DAILY EAST OREGOtflAV, PENDLETON, OREGOX, FRIDAY. JTXE T, 1907. TE.V FACTE In which every article of white will be reduced. Starts Saturday June 8, and ends Saturday June 22. PAGE TWO. White Gloves White Ribbons Handkerchiefs White Buttons White Dress Trimmings White Laces White Embroideries White AUovers, White Silks White Velvets White Dress Goods, etc., etc. White Hosiery White Parasols White Underwear White Belts, White Handbags White Veilings White Flannels White Linens, White Towels White Sheets, White Spreads White Cottons, etc., etc., etc. White Bed Linens Swiss, Nainsook India Linon, Lawns, etc. White Shoes for women and children Lace Curtains Curtain Materials White Blankets. Pillows, Notions Linings, etc., etc., etc. Men's White Wear White Shirts White Underwear Handkerchiefs, Straw Hats White Neckwear White Pajamas White Nightshirts White Gloves White Suspenders White Sweaters, Bar Coats White Vests, etc., etc White Hats 250,000 pieces of Muslin Underwear Gowns, Drawers, Chemise Skirts, Corset Covers, Sets Infants' Wear Infants' Shoes, Infants' Caps Women's Aprons White Corsets White Suits of all kinds and qualities White costumes White Wraps, White Skirts White Waists Whito Petticoats Children's Dresses White Kimonas J Save Your Coupons The Peoples Warehouse White Flannel Coats White Millinery White Sweaters Infants' Coats ( etc., etc., etc. White China, Cut Glass White Glassware, Silverware White Dinner Sets, etc., etc. Every white article In the store reduced In price. Few contract goods alone are excepted. Look to your needs. Where it Pays to Trade BOOKS ARE ADOPTED COMMISSION SELECTS TEXTS FOR THE GRADES i Many Change In School Books, But the Average Cost 'WQI be About .' the Sainc Small Publishing Houses Are Recognised by the Commission In the Selection of Books. Following la the complete list of text books adopted by the text book commission at Salem yesterday for the grammar grades of Oregon public schools: FU-adlng W. H. Wheeler & Co. of Chicago, Wheeler Graded Primer, ex change price, 10 cents; retail price, . IS cents; First Reader, exchange - price,' 10 cents; retail price, 25 cents; Second Reader, exchange price, 20 cents; retail price, 35 cents; Third Reader, exchange price, 20 cents; re tail price, 45 cents; Glnn & Co., Bos ton, Cyr's Fourth Reader, exchange price, SO cents; retail price, 50 cents; Fifth Reader, exchange price, 30 cents; retail price, 60 cents. Geography American Book Co. Natural Introductory Geography, ex change price, 27 cents; retail price, 54 'wits; Natural School Geography, exchange price, 57 cents; retail price, $1.13. Arithmetic Glnn 4 Co., of Boston Smith's Primary Arithmetic, ex change price, IS cents; retail price, 35 cents; Smith's Practical Arithme tic, exchange price, 33 cents; retail price, 5 cents. Mental Arithmetic Ginn & Co. of Boston Text to be used same as for written arithmetic. History D. C. Heath A Co. of Boston Thomas' Klementary HIs toiy, exchange price (In use); retail price, 60 cents; Doub Co. of San Francisco A History of the United LITTLE BABY CURED 0 ECZEMA Parents Applied to Hospitals and Doctors but Could Get No Re Kef Grew Worse Under Doctor's Prescription Friends Recom mendeo Cuticura Result A SPEEDY AND PERMANENT CURE "We express to you herewith our best thanks for the cure oi our baby from fnrmiL. The eczema appeared when the child was three months old. We applied to several doctors and hospitals, each of which gave us something differ ent every time, but nothing brought re lief. A physician recommended a salve which we threw into the fire after two days' use aa the ecxcma became worse eo that the baby scratched his face. At last, one of our friends recommended to us Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint ment. A few days afterwards improve ment could be noted. Since then we have used nothing but Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and now the baby is six months old and is quite cured. All that we used was one cake of Cuti cura Soap and two boxes Cuticura Oint ment, costing in all $1.25. Even the poorest man can pay that instead of throwing it into the doctor's lap. I myself only make twelve dollars a week as a teamster, but I recommend the Cuticura Remedies strongly to all moth era whose children suffer from such dis eases. They are cheap, harmless and good. C. F. Kara and Wife, 343 East 65th Street, New York, March 30, 1906." FOR SORE HANDS Soak the hands on retiring, in a hot, Creamy lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cuticura Oint ment, and in severe cases spread the Ointment on thin pieces of old linen or Cotton. Wear during the night old, loose, kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and holes cut in the palms, or a light bandage of old cotton. Ce-nvnlrte Kxterntl tnd IrtennJ Tmtment tor Try fluinur iff Ir.tr.ut. C'l.Uilren, .nil Adult! cuneiftl of C'UIU cur Bop lilc.ito Cr.ne. th Hklii, Cutli-ur Ointment '.) to llMl the Hktn, fttid Cutleur. Ptile (CbOMlAta CcttH, 2Ae. per el.l ul fftt to Purify the Itl'M.d. Sold tbronf hmittbe world. Potter Irrui Chem.Corp Bole Prop., lioeion. Me. Depot,. LonJon,NewbeT7lSf Clierterliijuee Kr. Peri., Robert,, Rue de 1 Pels. W-MUe4 free.' Uow to Cure Skul iunuIM." States, exchange price, 70 cents; re tail price. $1. Grammar Heath & Co. of Boston Buehlor & HoU-hliss' Modern Eng lish Lessons, exchango price, 20 cents; retail price, 40 cents; Buehler'a II extern Er.glish Gram mar, exchange price. 