EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY;. MAY 28, 190T.. pagb im A Landslide in Prices on SKIRTS, COATS, SUITS, JACKETS, SHIRT WAISTS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND MILLINERY Teutsch's at Most Successful Sale BEGINNING WEDNESDAY MORNING WE WILL MAKE THE GREAT EST EFFORT OF OUR LIVES TO CLEAR OUT THE ENTIRE BALCONY. IF LOW PRICES WILL TEMPT YOU TO BUY ANYTHING IN THIS DE PARTMENT, YOU WILL CERTAIN LY BUY TOMORROW MORNING. WE HAVE LOST THE COST MARK AND ARE SELLING EVERY GAR MENT AT A TRICE TO MAKE IT MOVE AND MOVE QUICKLY. DON'T WAIT FOR LOWER PRICES. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Remember, the Big Red Sign is the Place. So, $6.50 Mid 87 Skirts now 13.77 88 and S9 Skirts now 4.98 $10 to $12 Skirts now 5.9 $20 Spits now go at $9.98 $23 Suits now go al $14.85 $30 Suits now go at $18.00 $35 Suits now go at ' $21.60 $3.00 Ladles' Hats go at $1.48 $4.00 Ladles' Hats go at $l-8 $5.00 Ladles' Hats go at 2.18 $6.00 Ladles' Huts go at 2.S PERSONAL MENTION Everything Must Go. Teutsch's Dept. Store CITY BREVITIES at Donald- See Try Hansen's sundae son's. All kinds of good, dry weed. Mlnnls. Meet me In the Masa at the Eagle carnival. For rent, two houses. Inquire H. J. Bean. Wanted Gardener at Cunningham ranch at Pilot Rock. All kinds of fancy drinks at Don aldson's soda fountain. Nicely furnished cottage for rent. Enquire 400 Water street Try Walters' new "Hard Wheat" flour, now on the market. See Mlnnls for good, dry wood that burns. Lots of It on hand. Leathers Transfer Co., day and night service. 'Phone Main Ell. Nice furnished housekeeping rooms for rent Inquire S02 Logan street "Waltze Me Around Again Willie" IF YOU HAVE ANY EYE TROUBLES bring them to as as we are rettaMi opticians. No charges for the exam ination and a very reasonable on for the best kind of glasses. All work guaranteed. Yours for good goods and good results. Louis Hunziker Jeweler ffi Optician, 71$ Main Bt i at the Eagle carnival dance, May It. 100 trimmed hats at halt price. Mrs. Campbell's Mlllnery. Have the baby's picture taken at Bowman's studio, near bridge. . For Rent Two neatly furnished rooms t Sit South Main street Rave your money and see the mon key, at the Eagle carnival May 1. See the great Thaw trial Illustrated at the Eagle carnival t o las, of May. For hardwood, white enamel Uned refrigerators, go to Goodman Hard ware Co. Large line of high grade ham mocks just received, at Goodman Hardware Co. Housekeeping rooms for rent, only one block from Main street ' En quire at 10$ W. Webb street Trained eats, dogs, puiles and mon keys will do many bewildering stunts at the big Eagle carnival, the last of May. The roller skating season Is now on. In order to skate your shoes must fit To get a proper fit you must buy them at the Peoples Warehouse. . U. S. Health & Accident Insurance Co., Saginaw, Mich., sells best dollaj per month policy on market; new features, new rates; agents wanted. Western office, 20$ Marcum, Portland, Ore. Chose & Sanborn Coffee and Teas, the best line of Groceries for less money. Lowest price, courteous and obliging Ir my motto. Give us a call and Inspect our goods. We make the price. C. Rohrman. For Sale Columbia phonograph costing $100, and 100 records, costing 0 cents each. Will sell outfit tor $175. Guaranteed in first class con dition. Bert Wilson, room Bchmldt building. Why not get the best bread? You deserve It. Buy from first hand and save two profits. Get the best for your money. You should get Rohr man's bread. It has that creamy taste and It Is even better than mother's bread. Buy from a baker and get the best. Our shop Is open for Inspection at all times. C. Rohrman. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 10c Made) from our pure cream and Huylers Chocolate, same as served at Huylerf Stores in New York City. GOODMAN TO PORTLAND. Will Work for Hoiieyninn Hardware Company First Scrgenncy Made Vucunt. Glenn G. Goodman, well known young hardware man of this city, and first sergeant In company L, O. N. G., has resigned his position In the Good man Hardware company s store and will leave In a few days for Portland. He has accepted a position with the Honcymnn Hardware company of that city and will be employed In their wholesale house, commencing work June 1. By the departure of Mr. Goodman a vacancy will be made In the non commissioned staff of company L. and there Is a promise of much rivalry for the position, which Is an Important one In the company. GruduntcH Will Leave. A number of the high school grad uates of the class of 1907, will leave the city soon to remain awny for the summer. Miss Neva noaaer win leave next Sunday to accompany her parents