rAGK FOUR. DAILY E-ST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1907. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Publltbed Dill;. Weekly and Semi-Wees tj, it lDd!etom Oregon, by tta EAST OHKUO.MAN l'UULISIIING CO. SUBSCItllTION KATES. Dally, on year, by mall 15.00 Dally, ilx monthi. by mall 2.ft0 Dally, three montba, by mall 1.20 Dally, one montb, by mall DO Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, all mnntha, by mall TS Weekly, four moatha. by mall 60 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Semi-Weekly, ilx month, by mall 75 Semi-Weekly, tour montba, by mall... .50 Chicago Bureau, 900 Security building. Wastilnu'tiin. D. C Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, N. W. Member Scrlpp Newa Association. Telephone. Entered at Pendleton Poatofflca aa second- claaa matter. Every day is a fresh beginning. Every morn Is the world made new! You who are weary of sorrow and sinning, Here Is a beautiful hope for yo: All the past things are past and over, The tasks are done and the tears are shed, . Yesterday's errors let yesterday cover; Yesterday's wounds which smarted and bled Are healed with the healing which night has shed! Selected. THE PUBLICITY CLm. heavily to bear the burden of govern ment. The Idle property has been enhanc ed In value through Ihe thrift of neigh bors. The owner of the Idle property has escaped taxation while he has en joyed a handsome Increase in the value of his holdings. Thrift is- taxed and slothfulness is at a premium. The man who refused to build up the town, pave streets, lay sidewalks, erect modern buildings or In any way advance the interests of the community has been made rich by the Industry of those patriotic and energetic citizens who have given their time, money and energy to the upbuilding of the town. Let us tax the Idle property Into usefulness. Let us make the tax si high on It that it will be cheaper to improve It than to have it Idle. Publicity 19 one of the best cures known for corruption of any kind. Few men or corporations can long bear the light of publicity on their wrong-doing. They begin to flinch and defend themselves at the first glare of the light, as the light is in creased, they flee faster and seek hid ing places more hurriedly. Tbe East Oregon'an believes that it is possible for the presi.of the north west to break up the lumber and building material trust if it would persistently publish the truth about this trust. Every city In the north west is being held back by the extor tions of this trust. Hundreds of homes would now be in process of construc tion In Oregon, Washington and Idaho were it not for the unreasonable prices of lumber. Every newspaper Is interested in the growth of its town. Whatever retards the growth of a community is a fit subject for editorial excoriation and In vestigation. Let the press of the northwest turn the light upon the lumber trust and soon the old-t me building activity will return with re newed energy. The timber land of the northwest is practically controlled by about three or four syndicates. These syndicates are directly responsible for the in crease in lumber prices. Within the past three years the retail price of lumber has been forced up 35 per cent, resulting in the suspension of nearly all kinds of building. This is hurting the country. There is no reason for It, except the Insatiate grved of the trust. Lubor is not paid any better in sawmills and logging THE RESTLESS AMERICAN. A. C. Ruby, the well known horse importer, tells a story which Illustrates the English view of the restless Amer ican. On his last trip to England to buy horses, Mr. Ruby went to the fine stock farms of a large grower of Shire stallions and after a long delay succeeded In getting the old man started out to the stables three miles distant from the residence, to look over the horses. Mr. Ruby had but a limited tlmo In which to visit the stables anl began urging the English farmer to greater speed. They were riding in a single buggy pulled by a horse which barely moved along the lanes. Mr. Ruby told of his llm'ted time, of the train which would surely lave London at noon, of the long distance nhead of them, but it was of no avail. The old horse crept along, n'.ptlng the tips of the willow limbs which hung over the road. ; ' "Hrry, hurry," urged Mrf Ruby. "Oh, take it easy, nun; you Americans rush through the world as though this were the last day. Take it easy, man; take It easy; the same train will leave London tomorrow precisely at noon, and the next day, and the next. Let us take It easy and enjoy the sight of my growing crops," replied the com placent farmer. Finally despairing of getting any more speed out of the old horse, Mr. Ruby leaped out of the buggy and started on foot through the fields to ward London, which he reached just before his train left. When he last saw the old Engl'sh mnn he was creeping down the lane directing the women who were pulling weeds from his onion beds, as leisure ly and unconcerned as though he had not lost a sale of $10,000 woyth of young stallions. - THE NEW CHARTER IS SAFE. tjj One the Important Duties of Physicians V j jLt ia7ii r 