PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 190T. EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NDWSPAPBH. Pabilabed rait;. Weekly and Beau-Weekly. at Pendleton. Oman, Ue AST OBBGONIAN PUBLISHING CO. 8UB8CRIPT10N SATES. Daily, out year, by mall.... $5.00 Dally, alx montha, by mall s.50 Dally, three months, by mall 1.2S Dally, on month, by mall 50 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.B0 Weekly, all montha, by mall T5 Weekly, four montha, by mall 50 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Semi-Weekly, all montha, by mall 75 Semi-Weekly, four rnoatha, by mall... .50 Chicago Bureau, 009 Security building. Waablnnton, D. C, Bureau, 601 Poor teentb street N. W. Hember Scrlpps Newa Association. telephone Main 1. Entered at Pendleton Poatofflca as second claaa matter. A thousand miles of mighty wood, Where thunderstorms stride fire-shod; A thousand plants at every rod, A stately tree at every rood; Ten thousand leaves to every tree, And each a miracle to me, Yet there be men who doubt of God! Joaquin Miller. MORMON LOYALTY. While Gentiles may abhor polyg amy, yet they must admire the splen did loyalty to his plural wives ex pressed by Brlgham Roberts, the well known Mormon leader. Although the laws of the land for bid him to live In polygamy, yet Rob erts says that his conscience and his manhood impel him to live, cherish and support the wives whom he has married in polygamy, just as faith fully, Just as truly, Just as sacredly as these instincts impel men to love, cherish and support one wife legally married and devotedly loved. He is bound to his plural wives by the same ties which bind his Gentile neighbors to one wife and by the same tokens of sentiment he instinctively clings to them. While abhorring polygamy, as a practice, must we not respect the hon or and loyalty of the honest polygamic? SCHOOL WORK NEVER ENDS. I The close of the school year does not mean in Pendleton that school has stopped for a vacation. The management of every school In Pendleton la now working vigorously In preparing these schools for the opening of another year. During the vacation period the Institutions will be- brought up to meet the Increasing demands upon them. Pendleton public schools will add an enlarged and improved laboratory during vacation. Pendleton academy will build its boy's dormitory and en large its scope during this year's va cation. Pendleton Business college will fill the vacation period with ac tive development work, and St. Joseph's academy will be busy during the entire summer season In adding facilities and accommodations de manded by increased patronage. The opening of the next school year will find Pendleton better equipped than ever to accommodate outside students and she invites them to come to the city. It will be profitable for them to come here for an education. public officials are Governors Cham berlain of Oregon, Sheldon of Ne braska, Johnson of Minnesota, Folk of Missouri, Hughes of New York, and Cummins of Iowa, with Senator La Follette of Wisconsin a foremost ex ample although not now governor. These public officials have triumph ed because of fearless personal views upon urgent public questions. They have been elected In protest against machine rule which has made corpo rations and grafters supreme In many states. In Oregon and Minnesota, strong republican states, democratic gover nors have been twice elected. In Mis souri Folk went into office, the lone democrat on the ticket to win. In New York and Iowa Hughes and Cum mins were bitterly fought by factions of their own party. So In these, examples of individual victories there is a pronounced tenden cy to independent voting, a tendency to recognize the man rather than the party. Men of strong individuality, men of emphatic and honest views, men of strong and high ideals have triumphed over well organized, well oiled, well manned machines. Neither Johnson of Minnesota, Hughes of New York, nor Sheldon of Nebraska, are professional politi cians. They wore elected because they stood for the very thing which the mass of the people wanted. They were independent enough to defy the machine, fearless enough to say what they would do and honest enough to do what they said they would do. All honor to the reform governors of the United States. this vile stuff would stop the practice of selling it on trains In Oregon. BETTER RANGE IN RESERVES. A PARTNERSHIP "BUSTED." By a recent ruling of the general land office, receivers of local land of fices can no longer collect the adver tising charges for the "party organ," from entrymen on government land. Heretofore, from "time Immemor ial," as long as partisan papers have been fatted and pampered by land of fice officials, the receivers of land of fices have virtually collected from all entrymen the advertising charges for all land notices. Hereafter the land office and the party "organ" will be divorced and the "organs" will be compelled to col lect their own advertising bills from entrymen as from other patrons. There will be no collusion between the land office and the favored news paper, hereafter, in the matter of ad vertising fees. Now when the land department or ders registers of alt local land offices to quit directing entrymen where to advertise, then the personal liberty of the entryman will have been fully re' stored. i PEOPLE'S