East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 07, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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This is for
Saturday Only
A large assortment of skirts in plaids and
and checks, absolutely the very latest and sold
regular for from $7.50 to $11 will be on sale
Saturday and Saturday only. Your choice
and we alter them FREE.
See Window Display
Don't think you will be able to buy these at the
same price Monday for you can not.
Teutsch's Dep t. Store
The Fastest Growing Store in Eastern Oregon.
V ft
. Goods at cost; Frost A Bowman.
Try Hansen's sundas at Donald
. son's.
All kinds of rood, dry wcod. Bee
. Mlnnls.
Wanted Gardener at Cnnnlnfham
ranch at Pilot Rock.
All kind of fancy drinks at Don
.aldson's soda fountain.
Nicely furnished "ttage for rent
Enquire 400 Water street
See Mlnnls for tood. dry wood that
burns. Lots of It on band.
Try Walters new "Hard Wheat"
flour, now on the market.
Hunters' and fishermen's supplies
at cost at Frost & Bowman's.
Leathers Transfer Ce. day and
night service. 'Phone Main 111.
Guns, ammunition and fishing
tackle at cost. Frost & Bowman.
Nice furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent Inquire SOI Logan street.
bring them to us as we are reltaM
opticians. No charges for the exam
ination and a very reasonable one fot
the best kind of glasses. AU work
guaranteed. Tours for good goods
and good results.
Louis Hunziker
Jeweler (8b Optician, j
7t Main at
Sporting goods cheap, Frost St Bow
Wanted Ten lady clothes lroners
at the Domestlo Laundry.
Fishing tackle of every description
at cost. Frost A Bowman.
Have the baby's picture taken at
Bowman's studio, near bridge.
For Rent Two neatly
rooms at lit South Main street
New Knox sailors for summer and
outing. Mn. Campbell's Mlllntry.
Frost ft Bowman are closing out
their entire line of sporting goods at
Porcelain lined, sanitary and los
f ITS. Guaranteed in first slam con
dition. .Bert Wilson, room Schmidt
' Why not get the best bread T Tou
deserve It Buy from first hand and
save two profits. Get the best for
your money. Tou should get Rohr
man's bread, It has that creamy taste
- 1 and It Is even better than mother's
furnished . . , . . Vol, . . ,v,.
best Our shop Is open for Inspection
at all times. C. Rohrman.
L. W. McAdams left this morning
for Echo after a business visit In the
county seat
Attorney R. R. Johnson returned
to Echo this rr.orr.lng after a brief
visit In the city.
W. H. King, In charge of the work
on the East Umatilla project dam,
has been here today.
P. A. Worthlr.gton, right of way
agent for the O. R. & N. company,
has been here today.
W. H. Morelock and Terry Tuttle,
both of Elgin, Union county, have
teen, visitors here today.
Joseph Slangier left this morning
for Cambridge, Idaho, to visit with
his sister, Mrs. John Kepplnger.
R. N. Stanficld, the Echo stock
man, has been In the city today and
an lnte-ested spectator at the wool
City Recoi.Jer J. ,D. Gregolre and
Fred Blako of AdamR, were among
the business visitors In the city yes
terday. Mrs. E. P. Dodd left for her home
at Hermlston this morning after a
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Alexander.
Arthur Knight, Roy Raley, Fred
Lampkln and George Ferguson, went
to Weston this morning to attend the
pioneers' picnic.
MIbs Reta Howland has arrived
homo from Ellensburg, Wash., where
the attended the ncrmal school dur
ing the past winter.
Miss Cclestlno Moorhouse, daugh
ter of Major and Mrs. Lee Moor
house, has arrived home after having
closed a term of school at Irrigon.
H. J. Miller, traveling freight agent
for the Chicago & Northwestern, ar
rived here last evening and has been
in attendance at the wool sale today.
