East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 08, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tbonsands HaTe Kidnej
Trouble and Nerer Suspect ft.
Row To Find Oat.
Fill a bottle or common glass with jour
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
a sediment or set
tlitig indicate an
I unhealthy con
dition of the kid
ney! ; if it stains
your unen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
. What To Do.
There is com fact in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to ret up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
m should have the best. Sold by drug
cists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
-. 1 .1 .
x Oh may nave a huuk wms
book that tens an
about it, both sent free
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton. N. Y. When
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Binghamton, N. Y.
Notice Is hereby liven that the
grocery business heretofore conduct
ed by the Gordon Grocery company,
at 130 East Court street. In Pendle
ton. Oregon, will be discontinued
May iS. 1907. All persons owing said
firm are requested to make settle
ment of their accounts with F. A.
Cordon, treasurer of said firm, at his
office In Pendleton, Oregon- Office
will be In the store until Jane IB.
Dated this list day of May, HOT.
By David Gordon, President.
Tty J. B. Hallry, Secretary.
Mad Zan Pile remedy eomea put up
In a loccapsible tube with a nozzle.
Easy to apply right where the soreness
and Inflammation exists. It reliever
at once blind, bleeding, Itching or pro
truding piles. Guaranteed. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen at Bros.
Twenty-Third International Christian
Endeavor Convention
Wash Mr II to 15, lavtaatve.
For above occasion O. R. H. Co.
will make rate of one and one third
fare for round trip. Tickets on aale
July I and ; final return limit July
II, 1T.
For further tnfsrmattoa call oa
local agent or write.
Fortlaad. Or.
Plneules are for the Kidneys and
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired
worn out feeling. They produce natu
ral action of the kidneys; 10 days'
treatment $1.00. Money refunded If
Plnules are not satisfactory. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen t Bros.
Sixteenth International Convention
Baptist' Young People's TJnloa of
America, Spokane, Wash., My 4,
For the above occasion O. R. A N.
Co. will sell tickets at rate of one and
one-third fare for round trip. Tick
et on aale July Id and Id. Final
return limit July 10, 1907..
For further Information call on
local agent or write
Portland, Ore.
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup,
contains honey and tar but no op'ates.
Children like it Its laxative qualities
recommend It to motlhers. Hourse
ness, coughs, croup yield quickly.
Keep it on hand. Sold by A. C. Koep
pen A Bros.
Sixteenth Annual Convention Baptist
Young People's Union of America,
Spokane, Wash Jury 4 to T.
For above occasion O. R. A N. com
pany will sell round trip tickets at
rate of 18.00. Tickets on sale July
I and I, good for return until July 10.
For further Information call on local
ticket agent or Wm. Melfurray, G. P.
A., Portland, Ore.
Property owners will please see that
their sidewalks are promptly placed
in good condition, or same will be
done and lien placed on property.
Street Commissioner.
Dades Little Liver Pills keep the
system clean, the stomach sweet.
Prompt relief for headache and bil
iousness. Good for all the family. Sold
by A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Stansbery &
Milne Transfer
. RES. RED 1679
Boom of Swaiaa Sowt
Dntro Family Have Removed to Ket
tle Falls Maiiy Attended Old Set
tlers' Picnic Gas System Is Prov
ing Entirely Satisfactory All Crops
Ard in Fine Condition Returned
From Extended Tour Through Cal
ifornia and Washington.
. Helix, June 8. Prof, and Mrs. Du
tro and family have gone to Kettle
Falls, their future home. Mr. Dutro
has been principal of the Helix schools
for the past two years and the many
friends of the family regret to have
them leave.
A large number of Helix people
have gone to Weston to take In the
annual pioneers' picnic.
Miss Delia Bott has returned from
Spokane, where she had been spend
ing several months.
The Decoration Day exercises, which
were held here, were all that could
be desired and were largely attended.
The gas lights which were recently
installed in Helix are proving entirely
W. P. McWilliams has returned
from Pomeroy, Wash., where he has
been for some months. He was In
San Francisco part of the winter.
Crops never looked better and wheat
is heading fine In many places. The
farmers are working hard to exter
mtnate the white mustard and other
obnoxious weeds.
Those from Helix who attended the
carnival and circus at the county seat
last week expressed themselves as be
Ing much .pleased and saw many at
tractions at the circus that they had
not seen before.
Returned From Alberta. '
P. M. Smith, who left a short time
ago for Alberta, has returned entirely
satisfied with the Alberta country. He
secured 180 acres of fine land and he
will return there In the fall to take
up his home there.
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth Is stranger than fiction
'una once more been demonstrated in
the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the
residence of C V. Pepper. He writes.
"I was In bed, entirely disabled with
hemorrhages of the lungs and throat
Doctors failed to help me, and all
hope had fled when I began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery. Then la
stant relief came. The coughing soon
ceased; the bleeding diminished rap
idly, and in three weeks I was able
to go to work." Guaranteed for
coughs and colds. EOc and 11.00 at
Tollman A Co.'s drug store. Trial
bottle free.