GOVERNORS. Several shining examples of young governors elected for their individual merit and pronounced views on reform measures are now before the public. Notably among this class of modern THE PERIL OF BAD BOOKS. There Is a law upon the statute books of Oregon, prohibiting the sale to children of unlit, dangerous, ob scene and sensational literature, and yet no one has ever heard of an arrest or conviction under this law. On every train passing through Pen dleton this objectionable literature is sold; In many book stores may be found highly objectionable, cheap, sen sational stuff which the bookseller, himself, may not know to be danger ous to youth, but which has a decld edly vicious effect. The cigarette habit dwarfs Into n- significance, the noodle Joint carousal Is a mild form of Innocent amusement, the tobacco evil Is a shining virtue compared to the "yellow back" five cent story reading habit, among young boys and girls. Bookdealers should be extremely careful In selecting this class of liter ature, for Its evil effects upon young minds cannot be et-timated. The con viction of one "news butcher" on rail road trains for carrying and peddling YOUR SELECTION OF A GOOD BANK JIs important, not only for the present, but also for the years to come. JThe right Bank connection will be a material help to your every day business. CJThia Bank has a successful record of safe, conservative banking from the day of its organization. WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS Interest Paid on Time Deposits. The Pendleton Savings Bank Pendleton. Oregon Capital 1100,000.00 Sorptas and Pratt JUO.OOO.OC Deposits ,230,000.00 Stockmen who are ranging In the Blue mountain forest reserve say that the range is better in the reserve this year than ever before. As there has been no more rain than usual this year, It will be neces sary to search further for a reason for the Improve! conditions of the range. However, It is not necessary to search far for a reason. Where stockmen are allotted only a certain portion of the range and are compelled to range upon that al lotment, they naturally husband it carefully. They do not overstock It. They do not graze It Into the very grass roots. They are careful not to go upon It too early nor stay upon It too late In the year. They see that It l. not burnt over nor abused In any way. So the forest reserve policy of the government has resulted in giving us better range for stock within three years after the reserves were created In Umatilla county. This will be true of other reserves, In the same degree. OUR LIFE. At the feet of the Father of all Some day we shall lay our gift; Time stained, pitiful, small, Heavy and hard to lift. Fettered and bowed by Fate S'nce Destiny makes or mars Nay, winged with strength elate, Handed down from the stars. Free as the Infinite air, Wide as the boundless sky; We have sought to keep It fair; We have tried to hold It high. Fathei of all, whon we come Bringing Thy dust to Thee, Will Thy voice of peace be dumb, Thy passion drowned In the sea? Wilt Thou pity the gift we lay, Clasping warm to Thy breast The image of flame and clay licndered at Thy behest? ' Ada Foster Murray. Becoming A MOTHER Is an ordeal which all wo men approach with Inde scribable fear, for nothing compares with tha pain and horror of child-birth. The thought of ths suffer ing and. danger In store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and dan ger, and Insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the Ume of their most critical trial. Not only does Mauler's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child birth, but Its use gently prepares the system for the coming event, precents "morning sickness," and other discomforts of this period. Sold by all drug gists at 11.00 per bottle. Book containing valuable Information free. The Brad field Regulator Co., Atlanta, Go. OTHER'S FRIEND Nature's Sweet Restorer The tired body and brain rest and recuperate during sleep. There is remarkable capacity for hard work so long as the sleeping hoursare regular and the slumbers are not disturbed by bad dreams, stomach disorders or headache. When mental strain, nervous worry or over-fatigue causes sleeplessness, take 3ecdam'J ma Half an hour before retiring, and natural sleep will soon come to vour relief. These cilia are ourelv vegetable and cure sleepless ness by regulating the important functions of the body. They contain no narcotic nor sedative. Their action is natural, pleasant and safe. . As a tonic and restorative in all cases of overwork, brain fag, nervousness aud worry, they have no equal. Beecham's Pills equalize the circulation, carry the blood from the . weary brain, rest the mind and Bring Balmy Sleep s In Boxes loe and I5o. with lull directions. JUNE 12 IN HISTORY. 1819 Charles Kingsley, English novelist, born. Died January 23, 1S75. 1843 Sir David Gill, celebrated as tronomer, born. 1853 William B. Lamar, represen tative in congress from Florida, born. 1SB6 Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, married to Francis, Duke of Tcck. 1878 Kaffir rebellion terminated. 1878 William Cullen Bryant, Am erican poet, died. Born November 8, 1784. 18?4 Epidemic of bubonic plague at Hongkong; 2500 deaths. 1895 President Cleveland Issued proclamation against Cuban filibust ers. 1897 Earthquakes in Central In dia destroyed many lives and much property. 