East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Parlor Lamp
There is positively
no excuse for the
prices mentianed
We simply have the
goods to sell,and you
may judge for your
self the fairness of
our proposition.
$10.50 LAMPS IS.40
$8.50 LAMPS $7.2$
$8.50 LAMPS $4.00
$5.75 LAMPS $3.85
$2.60 LAMPS $2.00
$1.95 LAMPS $1.35
Our motto is : Satisfaction or
money refunded.
Empire Tea &
Crockery Co.,
Schmidt Bldg. 'Phone Red $741.
W. W. Campbell, Mgr.
Bad Blood
Made Good
It your blood Is Impure or lacking
In vital qualities, you need more than
a purifier. You need a blood builder
aa well. Our
Sarsaparilla Com
pound with Iron.
not only ezpela Impurities from the
blood which cause debility, but It also
makes pure, rich blood. Give It a
Tallmai. & Co.
Leading Druggists.
Purchase Price M $100,000 and the
Transfer Is From J. Frank Watson
to Frank Donnelly of Chicago
Mortgage for $100,000 b Filed on
the Same Biggest Land Ical In the
County This Year.,
By the terms of a deed filed for
record here today the Immense Hunt
ranch near Foster, together with the
Henrietta mills of Echo, are trans
ferred from J. Frank Watson to Frank
Donnelly of Chicago. The filing marks
the consummation of the deal that
was made some time ago whereby the
Hunt ranch and property was sold to
the Swift people of Chicago.
The consideration named In the
deed Is 1160,000 and It gives title to
7200 acres of land described as fol
lows: All of section 25: the southeast
half and the south half of the south
west quarter of section 26; the south
half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion 27. The east half of the north
east quarter of section 34, all of sec
tion 35; the west half of section 36,
all In township 4 north of range 28,
E. W. M.
The northwest half of the north
west quarter of the southwest quarter
nnd the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 31.
township 4. north of range 29.
The northwest quarter and the
west half of the southwest quarter
section 1, township 3, north of range
28: the northeast quarter and the west
half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion 36. township 4, north of range 2S,
E. W. M.
The northeast quarter of section 1,
township 3, north of range 28, E. W.
M., also a fractional part of the
northwest quarter of section 8. town
ship 3, north of range 29 east.
The west half of the northeast
quarter of section 34, township 4
north of range 28, E. W. M.; also
the east half of the southwest quarter
and the west half of section 1, town
ship 3. north of range 28, E. W. M.
Besides the big deed a mortgage for
$100,000 given by Frank Donnelly to
J. Frank Watson, was also filed for
record. It is given as security for
two notes of $50,000 each given by
Donnelly to Watson.
j Star Restaurant
i YAP & H1NG, Prop. 1
Under New Management, Ji
Meals 15c and up.
Dally Bast Oregonlaa by carrier,
nly 16 cents a week.
Most Brides
Are Happy
When the wedding pres
ents begin coming In. All
brides are happy when the
presents come from Wins
low's. We have
Gul Glass,
Hand Painted Ghna
Solid Silver
The very best the market
Telephone and mall Orders
Winslow Bros.
The Bride's Favorite Jewelers.
Our Hats
Speak for
Thay are "second to
none" in Tone, Touch
Qualiry, Character and
The home of the stylish'hat.
Sells-Floto Shows Coming to the City
June 1.
The great Sells-Floto shows will be
here tomorrow for the usual two ex
hibitions, rain or shine. A grand free
open-den pageant will parade the prin
cipal streets In the morning and Its
gorgeous beauty and cleanliness del
notes the prosperity of this famous
show, giving ample evidence that a
praiseworthy program will follow In
the big tents.
The program at both the afternoon
and night exhibitions commences with
the performing elephants.
From the time the elephants come
Into the arena until the two hours'
performance has been concluded there
will be one continuous whirl of excit
ing feats. There will be something
new In bareback riding, In swinging
trapeze, In tight and slack rope walk
ing, In contortion, In tumbling, In hori
zontal bar work, In the swinging rings
and on the swinging pole, In bicycle
riding and roller skating In fact. In
everything that goes to make up an
entertaining circus performance.
One of the most spectacular of the
feats given by the Sells-Floto shows
Is that performed by Herr Schmidt
and William Hoye. Mr. Hove, who
Is an expert bicyclist, mounts into a
big frme basket and rides around Its
steep sides while the whole weight Is
balanced at arms length by Herr
Schmidt. It is a remarkable display
of daring and strength. Mathematic
ians bave figured that Herr Schmidt
sustains a weight of 3000 pounds when
the bicyclist above his head goes
whirling up and down the sides of
the 12 to 16-foot whirl-way.
This Is only one of the remarkable
things you will see under the Sells
Floto tents. There are many others.
Among them are the Iron-jawed Ty
bell sisters, who sustain themselves
nnd other great weights with their
teeth: the Petter family, two brothers
and three sisters, who perform a
series of sensational gymnastics; Her
bert, the human frog, one of the
greatest contortionists Of the present
day; the four Olivers, eccentric com
edians, who do all sorts of queer
things ,such as playing man upside
down, three heads In two, shooting the
clown out of a cannon and other
laughable things.