Hotel St. George. P. H. Hogg,
Portland; F. L. Holmes, Portland; L.
Morton and wife, La Grande; F. W.
Hotch. Portland; J. H. Hanwood and
wife, Spokane; J. H. Reld, Hermlston;
D. S. McCurdy, Walla Walla; A. "J.
Holiangen, Portland;' Mrs. C. Gilbert,
Echo; J. A. Irman, Portland; H. L.
Powers, Portland; Earnest Watklns,
La Grande; Mrs. J. J. Morgan, Port
land; Scott Burnett, Umatilla.
Hotel Pendleton. A. P. Bradberry,
Portland; Fred Trout; W. S. Russell;
F. Welden, Portland; E. L. Leedy,
Portland; H. L. Stevens ' and wife,
Missouri; F. L. Orcutt, Boston; R. J.
Craig, Philadelphia; Bert O'Nell, San
Francisco; M. M. Slatting; W. S. Kirk
sey, San Francisco; H. H. Benstln,
San Francisco; C. K. Baker, Port
land; M. McGary; J. M. Hupp and
wife, Moscow; Mrs. Emma Johnson,
Moscow; Wm. M. Robert, St. Louis;
W.. H. Berry. Moscow; Occar Cain; J.
Sedore, Portland; O. J. Wlllert, Star
buck: M. H. Potton, Spokane; T. C.
Lord, Portland; G. A. Stinson, Port
land;W. A. Powell, Pendleton; W. R,
Glendenlng, Portland.
Golden Rule Hotel. Dr. E. R.
Swlnburn, city; Dr. R. C. Swlnburn,
city; F. M. Daugherty, La Grande; J
W. Wilcoxson, Walla Walla; Joseph
Suttan, Walla Walla; J. B. Johnston,
city; Mrs. Home, Athena; Mrs. D. C,
Able. Orennell; B. McCully, Spokane;
T. F. Cornwell, Spokane; Clara Lln-
gaas, city; George Walters, city; C,
Ades, Spokane; A. S. Akers, Heppner;
T. Cackerson and wife; Charles R,
Reld, Adams; M. Reeder; L. A. Estcb,
Echo; George eBard, Ritter; Frank
Moulkey, Ritter; W. H. Benton; T. J.
Kirk; Doug. Belts, Pilot Rock; Marlon
Jack, Havana; John Boore; Sam Lee,
Portland; George Dickey, Boise; Ar
thur Watts, Monte Vista; L. Berland,
Enterprise; Ora Durham, Monte Vista.
lfe Fired the Stick.
"I have fired the walking stick I've
carried over 40 years, on account of
a sore that resisted every kind of
treatment, until I tried Bucklen's
Arnica Salve; that has healed the
ore and made me a happy man,"
writes John Garrett, of North Mills,
N. C. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns,
etc., by Tallman A Co., druggists.
25 cents.
All parties knowing themselves to
be Indebted to me, will kindly call
at my office and settle by June 1 0th.
The bites and stings of Insects, sun
burn, cuts, burns and bruises relieved
at once with Pinesalve Carbollsed.
Acts like a poultice. Draws out In
flammation. Try It. Price 25c Sold
by A. C. Koeppen A Bros.
Special (
Big Yield of Wheat Confidently Pre
dicted Rev. Harry Benton of
Pomeroy, Will Preach Hero Sun
dayDeath of an Infant Caused by
Ccrebro Spinal Meningitis Base
ball at Freewater Sunday M. E.
Quarterly Conference Next Sunday.
Athena, June 8. Rev. Harry Ben
ton of Pomeroy, Wash., will exchange
pulpits Sunday with V. E. Hoven, of
the Christian church In this city. Mr.
Benton Is a son-in-law of J. B. Dais
ley, who resided in Athena about 15
years ago.
A number of the baseball enthusi
asts are talking of going to Walla
Walla Sunday to take In the game
between Walla Walla and Pendleton.
The Athena Colts will play with
the Peacock nine of Freewater, on
the Freewater grounds Sunday next.
Crops continue to look first class,
and hte wheatgrowers predict one of
the best harvests In the history of the
Died of Spinal Meningitis.
The Infant twin daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Banister died Thursday of
spinal meningitis, aged 8 months. The
little one had been 111 several days.
Quarterly Conference.
The fourth quarterly services of the
First M. E. church will be held Sun
day at 11 a. m. The services will be
conducted by Presiding Elder Gabriel
Sykes, assisted by Pastor Curry.
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs.
"Several years since my lungs were
so badly affected that I had many
hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of
Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with
several physicians without any bene
fit. I then started to take Foley's
Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now
as sound as a bullet I recommend
it In advanced stages of lung trouble.
Foley's Honey and Tar stops the
cough and heals the lungs, and pre
vents serious results from a cold. Re.
fuse substitutes. Koeppens' Drug
Store .
Balfour, Guthrie Company Hauling
Lumber to Pilot Rock.
Pilot Rock, June 8. Balfour,
Guthrie A Co. have had a large
amount of lumber hauled here 175,
000 feet The building will soon be
under course of construction.