R. R. Collins, the well known wood
dealer of Kamela, came down this
morning after supplies for his wood
camps at the summit of the moan
Mrs. Lee Drake and Mrs. Bert
Geer left yesterday for Bingham
Springs to visit for a couple of weeks
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R,
C. Hager. "
Miss Anna Cijlllton, a sister of Mrs.
Beddow of West Webb street, left
yesterday In company with Mra,
James Derbln, to visit at various
place In Minnesota and Iowa.
Dr. S. M. Stroheeker of Hermlston,
the government physician, was In the
city last evening and he and Dr. Cole
amputated the leg of Harry Barmore,
who was hurt at the dam near Her
mlston a few days ago.
W. J. Strever. the painter who
formerly resided here, was recently
mnrried to Miss Lydia Coon of Wa.
teivllle, N. T. The bride Is a sister
of the groom's first wife and Is the
tblrd to share his Joys and sorrows.
John Gurdane, the veteran pioneer
resident, arrived home last night
from a business visit at Mountain
home. Idaho, and he reports the
creeks and rivers of that stctlon to
be greatly swollen as a result of
melting snow.
In Police Court.
E. M. Barnes has been arrested for
having used abusive and obscene
saving refrigerators at the Goodman ' against htm yesterday by J. M.
Hardware company.
Now la the chance for you to get
your hunting supplies for fall at cost,
at Frost A Bowman's.
Extra fancy mountain potatoes, per
cwt, $1. The Peoples Warehouse,
where It pays to trade.
Frost A Bowman are selling out
their complete line of hunters' and
fishermen's goods at cost
W. 8. Frailer. Jr.. call al postofflce,
Pendleton, 7 to 7:80, p. m., June Sth
or 6th. Meet a F. Atwater.
For Rent Five-room cottage, with
all modern Improvements. Enquire
P. Medernach, 'phone Red 3101.
Fresh country butter, sweet and
clean, per roll. 80c The Peoples
Warehouse, where It pays to trade.
American field fencing, In differ
ent heights and weights. Goodman
Hardware company, exclusive agents.
TJ. & Health A Accident Insurance
Co., Saginaw, Mich., sells best dollar
per month polloy on market; now
features, new rates; agents wanted.
Western office, 101 Marcum, Portland,
Chase A Sanborn Coffee and Teas,
the best line of Groceries for less
money. Lowest price, courteous and
obliging la tny motto. Give us a call
and Inspect our goods. We make the
price. C. Rohrman.
For Sale Columbia phonograph
costing 1104. and IM records, costing
SO cents each. Will sell outfit for
Heathman. The case was brought
up In the recorder's court this morn
ing, but was continued.
Big Sheepman Here.
G. S. L. Smith, a well-to-do sheep
man and cattleralser of Grant coun
ty, has been In the city today upon a
short business visit. His home isat
John Day, and he has been an Inter
ested spectator at the wool sale here
Twenty Tears for Assault
Marllngtcn, Vt., June 7. Warllck
Ratcllffe, accused of aiding In an as-
rault on una Bird while she was
sloping with Arnold Gladwell, was
found guilty this mcrrlng and sen
tonced to 20 years.
East Indian Town Destroyed.
Bombay, June 7. A cyclone has
swept away the town of Kurrachl. It
Is reported several steamers are
ashore and It Is believed the loss of
life Is large.
Babe Is neir to Swedish Throne.
Stockholm, June 7. Frlncess Mar
garet, wife of Crown Prince Gustavus
Adolphus today gave birth to a son
the future heir to the throne.
Made from our pure cream and Huylers Chocolate,
same as served at Huylerf Stores in New York City.
Living on Tlwlr Noses.
'mere some 300 men In England
whose sense of smell Is so developed
that they can discriminate between
odors which offer no distinctions to
an uneducated nose. They are em
ployed by the manufacturing chemists
tea Importers' and the large wlno and
Ilntior establishments.
A perfectly trained nose Is neocssnry
to those whose business Id the com
pounding, blending nnd testing of per
fumes and essences. The most curious
point about these people who live on
their noses Is that the majority are to
tally blind. ,
The reason Is that when any person
loses one sense the other senses are
mors fully developed. These men
travel about from merchant to mer
chant, Renernlly earning "between J. TOO
and $400 a year.
