i ' ' "iKiifc . -miii m i ' "" ir J'" tt ; -r ,- ,-...,.i.- ---j,.... u.:r-i.-iii..-i. tifriKj l-i.-iuMji.u'ji.y,l.".'-- ! . W' 1 ' it EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1907, PAGE FIVE. 1 Store Closed All Day Decoraation Day. Sensatianal Embroidery Sale FRIDAY See Window Display Teutsch's lost Successful PERSONAL MENTION flebu ilding Sale 3850 yards fine Swiss and Cambric Embroideries from 2 to 9 inches wide and worth up to 25c yd. On Sale All Day Friday As much as you want 1 YAKU Remember, the Big Red Sign is the Place. 's Dep t. Store The Fastest Growing Store in Eastern Oregon. CITY BREVITIES Try Hansen's sundae at Donald eon's. All kinds of good, dry wcod. Sm Mlnnla Meet me In the Mass at the Basis carnival For rent, two houses. Inquire B. J. Bean, Wanted Gardener at Cunningham ronch at Pilot Rock. All kinds of fancy drink, at Don aldson'. ioda fountain. Nicely furnished -ittage for rent. Enquire 400 Water street Try Walters' new "Hard Wheat" flour, now on the market See Mlnnls for good, dry wood that bums. Lots of It on hand. Leathers Transfer Co., day and night service. 'Phone Main 611. Nice furnished housekeeping rooms for rent Inquire SOi Logan street "Waltze He Around Again Willie" IF YOC HAVE ANY EYE TROUBLES bring them to us as we are r.llass. opticians. No charges for the . imag ination and a very reasonable one far the best kind of glasses. All work guaranteed. Yours for good goods and good results. Louis Himziker Jeweler (Si Optician, ti aula m. at the Eagle carnival dance. May St, 100 trimmed hats at half price. Mrs. Campbell's Mllinery. Have the baby's picture taken at Bowman's studio, near bridge. For Rent Two neatly furnished rooms at III South Main street. Save your money and see the mon key, at the Eagle carnival May It. See the great Thaw trial Illustrated at the Eagle carnival t: a las of May. For hardwood, white enamel lined refrigerators, go to Goodman Hard ware Co. Large line of high grade . ham mocks Just received, at Goodman Hardware Co. Housekeeping rooms for rent, only one block from Main street En quire at 108 W. Webb street. Trained cats, dogs, piules and mon keys will do many bewildering stunts at the big Eagle curnlvaL the last of' May. The roller skating season Is now on. In order to skate your shoes must fit To get a proper fit you must buy them at the Peoples Warehouse. U. S. Health & Accident Insurance Co., Saginaw, Mich., sella best, dollar per month policy on market; new features, new rates; agents wanted. Western office, lot Marcum, Portland, Ore, Chose & Sanborn Coffee and Teas, the. best line of Groceries for less money. Lowest price, courteous and obliging Is my motto. Give us a call and inspect our goods. We make the price. C. Rohrman. For Sale Columbia ' phonograph coating fist, and SO records, costing 60 cents each. Will sell outfit for, S175. Guaranteed In first class con dition. Bert Wilson, room Schmidt building. Why not get the best bread T You deserve It Buy from first hand and save two profits. Get the best for your money. You should get Rohr man'. bread, It has that creamy taste and It Is even better than mother's bread. Buy from a baker and get the best Our shop Is open for Inspection at all times. C. Rohrman. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 10c Made from our pure cream and Huylers Chocolate, same as served at Huylerf Stores in New York City. .'';.' rj o THE 1DRUO STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST. CHARGED WITH ADULTERY. William Prall and Bin. Oliver tlio Defendants. ' Charges of adultery have been made against William Prall and Mrs. Cloyd Oliver by District Attorney Phelps, and warrants for the arrest of the two people are now In the hands of the sheriff. When last seen both Prall and Mrs. Oliver were headed for Spokane, and they are believed to be there now. On Monday morning Prall and Mrs. Oliver were found occupying a room in the Multnomah lodging house and were placed under arrest by Marshal Tom Gurdane. In the police court they were fined $10 each. However, yesterday Mrs. Prawl ap peared before the district attorney and swore to a complaint charging her husband and Mrs. Oliver with the crime of adultery. Under the law It Is required that one of the Injured parties, towlt. the wife or husband uf one of the guilty parties, shall swear to tho complaint, which was done In this case. If captured und convicted on the charge against them Prall and Afra. Oliver will he subject to penalties ranging from a fine of (200 to $1000, or from Imprisonment for from three months In the county Jail to two years in the penitentiary. Spooliil Masonic i Meeting. A Bpeclal meeting of Pendleton lodge No. 62, A. F. and A. M has been called by Worshipful Master Louis Hunzlker, for Thursday evening, May 30, for the purpose of meeting Grand Master Williamson of Portland, who Is making an official visit to the lodges of eastern Oregon. All members are urged to be present to greet the grand master. s ' All Elks Take Notice-. Pendleton lodge No. 288, B. P. O. Elks, will hold Its last meeting to night at I. O. O. F. hall, until after summer. There will be Initiation, followed by a social session. There will be plenty doing to keep all the herd busy tonight. All members urg ed to be present. Company L Will Glvo Dnnoo." At a bniness meeting of Company L held after drill Inst evening it was voted to give an Informal dancing party on Thursdny