Then there are the trick riders and
Mademoiselle Althea ,the marvelous
slack wire walker, not to mention the
trained donkeys, dogs, pigs, geese, etc.
Stranger from Portland Beaten tip
at Railroad Station.
B. F. McGee, a foreman for the
Pacific Coast Construction company,
was tried in the police court this
morning for having helped In an at
tack on a laborer at the O. R. & N.
depot about 5 o'clock last evening:
The man assaulted had been sent
up here from Portland to go to work
for the construction company and
while at the depot with McGee, Riley,
another foreman, and a crowd of
workmen, he says he was Jumped up
on and badly beaten last evening.
Among other things he says his as
sailants desired to tear his right eye
out and his eye shows some evidence
of such treatment.
Following the fight last night, Ri
ley was arrested, but was released by
the police after having given $10 ball
which he forfeited by not appearing
this morning. However, McGee was
on hand, and was defended by Roy
Haley, while City Attorney McCourt
prosecuted him. At the conclusion
of the case Judge Fit Gerald took
the case under advisement.
Opened For Business
June 22nd, 1904.
Our great growth tells Its own story.
Big enough to accommodate you; not too big to appreciate you.
Four per cent Interest paid on on time deposits.
If not a customer, a trial will convince you of our merits.
We have Safety Deposit boxes to rent.'
Commercial National Bank
Capital $50,000.00 Rescource $350,000.00
O. E. ilurqulst. Formerly of the O. R.
& N., Met Death in Spokane.
0. E. BurgoUlst, formerly a fireman
and brakeman on the O. R. & N. at
La iirande, was injured in the O. R.
& Nr. yards at Spokane a few days ago
while working as brakeman and died
yesterdny morning as a result of his
Burgqulst was a, popular young man
among his fellow employes, was 26
years of age and unmarried. Up to
the time of the death of Fireman Mc
Fatridge In the Cayuse wreck a few
weeks ago, the two roomed together
In La Grande.
Engineer F. Rechlen of La Grand?
passed through this morning to Spo
kane to accompany the remains of
Burgqulst to his old home In Minne
apolis, Minn., for interment. Burg
qulst was a member of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Firemen.
Excellent Musical Program Arranged
for Organ Recital at the New
M. E. Church Tills Evening Prof.
Carl Denton of Portland Will Pre
side at the Pipe Organ Delightful
Program Is Promised.
Tonight the new Methodist church
at the corner of Webb and Johnson
streets wilt be used for the first time
when a musical will be given. It
will be one of the finest programs
of that nature presented here In
many months and ull lovers of mu
sic will doubtless be present.
Carl Denton, organist at the Trin
ity Episcopal church In Portland, will
render organ selections, while vocal
selections will be rendered by Mrs.
Norton and other talented local sing
ers. An admission of 60 cents will
be charged and seats for the musical
are now on sale at the Tallman drug
store and at the Ellers piano house.
The following Is tonight's program
in detail:
1. Organ "Festal In se" .... Calkin
Carl Denton.
2. "Alone With God" Abbott
Miss Constance DeSpaln.
3. (a) Prayer Marchesl
(b) "Eye Hath Not Seen". .Gaul
Mrs. Anna-Selkirk Norton.
4. Organ "Nocturne" E Flat...
5. "The Holy City" Adams
by request.
Mrs. J. 8. Landers.
ti. Mlzpah Gelbel
Miss Bernice Ruppe.
7. Vocal "My Redeemer and My
Lord" by Buck
Mrs. Haldane Dickson.
8. (a) Prayer Mascagnl
(b "Beloved, It Is Morn"...
Mrs. Anna-Selkirk Norton.
9. "The Bridge" by Shattock
Male Quartet
10. Organ "Danstver"
Carl Denton.
Arguments on Sheep Quarantine Law
In Portland Tomorrow.
To assist them In resisting the le
gal fight that is being made against
the Oregon sheep law by the wool
growers of Washington, the sheep
men of this state have retained
Judge T. G. Halley of Portland. With
the assistance of Attorney Dan P.
Smythe of this city Judge Halley will
argue Saturday against the grant
ing of the temporary injunction
sought by the Washington men.
From all indications a hard fought
legil battle is now to be waged over
the sheep law and tomorrow the first
round will be fought nut before Judge
Wolverton. The Washington men are
said to have raised a large fund and
are preparing to do everything pos
sible to knock out the quarantine
W. F .Matlock Will Leave for Salc
Tomorrow Morning for a Work's
W. F. Matlock, who just returnij
home this morning from Portland,
where he has been for several days
making arrangements for the depar
ture of their son, Wesley and family,
for Alaska, will leave In the morning
for Salem, to attend a meeting of the
state fair board, of which he Is a
The new buildings are now In pro
gress on the fair grounds, a force of
14 convicts being employed In grub
bing out trees and tearing down old
The entries for the fair races closed
on May 25 and the board will go
over the situation to see If the entries
were well filled.
