East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 05, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ihimi m "tmwiit in. Hi tm i
You will find values in every
Department that you should
by all means not over look
Teutsch's Rebuilding Sale
Has boon a success. The object lias been to clear out all mer
chandise possible to make room for tho carpenters and masons.
Wo have succeeded.
Still, wo find that hundreds of lines have not been broken.
Stacks and stacks of merchandise still to be sold.
We must sell the goods, and
the prices we ask should
surely tempt you.
Remember :
Every articlo in every department must go at some price.
Don't wait till tomorrow, coino today. SueU a chance will not
last forever.
Teutsch's Dept.
The Fastest Growing Store in Eastern Oregon.
Try Hansen's sundae at Donald
son's. All klnda of good, dry wcod. Sea
Wanted Gardener at Cunningham
ranch at Pilot Rock.
All kinds of fancy drinks at Don
aldson's soda fountain.
Nicely furnished 'ttage for rent.
Enquire 400 Water street
Try Walters' new "Hard Wheat"
flour, now on the market
See Mlnnla for good, dry wood that
burns. Lota of It on band.
Leathers Transfer Co., day and
night service. 'Phone Main 51 1.
Nice furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent Inquire SOI Logaa street
Have the baby's picture taken at
Bowman's studio, near bridge.
For Rent Two neatly furnished
rooms at 312 South Main street
New Knox snllors for summer and
imi ting. Mn Campbell's Mlllntry.
bring them to us as w are rattabb
opticians. No charges for tbo exaa
Inkilun and a very reasonable on for
the best kind of glasses. All work
guaranteed. Tours for goad goods
and good results. '
Louis Hunziker
Jeweler Optician,;
7I Mala at
Wanted Ten lady clothes lronera
at the Domestic Laundry.
Porcelain lined, sanitary and Ice
saving refrigerators at the Goodman
Hardware company.
Extra fancy mountain potatoes, per
cwt, 12. The Peoplea Warehouse,
where it pays to trade.
W. 8. Frazler, jr., call at postofflce,
Pendleton, 7 to 7:30, p. m., June 6th
or 6th. Meet C. F. Atwater.
For Rent Five-room cottage, with
all modern improvements. Enquire
P. Medernach, 'phone Red 3201.'
Fresh country butter, sweet and
clean, per roll, 60c. The Peoplea
Warehouse, where It paya to trade.
American field fencing, In differ
ent helghui and weights. Goodman
Hardware company, exclusive agents.
The roller skating season Is now on.
In order to skate your hoes must fit
To get a proper fit you must buy them
at the Peoplea Warehouse.
See our special features in new
hammocks. Far different and su
perior to anything ever before shown
In Pendleton. Goodman Hardware
U. 8. Health at Accident Insurance
Co., Saginaw, Mich., sells best dollar
per month policy on market: new
features, new rates; agents wanted.
Western office, 109 Marcuso, Portland,
Chase A Sanborn Coffee and Teas,
the beat line of Groceries for leas
money. Lowest price, courteous and
obliging Is my motto. Otve us a call
and inspect our goods. We make the
price, C. Rohrman.
For SaleColumbia phonograph
costing 1M, and SM records, coatta
60 cents each. Will sell outfit for,
1176. Guaranteed in Brat class con
dition. Bert Wilson, room Schmidt
building. a
Why not get the best bread T Tou
deserve It Buy from first hand and
save two profits. Get the best for
your money. Tou should get Rohr
man's bread, it has that creamy taste
and it Is even better than mother's
bread. Buy from a baker and get the
best. Our shop la open for Inspection
at all times. C. Rohrman.
Made from our pure cream and Huylers Chocolate,
same as served at Huylerf Stores in New York City.
. - J w
Laboring Men Remember His Record
ns Judge.
That the laboring men of the Unit
ed States and especially union men,
have not forgotten Secretary Taft's
record as a judge, is shown by the
following excerpt from the June
number of Current Literature, a non
partisan and absolutely fair-minded
Current Literature says of Mr.
One phase of Mr. Taft's career Is
likely to become of considerable In
terest in the near future if he becomes
the republican candidate for presi
dent. When he was a judge of the
superior court of Cincinnati, before
he went to the Philippines, he had a
number of casts to decide that per
tained to labor unions and their con
tests with employers.
In one case Moorea A Co. versus
the Bricklayers' union he sustained
the lower court in fining the union
for conspiracy to Injure the plain
tiffs. He enforced an Injunction
compelling Chief Arthur of tha
Protherhood of Locomotive Engi
neers, to abandon a sympathetic
strike against the Toledo, Ann, Arbor
& North Michigan railway, and In the
great Pullman strike of 1894 he caus
ed the arrest for contempt of court,
of J. W. Fhelan, one of the lieuten
ants of Eugene V. Debs.