1 r lL- TAT 1 J aim ns v? eii-iiuuiiiiGu kji ihc vvunu is to learn ns to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agcuU;, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by.reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product lias attained to the high standing in scientific, and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-Informed' in every walk of life and ara essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good h.iilh, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all IVj term implies. With proper kno-.vledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of eiTort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many, instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subiect and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known tinder the name of Syrup of Fins and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of the wofld to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Fins and to got its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the lull name or tiie Company uuilornia iig Ssyrup Co.- ft i plainly printed on the Iront or every package, whether you simply can lor hvrup or Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Henna as Rvrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup fits of organized society between all classes of citizens. Justice is the only rue guide. The personnel of the charter com mittee appointed by Mayor Fee last night is assurance that every interest or the city will be guarded in the pro posed changes In the charter. The citizens appointed represent every clas of property holder in the city small, large and moderate and no class can complain that it Is not represented. The East Oregonlnn is extremely democratic In Its views upon such The O. R. & N". has always been ready to respond to the needs of east ern Oregon people In the way of In creased facilities and the East Oregon- lan believes that the train recommend ed by the state railroad commission, between Biggs and Pendleton, will be nstalled soon. In Umatilla county the O. R. & N. has given Increased facilities In the busy season and during the past Win er has run a Sunday train between this city and Walla Walla, while pat ronage of the train did not actually justify the extra expense. . Recently the O. R. & N. has Install ed an extra freight train between Walla Walla and Umatilla In order to give quick transportation to the growing early garden traffic of Walla Walla. This shows a most commen dable spirit on part of the road and It Is believed that the passenger tra'n between this city and Walla Walla will soon be put in service again. camps than it was 10 years ago and subjects, and while It believes that lumber is 60 per cent higher than 10 large property interests should be years ago. 'given every consideration, yet It also Most of the advance In prices is u believes that every humble citizen plain steal by the trust. I who owns a home In the outskirts of - - the city, is entitled to a voice In charter TAX THE IDLE PROPERTY. making. The large owner pays more taxes, It Every year the evil of pa.-t systems is true, but he enjoys privileges com et assessment Is brought more forci- ' mensurate with his taxes. And after bly to view. Valuable unimproved hill, property Is not a measure of cltl property lying In the heart of cities i zcnshlp. The small owner has Inter and towns of Oregon has been nssess- ests ns vital to hfm as the large owner ed low, wh'le the man who linprov ; and It Is the object of all government C'd adjoining property has been taxed i to equalize the privileges and bene- YOUR SELECTION OF A GOOD BANK CIs important, not only for the present, but also for the years to come. CfThe Vight Bank connection will be a material help to your every day business. tflThis Bank has a successful record of safe, conservative banking from the day of its organization, WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS i Interest Paid on Time Deposits. The Pendleton Savings Bank Pendleton. Oregon Capitr f 100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $150,000.00 Deposits $1,250,000.00 Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given sat isfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, I). C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, Juno 30th, 190p. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Si! Louisville, Ky. 4 0 New York, N. Y. V Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVEAU, Proprietor. '-V. 2 :..rEi mm raffia mmaimi wm&m ninn. Fvervthlnir first AUl upenu - alass. All modern convenience!. Steam heat throughout Rooms en ulte with h.t T a rira nAW MmDlt TOOni. The Hotel St. George Is pronounced one of the most up-to-aate noien oi m Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm connections to office, and hot and cold running water in an rooms. ROOMS: $1.00 and $1.5o Block nnd a Hnlf From IVpot. See the big electric sign. The Hotel Pendleton BOLLONS & BROWN. Proprietors. San Frnuciseo, Cul U, S. A. London, England. MORE O. R. & N. TRAINS. jtTB.VS DENSE FORESTS. The trains on the Cubnn railroad, which Is owned by Sir William Van Home, Grenville