The board hopes to make the com
ing state fair the best In the history
of the institution and several meet
ings of the board will be held during
the summer.
Near Colton, Wash., Wllber Wiggins,
n young boy, shot himself through the
hand and died 10 days later with lock
jaw, In the Gritman hospital at Moscow.
Don't Keep Your Shirt
On Too Long.
If you are still wearing that old heav
winter shirt, I say shed it and get one of
our cool ones.
Colors That Look Cool
Weights That Are Cool
Creams and Tans are the most popular.
We have them in Negligee and Mohairs
$1.00 to $5.00
Boston Store
Miss Gladys Rahe, daughter of
William Rahe, was last night chosen
to be oueen of the Eagles carnival,
and she will be crowned at the car
naval tonight
Though the balloting for queen of
the carnival was scheduled to close
at 2 o'clock' yesterday afternoon, It
was not brought to a finish until late
In the evening and after It had been
somewhat exciting. After 8 o'clock
Inst evening the balloting was car
ried on at tlio carnival grounds.
When the voting was closed and the
ballots counted, the final result was
found to be as follows:
Gladys Rahe 11,791
Fredda Eggerth i 10,030
Effle Parkes 7.(45
lluby Slebert 4,881
Irene Lyndc 774
Hazel Wyrick 708
Frances Osborne 4(8
The six girls receiving the next
highest numbers of votes have been
asked to serve as maids of honor to
the queen and each will be allowed
to select a page.
The crowning of the queen will
take place In the pavilion tonight
Last night the carnival was gain
well attended. Many came early
with the expectation of hearing
Miss Lawler sing at 8 o'clock as an
nounced yesterday by ths carnival
management. However It was 9:30
before she came upon the program.
Miss Lanier Is Appreciated.
The vocal selections by Miss Kath
leen Lawler, who sings each after
noon and evening at the Eagles' car
nival are highly appreciated by Pen
dleton people. Miss Lawler's enun
ciation Is exceptionally good and her
volco clear and sweet although she
sings under many disadvantages In
the pavilion, where thero are so many
confusing noises at all times.
Miss Lawler will sing this after
noon at 4:30 and tonight at 9:30, In
the pavilion.
Inland Empire Wheat Markets.
Seventy-three cents a bushel for
red wheat was the price quoted at
Pullman, Wash., May 28. No wheat
Is selling because there is none to
sell, but the price offered shows the
strength of the market. Red wheat
is always quoted several cents below
club and bluestem, and the price giv
en above Is the lowest offered there.
With wheat soaring about 75
cents a bushel and the prospects for
at least an average yield of spring
wheat and the biggest yield of win
ter wheat this section ha never pro
duced, the farmers of the Palous-i
country have Just cause for optimism,
which prevails to a large extent
among all classes In the PaloutM
It Is rumored that offers to con
tract the new crop at 65 cents a
buhel are being made. The Spokes-man-Iievlow
correspondent tried to
trace this rumor to Its foundation, but
has failed to find any one here who
Is offering that or any price for the
new crop, although all express con
fidence that the new crop will start
off at from 60 to 70 cents a bushel.
Local dealers say that wheat Is
btng contracted at Lewlston for (5
cents a bushel, and that three crops
were contracted at Albion some tlmo
ago for 6" cents. These wore blue
stem and forty-fold wheat, the two
highest priced varieties In this sec
tion, but It is said that the farmers
who contracted have withdrawn their
contract with the consent of the
manager of the farmers' warehouse,
which bought the grain.
Notice to Public
We will not be responsible for
debts contracted In the name of St.
Anthony's hospital, excepting when
written order Is presented, signed by
Work Horses for Sale.
I will be at the Alta feed yard on
Thursday, June the 27th with 15 head
of extra heavy work horses. Any oni
wishing good horses will call and sei
me or address,
W. P. YORK, Kilbride, Or.
Any Time
a Good Time,
But Now
The Best.
Now la the accepted time to
have your house painted or pa
pered. A little painting here
and there will help Its looks
wonderfully. Some nice, bright,
now wall paper will lead
frcHlineas to any room. Our
stock of wall paper waa never
more complete -patterns In
endless variety and every one
new and ap-to-dntc In color de
sign. Better come In and let ns
show them to you and tell you
what It will coat for your whole
house or one room.
E. J. MURPHY, Prop.
'Phone Black 8181.
Ill B. Court St
When Your Food
Is properly digested your entire system
Is benefited and strengthened but
when the digestive organs are derang.
ed the food ferments and causes un
told suffering. In such cases, however,
you'll find that a few doses of
will soon set things right again. For
over 6S years It has cured such ail
ments as Poor Appetite, Heartburn,
Sour Risings, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
CoadveoeH or Malarial Fever. Try It
Coprrpj 1907
Houm jI KupfMohcuMt
It is pretty well understood that
this store is a place where a man
Way come to look at goods without
being urged to buy ; where every
thing is exactly as it is represented
to be, and where values are always
the best to be had. We mean to
keep this reputation, which we
have fairly earned.