PAGE 6IX. PENDLETON TV. !-. 1 vug asuy viuy SATURDAY General admission Adalta 60 cents, children nnder mn IS rf-nta. Ticket wagon sella ticket oo arrival of show on ground, for any perform ace. .-circus Ponderous Chariots, Dent of Wild Beasts, Hundreds of Plumed Gai ly Trapped Horses, Richly Costumed Characters, Herds of Marching Ele- phants Caravan of Saharan and Un caged Wild Animals On the PUBLIC 8TREET8, AT 10:30 O'clock, Big New Parade Military and Clown Bands, Moving In Majestic March Under - Iridescent Sheen of a Thousand Shlmmerlog Banners. Two Grand Complete Per formances Dally, Under Waterproof Tents, Beginning at 2 and 8 P. M. Doors Open On Hour Earlier. THEY UNANIMOUSLY AGREE that our choice beer la the finest and purest ever brewed. Those) who are the beet Judges of beer are fond of tt and praise It to the sUea. It la the output of experienced brewing-, com bined with the beat and purest Ingre dients. This bear Is always la elegant condition, and whether used as aa or dinary table beverage or aa a tonto for the sick and convalescent. It will be found a moat superior article, if you try tt you'll always buy It. Case of two doaen bottles delivered to your house for only iLrO. CM Kentucky Wine and Lienor Store, JOHN GAGKH, Prop. Thone Hah) lift. Court St, opposite . OoMaa Bui Beta. WE GIVE RELIEF. In our Sunshine remedies will be found a remedy for almost every ill, ache or pain; guaranteed. If not sat isfied, your money back. Just arrived from New York, ladles' Hand Bags. Sale Is on this week. P. J. DONALDSON, Reliable Drungglst. HttMiitieif FRESH Meat Fish - Sausages Lard' Delivered promptly each dayj Empire Meal Go. Phone Main 18 a...... PROMPT SERVICE QUICK DELIVERY ; Choice Fresh Meats, Lard, Sausages t aod Smoked-Meats every day at the Central MeatCo. I I Carney, Ramadell & Co. Telephone Main 33 ; HOTEL POnTLAMO PORTLAND. ORaKJON. American plan. It per day and up . ward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special rates made to families and single gentle men. The management will be pleas ed at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish batk establishment la the hotel. H. C HOWIM, ataaat Sixteenth Antraal Oonieaulua Baptist Young Peopled Union of America, Spokane, Wash. Mr 4 to I . For above occasion O. B. 1 K. eom pany will sell round trip tickets at rata of II. Ot. Tickets on sale July " i and I. good for return until July 10. For further Information call oa local ticket agent or Wax ate If array, a P. A Portland. Ore. DAILY HEW WEED LI IS Following la a complete text of the Oregon weed law which was passed at the last session ot the legislature and which la now In force. The bill was drawn and Introduced by Representa tive Barrett of this county, and It Its provisions are enforced throughout the wheat districts will rid the coun ty of the noxious weeds which now threaten to "take" the land In places. The county court and District Attorney Q. W. Phelps will Insist on the enforcement of the law and land owners and road supervisors are urg ed to co-operate with the officials In the enforcement.. The law Is as fol lows: A bill for an act for the extirpation of the Russian, Canada and Chinese thistle Slsybrium Altlssinum (called White' Mustard), Cockle Bur (known as the Dagger Cockle Bur), Atrlsplex Argenta (called Silver Salt Bush), and to provide for the manner ot car extirpation of Russian , Canada and act and tor the sale of real estate up on which a lien may be created under the r revisions of this act and to re peal an act entitled "An act for the extirpation ot Russlon, Canada and Chinese Thistles," which act was passed by the legislative assembly and approved February II. 1899, which act repealed an act entitled "An act for the extirpation of the Canadian Thistle," which act was paused by the legislative assembly (if the state ot Oregon, February 29. 1S99. Tif. It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: Section 1. It shall be the duty of each road supervisor In each road district In this state. In addition to the duties heretofore prescribed by law, to ascertain from time to time whether or not there Is In his dis trict any weed known as the Russian thistle, the Canada thistle, the Chi nese thistle or Slsybrium Altlssinum (called white mustard), cockle bur (known as the Dagger cockle bur) Atrlsplex Argenty (called silver salt bush, and he shall as he ascertains that there Is any of such weed and before any thereof has shed Its bloom or commenced to form the seed, serve or cause to be served up on the owner. It he be known, and residing within the county, and If not, upon the occupant ft the prem ises upon which said weeds or this tles may bo, a notice In writing no tifying snid owner or occupant of the existence of said thistle, weed or weeds, and In such notice shall give the name of such weed and a de scription of the land upon which same Is growing. Said notice shall be served by delivering to the occu pant or person In charge of said premises a copy thereof duly certi fied to be such by the person serv ing the lame, and If there be no oc cupant of such land upon which such weed may be growing, then such no tice shall be served by posting In three conspicuous places upon said premises a ccpy of auch notice duly certified to be such by said rood su pervisor. Section 2. Immediately after serving said notice or posting same as provided in section 1, such rond supervisor shall file the original no tice, a copy of which he has served as provided In section 1, with the county clerk ot the county In which his district is situated, together