Curry, Portlnnd; T. Trow, Spokane; H. L. Blink, Spokane; R. R.. Johnson, Echo; F. E. Voglore, O. R. & N.; F. F. Carpenter, O. R. A N.; A. J. Black, city; H. 0. Ash bury, Chicago; 'C. A. Nye, Dubuque; A. A. Allen, Ta cema; II. L. Geutsch, Mrs. F. C. M. Geutsch, Spokane; W. J. Bailey, Wallace; A. T. Maneleth, Allen Brown, Detroit; Miss Ray Trukel ten. Helena; W. C. Cowglll, Baker City; J. H. Baates and wife, Colo rado Springs; Wm. Thompson, W. O. Brown, la Salle, III.; J. M. McKane, Milwaukee; N. Petit, Chicago; P. A. Hanson, Hallny, Idaho. Iloti'I St. George. I. Jacobs. Port land; Geo. Hanson, Ran Francisco; Mrs. T. A. BlHhop, Mrs. A. J. Jones, Ronnc-rs Ferry; J. W. Kennedy, Port lnnd; J. W. Can-nil, C. J. Alexander, '' vv Portland; C. A. Korrls, La Grande; C. W. Edwards; W. A. Bratton, Walla Walla; Jas. E. Walsh, Portland; C. A. Miller, Minneapolis; F. Wilder, E. S. Lcedy, Portland. Every farmer In I'mntllln comity Is .wearing a broad smllo over the out look for n lMinner crop this year. All those who have ever purchased one of our celebrated Alfred Benjamin & Co.'s correctly mado suits for men, wear an even broader smllo of con tentment, though he bo .a farmer, banker, clerk, blacksmith, or swell dresser. . . Tlioro Is tlio fit, stylo and wearing quality in each, that goes to mako It "Just right." ,.& Bond Brothers Pendleton's Leading; Clothiers. MAKE IT A POINT. when you buy beor to get the best, There are othor good beers made, but only on best, and that's GAGEN'S BOTTLED BEER. It's the Beer that tastes good and is good. Yet our prices are not in ceps of Inferior makes. Insist on get tins- it next time. Cases of. two dozen bottles beer or Soda delivered to your house for only $1.00. Old Kentucky Wine and Uouor Store, JOHN GAGEN, Prof. 'Phone Main 550. Court St., Opposite Golden Rule Hotel. SLXDAY LIU AC THE DALLES. Shut Down by the Sheriff, Vnder State Law. Sheriff Levi Chrlsman notified most of the twenty-nine saloonmen yestc-roay evening that beginning with the coming week the state law agalnat selling liquor of any sort on Sunday would be strictly enforced, says The Dalles Chronicle. Booze may not be dispensed either at bar, brewery or brothel if the seller wants to avoid the heavy penalty provided by the state statute. DTstrlct Attorney Frank Menefee is working In perfect accord with the sheriff and violators of the law will be prosecuted vigorously. In taking this step the attorney and sheriff are but putting the city In line with the other cities of the Hate which are rapidly one by one "Kolng dry" on Sunday. The move to place The Dalles under the Sunday lid has been agi tated here for some time. A peti tion signed latpely by business men and church people was presented to Prosecuting Attorney Meneff-c sev eral days ago. He assured those presenting the petition that he would tike vigorous sleps to sec that the law was enforced. The result of his conference with the sheriff was the action taken last night. The decision to enforce, the Sunday closlntt law In The Dnlles was not en tirely unexpected even by the saloon men. It Is also whispered that some of them are not a bit averse to a lid one day a week. Sheriff Chrlsman says the majority of the saloonmen whom he Interview ed last night were very reasonable about the matter. They nearly all (lured him that they would abide bv the law. The sheriff said thnt no violation wouID be tolerated by. nybedy. Some of the saloonmen are growl ing a bit today over tne proposed enforcement and say that If the people want a Sunday lid they shall ot have one "snapped on but bolted own." In other words that If it Is no booxe" it Bhall be no Ice cream, no soda water and no peppermints on the Sabbath also. They hint that tho tactics pursued In Tacoma and Wnlin Walla of closing everything but restaurants, drug stores nnd liv ery stables will be adopted, but It Is doubtful If many are of this frame of mind. Most of them seem Inclined to "be good" and the others will probably "get In the band wagon."1 A. C. Hemphill and wife, Pilot Rock: J. B. Grubb and wife, Hold- man"; K. C. Blinn, Stockton, Cal.; S A. Frans, Spokane; Mrs. B. Savage, Olive Myrlck, Mabel