East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 04, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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In which every article of white will be reduced, starts Saturday, Jane 7, and ends Saturday, June 21.
1 5 Days of marvelous bargains of White. In every Department will be found extraordinary values A special feature will be the
sale on 25,000 pieces of Women and Children's fine Undermuslins. The very best bargains ever offered in Lingerie of a high class and
manafacture. Look tQ your needs. Prepare your shopping list now and be ready to take advantage of this saving opportunity.
Remember the date, June 7 to June 2 1 , inclusively.
, White Gloves
' White Ribbons
White Buttons
White Dress Trimmings
White Laces
White Embroideries
'White Allovers, White Silks
White Velvets
White Dress Goods, etc., etc.
White Hosiery
Save Your Coupons
White Parasols
White Underwear
White Belts. White Handbags
White Veilings
White Flannels
While Linens, White Towels,
White Sheets, White Spreads
White Cottons, etc., etc., etc.
White Bed Linens
Swiss, Nainsook
India Llnon, Lans, etc.
White Shoes for women
and children
Lace Curtains
Curtain Materials
White Blankets, Pillows, Notions.
Linings, etc., etc., etc.
Men's White Wear
White Shirts
White Underwear
Handkerchiefs, Straw Hats
White Neckwear
White Pajamas ,
White Nightshirts
White Gloves
White Suspenders
White Sweaters, Bar Coats
White Vests, etc., etc.
White Hats
2B0.000 pieces of Muslin Underwear
Clowns, Drawers, Chemise
Skirts, Corset Covers, Sets
Infants' Wear
Infants' Shoes, Infants' Caps
Women's Aprons
White Corsets
White Suits of all kinds arid
White costumes
White Wraps, White Skirts
White Waists
White Petticoats
Children's Dresses
White Klmonas
White Flannel Coats
White Millinery .
White Sweaters
Infnnts' Coats, etc.-, .etc., etc.
White Chlnar Cut GInss.
White Glassware, Silverware
White Dinner Sets, etc., etc.
Every white article In the store
reduced In price. Few contract
Ijoods alone are excepted. Look to
your needs.
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it Pays to Trade
Suniptcr Valley Horses Die From a
Dlneaae Having Every symptom of
Spinal Meningitis Investigation
Made by Veterinarians Shows That
the Disease? Is Really Serious.
The horses in Sumpter valley have
bten the victims of an epidemic
which competent veterinarians have
declared has all the symrtoms of
cerebro-splnal meningitis. The epi
demic has caused some alarm among
horsemen of that section, but It
seems that the disease has been
checked from further Inroads by the
work of the veterinarians. The Ba
ker City Democrat says.
Dr. C. F. Kcrlnek of Salem, who
with Dr. F. T. Not of Baker City,
spent yesterday In Sumpter Investi
gating the epidemic that has visited
the horses In this region, last night
reported that the trouble Is not as
serious as feared and all the deaths
that have occurred have not been
from the epidemic The treatment
given by Dr. Notz to prevent the
ppread of the disease has been heart
ily endorsed.
Dr. Charles F. Korinek has return
ed from Baker City and the Sumpter
valley where he went to Investigate
the epidemic aforementioned, at the
request of Govrnor Chamberlain to
whom Mayor Edwards of Baker City
had appealed for assistance. Dr. Ko
rinek went there to Investigate the
epidemic which had affected more
than a score of horses of all classes.
In company with Dr. Lytle, of Pen
dleton, state sheep Inspector, and one
of the ablest veterinarians in the state
and Dr. F. T. Not of Baker City, he
went to Sumpter valley and held
three post mortem examinations on
some of the affected horses which
were ordered killed. All classes of
horses were affected and the symp
toms which were found led the doc
tors to conclude that the disease was
cerebro-splnal meningitis.
In the three cases that came under
the supervision and investigation of
the veterinarians, It was found that
the brain and spinal cord were In an
affected condition.
The horses are apparently In good
condition when they suddenly fall
and lay dawn. Slaking It necessary
for wme one to lift them up before
they can regain their poise.
