East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 26, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Portland and Walla Walla Caledon
ians Will Participate In Program
Milling Wheat Grown E1"1kto
Marriage of Former Atliena Boy
Forty-Three Attended Ball Game nt
Walla Walla live Baptised Into
Baptist Church Fruit Prospects
Not Affected by the Frost.
page sax.
Athena, April iS. A great portion
of the milling now done at the Pre-ton-Parton
plant here. Is from wheat
In transit, most of the home product
having been ground up. Wheat ship
ped In from the north over the O. R.
A N. one day Is sent out In flour the
next day In the same cars. Most of
this flour Is shipped to oriental mar
kets. Mrs. Adah Thompson, of Pendleton,
. Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Misses Eva Frooroe and Elizabeth
Foley of Pendleton, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Froome over Sunday
A large number of Athena people
went to Walla Walla Sunday to attend
the ball game between Pendleton and
Walla Walla teams. Forty-three tick
ets were sold for this occasion. Many
have signified their intention of at
tending the game at Pendleton next
At the Baptist church Sunday n'ght
five submitted to the ordinance of
baptism. The meetings will continue
during the present week, and possibly
longer. The church has been filled
every evening.
Dr. Plamondon took an automobile
ride to Walla Walla yesterday.
Arranging For Caledonian Picnic.
Committees having In charge the
arrangements for the holding of the
seventh annual picnic of the Caledon
ian society. In this city. May 24 and
15, have the work well In hand. Mem
bers of the Portland and Walla Walla
Caledonian societies will take part In
the literary and musical program.
The Scottish dances will be an attrac
tive feature, and the Highland games
and sports will be open to all In com
petition for prizes offered.
Marriage Announced.
Announcement Is made that Lee
Hiteman, formerly of this city, but
now residing at Berkeley, Cal., and
Miss Ray Jacobs of San Franclscq, will
be married May 1.
Crop Prospects.
Crops In this section are looking ex
ceptionally fine, though warmer
weather would materially assist In
rapid growth. Two quite severe frosts
here did not Injure fruit prospects In
the least.
Twenty-Third International Christian
Endeavor Convention Seattle,
Wash., July 10 to 15, Inclusive.
For above occasion O. R. & N. Co.
will make rate of one and one third
fare for round trip. Tickets on sale
July 8 and 9; final return limit July
II. 1907.
For further Information call on
local agent or write.
Portland, Or.
Sixteenth International Convention
Baptist's Young People's Union of
America; Spokane, Wash., July 4,
For the above occasion O. R. A N.
Co. will sell tickets at rate of one and
ojie-third fare for round trip. TicH
ets on 3ale July 2d and 3d. Final
return limit July 10, 1907-
For further Information call on
local agent or write
Portland, Ore.
Pioneers' Annual Picnic, Weston, Or.,
June 7, 1907.
For above occasion O. R. & N. Co.
will ell round trip tickets at rate of
one and one-third fare for round
trip. Tickets on sale June 6. 7 and 8;
final rtum limit June 9, 190".
For further Information call on
local agent or write
Portland, Ore.
Cure the Indigestion Which I So IX
able to Lead to Apoplexy.
Rush of business, eating 4oo fart
on J too much, excesses of any kind
ionn result In Indigestion. Then
when the digestive organs cannot care
for the food properly the coats of
the blood vessels In the brain get
little nourishment, become brittle,
and finally yield to the fierce blood
pressure. One la then said to have
a "shock," to be paralyzed, or to die
from apoplexy. .- - .
People suffering with headache,
gidOltifss, palpitation, sleeplessness
bad taste In the mouth, drowsiness.
coated tongue, distress after eating,
specks before the eyes, and any other
of the many distressing results of a
weakened stomach, should profit by
the discovery of Ml-o-na stomach
tablets. i
In recent years the greatest ad
vance In medicine has teen In the
study of diseases of digestion and nu
tritlon and no other prescription has
proven Itself of as much value as Ml-o-na.
It Is relied upon as a certain
ty today In relieving the worst trou
bles of digestion and assimilation and
making a complete cure.
The strongest proof that can be of
fered in substantiation of the claims
that Ml-o-na will cure the worst
forms of stomach trouble, cancer, ex
ceptert, and give Immediate relief in
Indigestion Is the guarantee that
Tallinan A -Co. give with every 60
cent box of Ml-o-na , to refund the
money unless Ml-o-na cures. A
guarantee like this must Inspire con
fidence In Ml-o-na. Tall man & Co.
take the whole risk and the remedy
will not coat you a penny unless It
is Her
U R complete ; line of Spring and summer
clothing now showing.
