East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 27, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Rest the Feet and Make
Life's Walk Easy.
The Alexander Department Store
Exclusive Agents.
Hotel St. George. A. C. Stubbling;
H. E. Willerton; Paul McCoy; Charles
Taldferro; Joe Querny; Bob Maloney;
Ed Vanranlngham; John Picket:
Grady Picket; Ed Smith; Hank Geam
Innl; Robert Murry. Willie Fitzgerald;
C. P. Williams. Spokane;C. R. Smith;
Sam Well, San Francisco; A. M. Gil
lit. Athena; J. D. Gllllt and wife,
Johanesburg; L. L. Lleuallen and wife,
Adams: B. B. Hanah. Chicago; a
Wltkburk, San Francisco; A. Fink.
Salt Lake; C. C. Callahan .Chicago;
D. Shelledund. Grand Forks; Thomas
B. Shannon, Chicago; N. M. Sears, St.
Paul; J. Adrian Epptng and wife,
Hood River; George J. Conmon, Port
land; Miss Stanton, Portland; Miss
Harrvat, Portland; M. Mulllns, San
Francisco; H. R. Chatterton, Port
it nd: H. A. Curry, San Fict.clsco. F.
Wilson, Walla Walla; Mrs. Mary
Xoble, La Grand; Eliza Noble, La
Grande; Margaiet. Nobis, La Grande;
Wm. Hood. Portland; F. F. Turner,
Portland; J. F. DeLaney, Portland; A.
T. Johnson. Portland; Robert Smith,
Chicago: Charles Miller. Spokane;
Wm. McCormick. Portland; James
King. Portland; D. F. Sherman and
wife, New York; J. J. Hogan, Port
land; D. A. Carrlgan. Spokane D. J.
Mlklnnon, Portland; J. E. Taylor,
Echo: C. F. Williams. Spokane; Dud
ley Evans, Portland: James Wing, Bos
ton: George Lynch, Boston: E. C.
Skiles. Portland; Jack H. Dalmann,
Cincinnati; L. E. Cochran and wife,
Boston : C. Belts, city; L. H. Steinhart,
Portland: G. A. Stockder. Portland;
Wm. Dunn, Portland; J. A. Gommer,
Elgin; Julius Jacoby. Chicago; T.
Trow: H. L. Brink, Suokane; W. J.
Shirey, Portland; Lillian Masterson,
Baker City; James Peters, Portland:
ley-Xettle Sullivan, Baker City; J.
T. Langley, Portland; B. Hughes, Spo
kane. Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. L. L. Pat
rick, Miss Schultz. Goldfield; J. P.
Myers, Portland; A. R. Brown. Sioux
City, Ida.; J. W. Morrow, D. W. Mc
Clain, Lewis Rathbun, F. B. Klllin,
Portland; N. G. Mitchell, Frisco; Mrs.
F. B. Latimer, Mrs. F. B. Farns
worth, J. W. Henley, E. Burke,
Portland; C. C. Simpson, Spokane:
Miss J. M. Mitchell, Joseph, Ore.; T.
C. Warner and wife. Mr. and Mrs.
Huston, Pendleton; Fred Roth, Walla
Walla; F. Welden, Portland, E. S.
Leedy, Portland; Chas. K. Stlne,
Chicago; A. Barnere, New York; H.
E. Hutchinson, Los Angeles; W. G.
Codman, Boston; H. Thoyer, D. C;
H. M. Edwards. Boston: N. B.
Kranse, Seattle; Wm. Gibson, L. G.;
W. D. Jolnet, San Francisco; W.
Kalb. Portland: C. K. Davidson and
wife: R. Jell, Spokane: H. Taylor;
IJllle Mitchell, Echo; E. H. Benson,
H. Dyke, D. Carrlgan, Spokane; N.
H. Berrell, Portland; Donald McKay,
San Francisco; J. D. Murray, Port
land: J. W. Smith; W. .1. Avers, Port
land; O. D. Chase, Portland.