with his return on said notice stating the time and manner of making such ervico, whleh said notice shall be filed hy the county clerk and retain ed as a record of his office. Section I. If such owner or occu pant shall fall or refuse for 10 days after holng so notified of the ex istence of such weed or weeds upon hta land, to completely remove same, tt shall be the duty of such road su pervisor and he shall have author ity to go upon snid land, calling to his assistance ruch help as he may deem necessary, and cause said weed or weeds to be extirpated from said land In such a manner that will bo most effective and work the least Injury to the land, but that will de stroy said weed and Its seed and pre vent the same from in any way spreading to any adjoining lands. Upon the completion of said work the road supervisor shall file with the county clerk an Itemized state ment ot the expenses of destroying said weed .Including his own fees hereinafter provided, verified by his oath, and when said statement Is filed, the county clerk shall cause the same to be entered upon a Hen docket rrepared for that purpose, nnd the amount of said charges and expenses when so docketed shall con stitute a first lien, prior and su perior to all other liens and charges upon said lands or premises, except taxes. If said charges and expenses are not paid, and said Hon discharg ed, by the owner or occupant cf said lands within six months after the sime Is docketed, It shall be the du ty ot the county clerk to notify in writing the district attorney of the district In which said county Is sit uated of such fact, whose ' duty It shall be to bring a suit In the name of the county for the foreclosure of said Hen; and the lands affected thereby shall be sold under execu tion for the payment and satisfaction of said charges and expenses, and of said Hen and all charges touching the same. . , Section 4. If within 10 days after the statement has been filed and the Hen docketed, as provided In the pre ceding section, no objections have been filed thereto, the county court shall pay the county supervisor out of the county funds, the amount ot said charges and expenses, and the sume shall be thereafter recovered to the use of the county, as In the fore going section provided. Section S. -The road supervisor shall recleve from the county for his services aa required by this act the sum cf 13.00 per day for the time ac tually employed. Section (. It any person, persons or corporation owning, possessing or EAST ORE CONIAN, PEXDLETON, TO BE ENFORCED having care or churge of any land or lands, Improved or unimproved, enclosed or unenclosed, In this state shall knowingly permit or suffer any Russian thistle. Canada thistle or Chinese thistle or Slsybrlnum Altlssi num (called white mustard), cockle bur (known as the Dagger cockle but) Atrlsplex (called silver salt bush) to grow up thereon, and suffer the same to stand until Its bloom falls or Its seeds begin to fall, such person, persons or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and up on conviction thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion thereof shall, for the first of fence, be fined not less than 110 nor more than 150, and for the second and each subsequent offense not less than 125 nor more than 1100. said fines to be recovered.' with costs, in an acttor! to be brought in the name of the State of Oregon, for the u and henefit of the general fund of the county where the offense Is com mitted. Justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction of this offense. Section 7. It shall he the duty of each road supervisor In each road district In the stato to call a suffi cient number of laborers to cut down and destroy, before the same has dropped Its bloom or commenced to form its seed, any Russian thistle, Canada thistle or Chinese thistle, Slsybrium Altlssinum (called white mustard) cockle bur (known as the dagger .cockle bur) Atrlsplex Argenta (called silver salt bush) found grow ing at any time hereafter In the pub lic highways or upon any public lands In his road district, and the county court shall audit and allow the amount of expensea and just and reasonable charges of such work, as other claims or bills filed by the road supervisors. Section 8. If any road supervisor of any road district in the state care lessly or wilfully neglect any of the duties Imposed by this act, or violate any of the provisions thereof, he shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than 150 nor more than 1150 for each offense. Section 9. It shall be the duty of all municipal corporations In this state to provide tor the extermina tion of said Russian thistle, Canada thistle or Chinese thistle, within the limits of such corporation, or upon vacant lands within said corporation; and any city or town incorporated within this atate neglecting or refus ing to comply with the provisions of this act shall be liable to a forfeiture to the county In which hald munici pal corporation Is Bltuate of a sum not less than 150 nor more than 15090 to be recovered against said municipal corporation in a suit maintained by the county In which snid municipal corporation Is situat ed, ' r Section 10.' That all acts and parts of acts In conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 11. Inasmuch as there Is immediate necessity for the extirpa tion of the weeds and thistles de scribed in this act In order to pre vent the destruction of rich agricul tural lands throughout this state, this act is necessary for the Immediate preservation of the public health and safety and an