PAGE SEVEN. EIGHT PAGES. THE little Ads IF It Is Not Ad CLASSIFIED Jand WANT ADS That Get the vertised Here, Quick Results. Advertise for It. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THTRSDAY, APRIL 18, HOT. CLASSIFIED PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND 8UR Biop. Office tn Savings Bank building. 'Phones: Office main 164; residence, main 175. DR. C. J. SMITH OFFICE 8MITH Crawford building, opposite postof flce. Telephones: Main 301; resi dence, main 1691; barn, red 681. DR. E. E. RINGO, PHYSICIAN AND Burgeon. Room S and 4 Schmidt building. 'Phone, office main lit; residence main 28. DR. W. O. COLH, PHYSICIAN AND urgeon. Office. Judd building. Of fice 'phone main 137; residence 'phone, main 138. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D HOMEO pathlo physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 8(31. VETERINARY BURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary board. Office Tallman's) drug store. Residence 1203 E. Court street 'Phone main 116. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY at Law. Office In Desp&ln block. DR. T. J. LLOYD, VETERINARY surgeon and dentist. Graduate of Grand Rapids Veterinary College, Michigan. State local veterinary In spector. Residence 123 Cosble St Telephone main 181. CARTER 4 RALKY, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office In Bavin rs Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylors nara- ware store. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS OR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. Telephone, main (31; residence, black 161. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHY8I clan and Surgeon. Office In Sav Ingr Bank building, room 1. Office 'phune, main 1411; residence, main 1661. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office phone, main 78. X-Ray and Electre-Therapeutlcs. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable sbstrac ' of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a gen rral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-re sl rtints. References, any bank In Pen dleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vice-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THH oldest and most reliable fire and accident Insurance companies. Office with Hnrtman Abstract C. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. LEWIS HUNTER. PAWNBROKER, second-hand coods bought or taken In exchange for new goods. Old Joe liasler stand. V. STROBI.E, DEALER IN SFCOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 213 Court street. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. G. S. AND EVA HOISINGTON. Graduates Klrksvllle school. Suite 10-12 Despaln block. 'Phone red 8181. All diseases treated. DENTISTS. RALPH C. SWINBURNE, DENTIST. Room 17 Judd Building. 'Phone black 3981. DR. M. S. KERN. DENTAL SUR- geon. Office, room is, juaa uuiiu- lng. 'Phone red 3301. VAUGHAN BROS.. DENTISTS, OF flce In Judd building. 'Phons red 1411. DR. LLOYD D. IDLEMAN, DENTIST Sunduvs and hollilnys Dy appoint ment. Kehmldt building, Pendleton, Ore. 'Phone Main 623. Office hours 9 a. in. to 6 p. m. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 62, A. F. and A. M., meets Ihe first nnl third Mondays of each month. All visiting btethien am Invited. GRAHAM. THE FURNITURE MAN, will buy vour old furniture and give yon rash or new goods In return. It cost nothing to visit him. Postofflce block, Pendleton. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLES, H. L. Swamrart St Chas. Heimer, Proos. Special attention to boarders. The best place for farmers t put up the r teams. SlocK Dougnt ana soia. Mnnev loaned on stock, etc. Aura street (4th street west of Main) be tween W. Alta and w. weou sireeis. phone black 2921, Pendleton, ure. n K FEED YARD. AURA 8TREET, between Webb and Alta. Stock well taken care of. Prices reasonable. Dav and night service. L. G. Huston r roprletor. ATTORNEYS. WINTER & COLLIER, LAWYERS. Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. ST1LLMAN PRTIITT, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been aa- mltteri tn nrartlea In United States patent office, and makes a specialty of patent law. Kooms 10, 11, li ana 13, Association block. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office Savings Bank building. nwnTirm! W. COTTTT8. LATE COUN ty attorney from Idaho, civil ana criminal law. Estates settled, wills. Aitris. mnrlvnsrpa and contracts drawn Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETER WEST, DIVORCE LAWYER. Office (08 Garden street R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offices In Association block, arneaa of stairs. S. A. NEWBERRY, Law. Room Z6 building. ATTORNEY AT Smith-Crawford DAN P. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In Despaln block. Bast Court ttreet MISCELLANEOUS. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING ON furniture, bric-a-brac and sewing machines. All kinds of saws filed. All work warranted. Anton Bannellck, corner Webb and Franklin streets, No. 1101, or leave order at Fred Weber's Implement store. WANT ADS ! THE PLACE TO GET A GLASS 2 ELECTRICAL 8UFPLIES JOHN S. Vaughan, electrician. Does all kinds of electrical work. Complete line of electrical fixtures. Only electrical store In Pendleton. Work guaran teed. 'Phone, Main 130. 123 West Court street WANTED RESIDENT SALESLADY to take orders for roade-to-order skirts. Address KLAFTER SKIRT CO., Toledo, O. WANTED LACE CURTAINS TO wash. Carefully handled. Mrs. P. A. Anderson, 1101 East Railroad. GET THE HABIT. PERSIAN STEAM Cleaning and Dye Works clean, press and mend your clothes the best and for less. Give them a trial. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE palr work on all kinds of machines, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marlon Jack, Pres.; A. F. May, manager. FOR SALE. FOR SALE OLDSMOBILE AUTO; can be seen at shop of W. R. Wlthee, Pendleton. Account of my removal from Pendleton, will sacrifice this 1908 model runabout for 425 cash; sells for $650 new. - G. H. Blakesiee, Browning, Montana. FULL-BLOODED SCOTCH COLLIE pups for sale. Good workers. Price $6.00 each. Address Chas. Taylor, Pendleton, Ore. M'COURT PHELPS, ATTORNEYS at Law. Smith-Crawford building. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS HOME made lumber constantly on hand at my sawmill on North McKay, 84 miles southeast of Pendleton. Prices reason able, quality best No lumber trust here. E. J. Wilbur, McKay Postof flce. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER. FUNERAL DIREC tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balming. Corner Main and Webb streets. 'Phone main 1301. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER & FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Twe funeral cars. Calls responded to dav or night. 'Phone main 76. Read the East Oregonlan. FOR PALE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE with three lota 118 Garnela street, on north side. All mod tu improve ments. Terms te alt purchaser. Ma quire this office. i ANY KIND OF HAY OR STRAW vou want Cut hay, wheat hay and alfalfa. Tutullla Chop Mill. Ed Maurer, Prop. 'Phone Main 668. If It Is not advertised here, advertise for It. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street. Carney & Kennedy, Props. I.lveiy, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at 1 limes. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 701. The "lonk-hefore-you-leap" nenule read the ads every day. HELP WANTED. ? The OFFICE : MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, arriving, jewelrs work: optics, easy terms; positions guaranteed; money made learning; Watchmaking-Engraving School, 1426 4th avenue, Seattle, Wash. WANTED. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE Good nay to distribute clrcul J, advertising matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. ' ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls etc Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING, brick and cement work. Estimates furnished free. Work guaranteed. Phone black 2042. WOOD RATES One line, one time - 10c One fine, one week 25c 4 lines, one month $1.00 COAL Good, clean and combustible The kind that produoes heat t and not dirt. Priced right and dalivered promptly. Dutch Henry Office. Pendleton Ice Cold Storage Company. "Phone si;n 178. Also at Henneman's cigar store, ep- Doslte Great Eastern store. 