to Harney county, where they will make their future home. Miss Mamie Nail will leave this week fnr Lehman Springs to remain for the summer and Gerald Stanfleld is new at Butter creek,' where he will spend the summer on the ranch. Maude and Margaret Williams will also lenvo soon for the Williams ranch tA spend the summer. Mrs. Carl Gilbert of Echo, Is In the city today visiting friends. August Arp of Adams, Is among business visitors In the city today. Miss Jeanette Mannssee returned to' Athena this morning after a brief visit In the city. Colonel and Mrs. H. G. Newport were up from Hermlston for a short time yesterday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Teutseh have re turned from Portland, where they had been visiting for a week. R. H. Patton left this morning for Walla Walla, where he w(U remain for several days on business. Commissioner Horace Walker went down to Hermlston last evening on business for the county court. D. H. Preston of the Preston-Par- ton Milling company at Athena, Is among business visitors In Pendleton today. C. F. Van de Water, traveling freight agent for the O. R. & N., Is In the city today In the Interest of the company. A. Kunkol of Spokane, was In the city today for a short time on busi ness. He left on No. 1 today for Goldcndaie, Wash. Brooke Dickson, son of Mr. and Mrs J. R. Dickson, left this mornli.g for Portland, where he will visit rela tives for several days. Fred and William Kugle, formerly In the barker business In this city, and now living at Tacoma, are here upon a visit with relatives.! Engineer Jack Wright, of the Spo kane passenger run on the O. R. & N., is sick and his place 's being filled by Engineer Roddy of Starbivk. Dr. W. H. Lytle, state sheep Inspec tor, arrived home yesterday afternoon after an extended tour of Inspection In the southeastern part of the state. Sherman Kunkel, son of A. Kunkel, formerly of this city, will run a log ging engine for a sawmill company at Goldendale during the summer va cation. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stewart of Her miston, passed through the city this morning on their way to their former home In Freewater, where they will visit a few days. Mrs. E. J .Forsythc and two child ren of Enterprise, were in the city this morning the guests of Mrs. D. Brusha on their way to Weston, where they will visit for a short time. W. J. Snodgrass, a pioneer mer chant of La Grande, now engaged in the stage business . In Okanogan Wash., passed through this morning from La Grande to his home in Wash ington. T. C. Benson, cattle buyer for the Union Meat company, has been in the city for a short visit at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. W. Rugg. Mrs Benson has been vlsitlnj with her daughter, also. Conductor W. H. Kelsay of the Portland-Pendleton passenger run on the O. R. & N., Is 111 at his home on South Thompson street with an attack of the grip. He has been off the run for several days. J. R. Raley, Glenn Goodman, Allle Knight, Carl Cooley and Charles Mc Cumber all arrived home yesterday morning after having been In Port land in attendance at the recent Knights of Pythias contest. S. Rader, father of M. A. Rader, came over from Walla Walla last evening for the purpose of meeting relatives who came on the westbound train today. With them he returned to Walla Walla this morning. C. E. McCumbcr, engineer for the Open River Transportation Railroad company, which has surveyed a line from Simmons Landing on the Co lumbia river, to Holdman, went down ot Echo today In the Interest of the company. He will go to Hermlston from Echo and will be absent from the city for several days. fi I THE V i ) U NEW f (I OIL STOVE H 4 Just the Right Heat Mo matter what you may wish to cook, h New Perfection Oil Stove will give you just ttt right degree ox neat instantly. No uncertainty with this stove. Its the perfected oil stove embodies new features, new principles. On washing and ironing days the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove ill cut the work In two. Gives quick results with out overheating the kitchen. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. 