Golden Rule notel. W Elliot,
Portland: James Johns, city; Jas,
Harris, Pilot Rock; John Ridenour,
T. A. Brasflfld, C. K. Smith, R. T.
Muldoon, Pilot Rock; B. H. Rehmke,
M olson, Wash.: D. C, Able, Grunnell,
I&wa; W. H. Jones, Gurnnell, Iowa;
Danlrl O'Conner, Walla Walla; L
Olcott, Astoria: Mrs. Myrtle Vaughn,
North Yakima; Fred W. Andrew,
Echo; Z. Houser, Echo; L. Buckner,
Pilot Ruck; J. F. Fosg and wife. Mor
row: Geo. Ganger, city; A. Struther,
city; W. B. Weston, city; Clay Wood
city: William M. Wright, city: W. H.
Ellis, Fremont, Neb.; P. D. Murphy,
Spokane; C. E. Wilcox, Seattle; Wm,
Fra.er, Echo: Leo. I.lnder, Chicago;
ci. c Cross. Lawrence. Mich.; H. O,
Newprt ond wife, ' Hermlston; C.
des, EpoVsne; C. Smith, lone; Ar
thur Harala, City; C T. Adams, Spo
kane; R. O. Fdmiston, Sampler; Ja.
Itutier, Baker City W. O. Marshall,
V l!ac; W. R. Fverett.
struct at once on Baltimore street
This residence will be a fine structure
provided with all modern conven
iences. Now that the shipping season is
here, a large number of both sheep
and cattle will be shipped from
Heppner within the next SO days. W.
S. Wharton of the Bank of Heppner,
will ship 1000 head of cattle to be
delivered here June 1, on the govern
ment contract. The cattle will go to
Blsmark. N. D. Mr. Wharton recently
shipped 1200 head of steers from Arl
ington to Montana parties.
The abundant rains the past week
have put a stop to all fears of a
shortage of moisture. While crops In
Morrow county have not suffered in
the least for want of rain, many farm
ers were growing uneasy lest It
should not come In time. It has, how
ever, and everybody rejoices with the
farmers in the splendid outlook for
a bumper wheat crop.
Farmers from all sections of the
county are In town this week attend
ing court, and all are unanimous in
saying Morrow couaay has not had as
promising prospects for a big grain
crop for several years some say not
since 1891 when 40 bushels to the
acre was harvested. While the crop
Is not yet beyond danger, the general
conditions are such that the farmers
believe a short crop is hardly to be
Winter wheat Is now well advanced
with an unusual amount of moisture
In the ground and little if any more
rain will be required to mature the
crop. Spring grain Is doing very well
but will need more moisture during
the latter part of June to Insure a
good yield.
The acreage In this county Is proba
bly a little In excess of the average
and unless somethlngb now unfore
seen happens to Injure the crop Mor
row county will harvest the largest
crop In her history ,and certainly we
will all rejoice with the farmer in his
good fortune.
Clancy Scares Kahlotns
Drunk, crazy and revengeful be
cause of a quarrel with a woman, a
nllroad laborer named Clancy stir
red up a bit of excitement Monday by
l:ii'Ti"sr dynamite under the O. R.
N. : -t itl'in, the Fpokane saloon and
Weston' warehouse. Deputy Sher
iff Ed Owen captured Clancy, whose
mind was in a fevered condition, and
mnde him confess to having laid th
dynamite in these places and. It Is
said, used severe measures to make
him tell if any more were hidden
elsewhere. Hearing that explosives
had been thrown around promiscu
ously by the selfsame Clancy, Kah
lotus citizens took the middle of the
road fearing they might touch off a
mine almost any old place under the
sidewalks or buildings.
It was no Idle scare, as the offi
cers found the mines located just as
Clancy said they were. The man was
sent to Pasco. Excitement has sub
sided. Washtucna Enterprise.
Compiled From Mot It wont Issues of
: Heppner Tinvs and Gazette.
loaded out from the
Heppner stockyards Tuesday morning
80 cars of sheep. - This is tne dikbosi
hs,n shlnment so far this season.
J. W. Rasmus has sold his residence
on Court street to F. H. Stevenson, the
miller, and has commenced the con
.mixtlnn of another dwelling on the
Vaughn lots Just north, of the property
sold. . V . I . . i ..:. :
R. F. Hynd has placed" an order
with A. M. FUocum for lumber for a
modern residence which he wHl con.