Joe Dipped Also.
After 3000 head of sheep belonging
to Julius Wagner, had passed through
a vat, "Joe," the herder, fell Into the
anti-scab solution, which was 110
degrees Fahrenheit. His hands were
badly blistered, but otherwise he did
not suffer.
Will Cure Consumption.
A. A. Herron, Finch. Ark,, writes:
"Foley's Honey and Tar is the best
preparation for coughs, colds and lung
trouble, I know that It has cured
consumption In the first stages." You
never heard of any one using Foley's
Honey and Tar and. not being satis
fied. Koeppen's Drug Store.
At a balloon ascension at Barce
lona, Spain, an entire stranger seized
a dangling rope ns the balloon shot
upward. He was Invisible to the oc
cupants of the car snd the balloon
went up so rapidly the people below
cculd not make themselves under
stood. The man hung to the rope till
the balloon had reached about 3004
feet, when he let go and was dashed
to pieces.
If you will make Inquiry It will be
a revelation to vnu hnw mmv
cumb to kidney or bladder troubles In
one rorm or another. If the patient
is not beyond medical old, Foley's Kid
ney Cure will cure. It never dlsop
points. Koeppens' Drug Store.
Dairy and Farms
Now is the time when the average person is looking
for a cool place, a cool drink, or cool clothing, any
thing to keep cool. That's why we are making a
special showing of cool wearing apparel this week.
Lace weave diawess, 25c, tie, 60o and 6 (to pair.
Sleeveless Tests, Bo, 10c, lSo, 15c, SSc, SOc and BOo each.
Muslin drawers, 25a, SSo, BOo, 75c, $1.00, 11.85, up to 12.50.
Muslin underskirts, 50c, $1.M, $1.25, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50 up to $1.00.
Corset covers, 10c, 85a, SBo, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50.
Ladies' lace hose, 25c, SSc, BOo and 75c
Ladles' lawn waists, 75c, $1.00, $135, $1.50, $9.00, and up.
Men's balbrlggan underwear, 25c, SSc, SOc and 75o . .
Men's' lace hose, 25c, 85c and 50c
Men's soft dress shirts, 7 Bo, $1.00, $1.50 and up to $2.50.
We can sell you cool wearing apparel at prices that won't make you "Hot."
The Fair Dep't. Store,
The strike of miners, which has
practically tied up business In the
Black Hills for over five months, was
settled June 6 at a met ting of the
Terry Peak Miners' union. This
Etrike was callen on January 1 on
the refusal of the mine operators to
grant the eight-hour day to their em
ployes. After three futile attempts to have
Known For
First National.
Designated United
Established 1882
Capital Surplus and
Undivided Pronto-
W. 8. DYERS , J. 8. M'LEOD
. . T. C. TAYLOR
Interest Paid on
For Sale
Owing to my removal to Portland to reside per
manently, I have discontinued the Alfalfarm Dairy
business, and hBve for sale my herd of dairy cows
consisting of about fifty grade Jersey and short-horns,
and will also sell either or both of my farms, one a
quarter section of fine wheat land, one and a half
miles South of Athena, in Umatilla County, and the
other, over nine hundred acres of grain, alfalfa and
grazing land, on the Walla Walla branch of the O. R.
& N, Ry., six miles Northeast of Pendleton, with the
equipment of the latter. For particulars adress me at
400 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
himself run over by a locomotive, W.
C. Risdon, a nomadic railroad man,
committed suicide at Salt Lake by
placing his head under the wheel of
a moving truck. The neck was brok
en. Rlsdon's unsuccessful attempts
were made in the Rio Grande rail
road yards. On each occasion the en
gine was stopped before It touched
the man and he was crdered from the
yards by the switchmen.
Its Strength
States Depository
Time Deposits
Even Ifaour head feeb
As if it was in a vice
It's better to keep your headacKe tola
Hte s dangerous remedy. To cure it
wait wne dangerous powder bring
aha effect which sit far worse.
Many headache cure kill the pais by
Mae powerful druc wLch i used too
often bully erularea snd breaki daws
oSeryitem. That'i why you should
be wry ureful what you take to cuie
a hfanaf im
Art a simple sod positive cure for head,
scats, sbtolvtely HarmleM, especially auked
to women. Guaranteed to be (res from
Antipyrin. Opium, Morphias or Chloral.
H these waferi do sot era absolute tabs,
iacuoe, bring back lbs sooty Packags and
fs win actum your suaey. la two sua
Do you have "blue Mondays"
at your home? We hare an an.
tldote; send your family wash
Ins; to the
Troy Laundry
and have It done (or
Seven cents a pound
Table line and bed linen Ironed
wearing; apparel washed and
starched ready to Iron. This Is
not only the best, most satisfac
tory method, but the cheapest
(or dependable work.
Troy Laundry,
NOUN ft SON, Props.
Phone Main 171.
The French
Pendleton's most pop
ular Dining Room.
Best 25 cent meal in
the city.
Thoroughly renovated
and all new dishes.
Orville Coffman