After being raised up they contin
ue on their way for a time, but again
fall. It seems that the entire sys
tem f the animal Is broken down
and the veterinarians arc doing all
they can to check the Inroads of the
epidemic und no far have met with
some success. The cause of the dis
ease has been assigned to the poor
hay and musty oats.
many changes as the boau' Is gener
ally believed to b9 corsei vatlve. Ac
cording to the report of J. H. Acker
man, stace school ruperlntendent,
there were 101), 898 school children In
1906 In actual attendance In this
The board may continue In session
for 15 days. Each member of the
state text book commission is paid
$100 for attendance at each meeting
provided by law, and 10-cent mile
Plneules are for the Kidneys and
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired
worn out feeling. They produce natu
ral action of the kidneys; SO days'
treatment $1.00. Money refunded If
Plnules are hot satisfactory. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Linemen In Idaho Strike.
Out of sympathy for their striking
fellow members of the Electrical
Workers union of Salt Lake, who
have struck for more pay, 25 line
men employeij by the Bell Telephone
ccmpany In Boise walked out yester
day morning In accordance with a
decision reached at 'a meeting held
Friday night
The quitting of the men was en
tirely unexpected to the telephone
people who It was reported by Man
ager Jones hod an understanding
with the men that they would not
go out simply out of sympathy with
their Salt Lake brethren. When every
one of them, however, failed to show
up for work In the morning it soon
became evident that the strike was
on and work on the outside was at
an end for the time being.
The local members of the Electrical
Workers' union, It is stated, had no
grievance, whatever, but their branch
Is In the same district as Salt Lake
and they are therefore subject to the
same scale of wages, rules, etc.
While there Is a considerable
amount of outside work still to be
done In connection with the Improve
ments tho company has been making
In Its local service, the principal part
the Installing of two-party Instead
of four-party wires Is nearly finish
ed so far as the work of the linemen
Is concerned. The strike will, how
ever, leave the company very short-
handed and will cause a cessation in
the extension and further improve
ment of the system which it was con
templated would be carried on during
the summer.
Last night it was reported here
that the electrical workers at Wei-
ser, Payetto, Nampa, Caldwell and all
other places In the jurisdiction had
gone out also. Boise Statesman.
Man Zan Pile remedy comes put up
In a locnnsible tube with a nozzle.
Easy to apply right where the soreness
and Inflammation exists. It relieves
at once blind, bleeding, Itching or pro
truding piles. Guaranteed. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen A Bros.
Many C'lianges in fk-lmol Books Are
Representatives of schoolbook pub
lishing houses are In Salem today to
the number of 30 for the meeting of
the state text, hook commission
which consists of H. W. Scott of
Portland, P. L. Campbell of Eugene,
C. A. Johns of Baker City and W. M.
Colvlg of Jacksonvlle.
The branches of study In which
text books must be selected are:
Reading, grammar, written arlthme
tic, mental arithmetic, geography,
spelling, writing, physiology and hy
glene, United States history, civil
government, nature study and science
work music and drawing.
For high schools ;ho list Is as fn
lows: Higher English, Algebra, phy
sical geography, Latin, general his
tory, bookkeeping, physiology, botany,
English and American authors, ge
onr.etry, phyt'.s, geology, higher arlth'
metlc, elementary political economy,
c,' 1- rover iment, German, themls'.rv,
Lionel Norrls, aged 22, and his
younger brother, Cresson, were
drowned in Voncouver harbor, Brit
ish Columbia. Cresson fell off a sail
boat and his brother plunged after
him. The two struggled several min
utes and disappeared.
A very dangerous field of Icebergs
said to cover six square miles was
sighted May 22 in latitude 41, longi
tude 97 (Atlantic.) French, English
and American cutters are patroling
the bergs as they drift south, for the
purpose of warning commerce.
Salvador San Fellppe, a well known
Italian agriculturist residing near San
Jose, Cal., was shot and killed by his
brother Fellppo. The murder was the
result of a quarrel between the
brothers. Salvador was " quarreling
with his wife when FeliODO Interfered.