Proprietor of the Big Show Which
Comet Here Jnne 1 Give Somo In
teresting Detail, i 2
Otto Floto, proprietor ond founder
of the Sells-Floto circus which comes
here next Saturday, Juno 1, In speak
ing of the circuit and Its many genu
inely interesting features, says:
"Now let me tell you a few things
about my show. You may have
heard that there are some shows
which advertise a herd of perform
ing elephants and display one mcth
eaten old bull with his tusks sawed
off right behind hi ears.
They advertise three rings full of
spangled acrobats and turn up with
half a dozen overworked tumblers
who have to change costumes seven
times In one afternoon, appearing as
Russian equilibrists, German whirl
winds and Flying Flooxles. They ad
vertise representatives ' from every
land and clime and make good with
men from Indiana. This Is not the
way I run a show. I will not stand
for my pesters to lie to the public
and when you see It on the bill boards
with the name Sells-Floto down , In
the comer, you can bet that It's so
and it will come off exactly as adver
tised. "I find that It la possible to run a
circus without a bunch of sure-thing
counts. With few exceptions all
pleaded guilty and Judge Crawford
fined them 1400 each for the first of
fense and 1100 each on the second,
and sentenced them to SO days In Jail.
The jail sentences were paroled pend
ing good behavior and .the court ad
monished one ' and all that If they
were again Indicted for violating the
prohibition lnw the extreme penalties
would follow. . v.
District Attorney Ivanhoe .stated
that the prohibition forces In Wal
lowa county had' secretly Imported a
detective from Portland to secure ev
idence, and when he appeared before
the grand Jury he submitted suffi
cient evidence In most all of the
cases to secure conviction. As a re
sult the general opinion regarding
the law has been materially changed.
The violations had beeti so fragment
ary and the testimony submitted : to
the grand Jury at the last session was
of such a character that conviction
was next to impossible that the peo
ple, continually seeing so mwany
drunken men, were pronouncing the
iaw a farce and were favorable to the'
old conditions as compared with the
present, but since this term of court,
things are different.
The great majority of the people fa
vor the upholding of the law, provid
ing it la enforced, and the way the
officers handled these cases at this
term of court has greatly changed the
sentiment in favor of the present law.
fhVaV . fc
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grafters to take money away from
the wise ranchers.. I have no three
shell attachment and no gambling
privilege. The peanuts which the
gentlemanly ushers pass around are
real peanuts and there are real lem
ons In the lemonade.
"I advertise the best and cleanest
show of its size In tho country, and
I believe I have It. I hire the best
act era In the business and I pay
them as much money ns they are nble
to Kt with Bamum and Bailey. I
advertise the smallest stallion In the
world, twenty-six inches tall, the liv
ing watch charm, and I can produce
"My feature acts are real features,
and when I advertise six specimens
of the Bengal tiger I can deliver thi
goods. I advertise three lion whelps.
They are In the cage. I advertise
genuine Arabian chargers the white
fellows with the small black feather
shaped marks. I make good with at
least eight of these rare and well
trained animals. ,
"I saw a woman wet her finger and
rub It over the black marks on one
of the Arabians. Shu thought the
! color would run. I stepped over and
; offered to have a groom bring her a
i bucket of warm water and some
I soap. There Is nothing about my
show that cannot stand the water
' test, except myself."
Making Prohibition Prohibit In Wal.
Ion- County.
In a review of the work of the
last session of the circuit court In
Wallowa county, (derived posisbly
from semi-official sources,) the La
Grande Observer has to say:
The violation of the prohibition law
in Wallowa county resulted in the
I grand Jury returning 60 true bills,
In all, against 15 violators, several
; having to answer to a number of
My Best Friend.
Alexander Benton, who lives on
Rttral Route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y .
says: "Dr. King's New Dlrcovery Is
my best earthly friend. It cured tne
of asthma six years ago. It has al
so performed a wonderful cure of In
cipient consumption for my ton's
wife. The first bottle ended the ter
rible cough, and this accomplished,
the other symptoms left one by one.
until she was perfectly well. Dr.
Klnir's New Discovery's power over
coughs and '.-olds Is simply marvel
ous." No other remedy has ever
equaled It Fully guaranteed by
Tallman & Co., druggists. 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Notice Is hereby given that the
grocery business heretofore conducted
by the Gordon Grocery company, at
130 East Court street, in Pendleton,
Oregon, will be discontinued May 21,
1907. All persons owing said firm are
requested to make settlement of their
accounts with F. A. Gordon, treasurer
of said firm, at his office In Pendle
ton, Oregon. Office will be at the
store until June 1, 1907.