1838 Venezuelan revolution termi nated with the capture of General Hernandez. 1899 Tornado at New Richmond, Wis., killed 250 persons. COMING EVENTS. June 21-22 Dregfon Development league and rose fiesta, Portland. JULY 4 CELEBRATION AT PENDLETON. July 1-7 -H. Y. P. V.. national convention, Bpoknno. July 9-13 Knights Templar con clave, Saratoga, N. V. July 10-15 International Christian Endeavor, Seattle. July 15-20 Grand Lodge Elk Philadelphia. Wool Salt Dates. Slraniko June 10, 11 and 2. Jnljr 1C. Condon June 21. Baker City July I. Elgin July II. STUDENTS EARN $10 A DAY. The average educated man gets $1000 a year, says a school review. He works 40 years, making a total of 340,000 In a life-time. The average day laborer gets one dollar and a half per day, three hundred days of the year, or four hundred and fifty dollar. In his lifetime he earns $18,000. The value of an education in dol lars Is the difference between these two sums, or (22,000. ' To acquire this taming capacity requires 12 years of school of 180 days each, or a total of 2180 days. Divide $22,000 (value of an edu cation) by the numter of days re quired In getting It, and we find that each day at school is worth a little more than $10 to a pupil. IiVFOLLETTE'S BOOM LAUNCHED Definite steps were taken toward the organization of a LaFollctte pres idential boom in Milwaukee last Fri day night. Resolutions were adopt ed declaring Senator La Follette the strongest and most logical candidate for the presidency and stating the aenso of the meeting to be that no particular effort Is required in Wls con, but that work should be started at once toward getting La Follette delegations from other (.tales. A committee of nine waH appointed by the chairman to confer with leadliVg republicans of th) stato as to the best methods for enlisting the support of republicans In other sections of the country. Yon Know That Nailed Shoe is not easy on your foot. Nail a sole on a sewed shoe ruins the shoe. I have the machines to do the work and sew on a sole better than hand work at ' only 85c a pair for Men's and 60c for Ladies' shoes. It makes the shoe look like new. Try me once. 128 Court St. aJT . w Jkv s,'l jL I R A. EKLUND Pendleton, Ore. DO YOU V -"-NT TO BUT OR BUILD A HOME? If you do, and If you desire to borrow money to assist you, It will pay you to read this carefully. Based on $1000 mortgage: 36 ra Uu, or I years flat loan at .0638 per cent, 111.11 per month 48 months, or 4 years flat loan at .0643 pec cent, $15.31 per month 60 months, or I years flat loan at .0;4( per cent, $31.14 per month 71 months, or 6 years flat loan at .0666 per cent, $ll.(t per month 16 months, or 8 years flat loan at .0670 per oent, $16.17 per month 110 months or 10 years flat loan at .0681 per cent $11.11 per month Remember, the actual cost to the bo ower simply the total sum that he Is required to pay. FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. 1 1 2 E. Court St, Pendleton. Ore. . W. L. Davis shot and killed John McGee at Leavenworth, Wash. At the preliminary examination he re fused counsel and refused to talk and was bound over for trial. In default of ball he is In jail. Just Received A CARLOAD OF Gas jUyfoges and Stove Plate Call and Pick Yours Out NORTHWrSTERN GAS 8b ELECTRIC CO, MATLOCK BUILDING For sale at the East Oretfonian office Larjra bandies of newt papers, containing over 100 big papers, can be had for 25o a bundle. Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVKAU, Proprietor. mtm 'fKypp European plan. Everything flrst- elasa All modern conveniences. Steam beat throughout Rooms en suite with bath. Large, new sample room. Tha Hotel 9t. George Is pronounced one of the most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm connections to office, and hot and cold running water In all rocms. ROOMS: $1.00 and $1.5o Block nnd a Hnlf From Depot See the big electric sign. The Hotel Pendletor BOLLONS BROWN, Proprietors. The Hotel Pendleton has been re fitted and refurnished throughout Telephone and fire alarm connec tions with all rooms. Baths en suite and single rooms. v Headquarters for Traveling Mea Commodious Sample Rooms. Free 'Bus. Ratee $2, $3.50 and $3. Special ratee by the week or moath. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt dining room service. Bar and Millard I too mln Connection Only Three Blocks from Depots. Golden Rule Hotel E. L. M'BROOM, PROPRIETOR, A- first-class family hotel and stock, men's headquarters. Under new management. Telerjhone and fire alarm connections with all roams. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN Special rates by the week or month. Excellent dining room service. Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Free 'bus to and from all trains. HOTEL PORTLAND OF PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 American plan, $3 per day and up ward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special rates made to families and single gentle men. The management will be pleas, ed at all times to show rooms and establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWBR9.3Ianak SIGNS SHOW CARDS Bud Atkinson Corner Main and Alta Sts. Tel. Red 8961. The East Ormmnlnii u- iim gon't representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It bv Hi Hp IIImmI na,nn. v- . - - - v nj, ,i m the advertising medium of the section.