Handsomer Patterns and
Better Styles than Ever.
Casimeres, Velours, and Pure
Worsteds, in Browns, Blues,
Greys, Grey Checks and Mixtures.
' 1 r
For Correct' Clothing and Toggery, See
Pendleton's Leading Clothiers
... . .
Where Style and Economy Meet
Must Undergo an Operation Brick-
makers Have Been Granted an In
crease In Wages Moses Taylor's
Pardon Pleases the Large Number
or His Friends In Tills Vicinity
Prof. French' Will Conduct Teach
ers' Institute In Wheeler County.
Weston, April '26. Justin Read, the
young man ,who was shot some days
ago Dy Marshal u. r Lavender wnne
attempting his arrest, has been sent
to Spokane to undergo an operation.
It was, thought a few days ago that
the young man was out of danger, but
he seems to be suffering considerably
from the effects of the wound, and
some fears are entertained that he
may not be near so well as was hoped.
The friends of Moses Taylor In this
vicinity who had been working earn
estly for his pardon -for some time,
were pleased to see the .dispatch from
Salem in the East Oregonian to the
effect that he had been pardoned.
President French, of the Weston
Normal, will leave In a few days for
Wheeler county, where he will con
duct the teachers' Institute at Fossil
on May 2, 3, and 4. ,
Farmers are busily engaged with
their spring work.
Mr. and Mrs. Coffin, of Portland,
are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs.
Emery Baling.
Louis Reynolds, who has been quite
seriously 111 with typhoid fever, Is
able to be out again.
Increase In Wages.
The Weston brick yard manage
ment has granted an Increase in
wages, which has already taken effect.
The minimum wage hereafter will be
12.50 a day. Brick setters will earn
$6 a day or better, and the molders
will average about 13.60 per day under
the new arrangements. The average
Increase In 'all kinds of work Is about
10 per cent,' and 28 wage earners are
hereby affected. The yard will soon
be working a fulpcrew.
All the news all the time In the
TCart Oregonian,
: - t - i- ;- . 4 ' ; ' ' - -
.'.v ' , . . . . ,
Y '' ! HF lr We are going to make sensational
ft OF wI16 V V CCK reductions in toUormade suits.
! , Yon may wonder why we do this, so we explain right here: We aim to make prices on
the suits, to beat the prices of the materials used in making the suits. , Owing to the fact
, ; tlyit our McCall patterns are so popular, and so easily used, many women have been buying
the dress goods and making their suits and skirts over McCall patterns, and they have had
such good' success, they have turned toward making their suits rather than buy them ready
made. " Oiir1 large stock of dress goods has also aided them! in doing this, and while we
,-jm ' appreciate, the pattern business, and are greatly pleased at our fine business in the new
' spring dress goods, we want to see the SUITS move too, and there is every reason why
they should do so this week, foi we have placed the prices so low that the materials will cost
j as much as we ask for the suits, and you are Baved the worry and expense of dressmaking.
Every Suit is Reduced this week.
We will sell you a fine Chiffon Panama suit, $22.50 and $25, but this week you get your
Taffeta trimmed, plaited skirts, worth $30, choice for . . . . : .' $16.95
this week, for $23.95 $Rg()
io Suits in plain Panama and fancy checked values, this week . . . . . $13.95
and plaid Panama cloth, Eton jackets, and geveral $lg .n
wide girdle belts, also several other new style w for ffli i 95
suits, worth $20, $22.50 and $25, this week . " ' p . 1
all go at one price of $16.95 10 Suits of several styles, longer jackets, worth
- ,. r, . , , . . 1 j from $10 to $20, your choice this week fof
5 fine Silk Suits, the very latest styles, and ,' "
splendid values at our regular prices, $20, V'
Every suit quoted above is worth nearly a half more than the price mentionad on them,
but we are going to stimulate the suit busin ess, and we think the above prices will do the
business. ' EfflsWftSg
Don't fail to see these bargains this week.
The Fair Dep;
; Meat - Fish - Sausages t
s .
. Lard
Delivered promptly each day.
Empire Meat Go.
Phone Main
The French
Pendleton's most pop
ular Dining Room.
, Best, 25 cent .meal in
the city. ,
Thoroughly renovated
and all new dishes.
Orville Cof f man
".' Proprietor
Columbia Bar
Rooming House
Fine Wines, Liquors,
and Cigars
Newly tarnished and np-to-dat
Rooming House In connection.