Dated this 21st day of May, 1907.
By David Gordon, President.
By J. B. Halley, Secretary.
All parties knowing themselves to
be indebted to me, will kindly call
at my office and settle within the
next SO days.
New Management3
Two performances every evening 7:30 and 9 o'clock.
Saturday Matinee, 2:30 p. m.
PROGRAM Commencing Friday May 24
-Will Trites, Baritone " '
(a) Somewhere. (b) Clover Blossoms.
,yT..'.'. ' George Baker
.- "The Arrival of Hannah 1" i
Miss Cora Sipple, Singing
"Dear Old Dixie." with Illustrations.
Smith & Ellis, Comedy Sketch Team.
' . The Staroscope
Presenting Latesi Moving Pictures.
Gold by Filtration Process.
Former Governor W, J. McConnell,
who recently returned from a nex
tended eastern trip, devoted hit at
tention while away to looking up a
new Idea he has respecting the sav
ing of values from ores which so of
ten are carried off In sllmea or In
suspension In the water. Hit Idea la
to apply the principle of the filter
for recovering such values. Re
made extensive Investigations of fil
tration while abseqt and It satisfied
that value can be saved In that man
ner which escapes all other process
es. The governor proposes to put In a
filtration plant on the property he It
operating 18 niliet from Arco. The
ores carry lead, silver and sine. Ho
will arrange large filter beds and ex
pects to recover all the values which
would otherwise be lost The values,
he says, will be practically all on top
and can be scraped off the sand bed.
While In the east the governor
heard of John Porter, who was a
partner with him In this country In
1&63. Porter creek was named after
him. Tht two took out water at
Horseshoe Bend for Irrigation pta
poses and raited the first crop ta thst)
suction. Mr. MoOonMU beard a hiss
by chance and went to vlttt him at
Hamilton, Canada, spending
days with him, Bolss Statesman,
Rewire of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury.
as mercury will sorely destroy the
ot amen ana compieieir aersngs tne
system when entering It thronch th
surfaces. Such srtlcles sbould never ke
used except on prescriptions from rapntaMe
pbrslclans, ss tbs damage they will de It
ten told to tne good yon can possibly 4
rlrs from them. Ball's catarrh Care,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co., Tatt
oo, o., contains no mercury, and Is taaaa
Internally, acting directly upon the MoaaT
snd neons surfaces of the system. Ia
buying Ball's Catarrh Care be sure yes
get the genuine. It Is taken Internally saaT
mad In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
Co. Testimonials free.
Bold by drugftlsts. Price T5e per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpattea,
C. F. Arnold, a capitalist of Uts
soula, Montana, was threwn from
b'lgsy during a runaway near Wal
lace, Idaho. His head struck a rock
and he was Instantly killed.
Dairy and Farms
For Sale
Owing to my removal to Portland to reside per
manently, I have discontinued the Alfalfarm Dairy
business, and heve for sale my herd of dairy cows
consisting of about fifty grade Jersey and short-horns,
and will also sell either or both of my farms, one a
quarter section of fine wheat land, one and a half
miles South of Athena, in Umatilla County, and the
other, over nine hundred acres of grain, alfalfa and
grazing land, on the Walla Walla branch of the O. R.
& N, Ry., six miles Northeast of Pendleton, with the "
equipment of the latter. For particulars adress me at
400 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
wr "i n VV1VJ M
THAT NO THOUGHT WAS CIVENTO THE FUTURE bymaking ctxrefal investment
WE OFFER THE REMEDY by telling you aboutTEKHACE PARK,"Portland's most beautiful and best
new residence section, where YOUR MONEY WILL SOON TREBLE. You do not have to look away off into ,
the future for profit in your investment. IT IS THERE--YOU CAN SEE IT, Then the city is built up to this
'J magidfident tract, giving you at once the advantage of street' cars, schools, ' churches, lodges and stores.
SALARIED MAN OR WOMANSTART IN AT ONCE TO SAVE. A few dollars down and a few dollars per
month will buy one of our residence lots. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE BEST YOUR MONEY WILL BUY,
The Spanton Company