30 cents; retail price 55 cents. Civil Govtirnment-'Doub & Co. of San Francisco Doub's History adopted as text. Physiology D. Appleton & Co. of New ork First Book In Hygiene (Krohn), exchange price, IS cents; retail price. 35 cents; Graded Lessons In Physiology and Hygiene (Krohn), exchange price 30 cents; retail price, 60 cents. Writing O. P. Barnes of Chicago The Outlook Writing Books, series from No. 1 to No. 7, retail. price, 5 cent"; The Outlook Copy Slips from No. 1 to No. t. retail price, 5 cents; Outlook Practice Books, A, E, C, D. retail price. 5 cents; Empire Writing Speller, retail price, 5 cents. Speller Moynard Merrill , Co. of New York Reed's Word Lessons, ex change price, 12 cents; retail price, 22 cents. Music Ginn 4 Co. of Boston Flrrt Music Reader (New Education al Music Course), exchange price, 15 cents: retail price, 80 cents; Second Music Reader, exchange price, 15 cents; retail price, 30 cents; Third llmtc Reader, exchange price, IS cents; retail price, 35 cents; Fourth Music Reader, exchange price, 20 cents; retail price, 40 cents; Fifth Music Reader, exchange price. 25 cents; retail price, 60 cents. Nature Study and Science Work Glnn & Co. of Boston Agriculture for Beginners (Burkett, Stevens 4 Hill), exchange price, 38 cents; re tall price, 75 cents. Drawing Prang Education Co. of Sen Frar.clscp Art Education Draw ing Book Course, series from No. 1 to No. 3; retail price 16 cents; No. 4 to No. 5, retail price, 20 cents. Many Change Are Made. Changes are as follows: Reading First and second and third readers changed from Cyr's to Wheeler'a. Geography Introductory and school texts from Frye's to American Book company's text. Arithmetic Primary and practical fram Wenlworth's to Smith's. . Mental Arithmetic Text of writ ten arithmetic substituted. , Hi3tory Thomas' History of Unit ed States to "A History of the United States," by Doub & Co. Grammar and language all chang ed. Civil Government Doub's History substituted foi present text. Physiology Two new texts. . Writing New texts. Music New texts. Nature Study and Science Work New, one text Instead of two. Drawing New texts. The commission In the apportion ment of the books remembered the large and the small publishing houses and among the smaller book con cerns who were awarded contracts for the furnishing of school books are; O. P. Parnps company of Chicago. W. H. Wheeler company of Chicago, Doub & company of San Francisco, Newson company of Chicago, and Prang; Educational company of New York. Notwithstanding the sweeping changes In the adoption of the new text books by the commission, there will be no additional burden to the heads of families to provide books for their children. TaUIng the same number of bookJ for the same studies as arranged by the adoption made In July 1, 1901, the list of school books adopted yes terday will be 06 cents cheaper and If the text nooks for nature study Is Incorporated In the curriculum the i:ot of hooks fo the new list will ba $1.89, or nine centsmore than for the oltl Hut. High school text books will be adopted Friday and Rnturday. HEPPNER. WANTS LOCAL TRAIX. Mggtt IxkuI Should be Run Over the llcppncr Brunch. . Here Is the wny In which the Hepp ! ner Times looks at the local train I situation on the O. R. 4 N. Tha i Times says: I The Heppner Commercial club ! hold, a special meeting In, the club rooms In this city last SnVirdny af ternoon, the purpose of which was to I make an effort to secure belter train service for Heppner. What our peo ple want Is for the local now run- ! i.lng between Pcrtland and Biggs to : be extended to Heppner. ; Pendleton Is at present making an effort to secure this local train serv ice for Pendleton, and with this ob ject in view has succeeded In arrang ing a conference with the state rail road commission which was held at Pondleton. Pendleton, of course, wanted Heppner's assistance in secur ing such service for their town, but our city has a better chance to se cure the service than Pendleton, and for that reason It was decided to send a representative to meet the commis sion and present our side of the ques tion. Attorney S. E. Notson was chosen to represent our city's inter est in the matter. In extending the Biggs local the railway company can have but one object, and that to furnish better service or connection with its branch lines running out of The Dalles, Biggs, Condon and Heppner. We say Heppner Instead of Pendle ton, because the run would be 35 miles shorter than going to Pendle ton or 70 miles in making the round trip, and the railway company would gain nothing in train service after It passed Heppner Junction. For this re.t"on Heppner Is In a better position than her sister city to secure the lo cal train service. be able . to ascertain the conditions there and Investigations will also be made regarding the other Oregon revolts. The Magic No. S. Number three is a wonderful mas cot for Ceo. H. Parris of Cedar, Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find relief, I tried Electric Bitters, and aa a result I am a well man today. Tha first bottle relieved and three bottles completed the cure." Guaranteed best remedy for ctomoch, liver and kidney troubles, by Tall man 4 Co., druggists. . 