n'H" ..... , . . EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1907. PAGE FIVK. PERSONAL MENTION A NEW LINE OF ShirfWaist Suits Will Be Shown Tomorrow at Teutsch's Great Rebuilding sae They come in dsjrk and light colored twilled goods, nicely f0 QQ inndo and will sell for only DaflwO Pretty figured and checked lawns at $0.63, down to 38 Great Specials in Skirts 250 this season's skirts in black, blue, brown, green and fancy mixtures. We sold 38 of theso wonderful bargains Saturday. Come in tomorrow early. They will be on sale at Alterations Free. $3.77 25 Beautiful Voile Skirts On sale at Reduilding Sale Prices. 18 different styles. You can save 33 1-3 percent. Don't Pass the Big Red Signs, Teutsch's Dep t. Store The Fastest Growing Store in Eastern Oregon. CITY BREVITIES Tit Hansen's sundae at Donald son's. All kinds of food, dry weed. 8m Mlnnls. Wanted Gardener at Cunningham ranch at Pilot Rock. All kinds of fancy drinks at Don aldson's soda fountain. Nicely furnished ?ttag for rent Enquire 400 Water street Try Walters' new "Hard Wheat" flour, now on the market See Mlnnls for good, dry wood that burns. Lots of It on hand. Leathers Transfer Co day and night service. "Phone Main 111. Nice furnished housekeeping rooms for rent Inquire 101 Logaa street 100 trimmed hats at half price. Mrs. Campbell's MlUnery. Have the baby's picture taken at Bowman's studio, near bridge. For Rent Two neatly furnished rooms at 312 South Main street IF TOO HAVE ANT EYE TROUBLES bring them to us as we are rettaMe opticians. No charges for the ansa Inatlon and a very reasonable one for the best kind of glasses. All work guaranteed. Tours for good goods and good results. Louis Hunziker Jeweler (8b Optician, ?l Main M. Wanted Ten lady clothes Ironers at the Domestic Laundry. For hardwood, white enamel Unod refrigerators, go to Goodman Hard ware Co. Large Una of high grade ham mocks Just received, at Goodman Hardware Co. Housekeeping rooms for rent only one block from Main street Bn qnlre at tOI W. Webb street. Lost In or near the Ireland Rink, a gold bracelet, partly engraved. Finder please leave at this office. Fresh country butter, sweet and clean, per roll, 60c. The Peoples Warehouse, where It pays to trade. Lost Ladles' open-face gold watch, on West Court street or north Main street, today. Reward. Leave at this office. The roller skating season m now on. In order to skate your shoe must fit To get a proper nt you must buy them at the Peoples Warehouse. TJ. 8. Health ft Accident Insurance Co., Saginaw, Mlclu, sells best dollar per month policy on market; new features, new rates; agents wanted. Western office, 101 Marco m, Portland, Ore. Chaae A Sanborn Coffee and Teas, the best line of Groceries for less money. Lowest price, courteous and obliging is my motto. Give us a call and Inspect our goods. We make the price. C. Rohrman. For Sale Columbia phonograph costing I1H, and SM records, costing 60 cents each. Will sell outfit for, flTt. Guaranteed in first slass con dition. Bert Wilson, room Schmidt building. Why not get the beet bread? Tou desorve It Buy from first hand and save two profits. Get the best for your money. Tou should get Rohr man's bread, It has that creamy taste and It Is even better than mother's bread. Buy from a baker and get the best. Our shop Is open for Inspection at all times. C. Rohrman. ' Back From Jamestown. Rev. A. J. Adams, presbyterlan pastor at Moro, returned last night from the east where he attended the CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 10c Made from our pure cream and Huylers Chocolate, same as served at Huylerf Stores in New York City. v ' '.' ' ' THE JDRUO STORE THAT SERVES YOU . BEST. ! ., general assembly of the Presbytrlan church at Columbus, Ohio, and later the Jamestown exposition. He was greatly disappointed In the exposi tion, as It was not ready and present' en a discouraging aspect In every way. He returned home through the southern states and found them In. a highly prosperous condition, with heavy rains falling everywhere until he reached Idaho. He left this morn ing for Hood River for a brief visit before returning to Moro, S. K. Kates of this city, who ac companied him east Is visiting In Illinois and will not return for sev eral days yet Andraw .licton's Education. "'!! vi a.; li winter for two or three : ..i ior l:e h.ul iv;;ched the age of HTu An Yiv .la k-in was sent to the ' i ,1 f a Mr. Brunch. After !; .t'.i' i'.pi! t!:e s.'lect scho;l whir!) 4 r.Vol.; tv'i i re 'cher, the Rev. Ir. r:iv,i ;; ,v.vs. t.u.h'lit In the Wu:: !:.! Bv'tl.i'ii.'..-t. He appears to have ii-'ii I 1 Hi's higher school I: the .'