'Phone main 4. Dally Bast Oregonlan only IS cents a week. by carrier OF BETZ BEER, 71 1 MAIN ST. WINES, LIQUORS and Union-Made CIGARS COURTEOUS TREATMENT. PENDLETON, ORE 0 rcuiuuaiun, vnu GUARANTEED UNDER THE FOOD AND DRUG ACT OF JUNE 30, 10. SERIAL N. 2408. This Is what our customers read on the end of a barrel of wine at the Oregon Wine & Liquor Co.'s store, while the measure Is being filled from the original package. Telephone main 144. Oregon Wine & Liquor Co. BOWMAN BLOCS. Near O. R. 4 N. Depot Telephone Main 144. IFERG Y'S MOST POPULAR RESORT In Town. BEST OF LIQUORS and CIGARS WEINHARDT8 SPECIAL BREW. 618 MAIN STREET. FERGY'S : I sf line t Among the Exchanges of the Inland Empire lew of this statement and the affair f lust nlRht, much Interest Is center- ne: In tne proDanie uuimmc m differences between 'Joocle ana me people who are harassing him. f'wHtnn Tribune luouonwooa -ur- res.) KiiIiiioii Will Cost .More. Opening piles on the 1107 pack of Columbia river almnn will short ly be nntmuiuvJ by the Colun.bln River Packer!-' rissnclatlnn. nnd there Is eveiy r esnu to liellevu that they will ' ! blither than the opening prices 'nsl year, fine of the lower river c-.nners has already Riven out his price" for this season, whfch nrc as follows: Fulls, 1.0; flats, $1.75; halve'. I1.0R. In view nf the trade, he nan hit upon the correct basis, and it Is generally believed that the n-0(lailon'R flmtros wli be the same. Opnli7 prlre lu-t year, which were mal '.talne.l tl.ronuliiut the season, were: Talis, Jl.lf.; flats.- $1.66; halves. 11. Tlu advance In pi Ices Is justified, according to the eanners. by the heavy demand tar chlnook s-.lmon an I the fact that, whatever the pa :k ri it amount lo, it cannot p.-lhly fir- excessive. Fl-hinp on Hie Columbia bepin to day. T ie seiners cannot sturt yet. ns the water is ton muddv, and It will re several werl:s before they can l.ike h-M. II Is lmr.osH.lblp. of coure. tn forecast the pack, nut as the catch has run uniformly Unlit In the past three years, which have been years nf low water, nnd the In dications this summer are for a hifr!er river "t.RBe, H 's hoped that the run ot fish will be mere plcntl f ll. -The Dalits Chronicle. At The Dalles they are bringing sev en cents "Tiny are having fine weather In t'.nf y.i.rt of Idaho now." says Mr. Kurtz, hut them is more snow In the mountains than for many years and all er looking for extremely hlph wter. A man from the vicinity of the Sawtooth range, whom Mr. Kurtz was conversing with, told him the snow Is from six lo IS feet deep on these mountains, and a miner from the heed of the Snake river reports fmrr clsjht to 12 feet up there. Old Columbia Is crawling up nnd this morning stood at lo.l. The streams above arc rlMng fast, which cnun-'S the rise ot this 'place. The Dalles Chronicle." A Card. This is to certify that all druggists re authorized to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar falls to cure our cough or cold. It stops me cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la Ippc coughs, and prevents pneu monia and consumption. minimis o opiates. The genuine Is In a yel low package. Refuse substitutes. Kneppen's Drug Store. Freak Tree nt Caldwell. One nf nature's queer cnprlees Is demonstrated In a tree on Charles Imvls" lot near his handsome new resilience, that Is attracting conslder b'.Mi attention from pnssersby. The tree clt.selv resembles a five or six year peach In size nnd general ap pearance, also In the matter of foil age and bark. The bloom, however refuses tu bear out the peach theory, being exactly like that of the flower ing almond shrub so common In old fashioned gardens. The exact age of this curiosity Is not known, hut It Is P'orablv eight or ten years old. It Is an unusually healthy