emergency exists and Is hereby declared to exist, and tbls act shall be In effect from and after its approval by the governor. ,j Lota of music, iota of seats and a good time to all, at the Eagle carnival. May H. Osteopathy In Nerve Trouble. ,, As osteopathy deals with nerves largely and makes a more thorough study of their duties and their suffer ings than any other school, it is not at all strange that it has achieved bet ter results In the treatment of nervous diseases than the older systems have ever attained. No stimulant is needed to whip the jaded nerves into action, no sedative given to make it seem as If pain and suffering had departed. The actual cause of the derangement is hunted down and made . normal again. So that cures wrought by this method, although not always rapid, are permanent cures, and usually very speedy relief Is secured. Women are particularly subject to nervous disorders. It is now evident why so many women are patrons of osteopa thy, and being cured are Its strongest advocates. Dairy and Farms For Sale T G. H A IliEY OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. Tuesday cSUodnosday For the above 2 days we will v make special inducements in the Dry Goods Dapartment. 10 piece of figured lawns of the very latest patterns, worth UHc and 15c, Tuesday and Wednesday's price , Be yard 12 pieces of SBo wash goods, all kinds for two days 28c yard SO pieces of all over lace and embroidery, 10 per cent off. 5 pieces of colored pongee silk $1 kind, for two days" Mo yard 8 pieces of TSc silk warp organdy, for two days 00c yard 5 pieces white suiting, 25c values, for two days 18c yard AU our 10c ginghams, for two days , , , So yard REMEMBER THESE PRICES ARE FOR ' ONLY TWO DATS, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. THE STORE WILL PROBABLY BE CLOSED THURSDAY, DEC ORATION DAY. ' Tho fair Dop't. Stord PENDLETON, OREGON DO YOU V. -INT TO ECY OR you aesire to sorrow money to assist you, It will pay you to read this carefully. Based on $1000 mortgage: St m tin, or t years flat loan at .0618 per cent per month 48 months, or 4 years flat loan at .0541 per cent, 115.11 per month ' 0 months, or I years flat loan at .0!4 per cant, 111.14 per month 71 months, or years flat loan at .0661 per cent, $11.11 per month (I months, or S years flat loan at .0170 per cent, $11.17 per month X 110 months or 10 years flat loan at .0611 per cant, $lt.H par month Remember, the actual cost to the bo. ower s simply the total sum that ha Is required to pay. FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. 1 12 E. Court St.. Pendleton, Ore. Just Received A CARLOAD OF Gas l&Biges and Stove Plate : jCall and Pick Yours Out NORTHWr STERN GAS ELECTRIC CO MATLOCK) BUILDING The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative piper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron age. It is' the advertising medium of this section. Owing to my removal to Portland to reside per manently, I have discontinued the Alfalfarm Dairy business, and hBve for sale my herd of dairy cows consisting of about fifty grade Jersey and short-horns, and will also sell either or both of my farms, one a quarter section of fine wheat land, one and a half miles South of Athena, in Umatilla County, and the other, over nine hundred acres of grain, alfalfa and grazing land, on the Walla Walla branch of the O. R. & N, Ry., six miles Northeast of Pendleton, with the equipment of the latter. For particulars adress me at 400 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. 1807. BUILD A HOME? If yon do, and It EIGHT PAGES. WET1 Even if your head feels As if it was in a vice It'i better to keep ycirheabVclie than ate a dangerous remedy. To cure it wkh tome dangerous powder bring! after effect which tie fat worse. Many headache cure, kill the pais by some powerful drug which i ttied too often faulty erulave ind breaks dowa the system. That's why you should be ray cartful what you lake to cure a headache. HEADACHE WAFERS Are a ample and pouti cure for head ache, absolutely harmless, especially suited as women. Guaranteed to be tree from Antrpyrin. Opium, Morphine or Chloral. It these wafer, do not give absolute sab factioa, bring back lh empty package and we will return your money, la two sza package, 10c and 25c THE PENDLETON DRUG CO, "THE MARK OT QUALITY." Do you have "blue Mondays" at your home T We have an aa. tldote; send your family wash Ins; to the Troy Laundry and have It dona for . Seven cents a pound Table line and bed linen Ironed wearing; apparel washed and starched ready to Iron.. This la not only the best, most satisfac tory method, but tho cheapest for dependable work. Troy Laundry, NOLIN at SON, Props. ' , "Phone Vain 171. Any Time a Good Time, But Now The Best. Now la the aoorptarl time to have your house painted or pa pered. A Utile painting here and there will help Its looks wonderfully. Some nloo, bright, new wall paper will lend a freshness to any room. Our took of wall paper was never more completepatterns In endless variety and every one new and up-to-date In color de sign.. Hotter come In and let us show them to yon and tell yon what It will cost for your whole house or one room. PENDLETON PAINT STORE E. J. MURPHY, Prop. 'Phone Black mi. Ill B. Court St The French RESTAURANT Pendleton's most pop ular Dining Room. , -Best 25 cent meal in the city. j Thoroughly renovated and all new dishes. li Orville Coffman Proprietor i PASTIME PARLORS A quiet, orderly place for a tame ot pool, billiards or a little aierelM la bowling. HENDRICKS" BASEMENT. Corner Mala and Wee Mrsea. i HOUSEKEEPERS