Myrlck, God fray Schwarb, Myrlck, E. P. Jones, Nampa; J. M. Taylor, Echo; J. E, Kaylor, Echo; B. Callson, Cambridge, Idaho; G. N. W. Wilson, Portlnnd Frank Laufned and wife, Spokane; Mrs. Lucie Russll, Seattle; Mrs. Ed, Conover, Waltsburg; C. N. Patton Meacham; E. E. Taylor, La Grande; John Hide, Canyon City; W. R McDonnnald, Heppner; Tug Wilson, city; A. T. Johnston, Seattle. Our Bodies Are Mschlnts. How many people, I wonder, ever Muse to consider that their bodies are , merely machines to do work, furnaces ' In which tiecesiary fuel Is burned, I workshops In which woruout parts are i supplied and storerooms In which fuel nnd fond are laid awn.? for ns when needed? Further, like any other piece of apparatus, the body works better under certain circumstances. Its fires bum better with fuels of certain sorts, mixed In certain proportions, and It cannot keep In perfect condition unless furnished with proper materials. Man thinks lie eats because ho In hungry; he really eats because his body Is cry ing out for building materials with which to repair the waste that Is al ways going on and for fuel to keep It self warm, and It Is rather "finicky" as to the supply It wants for each of these purposes. At a pinch It can use almost anything digestible for either, but It groans and complains aud pun Mbes Its unfortunate possessor If It Is not properly treated. Crittenden Mar riott In St Nicholas. Drawing Room. A curious and regrettable revival of the word "draw" In the sense of "with draw" occurs in "drawing room." Here tho original meaning of the word Is lost because of Its lamentable pronun ciation by the uneducated. Nobody, hearing It mentioned as "droylug room" nt Its best or as "drorlng room" at Its worst," would suspect It of being a room to which to withdraw for relax ation. Most words of the kind, though, have no better claim to our admiration, and many have a worse one to our sense, of language. "Parlor" Is an ugly growth from the old monasterlal "par loir," or room where speaking was al lowed, and "boudoir," that early Victo rian expression of gentility, began by being a room to sulk In. "Sitting room" Is n strange Instance of the confusion of cause and effect, and so Is "living room." We come" back to "drawing room" as to honeBt words, at least London Notes and Queries. Du Maurl.r and ths F.nian Ltadsr. When John O'Leary. the Fenian leader, was released from prison In 1870 after spending five of the twenty years to which he was condemned for a felony he went to Taris, where he spent the next fifteen years of Ids exile. The revolutionary leader used to tell how when crossing In the packet t6 France he met Du Maurier, then a young man, going to Paris to study art They became warm friends, lodg ing together In the same building, where they became acquainted with two other artists, whom Du Maurier afterward made famous In bis popular story "Trilby" as The Laird and The Baronet. It was to O'Leary, who had been a medical student In Paris long before be threw In his fortunes with the Fenian movement, that Du Mau rier owed his first glimpse of bohe mlun life in the French capital. West minster Gazette. It Was All Right. They had evidently been quarreling before entering the Sutter street esr at the ferry. "I would thank you, Mr. Johnson, not to sit by me!" she said Icily. ' "Oh, Lucy, I'll never go with her again never, never, dearie!" Gradually the harsh tones meltol to soft, endearing phrases. The car bad become very crowded. It stopped, at Van Ness. The conductor, wedging among pas sengers midway of the aisle, could not see 4he rear steps. With his hand on the bell cord, he suddenly yelled : "How Is It back there now?" "It's nil right. We've made up agoln," impulsively responded the young man. "Oh, Willnrd, he didn't mean us!" Pan Francisco Chronicle, , A Happy Man Is Amos F. King, of Port Bryon, N. Y., (86 years of age); since a aore on his leg which had troubled him the greater part of his life, has been entirely healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve; the world's great healer of sores, burns, cuts, wounds and piles. Guaranteed by Tallman A Co., drug gists. Price loo. Two hours and