50c. ELLIS A YD FULTON ABROAD. Congressman and Senator Vblt the Eastern Oregon Counties, United States Senator Charles W. Fulton and Congressman W. R. Ellis, were in the city this morning en route to Harney, says the La Grande Observer. The senator and the con gressman, too, has promised a visit to eastern Oregon this summer and this la a beginning of the fulfillment of the promise. They will shake hands with the citizens of Vale, On tarlo, Harney and all the interior towns before again returning to the heavier populated sections of eastefn Oregon. Joseph, the headquarters of Wal lowa sheep raisers, will be visited and the senator will add to his already wide and exhaustive knowledge of the stockralser. While in the city this morning the senator was In con versation with Secretary Morgan of the Wallowa Sheep Raisers' assocla- tlon, and thus acquainted himself with some of the things the people of Wallowa desire In the way of range legislation. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the grocer)' business heretofore conduct ed by the Gordon Grocery company, at 130 East Court street. In Pendle ton, Oregon, will be discontinued May 22, 1007. All persons owing said firm are requested to make settle ment of their accounts with F. A. Gordon, treasurer of said firm, at his office In Pendleton, Oregon. Office will be In the store' until June 15, 1907. Dated this 21st day of May, 1907, GORDON GROCERY CO., By David Gordon, President. Py J. B. Hallfy, Secretary.' Pew-ire of Ointment for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, aa mercury will surely do troy the senaa of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Hucli articles should never b used en-opt on prescriptions from reputablt physicians, aa the domain they will do Is tenfold to the good you can possibly de rive from them. Hull's catarrh Cure, manufactured hjr P. J. Cheney & Co., Tole do, O., cuntalna no merrnry, and la taken Internally, acting directly upon tha blood and mucous aurfarea of the system. Id During Hall's Catarrh Cure he nnre yon get the genuine. It la taken Internally ant made In Toledo, Ohio, by P. 4. Cheney k Co. Testimonials free. Sold by driuclsta. Price 70e per bottle. Take Italia Family fills for constipation. State Board of Health. Oi next Tuesday the stnte bonrd of health will meet In quarterly ses sion at Newport, and Dr. C. J. Smith will 'be present from this city. . Of the questions to come before the beard ct Its coming meeting one of most Importance Is (he question of the sanitary condition of the various resorts In the rtate. By having Its versions nt 'Newport the board will Eagles? Band to Weston. Last evening the members of the Eagles band left for Weston to play nt the Pioneers'" picnic to be held to day and tomonow. Owing to their absence from the city no more open air band concerts- will be given until next Tuesday evening, when one will be given on the- streets. The dally retnrn fare for 31 mile Prtd by a workman In Belgium Is 7 1-2 cents, and fares for shorter or longer distances are proportionately cheap. Aa a result 100,000 Industrial wirt Iters live In the country, although employed in the towns. Good Slab Wood This is the time to get acquainted with our Slab Wood, try a load, you will find it the best summer wood you can buy.. If you need Sawdust for any purpose: we can supply you.. Oregon LamkrTai The Greatest Offer Ever Made by a Publisher in the History of the Northwest . 1 . ' . . u The American Farmer A Monthly Firm PbrtMical, of Indianapafis, fad. Mil : Yes, Absolutely Free, with every new or renewal subscription to the k Semi-Weekly East Oregonian TUB AMERICAN FARMER la not small, cheap and poorly printed periodical, but en tha contrary, we can truthfully state that It will be ' found to be a targe, well edited, well printed, educating and entertaining Farm Journal, tn which every depart merit of the Farm, aa well aa the Borne la well represented. Remember, you get both papers for $1.50 Per Year Payable in Advance. Fill this out and mail us today. East Oregonlan Pub. Co. Pendleton, Oregon. ISO ... 1 enclose $1.60, for which please send me American Fnrmcr and Scnii-Wcvkly East Oregonlan, for one year. Please check If new or renewal. ....New. ...Renewal Name Po. O , State... f'.; r