Phelan had organized a strike
against the Cincinnati Southern rail
way, and counseled violence. Taft
sentenced him to six months' Impris
onment and said:
"The gigantic character of the con
spiracy of the American Railway
union staggers the Imagination. The
railroads have become as necessary
to tho life and health and comfort of
the people of this country aa are th9
arteries of the human body, and yet
Peba and Phelan and their associates
proposed, by Inciting the employes of
all the railways In the country to
quit their service, without any dis
satisfaction with the terms of their
own employment, to paralyze utterly
all the traffic by which the people
live, and In this way to compel Full
mnn, for whose acts neither the
public nor tho railway companies are
in the slightest degree responsible,
and over whose acts they can law
fully exercise no control, to pay more
wages to his employes.
"The purpose, shortly stated, was
to starve the railroad companies and
the public Into compelling Fullmnn
to do something which they had no
lawful rlRht to compel him to do.
Certainly, the starvation of a nation
ennnot bo a lawful purpose of com
bination, and It Is utterly Immaterial
whether the purpose Is effected by
means visually Inwful or otherwise."
Mrs. H. T. Fraser of Hurmlston, has
been visiting here today.
Otis Turner has been In the city
from his home at Weston.
Mrs. J. P. McManus of Pilot Rock,
Is In the city today on a business trip.
George Whltehorn of Pasco, form
erly of this place, is In the city on
I. M. Bates, representing , th Bur-
falo-Pltts company, has been In the
city today.
Lawrence Whitman left this morn
ing for a week's visit with friends at
E. P. Marshall went to Echo today
In the Interest of the Furnish Irri
gation project.
Mrs. Roy Penland arrived from
Helix this afternoon to visit with rel
atives for a short time.
J. B. Swltzler, the well known pio
neer, came up last evening from Uma
tilla for a short visit here.
Mayor L. A. Esteb of Echo, left to
day for his home after attending the
railroad commission hearing.
R. N. Stanfleld, tho well known
Echo banker, was In the city last even
ing for a short time on business.
Mrs. George Carmlchael and Mrs.
Thomas Purcell of Weston, have been
In town today upon a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison of
Pilot Rock, came In yesterday after
noon and remained over last night on
a visit.
H. M. Armstrong and Charles A.
Webster, both of Weston, have been
here today and are guests at the Hotel
St. George.
O. F. Thomson, the well known
pioneer of Butter creek, left for his
home this morning after a few days'
visit In the city.
Robert Burns, general agent of the
O. R. & N. at Walla Walla, Is In the
city today on business connected with
his department.
H. E. Collier and wife expect to
leave tomorrow for Portland, where
Mr. Collier will locate and practice
law In the future.
Mark Heacock, of the Winslow1 Bros.
Jewelry store, arrived home this morn
ing after a two weeks' visit with rel
atives near Portland.
A. V. Andrews, formerly an O. R.
& N. conductor, but now a prominent
clothing merchant of La Grande, came
over today on a business trip.
Col. J. H. Raley expects to leave
this evening for the east upon an
extended trip, during which he will
visit at the Jamestown exposition.
Foreman F. P. Rounds of the me
chanical department of the O. R. &
X. at this place, has Just returned
from a business trip to Portland.
R. A. Kelsay, formerly with the
Cunningham Sheep & Land company,
came up from Portland this morning
and Is a guest at the Hotel Pendleton.
Judge T. G. Hallcy came up from
Portland this morning for the purpose
of appearing In the circuit court In
connection with the east end water
Miss Adna Raley and Miss Alice
Van Xuys will leave tomorrow morn
ing upon a three months' trip In the
east, during which they will visit at
the Jamestown exposition.
Bird F. Lewis, J. R. Carter and J. F.
Phy, all of La. Grande, passed through
the city this morning on their way to
Pilot Rock, where they will look after
their timber claims In that vicinity.
C. M. Rader, the Walla Walla law
yer, has been here today for the pur
pose of appearing In the Little Walla
Walla water suit In which he and
Judge Halley appear for the Peacock
Mills company.
Dr. W. H. Lytle, state sheep In
spector, arrived home Inst evening
after having been In Portland for sev
eral days In connection with the
Washington-Oregon sheep case In the
federal court
Miss Helen Weir passed through the
city last evening on her way from
Spokane to Long Creek. Grant county,
where she will visit her brother, Edi
tor Weir of the Long Creek Ranger
and Monument Enterprise, for a few
weeks. She was entertained by Miss
L. R. Lorenz while In the city.
Saturday, June 8th
The Uondor Store
commence tneir
First Annual Clearance
Watch for the price list Friday, this
will be the greatest sale of the season
j For Sale.
