FOURTEEN PAGER. DAILY EAST OBBOONIAir, FEHDLETOir. ORBOOM. SATURDAY, MAY. 25, 1907. taom rrrm. COM ' THE POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY la the only purely Oregon Life Insurance Company THE VERY BEST FOR AN 0RE60NIAN 1 Call or write for further Information HOME OFFICE COR. SIXTH AND ANKENY STREETS, PORTLAND A. L. MILLS, L. SAMUEL, , "WALTER 8. BO WEN, President. General Manager. General Agent. COUNTY COURT WILL EN The law passed by the recent tension of the Oregon legislature for the sup presslon of noxious weeds In public highways, on farming land and In cities, will be vigorously enforced by the county court of Umatilla county. Weeds of all kinds are more plentiful than ever this year and farmers are bitterly complaining of the spread of some of the more objectionable kinds which are Included In the provisions of the weed law. The East Oregonlan publishes the law for the Information of its readers In hopes that It will stimulate an Interest In the matter and rid the county of weeds. The law takes effect May 25, and Is as follows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of each road supervisor In each road dis trict In this state. In addition to the duties heretofore prescribed by law, to ascertain from time to t'me and know whether or not there Is In hit district any weed known as Russian thistle, Canadian thistle, Chinese this tle or white mustard, cockle burr, known as dagger cockle burr, and sil ver salt bush, and he shall as he as certains, that there Is any such weeds, and before any thereof have shed Its bloom or commenced to form the seed, serve or cause to be served upon the owner, If he be known and residing within the county, and If not, upon the occupant of the premises . upon . which weeds or thistles may be, a no tice In writing notifying said owner or occupant of the existence of said this tle, weed or weeds, end In such notice hall give the name of such weed And the description of the land upon which the same is growing. Said notice shall be served by deliv ering to the occupant or person In charge of the premises a copy thereof duly certified to be such by the person serving the same, and If there be no occupant of such land upon which such weed may be growing, then such notice shall be served by posting In three conspicuous places upon said premises a copy of said notice, duly certified to be such by snld road su pervisor. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of each road supervisor Jn each' road district in the state to call a sufficient num ber of laborers to cut down and de stroy before the same has dropped Its bloom or seed, any of the above named weeds, found growing at any t'me hereafter In the highways or upon any public lnnds In his mad district, and the county court shall admit and al low the amount of expenses and Just and reasonable charge for such work, as other claims or bills filed by the road supervisors. Sec. 8. If any road supervisor of any road district In this state care lessly or wilfully neglects any of the duties Imposed by this act, or violate Even if your head feels As if it was in a vice ll'a bcuet to Iterp your headache than UK 1 dangerous remedy. To cure it with lomc dangerous powder brings alter eflecti which arc lar worse. Many headache curet kill the pain by tome powerful drug which il uied too often finally enslave! and breaks down the system. That's why you should be very carelul what you take to cure a headache. HEADACHE WAFERS An a simple and positive cure (or head aches, absolutely harmless, especially suited to women. Guaranteed to be iree from Antipyrin, Opium, Morphine or Chloral. U these wafers do not give absolute satis faction, bring back the empty package and ra will return your money. In two size packages, 10c and 25c THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. "THE MARK OP QUALITY." j Y r The coal'situation is much worse than a year ago, coal companies positively refuse to accept orders, but we have succeeded in buying 1000 tons to arrive before Oct. 1st, the coal is mined at Gebo, Mont., and is equal to Rock Springs coal in heat producing qualities, we will accept your orders for storage during the next 60 days to be delivered as the coal arrives, at $8.50 per ton loose, $9.00 sacked. Our terms are strictly cash when the coal is delivered. Don't overlook this opportunity to supply yourself, it is the beit chance you will get, coal will cost you $10.00 to $12.00 later on. 0 R E G O N L U B E R Y A R D, Telephone Main 8 9 ( lie FORCEVtfEEDLAW any of the provisions thereof, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convlotlon thereof shall be fined not less than ISO and not more than 150 for each offense. , ClUra Mast Clean Up. Sec. S. It shall be the duty of all municipal corporations In 'this state to, provide for the extermination of said Russian thistle, Canada thistle or Chinese thistle, within the limits of such corporation, or upon vacant lands within said corporation; and any city or town incorporated within this state neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a forfeiture to the county in which said municipal corporation Is situated, the sum of not less than $60 nor more than, $500 to- be recovered against such municipal corporation in a suit maintained by the county In which the said municipal corporation Is situated. A SEAT OF MANY ILLS. Eye Strain It Rttpontlble For a Num ber of Ailments. When the specialist to