growth re nulrmir no spraying or other doctor inc and eueh spring presents n con tradictory crop of pink flowering al mond blooms, a variety so double ns to resemble tiny Juno roses. Cald well News. Tills Mny Interest You. Mr. S. L. Powen. of Wayne, W. Va., writes: "I was a sufferer from kidney disease, so that at times I could not get out of bed, and when I did I could not stand straight. I took Foley's Kidney Cure. One dol lar bottle and part of the second cured ine entirely." Foley's Kidney Cure works wonders where others are total failures. Koeppen's Drug Store. lllitli Winer Epeclet1. This morning W. E. Kurtz came from southeastern Idaho with five carloads of what he calls "Mormon hogr," fine fellows, which he Is ship ping to Troutdale, and has more on the way. Hcgs are still to be se cured at Idahc Falls and the coun try near them, but they come high. ' Trying to Hun Him Out. While sitting near the window In his office In the Gladstone building hire at 11 o'clock last night, George W. Goode, the wall known attorney npnliiRt whom a demonstration was made by a masked band several days ago. came near being assassinated by some unknown person who fired three bullets nt him. The bullets shattered the window panes nnd were found Imbedded In the. wall on the opposlti side of the room. This, morning It Is understood Mr. Good swore out wnrrant for tho arrest of Harry Vtlako, a young man who, he alleges, was the author of the attempt on his life. An arc light was shining on the corner where the shooting took place inrl Goodo, It Is reported, said ho plainly distinguished the form of Wake, and It In reported. Mr. Goodo han decided nt present not to pusV any charge against him. Mr. Goodo asserts thot the leaden pellets parsed wl'hin four Inches of his heart and lavs his ecnpo to hie good luck. Following the seizure ef the nttor ney by a masked band several days ao, in which he was taken to the outskirts of Cottonwood and ordered to leave the town, to the tune of volley of shots over his head, Goode made a statement In effect that he would remain In Cottonwood until ready to leave or his own accord, or unless carried away a corpse. In Snake uml Clearwater Hisln;. Heavy rains In the uplands Friday Igl.t '.rd Saturday arc reported to have started the Lapwat creek on a rampage. Saturdav evening as the rain came down from CuMcsac Con- urinr Howling slates n hi aw flood f water was coming down the creek irrylng lees and trees In the rush. Uher small streams In the tipper inn'.ry an: reported running hank I'l and some fears are entertained til it considerable damage may result mm the flood The Cl-nrwater and Snake rivers have been coming up steadily for the past few days and 'slcnlny evening the former stream had reached a stage almost equal to Me J.-Rh wntcr during the freshet last fall. Several families voiding In small structures nlo.ig the Clearwater slough were yesterday compelled to ubandon their structures. Yesterday afternoon a warm wind prevailed and t Is believed this will cut the ehow n tho high ranges nnd cause a fur ther ilso in the rivers today. Lewl;- ton TllllUll':. PULL OUT A PLANK or board from the middle of a wagon load hailing from this yard, and you'll find It as good, sound and honest as the tip top one. Same as to Bhlngles. We try to give every customer just the very best lumber that goes through the mills, and seldom score a failure. As to prices glad to quote them any time. Sole agent for Krlsolite Wood Flbr Plaster, made In El e .Rr.pids, Kan vs; also White Crystal Lime. Pendleton Planing Mills r FXJRSTXK, Proprietor. Vashingf on & Columbia River Railroad Go. In Connection With vGr) How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver nnd bowels nnd restores the nnturnl action of the bokels. Orlno laxative Fruit Syrup does not nause ate or gripe and Ih mild and pleas ant to take. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen's Drug Store, State Grange nt Hood River. Fi.r four days commencing Tucs. day, May 24, the Oregon State Orange will hold forth nt. Hood River for the 2llh unniial session of tho ot'ffn"l".alion. On Thursday, May 30 the Pomona and Flora degrees will he exemplified and on tho following night the subordinate degrees will be conferred on candidates by the drill tennis. The winners of the state grange contests will be announced nnl prizes awarded following the In itiatory ceremonies. A speclnl rate of cne and one-third fare has been made by the Hariiman lines. The Oilles Chionicle. Colesworthy Has it The Food for Little Chicks : CHOP MUX CORNER ALTA j AND COTTONWOOD. STS. t For all points east and west 4 trans continental trains dally over the Northern Pacific, equlppsd with stan dard and tourist sleepers. All meals erved in dining cars. For full inform ation, time cards, rates, etc., call on or address S. B. CALDERHEAD. G. P. A. W. & C. R. R.. Walla Walla, Wash. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. Northern Pacific Ry., Portland, Ore. WALTER ADAMS, Local Agent W. & C. R. Ry. Reai' the East Oregonlan. Get the Best Good Dry Wood and HOCK SPRING COAL Tile coal that gives the most heat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINIMIS Leave order at Hennlngsf cigar Wore. Opp. Peoples Ware house. 'Phone Main 8. Ha e you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly niaazira of the wide awake Vest wiih fascinating short stotlcs. picturesque personal puiru-o.'- ..'V dcviiption of the interesting t'cvclopmetit of the West, and the and his tory of t.e wonderland of the eartK Ask ycr.r x: newsdealer for fui'cnt i-'.'c or send $1.50 foryeat's subscription. The book, "Ro::J ol a TVo"sr.nd Wonders." 120 Leauii.-..; Western views in four color: i-i te included free. SUNS-- :ixz.zir.2 u?a 03 Pacific Through Pullman Standard u Tourist Sleepers dally tn Omaha ua4 Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Ku sns City; through Pullman tourist sleeping care (personally cenduetad) weekly to Chicago; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the east dally. SCHEDULE FROM PEN'DLETOK. EASTBOUND. No. 2, Chicago Special .arrive 1:41 p. m.; departa 6:40 p. m. No. (, Mall A Express, arrive 4:11 a. m.; departs 4:65 a. m. WESTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrive 11:06 a. m.; departa 11:06 a. m. No E, Moil & Express, arrives 11:11 a. m.; departs 11:16 a. m. 4 SPOKANE DIVISION, ' No. 7, Pindleion passenger, arrives 6:3P p. m.; connects with No. 1. No. 8, Spokane passenger, departs 11:15 a. m.; connects with No. 1. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41 arrives t:10 , : - No. 48 departs 6:40 p. m.i connects with No. 2. SNAKE RIVER. Riparia to Lewiston Leave RlparU dally except Saturday. 6:40 a. m. I eive LevrlMcn daily except Friday 7 a. m. E. C. SMITH, Agent, Pendleton. WM. M'MURRAT, O. P. A.. Portland. Ore. 60 YEARS' V CArEKItliwb Vyv"T:;: a"- TRADt Marks rSlV--Jr4 Designs 9 f tf Copyrights Ac. AtiTonwnrtlng ftuketrh and rtwcriniton my quickly nacormin our opinion fre whether au tnrontlon i jimhaMT patent Hhlo. Cor.miunlc. tlnimtnctlf contlilentlul. HANDBOOK otil'atontt cut friMV OMeat aneney for nerurlnd pate! its. I'fiUMiti tukou tlirousti Munu A Co. rooolre tptcirt ixotict, without chnrae, lu tba Scientific Americans A hftfiiftomely lltnutratM wwklr. T nrirf-.t elr. dilation of unv (H'lenilUo Journal. Term. 3 ft year ; four ruouttia, $L ttoU by all new.u1olert. MUNN & Co.36,B"d-'- New York Hraueh lRlc. t& T PL. Wuhitliluu. O. U Dally Bast Oregonlan by carrier, only II cents a week. MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Big O fornnnatqraj d I " 11 animation, lrritatloDi or ulceration of rnaooni tuembranea. PsiinlAsa sinrl nnl trine IniCEVANSCHEMKALCO. (Mut or poinonoui. 1,0 od by Drurvuu. C.B.A TV. or twnt fn plain wrapp. ftl rVl nm Kitttlsia tV v CJ cuuulu Mat ou M g la 1 la Vml K aV rm t ttrloMr. PMMsiti C Usrl . IS B OIHOIIIHtT ... T?-.d3H Scott's Saiital-Pspsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE ForTr9vrimatlOn OTOrrh of the Hlddti-ami Uim?.w 1 ... ' l UP 111. srt 1 Kldnaya, Cj euro no p ssj" it nnciiv ri t It 'fflJ&F A-i-l'.t..-l.- Ulll!.!, Bold lj F. J. lVjali ,