Foreman J. H. Watson of the in
chanlcal department cf the O. R,
N. at La Grande, Is In the city tods
superintending the work of moving
the disabled engine, No. 380, which
was broken down in the yards yes
terday to the La Grande shops for
Dr. H. L. Stephens and wife of
Laramie, Wyo., are the guests of
Landlord W. A. Brown of the Hotel
Pendleton, and his wife. All were
Intimate friends years ago in Wyo
mlng. Dr. Stephens lz a regent of
the Wyoming State university and
one of the mort distinguished men In
his profession In that state. He Is
witness this week at Walla Walla In
a railroad damage suit.
To the East
Over the
Scenic Route
4 The Rock Island operates a new electric
lighted drawing-room sleeping; car daily from
Sin Francisco via Ogden, Salt Lake City and
Colorado to Chicago.
4 This latest type of Standard Pullman
ileeper leaves San Francisco on the Southern
Pacific's Overland Limited, and assures you A
comfortable, convenient and speedy trip, over
A very interesting route.
4 Three days each week the Rock Island runs
a through tourist sleeper by way of the Scenic
Route. ,
4 From San Francisco every Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, to Chicago, personally
sj Fun details in the Rock bland time table and folder
entitled "Airossths Conunentfa a Tourist Seeping Car,
eat on request,
General Afnt
Rock IUnd-Frlco Unas,
140 Third St.. PORTLAND. ORE.
750 and 1000 crates are being shipped
dally over the O. R. & N. and lnter
urban lines.
Baker City Boy Arrested.
E. H. Reld, a youth of 17 years, was
taken from westbound train No. 1 to
day by Marshal Tom Gurdane on In
structions from Baker City. Toung
Reid Is accused of having departed
from Baker City while short In his ac
count with the cash register in an
establishment In which he was em
ployed there. He Is now In the county
Jail awaiting an officer from Baker
Fishing Party to Milton.
A fishing party consisting of G. I.
LaDow and Louis LaDow, Ed Baker
and Charles Semple left this morning
for Milton, from which place they
will go on bicycles to the headwaters
of the Walla Walla river on a fishing
trip. They were plentifully supplied
with provisions to last for several
days and expect to remain until the
river la fished out.
Portland, Ore., June 7. District At
torney Manning announced today he
would rigidly enforce the Sunday dos-
Irur law and put the lid on this conn
ty and close every saloon. Manning
has been In office three years and this
will be his first effort t enforce the
law. Sheriff Stevens states he will
Compel even the newspapers to close
Sunday publication.
Resort Keeper Had Kidnaped and
Married Him.
Lebanon, Ind., June 7. The court
this morning declared Insane George
Rhodlus, a millionaire, and appoint
ed a guardian. Upon this decision
Elma Dare, a resort keeper, will be
arrested and charged with kidnap
ping Rhodlus, and her marriage to
him will be annulled.
Horace Lathrop Dawson, an Evan
ston boy, contributes this clever paro
dy to the Cornell Widow.
When Earth's last "bubble" Is busied
and the tires are twisted aad dried.
When the oldest mctor Is rusted, and
the younpgest chauffeur has died
We shall rest and no one shall speed
It slow down for a cycle or two.
Till the maker of all good motors
shall crank our machines
And all that were good shall be rip
Id; they sha'l sit In a gold ma
chine; They shall steer with a ring from
Saturn, with nectar for gaso
line; They shall find real sports to race
with Mercury, Oldfleld et al;
They shall run for an age on a gal
lon and never get punctures at
And only the comets (halt pass up,
and Pegasus only shall blame;
And no one shall drive to cripple, and
no one shall drive' to malm;
But each for the joy of speeding, and
each In his separate car,
Shall run the thing like the devil to
spite of the laws as they are.
Chnrges of Misuse of Authority and
Drunkenness Against Night Officer.