M. Lodge and other enterprising Americans, who have done so much to develop the Interior provinces of Cuba, plunse Into a pri meval forest shortly after leaving the city of Santa Clara. The trees are covered with orchids, hanging moss and are draped with vines like those In the cypress swamps of Florida and southern Mississippi. The growth is so dense thnt the for ests are Impassable, except where paths have been cut, nnd these paths are like labyrinths, leading to no where. During the revolution for indepen dence the forests were the refuge of TIIE HOROSCOPE. O radiant nngcl of my ruling star! Read me the story of the horoscope, That sent Love to me, for I darkly crone Before the secret of the calendar That ushers In tomorrow. It is far The day that wears my diadem of hope. When I shall know Love's pleni tude and scone, And all Its hidden wonders ns they are? How blinded are the portals of my birth! As Impotent In rapture as In sorrow The capital of Destiny to borrow Whatever wealth our fortune may be worth. And though I gave the glory of the earth. I could not buy one whisper of to morrow! Elsa Baker. PF.LMAS US YEARS OLD. Delnhln Michael Delmas. the fa mom. California lawyer who is the leading attorney for the derense In the Harry Thaw case, wns born in France, April 11, 1S44. He removed to California In his boyhood, and was graduated from the Santa Clara college In 1SC2. Three years later he graduated from the Yale Law school. After his ndmlsslon to the Cnllfornla bar In 1SBB he practiced law In San Jose until 1882, and since lhen In San Francisco. He was chosen regent of the University of California in issd nna deiegaie-at-large to the democratic national con vention In St. Louis in 11104. Mr. Delmns resides at Casa Del mas Santa Clara county, nnd has his office In Ran Francisco. During his years of practice at the Callfornln l-nr he hna tvnn mnnv fnmmti pnsefl. It Is said, in fact, that no client he has defended, has ever been found guilty. In 1840 Austrian noblemen could legally claim two days a week of unpaid labor from all their tenants. who were at that date practically the Insurgents. Whenever they were closely pressed by the Spanish troops they plunged Into the green gulfs and scattered beyond the knowledge, ns well as the reach, of their pursuers. Maximo Gomez had several camping places In the timber, so well concealed that nobody but well trained timber wolves could find him. and In one of these retreats a hospital was main tained for more than two years by an ebony Amazon called La Bayamesla. Her real name Is Rosa Castollnnos, and she was one of the genuine heroes of the war for liberation. She Is now living at Camaguey practicing the profession of nurse and midwife, honored and respected by all true Cubans. William E. Curtis. liSiii Read the East Oregonlan. The Hotel Pendleton has been re fitted and refurnished throughout. Telephone and fire alarm connec tions with all rooms. Baths en suite and single rooms. IleudipinrKTS for Traveling Med I Cnmmwllnus Sample Room. Free "Bum. Ratee $2, $2.50 and $3. Speclnl rates by the week or month. Excellent Cuisine. ' Prompt dining room service. Bar nnd Bllllanl Ron inln Connection Only Tliree Blocks from Pcpots. Folg'er's Golden Gate Coffee Will Delight Your Guests Aroma-tight tins only Never in Bulk Sold on merit J. A. FOLGER & CO. San Francisco UrouFeiUc Cook With Gas SVMMER AND TIIE HOT WEATHER WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOC ARE AWARE OF IT, AND IF YOUR KITCHEN IS NOT ALREADY EQUIPPED WITH A GAS RANGE, BY ALL MEANS DON'T DELAY IT MUCH LONGER. OUR ORDERS ARE NOW COMING IX VERY RAPIDLY. GET IN YOUR APPLICATION FOR GAS. . GAS IS BY FAR TIIE MOST ECONOMICAL FUEL OX TIIE MARKET. TIIF GREATEST ARGUMENT IX ITS FAVOR IS THAT YOU CAN HAVE TIIE HEAT WHEN, WHERE AND AS LONG AS YOU WAXT IT. NO HOT ROOMS IX THE SUMMER TIME. THEX THERE IS NO DIRTY WOOD OR COAL TO BE CARTED AROUND AND CLEANED UP AFTERWARD. GAS IS PIPED RIGHT INTO YOUR STOVE. A TURN OF A VALVE AND A SCRATCH OF A MATCH TFLLS THE WI'OIE STORY OF GAS COOKING. Gasfor Heating and cooking cost. $2.00 per 1000. Average cost per month, about $3.00 NORTHWESTERN GAS Sb ELECTRIC CO. REMEMBER! We lay pipe from main to curb free 1 and are in a position to do all piping and furnish all fittings. Golden Rule Hotel E. L. M BROOM, PROPRIETOR. A first-class family hold and stock men's headquarters. Under new management. Telephone nnd fire alarm conneclhuis with all rooms. AMERICAN AND i;ri;oi: ..AX special rates by tire week or month. ICvcellent dining room service. Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Free 'bus to and from nil trains. THE ST. ELMO Lodging House a clean, First-class, up- TO-BATK ROOMING HOUSE. EVERY ROOM CLEAN, LIGHT AND AIRY. Rates 50c and $1.00 SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. J. G. POORE, Prop. HOTEL PORTLAND -OF PORTLAND, OKBUON. -JT lU,an 13 "cr ni up ward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special rites made to families and slnK Vntl" Sd lit TheHmftnVTnt w"' b" ed .t all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish hti establishment In the hotel H. a BOWERS. Manat-.- " . ' -ill