evening, June . The affair will be held in the armory and efforts will be made to make it a very pleasant occasion. Music will he furnished by Johnson's orchestra. Invitations will be Issued within n few. days. The members of tho com' pany will attend in uniform, but without the blouses. Attention Eagles!!! All Engles be at the hall tonight (it 7 o'clock sharp to ' participate In grand parade. Each member present ed with a largo Japanese pnrnsol. Come out; you are needed. Attorney Will M. Peterson Is here this afternoon from Athena. Moses Taylor of Weston, Is In the city this afternoon on a business trip. Mayor L. A. Esteb of Echo, has been In the city today upon a busino f trip, Joe N. Scott of Athena, Is in the city this afternoon on a brief business trip. Mrs. Clyde Willaby of Athena, came down this afternoon on a shopping trip. Miss Alta Sharp of Athena, Is here today to see the opening of the Eagles' carnival, W. I. Rainwater and wife came up from Echo last evening for a short visit In the city. Attorneys Roy Raley and W. C. E. Pruett visited Weston today on pro fessional business. B. F. Davis of the reclamation service at Hermlston, Is In the city today on business. C. C. Hunt of Ontario, arrived from Portland yesterday and is a guest of the Hotel Pendleton today. James Wright, the North Yakima sheep dealer, is now here and is stopping at the Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. Claud Reeder, who has been visiting at Athena for several days, left for her home at Tacoma this morning. John Kendall, manager of yards of the Potlatch Lumber company, was here yesterday upon a visit to the company's local plant T. W. Ayers will leave this evening for Durkee on business connected with the Gold Coin mine, In which he is one of the principal stockholders. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fliesher, of Santa Maria, California, are visiting here for a few days at the home of Mrs. Flleshera sister, Mrs. L. Moses. Mrs. S. C. Williams will leave to morrow morning for Alberta, where her husband has recently gone to In vest In land, and where thejj will make their home. George L. Huffman, salesman for A. C. Ruby, horse Importer, came In this morning after delivering a fine Kentucky saddle horse to a company of Union horsemen. A. C. Ruby, formerly of this city, Is now In France, where he is select ing a large shipment of Percheron and coach horses for his stables In this city and in Portland. Mothler Stanislaus of the Sisters of St. Francis, arrived home this morning from The Dalles and other points west of here, where she has been on a business trip. Sol Baum, formerly of the Alexan der department etore, but now travel' lng for a Son Francisco firm, ar rived In the city this morning on a tour of the northwest William Broomfleld of Ontario, Canada, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing for the past two weeks, left for his home this morning after a delightful visit here. Mrs. Gladys Augustavo came down last evening from Walla Walla to at tend the graduating exercises of Pen dleton academy. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Robblns while in the city. Miss Flo Walker came up from In dependence last evening to remain for a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walker, after which she will return for the sum mer school at Independence. Mrs. Rose McGraf of Portland, came up yesterday to attend the graduating exercises of Pendleton. She Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hamblen, whose daughter, Miss Hazel Hamblen, was one of the graduates. HIGH SCHOOL RECEPTION. At Engles Hnll by Members of Alum nt Association. Tomorrow evening a reception to the graduating class of the Pendle ton high school will be given by the members of the Alumni association. The affair will be held in Eagles hnll and after the members of the grad uating class have been welcomed In to the alumni the evening will be de voted to dancing. All graduates of the high school and their friends are invited to attend. The Change of Life Sensible Advice to Women from Hrs. Henry Le firs. Fred Certla and Irs. PInkham. iiii 2Si jgSi lip! )L JSm$& mm & mM ,f Miisa mm .fesja tkm&m AfA rj!$Hjr MRS HENRY LEE Owing- to modern methods of living not one woman In a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms, This is the most critical period of her whole existence and every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time invites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, the teodenoy is at this period likely to Become active and with a MRS. FRED CERTI A are passing through Change of life. Far ssveral months I iu tiered from hot fl.ihea, extreme nervoumea, beadach. and .Ims lesanM. I had no appetiu and could not deep. I had mad. up my mind there wsa no help for ma until 1 began to nse Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, my bed symptoms ceuwi, and it brought me safely through the danger period, built up my system and I am in xcUnt health. I consider Lyriia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound unsurpassed for women during this trying period of life." Mrs. Henry Lee, 60 Winter Street, New Haven, Conn.,, writes: Dear Mrs. PInkham i "After suffering untold inlseryfor three year, during Chang, of Life I heard of LydJa K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I wrote you of my condition, sad began te tak. Lydla S. Pinkham's Vegetable