1 The 6 is the best lamp for all-round household use. Made of brass throughout and beau tifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to out nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (l.SCOitPOIUTKD) High School Alumni Election. At the annual election of the Pen dleton high school alumni associa tion held last evening at the office of Mark Moorhouse, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: Mrs. T. M. Henderson of the class of "97. president; Lester Ham ley of the class of '07, vice president; Edna Thompson of the class of '0t(, secretaiy and Loren Harris of the class of '06, treasurer. Program Was Enjoyed. The delightful literary and musical program given by the teachers and girls' glee club of Pendleton acad emy at the Presbyterian church last night, was' highly appreciated by a good si.ed audience. The program was of unusual Interest and was one of the best enjoyed in the city this year. Attention, Woodmen. All members of Pendloton Camp No. 41, Woodmen of the World, are requested to meet In the Eagle hall Thursday morning at S:;I0 o'clock to attend the annual unveiling coremo- nles In a body. Bring flowers la possible. Rebckahi, Attention! There will be a spectal meeting of Pauline Rcbekah lodge on Thursday, May 80, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of nominating and electing officers. By order of the noblo grand. THE DRUG STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the Illness of our late wife and daughter, Mrs. W. B. Jenkins. W. B. JENKINS. MR. AND MRS. WM. ELY. Piles are dangerous, but do not submit to an operation until you have first tried Man Zan the Great Pile Remedy. It Is put up In col lapsible tubes with a nozzle that al lows It to be applied exactly where It Is needed. If you have Itching, bleeding or protruding plies and Man Zan does not relieve, money refund ed. Soothes and cools. Relieves at once. Sold by A. C. Koeppen te Bros. Lee brothers, of Pleasant Valley, I Pakor countv, began shearing May 25, with a machine plant with a ca- 1 paclty of 2000 head per day. Prospecting In Nevada. Thomas Mountain, formerly sales man In the implement house of A. Kunkel In this city, Is now prospect ing for gold at Goldfield, Nev on a "grub stake" for Mr. Kunkel, who be lieves that there are many rich claims yet undiscovered In that country. Mr. Mountain will spend tho summer In that district. Thirty days treatment for kidney, bladder trouble and rheumatism for J1.00. Tour money refunded if not satisfactory. Plneules contain no al cohol. Do not derange the stomach. Easy to take. Sold by A. C. Koep pen A Bros. BITHULITIIIC PAVEMENT GOOD. Tho Work of Cutting Through Pave ment to Repair Water Mains Prove Its Value. . The bltullthlc pavement laid on Pen dleton streets by the Warren Construc tion company is better than the speci fications. The specifications called for but two Inches of surface, wh'le the surface In places Is over four Inches thick and Is as hard as iron. The pavement has been opened In five places on Main street for the pur pose of repairing water mains, and It required workmen from three to five hours to cut out a section a few square feet In extent. It Is almost Im possible to cut It with ordinary tools and there is every evidence that It will last even longer than the con tract calls for with slight repairs. Those who have witnessed the work of cutting through It are satisfied that the city has made no mistake In hav ing bltullthlc paving. Priest Lake, Idaho, has reached the highest stage during the past few days ever recorded, because of heavy rains and quickly melting snows. 11 sOsfTf sTKTK. iguu o ire THE POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY Is the only purely Oregon Life Insurance Company THE VERY BEST FOR AN 0REG0NIAN Call or write for further Information HOME OFFICE COR. SIXTH AND AN KENT STREETS, PORTLAND A. L. MILLS, L, SAMUEL, WALTER S. BOWEN, President. General Manager. General Agent DO YOU V ."NT TO BUY OR BUILD A HCMET If you do. and If you desire to borrow money to assist you. It will pay you to read this carefully. Based on $1000 mortgage: 36 m thj, c- 3 years flat loan at .0638 per cent, 3tl.lt per month 48 months, or 4 years flat loan at .0543 per cent, 316.88 per month 80 months, or 6 years flat loan at .0:49 per cent, 331.34 per month 71 months, or S years flat loan at .0555 per cent, 318.61 per month 98 months, or 8 years flat loan at .0570 per cent, 815.17 per month 130 months or 10 years flat loan at .0685 per cent, f 18.11 per month Remember, tho actual cost to the bo. ower 'a simply the total sum that he Is required to pay. FRANK B. CLOPTON &. CO. 1 12 E. Court. St. Pendleton, Ore. A Little Clean-Up Sale To Last During the Week. IT WILL CONSIST OF ALL OF THE PLATED HOL LOW WARE AND FLAT WARE THAT I HAVE ON HAND. The IDEA IS, I WILL GET RID OF SEVERAL IN COMPLETE LINES AND WILL HEREAFTER CARRY JUST ONE COMPLETE MAKE. THERE ARE MANY THINGS THAT YOU HAVE OF TEN WANTED, RVT THOUGHT "YOU COULD NOT AF FORD THEM." IF YOU WILL GLANCE AT MY WIN DOW OR C)ME IN AND ENQUIRE, I MAY BE ABLE TO SHOW YOU JUST WHAT YOU WANT FOR A KM M.LEH SUM TH AN YOU EVER EXPECTED. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE JEWELLER Read the Fast Oregtmlan.