.pr.nif K v.h.u the inroad of Tar Iclou i-rvntt'd n pn.ilo In that portion of thi? Cnioi.t:i... At some later perlo.l of his youth ho U s.ul to have attended the old yuoen voMogu or seminary ut I'hnrlotte 11 couple of terms, hut the time Is not detlnltcly kuuwn. As to education, therefore, It mny be safely stated that Andrew Jackson eu Joyed much more than the ordinary ad vantage of a backwoods boys of his time. At the age of ten he had become so good a reader that he was often chosen to read the newspaper to the assembled neighbors, and he remem bered with pride In after years that he bad thus bad the honor of "reading out load," the Declaration of Independence upon Its arrival In the Waxbaws. For a lad of ten this was. Indeed, some thing to remember with honest pride. Thomas B. Watson In Watson's Jeffer- sonian Mnprnjsine. Notice to Public. We will not be responsible for debts contracted in the name of St. Anthony's hospital, excepting when written order is presented, signed by us. sisters of st. francis Masonic Mooting Tonight. Pendleton lodge No. 62, A. F. & A. M., will hold a regular meeting this ovenlng In Masonia hall, commencing at 7:30. By the explosion of several hun dred pounds of power at a storage warehouse of a Fawsworth mill nenr Terre ounte, Tnd., Claud Davis, oged six ana raui Keene, aged 9, were blown to pieces, and three others boys were seriously hurt Friday. Hanley & Parsons within the past week have shipped from Ontario 3000 head of stork cattle to Montana, and will soon ship 4000 more,, from the "P" ranch In Harney county. Peter Tachelll went to Milton today on a brief business trip. Attorney F. W. Bartlett of Hermls- ton, Is In the city today. Mrs. William Hilton went up to Milton yesterday on a brief visit. Mrs. J. H. Heed of Hermlston, Is among Pendleton visitors today. Leo Teutsch left last night fori Iduho upon a short business visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dodd of Hermls- ton, are In the city on a brief visit. Robert Llvermore left for Portland lust evening to remain there during the summer. C. E. Baker, editor of the Hermls- ton Herald, Is In the city today on a business trip. Miss Lurle and Miss Grace Doro thy have gone to their home near Mliton for a few days' visit. Louis Kcholl, Jr., the well known real estate dealer at Echo, was In the city yesterday for a short time on business. MIhs Edna Stahl has been visiting in the city with Mrs. Dr. Idleman for a few days on her way from Athena to her home In Moro. Mrs. Rose McGraf, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamblen for the past week, left today for her home In Portland. Bert Geer, night editor on the Tri bune, has resigned his position and expects to leave tonight for western Oregon to remain during the summer. William Humphrey, of the Patton- Humphreys barber shop, has return ed from a two weeks' visit In Port land and other places of western Oregon. Mrs. G. A. Moore left Saturday evening over the W. & C. R. railroad for Pasco, where she goes to visit her husband, who is now In business there. Prof, and Mrs. G. W. Haw, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robblns for the past week, left this morning for their home In Endl cott. Wash. Henry Lazlnka of Camas Prairie, Is In the city for a few days' visit with his family. His stock, which are now on the summer range, are In excel lent condition. Dr. M. K. Hall of La Grande, came over this morning to assist Dr. W. G. Cole In an operation for appendicitis on Engineer Lee Morgan of Kamela, at St. Anthony's hospital. Miss Ray Leveretch and Miss David son, who have been here during the spring from Chicago, trimming at the Carrier millinery store, left today for Minnesota, where they will spend the summer at their homes. Miss David son expects to Btop at Chelan, Wash., en route, where she has a sister whom she will visit for a short time. 100 MORE FEET CONCRETE WALK Three Corners of Main and Alts Now Torn Vp. Today workmen commenced con structtng 100 feet of concrete walk on the west Bide of Main street, com' menclng at the corner by Tallman's drug store and extending south. With the tearing up of the walk at that corner three of the corners at the Junction of Main and Webb streets are rendered unfit for travel. How' ever, the work at the Savings bank corner will now soon be completed and the occupants of the west side of the street are rejoicing over the construction of a concrete sidewalk on the block between Webb and Alta streets. There Is now much agitation In favor of the concrete being ex tended throughout the entire block. Uniforms Have Arrived. This forenoon the olive drab serv ice uniforms for the captain and lieu tenants of company L, arrived here from Chicago and henceforth they will be worn by the officers at drill. They were to have reached here be fore Memorial Day, but owing to de lay In shipment did not do so with the result that the officers were com pelled to wear khaki suits from the company stock here. The uniforms were secured of Armstrong & Co., of Chicago, through Bond Bros, Six Per Cent Bonds for Sale. For