At Copenhagen, Denmark, Cerda
Krum Nathanson, the celebrated
Danish actress, was shot and mortally
wounded by her husband at the Hotel
Aalberg. The husband .after shoot
ing his wife, Immediately committed
suicide. Jealousy was the cause of
the tragedy.
During a review at Rome on June
1, Captain Uillvelll made an ascension
in a military balloon, with King Em
manuel and Queen Helena among the
spectators. At a height of about 700
feet the balloon was split by lightning
and fell like a plummet, Uillvelll was
dashed to pieces.
Over $1,200,000 damage has been
caused to crops and manufacturing
plants by the breaking of the Rio
Grande levee at White's Spur, eight
miles above-El Paso, Texas. Mors
than 1000 acres of land are under
water and many families have been
driven from their homes.
French merchant sailors have gone
on strike In nearly every port of the
renubllc. The government promised
to break the strike with naval sailors
nnA nttemnted to do so. when the of
fleers of the merchantmen promptly
followed their sailors out, refusing to
give orders to the marines.
While on a picnic to Deep Cove,
near Vancouver, B. c, t.yon isorns,
asred 25. and his brother Cheffop, 10
rM were drowned. The party
was in a sailboat when the small boy
fell Into the water. The older ooy
jumped after him. The small boy
clutched his throat and both were
Dades Little Liver Pills keep the
system clean, the stomach sweet.
Prompt relief for headache and bil
iousness. Good for all the family. Sold
by A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
The roller skating season Is now on.
In order to skate your shoes must fit
To get a proper fit you must buy them
at the Peoples Warehouse..
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Bees laxative uougn ayrup
rtnntntna hnnev and tar but no op'ates
Children like It. Its laxative qualltloj
recommend It to motlhers. Hourse-
ness, coughs, croup yield quickly.
Keep It on hand. Sold by A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
All the news all the time In the
East Oregonlan.
That Nailed Shoe is
not easy on your
foot. Nail a shoe on ,
a sewed shoe ruins
the shoe. 1 have the
machines to do the
work and sew on a
sole better than hand
work at, only 85c a
pair for Men's and
60c for Ladies' shoes.
It makes the shoe
look like new. Try
me once.
JMmmmMmt ' lnour
128 Court St.
Pendleton, Ore.
Byers' Best Flour
Is mads from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread la aasar- f
ed when BTERS' BEST FLOUR ts used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Relied
Barley always on sand.
W. 8. BTERS, Proprietor.
Try It
New brand now on the
Made by hi new modern
It beats all for perfect bread
Walters' Flour Mills
Sunshine Remedies
will be found a remedy for
almost every ill, ache or pain;
guaranteed. If not satisfied,
your money back..
Just arrived from New York,
Ladies' Hand Bags
Sale is oh this week.
A quiet, orderly place for a game of
pool, billiards or a little exercise In
Corner Main and Webb Streets.
Sixteenth International Convention
Baptist's Young People's Union of
America, Spokane, Wash., July t,
For the above occasion O. R. A N.
Co, will sell tickets at rats of ons and
one-third fare for round trip. Tick
ets on sale July Id and 3d. Final
return limit July 10, 1907..
For further Information call on
local agent or writs
Portland, Ore.
Oregon peoPle .outside of Portland who bought the last few days are: Peter Ophus, S. T. Ness, Martin
Hargenson, Charles Oleson and John Oleson, all of Eugene, one lot. each; Grant Wade, Olex, four; C. W.
Shurte T. B. Richardson, E. J, Nitschke and George A. Clough, all of Arlington, two lots each; M. O. Clark,
Condon, one; J. A. Sheridan, Seattle, one. They know that "TERRACE PARK" property will soon treble in
value. We want to tell you about our $30U to $ouu iois, on easy ierms. nw iway.
The Spanton Company
I'inlogy, astrensmy.
It Is not thought there will be