A good hny stacker, including mnst,
fork, rope and pulleys, complete. Ad
I dress Gideon Brown or call at 603
Mndlson street after 7 o'clock p. m.
j . All the news all the time In the
' East Oregonlnn. '
Clarence, narrow Reviews the Men
Who Will Try Famous Case.
In an Interview with Clarence Dar
row and Mr. Richardson after the
empannellng of the Haywood Jury
the following statement was made by
"The Haywood Jury la made up of
eight republicans, three democrat"
and one prohibitionist. It consists of
nine farmers, one real estate argent,
one" building contractor and one fore
man of fence construction on a rail
road, i 1 .-f'V
"There Is no man on the Jury who
works for wages or who has ever be
longed to a labor organization, ex
cept Burns was a member of a car
penters' union 14 years ago, or who
has ever been a student of trades un
ionism or the labor question.
"In the 200 odd Jurors drawn not
more than three trades unlonista were
placed in the panel and these were
excused for conscientious objections
to capital punishment and fixed opin
ions. The Jurors drawn have been main
ly farmers Interspersed with a large
number of bankers and some business
men. The Jurors appear to be men
of honest purposes, determined to
give the defendant a fair trial, but
it ia uniformly made up of a class to
which none of the defendants have
ever belonged and who have" no na
tural kinship to labor organlzattona.
"In addition to thla they are drawn
from a amall county almost wholly
agricultural and each member for a
year and a half has read little about
the case except what has been con
tained In the Boise dally papers and
this has been uniformly hostile to the
defendants. Nearly all of them ad
mitted that thoy had formed opin
ions and impressions from what they
read and necessarily these must have
been against the defendant."
Notice Is hereby given that ' the
grocery business heretofore conduct
ed by the Gordon Grocery company.
at 130 East Court street, in Pendle
ton, Oregon, will be discontinued
May 22, lt07. All persons owing said
firm are requested to make settle
ment of their accounta with F. A.
Gordon, treasurer of said firm,.' at his
office In Pendleton, Oregon. Office
will he in the store until June 15,
Dated this 21st day of May, 1907.
By David Gordon, President.
By J. B. Halley, Secretary.
'Left for the Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Marx Flelsher of
Santa Maria, . Cal., who have been
visiting at the home of Mr. .nnd Mrs.
Tinii Mnwi fnr the nast week, left
this morning for Walla Walla and
Puget sound points. Mr. Flelsher is
a hrnthor of Mrs. Moses and himself
and wife are now enjoying an out
ing after ylose confinement in tneir
business ftr 27 years. They have
Just closed cut a mercantile business
in Santa Mnrla ami Mr. Flelsher Is
now dealing In California oil land
with much success. They were de
lighted with Pendleton nnd enjoyed
a pleasant visit here and hope to re
turn somp time In the future for an
other visit.
Prisoner's Wife Dies.
Word was received here this morn
ing of the death of Mrs. Mike Mc
Carty at North Yakima. The deceas
ed was the wife of Mike McCarty, now
In the county Jail charged with hav
ing robbed J. P. McManus In the Idle
Hour lodging house last winter.
Earn More
There is inspiration in good health.
With keen appetite, sound digestion,
good blood, clear head, strong nerves,
you feel that you can attempt and
succeed in almost any undertaking.
Keep physically fit and you can do
more and earn more.
have special value for busy people.
When overwork causes brain-fag, loss
of nervous force, impairs the diges
tion; or when inactive bowels make
one feel discouraged and blue take
Beecham's Pills. ' There is nothing
like them to strengthen the digestion,
regulate the bowels, removebiliousdis
orders, relieve nerve tension, and beget
the self-confidence and poise which
Sold Everywhere. In boxes loo sod tja,
Boosting the Rose Show.
The Portland Spectator says of the
Portland rose show and fiesta to bo
held in that city June 21 nnd 22:
That the rose show end fiesta will
be a spiendld success there la no
doubt. Subscriptions are coming In
In such numbers nnd amounts that
tho original plans will likely be re
vised to permit of a more extensive
dlfplny and cnmlvnl than the protec
tors of the affair first plnnncd. .Voth
liifr that Portland has ever undertak
en has fallen through, nnd the city
has never fcikcn up anything that
promises so much advertising In ns
short a tlmo ns this rose show.
W. J. Dowllntr Is dond nt Dayton.
Wash., where he started, owned nnd
operated till his death, the first
foundry In Columbia county.
At Rnise, Samuel Wllkr-rson, aged
fS vears, while calking a boat, fell
dead nerosa his work, from heart
Known For Its Strength
First National
Pendleton, Oregon
Designated United States Depositary
Established 1882
Capital Surplus and
Undivided Profits -
Interest Paid on Time Deposits