sale, eight 6 per cent city of Pendleton bonds, denomination of 1250 each. Will sell all or any part of said bonds. Inquire at Pendleton Savings bank. Warren Construction Co. 150 Linemen Ordered Out. Pan Francisco, June 3. One hun dred fifty linemen employed by the Piolflr- Telephone company were or 1cicd to strike this forenoon In sym pathy with the telephone operators. LINES Traversing 17 States and Territories The Richest Under the Son Rock bland-Frisco Lines completely gridiron tbe great Middle 'West and Southwest- From the Rocky Mountains and the Rio Grande to the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley From Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. If you are going: anywhere in this great land of activity, let me tell you about our service to h,and through it to the East Cenenl Agent, Rock lItnd-f ritco Lines. 140 Third St.. PORTLAND. ORE. MORE RIGHT OF WAT DEEDS. Stipulated P.aliroad Must Be Built Wltliln Five Tears. Six more right of way deeds for the Simmons Landing-Holdman railroad were filed for record today. They are given by the following property owners along the proposed line: Sal lie Montgomery, J. O. Kerr, Frank Hanna and wife, W. L. Guerrant and wife. Thorn Olsen and wife and Oro Holdman. All of the deeds are made to E. W. McComas and for a consider ation of 11 each. In the right of way deeds it is specified that the road from Simmons Landing to Holdman must be com pleted within five years. The deed given by Oro Holdman Is for ground for depot purposes. TO IJfCORrORATE HERMISTOV. If Movement Succeeds a Special Elec tion Will Follow. Today the proposition of incor porating Hermlaton has been before the county court and this afternoon a petition asking for the incorpora tion was formally presented by At torney Partlett The Incorporation is asked for up on the lines made known a few weeks ago, and as the people of the town seem united in asking for the Incorporation there is little doubt but that the request will be granted by the court. Should it be, a special elemtior, will be held shortly for the' purpose of electing the first corps of cltt officers. - Plate Glass Window Marred. Some time last night a miscreant greatly marred one of the windows of Bond Bros, store by scratching the plate glass with a glass cutter or a diamond ring. The large window Is scratched In two places and can he made right again only by being re placed. This afternoon Charles Bond of Bond Bros., stated that he will Rive a reward of 125 for the arrest and conviction of the party guilty of the above act OLD BUILD uSSOLD SCHOOL DISTRICT RID OF ITS "WHITE ELEPHANTS" Structures Known as "the Old Acad cm y Buildings," Bring $250, Paid by Peter Medernach and J. H. Lawrey Buildings will be Remor ed by the Purchaaua District Will Retain Ownership of Ground and Possibly Lease It to the City. Baptist Tonng People. The young people of the Baptist church will meet this evening at the home of Mrs. Ward, at the corner of Clay and Railroad streets, for a so cial session. Through a deal made Saturday the Pendleton school board sold its old buildings on east Webb street to Peter Medernach and J. H. Lawrey. The price paid for the two buildings was 1250 and they are to be removed from the property within a abort time. Ever since the new buildings were erected and the board ceased using the old academy buildings, the two frame structures have been "white elephants" on the hands of the board. For some time past they have been offering the buildings for sale at 1150, and when the offer was received from Messrs. Medernach and Lawrey Sat urday it was accepted. According to Mr. Lawrey, the old buildings were bought for no partic ular purpose and he does not yet know what will be done with them. However, they will be removed from the school property. It Is the intention of the school board to retain the land upon which the old buildings are situated so that the ground can be available for a building site when it becomes neces sary to erect another school building in that end of town. In the mean time it Is proposed to lease the ground to the city for a terra of year for use as a public resting place, providing the city will secure It for such and make the necessary im provements. Should the city not take the ground for that purpose It will be rented to some Individual for gar dening purposes. Rear? the East Orcgontan. Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is i ed when BYERS' BEST FLOUR la used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Relied Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYE Its, Proprietor. Good Slab Wood This is the time to get acquainted with our Slab Wood, try a load, you will find it the best summer wood you can buy. If you need Sawdust for any purpose we can supply you. Oregon Lumber .Yard All the news nil the, time In the Rant Oregonlart.