whom they had taken their sixteen -year-old daugh ter on account of what seemed to be a case of Incipient melancholia diagnosed the, case as one of eye strain and or dered prompt treatment from an oca list, the parents of a young New York girl were astonished. Eye strain seem ed as remote from melancholia as would corns on the feet Their aston ishment was proportionately increased when after a few treatments and ac quiring glasses the child showed no ticeable Improvement Latter day medical science traces to eye strain many Ills which seem so re mote from the eyes that formerly phy sicians never thought of establishing a connection between them. Blck bead ache, nervousness, melancholia. Insom nia, are but a few which have of late been laid to the door of weak eyes, the proper atment having been neg lected. Nervous diseases of the nuture of St Vitus' dance are now thought to origi nate frequently In eye trouble. The weak eyes blink incessantly, and this leads to a general contortion of the facial muscles, which grows on the abject through constant repetition. Excbanve. The Names of Tea. We talk glibly about Pekoe, Bohea, i etc., but few people have any idea of I what these names signify. "Pekoe" In the dialect of Canton means "white balr," for the tea which bears this i name is made from the youngest . leaves so young that the white down Is st " on them. "Soocliong" In the sauii- ; Is a quite unpoetie nnnie. It merely signifies "small kind." "Flourishing spring" Is the meunlnt; of "Hyson." "Kongo" signifies "la bor." Much trouble nnd toil are ex pended in its preparation at Amoy, and these are coiijuieniornted In its name. "Bnbea ' Is called after a range or mils. Portland (Ore.) Journal. To Clean Bronzes, I It Is not a good plan to clean bronzes, as the polish Is Very easily spoiled, but i If ' necessary nothing Is better than cleaning them with water and ammo. ' nla, using a stiff brush like a nailbrush. Pry carefully after rinsing thoroughly. , They should be carefully dusted every ' day with a sort cloth and a feather bruBb, and a little sweet oil may be rubbed on - occasionally. To remove stains from bronze make the article very hot by dipping It In boiling water. Then rub it with a piece of fJnnnel dip ped In suds made from yellow soap, rubbing clenu with soft linen cloths. Good For Evil. There are some people who turn gray, but do not grow hoary; whose faces are furrowed, but not wrinkled; whose hearts are sorely wounded in many places, but are not dead. There Is a youth that bids defiance to old age, and there Is a klndnesB which laughs nt the world's usage. These are they who have returned good for evil. Whom the gods love die young, and they die young because they never grow old. Selected. When a man fnllB everybody Is ready to give the reason for It. When a man succeeds everybody Is ready to express surprise. EE ude, Dehorning a Rhlnooero. A rhinoceros which lived in the Loo. Ion soo was troubled by Its horn, which grew down in front of its mouth, so that only with difficulty could It eat or drink. To save Its life the keeper decided on amputation. The' born of a rhinoceros Is not a horn at all, but an accumulation of balr and skin which has hardened and become cemented to gether by some gummy substance. The owner of this one had a very touchy temper and was not easily approached. Its keeper, however, decided to try what be could do. For some days It re quired all bis skill to persuade the beast to come to the front of the cage nd put Its horn through. Then for some days be stroked the horn, much to the animal's disgust at first, although later it seemed to like it When It found be meant no barm 11 let him take the horn in bis left hand and then with the right Imitate the motion of a saw across It. ' When this had been done some time and the rhinoceros no longer minded It, a piece of wood was held in the right band, and at last when even this no longer worried the animal, a real saw was brought In and the horn cut off without the slightest remon strance from the owner of It Outoomt Always 8amt. A Phlladelpblan was praising for his learning and uprightness the late Judge M. Russell Thayer. He quoted the moving passage from Judge Thay er's wUl, "Owing to the fact that al most my entire life has been passed in the public service of the United States and of the state of Pennsylvania, have .but a small estate to leave to my dear children and wife." "Judge Thayer," he continued, "was very honorable man. First as a law yer, afterward as a judge, he treated all with whom he had dealings with the greatest fairness. Once, years ago, after he had served me well In a dif ficult case, I remonstrated with him about the smallness of his fee. '"Well,' be said, smiling and smell lug the flower In his buttonhole, 'I, you know, am not that type of lawyer whose client once said: '""I never was entirely ruined but twice once when I lost a lawsuit and once when I gained one."'" Wash Ington Star. A Terrible Punishment A man suspected of treason in Mo rocco was punished by having the flesh of his hand Bllced, the wound filled with salt and the whole band sewed up In leather. It Is a common belief that' this punishment causes mortification to set in and that Ue band decomposes, but such Is not the case, for by the time the ieather wears off the hand 1b healed, the result being that the band Is rendered useless and remains closed forever, it is a punish ment not often In use, but is some