thirty minutes 'from Pendleton to Bingham Springs T::E FAVORITE BLUE MOONTAIN HEALTH AND PLEASCRB RESORT FOR TOtTRISTS AND FAMILIES. Bingham Springs Hotel, beautifully located In the heart of the Blue mountains. The Umatilla river flows past the hotel, making an Ideal place for the lover of trout fishing. On all sides rise the tree-clad mountains, making Bingham Springs one of the coolest and most restful resorts In Oregon. The hotel maintains Its own herd of cows, furnishing an abundance of milk and cream for Its guests. Our garden furnishes an abundance of fresh vegetables for the table. We spare no pains to add to the comfort or pleasure of our guests. Our swimming pool Is one of our most popular features. Rates very reasonable. Address JAMES CORNFIELD, Bingham Springs. Gib bon Postoffice, Oregon. PROMPT SERVICE QUICK DELIVERY Co. : Telephone Main 33 I Carney, Choice Fresh Meats, Lard, Sausages and Smoked Meats every day at the Central Meat Co. Ramadell & , Just Received A CARLOAD OF Gas Ranges andl Stove Plate Call and Pick Yours Out NORTHWrSTERN GAS ELECTRIC CO MATLOCK BUILDINC For sale at the East Orcgonian office Large bundles of news papers, containing over 100 big papers, can be had for 25c a bundle. Get the Best ; Good Dry Wood ROCK SPRING COAL The coal that gives the moat heat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Hrtuilnsrs dear store, Opp. People Ware boose. "Phone Mcn f. The French RESTAURANT Pendleton's most pop ular Dining Room. Best 25 cent meal in the city. Thoroughly renovated and all new dishes. Orville Coffman Proprietor 4.eet.eeeeee : FRESH Meat - Fish - Sausages ; Lard Delivered promptly each day Empire Heal Go. Phone Main 18 Too Much Curiosity. A dangerous operation was being per formed non a woniau. Old Dr. A., n qunlut Gerumn, full of kindly wit and professional enthusiasm, lind several younger doctors with mm. One or them was administering the ether, tie became so Interested In the old doc tor's work that he withdrew the conn from the patient's nostrils, nnd she half roused nnd rose to a sitting poi Hire, looking with wild eyed auiuzo nient over tho surroundings. It wa. critical period, and Dr. A. did not wont to lie Interrupted. "Lay down. dere, woman," he commanded grumy. You hat moro curiosity as a rnedlcri student." The R.tult. A nervous passenger on the first day of the outward voyage Importuned the captain to know what would be tho result If the steamer should strike au Iceberg while It was plunging through the fog. "The Iceberg would move right along, madam," the captain re plied courteously, "Just as If nothing had happened." Ana tne old may was greatly relieved. The Minister's Text. A little girl came home from church the other day and was asked what the minister's text was. "Don't be afraid, and I will get you a bedquilt," w the astonishing answer. Investigation proved that the central thought ot the sermon bad been, "Fear not, and I will send you a comforter." -Technical World. Eire started In the kitchen of the Schlltx hotel at Omaha, doing $70, 000 damage. A number of guests loct their belongings. Only a Dream. Wife I dreamed last night that was In a shop that was simply full of the loveliest bonnets, and Husband (hastily) But that was only a dream, my dear. Wife I knew that before I WQke up, because you bought one fof me. K.pt a Good Table. Brown Keeps a good table, does ah not? Robinson Excellent. Solid oak. Has had It for years. New York Trib une. AM the news East Oregonian. all the time In the t Weather Campaign For Mail Subscribers The East Oregonian proposes to make it an object for you to send this paper to your friends for three months. Renew your subscrip tion, or add three months to your paid up time. - From now until August first we will accept subscriptions at the Hot Weather Price of two months for three, as follows : Daily by mail, 3 months, regular price $1.25 Hot Weather Price 85c. Semi-Weekly, 3 months, regular price 37 r-2c; Hot Weather Price 25c. ; : , Remember, ithe time to take advantage of ; this offer is between now and August first. No (: subscriptions taken at these rates after this date. ADDRESS: Pendleton, Oregon ICS