Strong charges of Improper conduct
and improper exercise of his authority
together with a request that he be
removed from his position, were made
today against Night Officer Fl Waters,
The complaints were made to Mayor
Pec and Councilman Murphy, who
constitute the police committee.
the officers of company L.
During the dancing party given by
the Company last evening In the
mory. Officer Waters, accompanied
by his two deputies, entered the place
and the conduct of the policemen was
such that much indignation was
aroused. Shortly before their en
trance a circle two step had been
danced and as Is the national custom
In Pendleton, the time honored Indian
yell was Riven by the dancers.
It was to this the officer objected,
but the appearance and manner of the
officer was also decidedly objectiona
ble to those present. He had been
drlnklnp. and with hat on sauntered
Into the room and In Roneral behaved
In a manner not In conformity to the
social eodp or to that of a policeman
on duty.
On belnc apprised nf the facts In
the case the members of the pollre
committee, together with other offi
cials, severely censured the notion of
the officer and promised an Immediate
Investigation of the mnlter.
Other and similar ehnriros of Indis
crete conduct are also pending nsalnst
Officer Waters and there seems to bo
hut little doubt but that he will he
deprived of his star. That he doslrod
his removal and would ask fur the
same was ileciarcn only ny i ounou
nian Murphy.
ClUnese Mob Destroys Mission. '
Shanghai, June 7. The mission at
Kalhseln prlvtnce, Shcchuan, almost
n the border of Thibet, has been de
stroyed by a mob.
Harvester Trust Next.
Washington, June 7. District At
torney Sims of Chicago, talked of trust
busting with the president today. It
13 understood the harvester trust will
be attacked by Sims soon.
Chicago Wheat Market.
Chicago, June 7. Wheat opened
H 7JVclosed 96; coin opened 54 1-4,
closed 63 3-4; cats opened 47 1-2,
closed 44 S-8.
All the news all the time In the
East Oregonlan.
that our choice beer Is the finest and
purest ever brewed. Those whet are
the best Judges of bear art fond of It
and praise It to lbs shies. It la tba
output, of experienced brewing, com
bined with the best and purest Ingre
dients. This bear Is always In elegant
condition, and whether used as on or
dinary table beverage or as a tonic for
ths sick and convalescent, tt will be
found a most superior article, if yoo
try It you'll always buy H.
Case of two dossil bottles deUvered.
to roar boost tor only f LM,
Old Kentucky Wine and
Uosor Store,
WH5 GAGES, Trap,
'Phone Main SIS. Court 8L. opposite
Goidea Roto Hotel.
Try It
Walters' Flour Mills
New brand now on the market.
Made by bis new modern psocess.
It bests all for perfect bread bakmg.
Jimmy Rrltt nnd Rattling Nelson
hnve slRned articles for a 20-round
fffrht In San Francisco on the night
of July 8, at 138 pounds.
Dot ono of those nice fishermen's
outfits that Frost & Bowman are sell
ing at cost.
Berry Pickers Wanted.
Milton. .Tune ". Fruitgrowers of
the Milton and Freewater districts
wore In Walla Walla today on the
lookout for pickers to handle the his
strawberry crop being harvested In
those sections. Several of the hlir
growers say It Is almost Impossible
to secure sufficient help to take care
of tho berries, as they ripen. Between
you desire to borrow money to assist you, It will pay you to read thla
carefully. Based on 81000 mortgage:
36 m thj, - 8 years flat loan at .0588 per cent, 888.18 per month
4S months, or 4 years flat loan at .0643 per cent, 835.38 per month
80 months, or 6 years flat loan at .0:49 per cent, 881. J4 ptx month
72 months, or 8 years flat loan at .0565 per cent, 818.61 per month
96 months, or 8 years flat loan at .0570 per cent, 815.17 per month
120 months or 10 years flat loan at .0686 per cent, 818.21 per month
Remember, thu actual cost to the bo owtr '3 simply the total sura
that he Is roq aired to pay.
i 112 E. Court, St..
Pendleton. Ore.