times done In cases of murder or con stant theft as, without In any way in juring the health of the man, it pre vents bis committing the crime a sec ond time or for, the hundredth time, as the case may be. It is a punish ment that cannot be applied except by the sultan's orders. Blackwood's Mag asine. A Fairly Big Fith. Paddy had been telling the story of a big pike be caught too big to get into the boat so that be had to be towed behind (with the gaff in it. It must be understood). Then followed this dia logue: "What weight Paddy?" "Dlvr vll a know I know, but be was an ojous baste." "Was that the biggest you ever saw, Paddy?" Then Toddy gave a description of the biggest he ever saw. "What weight Paddy?" "Sorra a bit I know. He was a terror." "How big, Paddy?" "Sure, I can't tell to a foot or two, but a man could walk down his throat." On this Incredulity, but Paddy "clinched the matter and silenced all controversy" by adding, "Wld Ills hat on." Angler's Evenings. Emergency Foods. According to Dr. Robert Hutchinson of London, if at any time meat Is not available, bread, sugar and eggs will make "a very respectable support for the body." Sugar1 la an exceedingly valuable article of food as a source of energy, the unfortunate thing about It being that It contains no nitrogenous matter. Bread, however, does contnin sonic; hence It balances up well when combined with gupir. In times of scarcity of food bread and molasses is not a half bad diet at least It can be relied on to keep tho body up to a fair state of efficiency. Woman as Walkers. Even the athletic girls and women Of today can hardly make any ad vance upon the record of Mary Lamb, who wrote to Miss Wordsworth (both women being between fifty and sixty years old): "You say you can walk fifteen miles wltb ease. That Is ex actly my stint." 8he then speaks pity ingly of a delicate woman ,who could accomplish "only four or five miles ev ery third or fourth day, keeping very ulet between." The fusion convention of anti-ro- publican f t rees in Rhode Island has nominated Col. Robert Hale and Ives Coddard ns candidates - for United States senator. wm Are You Goiig to Build ? Then I Am Talking to You Remember you are not building for a few years, but probably for a lifetime. It costs no more to have your home planned and built artis tically, convenient and well arranged and lasting than It does to simply have a place In which to live. I have cement blocks, in all sizes and shapes, forbuilding purposes. They are much more substantial, and prettier than either rock or brick. Call and see the different designs. Contractor and Builder D. -Mitchell Wagons-i We also carry a comylete line of Mitchell "Bee" Line and Staver Buggies For country or city use. Drop in and see our wide track RUN-ABOUTS. Always the Best Possible to Build. JOHN NISSEN& SON Opposite Hotel Pendleton Queen of the Carnival. The committee In charge will now receive nominations for queen of the May carnival to be held In Pendleton on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 29, 10 and SI and Inn 1. Any little lady between the "gps of TO and 14 years from any of the schools of Pendleton Is eligible for queen. The one receiving the highest rHmT of votes will he crown"" queen and the next six receiving the InrgAFt vote for queen will be chosen for mnlds of lienor. Places of vot ing will he announced soon. Pee Jack Houston, chairman cf thij queen committee, lor particular, and send your nominations to him. The committee will provide suit able coronation robes for the quen and maids of honor and present each with a pretty souvenir of the carni val besides. Thirty days treatment for kidney, bladder trouble and rheumatism for tl.DO. Your money refunded If not eatlsfactory. Plnenles contain no al cohol. Do not derange the stomach. Rasy to take. 'Sold by A. C. Ke-ep-pen A Bros. Dissolution Xotlce. Pendleton, Ore., May 10, W". Notice Is hereby given that partnership heretofore existing be tween T. P. Howard and F. A. Swin gle, under the name of Howard Swingle, architects, is hereby dissolv ed by mutual consent. T. F. Howard will collect all bills and pay all debt: of the firm at Pendleton, Ore., and F. A. Swingle will collect all bills and pay all debts of the firm at Kenne wlck, Wash. F. A. SWINGLE. T. F. HOWARD, The salve that acts like a poultice Is Pine Salve Carbollzed. No other salve so good for cuts, bums, bolls and chapped skin. Ask about It Price 26cts. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. mm (mail miv M. MHY STAR THEATRE HIGH - CLASS VAUDEVILLE Two performances every evening 7:30 and 9 o'clock. Saturday Matinee, 2:30 p. m. PROGRAM Commencing Friday May 24 Will Trites, Baritone (a) Somewhere. (b) Clover Blossoms. George Baker "The Arrival of Hannah I" Miss Cora Sipple, Singing "Dear Old Dixie." with Illustrations. Smith & Ellis, Comedy Sketch Team. The Staroscope Presenting Latesi Moving Pictures. The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their libera patroa age. It is the advertising medium of this section. The "Stonekote" rough east cement block U all the rage. It makes th most perfect house, la dura ble and lasting. It give most pleasing effect and It permanent and will outlive an ordinary wood house si moat a decade. If our speci fications are followed out Cor. Rail road amd Willow Sts. Monarch of the Road for 72 Years. For 72 years the Best. Established in 1834 PENDLETON, OREGON . New Management EVANS & PARDEE, Props.