Oosa poond and f olkrmd your advios, and to-day I am weD. and happy. I ean now walk any where and work s well a. anyone, and for yean ararious I had tried but could not (t around without help. I considar your medV dne a sovereign balm far suffering womea. Women passing througk tioritioal period should rely sjsassj LssfleB ML Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. II host of nervous Irritations make life a burden. At this time also cancers and tumor are more, liable to form and be sin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms as sense of suff ooation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, melancholia, dread of im pending evil, palpitation of the heart, Irregularities, constipation and dizzi ness are promptly heeded by intel ligent womea who are approaching the period of life whan this great change may be expected. Mrs. Fred Certla, 1014 So. Lafayette street, so. uena, ina., writes: Dear Mrs. PInkham s "Lydla E. Plnkhamt Vegetable Com Doond I th ideal medtotne tor womea who When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health, actually thousands of women, you cannot well say without trying; it, "I do not believe it will help me." It is your duty to yourself and family to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. there la anything about your ease yon dont nnaerstand write to Mr. PInkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. II is free and has guided thousands tt) health. RUBY WILL F.XHIUIT. StnMcs Are Being Erected at State Fnlr Grounds. The Salem Statesman says of tho preparations being made for the com ing state fair: Already one of the new barns has been engaged by the well known horseman, A. C. Ruby, 'who Is main taining stables at Portland and Pen dleton. Mr. Ruby is now In the east and expects to have nearly 100 head of draft and coach horses at the Ore gon state fair. H. E. Gordon of Dundee will, also be here and has applied for 26 stalls, and another prominent horse breed er of All Hp, Ore., has made arrange ments for 12 stalls: BoeOighelmer and Yannke will have 1 2head of the finest products of their stables and J. D. Nairn, ancther horse en thusiast, will have several horses at the fair. H. G. Campbell, a well known Im porter of draft and coach horses and jacks will have a stable that wilt be a credit to his firm. As far as horses ore concerned the exhibit bids fair to excel that of last year. The Ladd estate of Portland has offered a hindsome silver cup for tho best Berkshire hogs purchased or raised from their pens. . The Unitarians of Boise will build a church this summer. Rev. Jofea C. Mitchell Is pastor. He Is a New Englander. Meeting of Academy Trustees. At the regular annual meeting of the trustees of Pendleton academy held at the offices of the academy last evening the financial and busi ness affairs of the academy for the pust year were reviewed and plans for the future were outlined. The meeting was adjourned until Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock at which time new officers will be elected and final plans for the next year's work decided upon. Thnrvlay Afternoon Club. The Thursday Afternoon club will hold Its annual business meeting at 2:30 tomorrow at the residence of Mrs. Llna H. Sturgis. NOON IN PENDLETON. What Is Going on In Town When the Clock Strikes 12. Noon, the dinner hour, the hour of comfort, of pleasure and relaxation the one hour in the twent-four which comes to men and women of every station with greater similarity than the hour of any other function In life. Promptly as the clock strikes II in Pendleton the shadows on anxious faces turn Into lines of good will, and If vlllanious hot bread, plea. spices and other Indigestible, were excluded there would be no such words as dyspepsia or indigestion la the dictionary. But the contrary is true, and med ical science has to step in and aid the man or woman who has been too busy to pay proper attention te health. . The greutest step forward in med ical discovery Is Ml-o-na, which cures all stomach and digestive trou bles. In hundreds of the beet homes in Pendleton and adlMxattf; tewns the handy little tablets, so pleasant te take, yet effective, have given quick and lasting relief In Indigestion and that disagreeable full feeling after eating. Ml-o-na acts very gently. Much of its wonderful power over indigestion comes from its uniform but sustain ing uction. The required stimulating and strengthening is given to tho im portant organs of digestion without producing the slightest weakness or reaction. A 50-cent box lasts for a couple of weeks and will ward off a dozen at tacks of Indigestion. Tallman ft Co. give a guarantee, absolute and un qualified, with every box of Ml-o-na to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. A Little Clean-Up Sale To Last. During the Week. IT WILL CONSIST OF ALL OF THE PLATED HOL LOW WARE AND FLAT WARE THAT I HATE ON HAND. The IDEA IS, I WILL GET RID OF SEVERAL IN COMPLETE LINES AND WILL HEREAFTER CARRY JUST ONE COMPLETE MAKE. THERE ARE MANY TIUNGS THAT YOU HAVE OF TEN WANTED, HUT THOUGHT "YOU COULD NOT AF FORD THEM." IF YOU WILL GLANCE AT MY WIN DOW OR COME IN AND ENQUIRE, I MAY BE ABLE TO SHOW YOU JUST WHAT YOU WANT FOR A EMALLER SUM THAN YOU EVER EXPECTED. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE JEWELLER 1 Grand open air carnival In the fair I nnvlllnn XTnv 90 .ft, 1 mvA T, n , 'J Admission only 10a,