EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOMAK, PETOLKTOW, OREGON. llllltSDAY, AI'ltIL 11. 1007. PASS FTTB SILKID SHOES For Women $3.50 and $4.00 .. . Another Shipment of Oxfords and Shoes In kid and patent, light and heavy sole. The style, comfort and wear of most $5 shoes. Ladies you don't know what you are missing when you refuse to wear Sil-Kid Shoe. We are the only people that sell them in Pendleton. Teutsch'sDept. Store CITY BREVITIES Rader'a rug sale Saturday, April 13. Peacock coal, Oregon Lumber Tarrl. All kinds of good, dry wood. 8 Mlnnls. Private room and board, tit South Main street. Best bargains you ever saw at Ra der's rug sale, April It. For Rent 3-room furnished cot tage, 12 1 Thompson street See Mlnnla for good, dry wood that burns. Lots of It on hand. Try Walters new "Hard Wheat" flour, now on the market. Leaving town; have canned fruit for sale. 311 Garden street Leathers Transfer Co.. day and night service. Phon. Main (11. Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Enquire 205 W. Webb st. NIc Turnlshed housekeeping rooms for rent. Inquire tot Logan street Peacock brand coal, burns the best and Ih'Is longest Oregon Lumber Turd. Special panel photos, $1.15 dosen. Bowman studio. Finishing for ama teurs. Peacock brand coal, the kind that holds heat nnd burns clean. Oregon Lumber Turd. For sale Cottonwood, cottonwood pouts and work horses. P.. Schnei der, Nolln, Oregon. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Kates $1 per day and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. For Rale Business, furniture and fixtures of a 12-room lodging house. Price reasonable. Inquire at 101 F.ast Webb street. The best coal to be had Is the Pea cock brand, handled by the Oregon Lumber yard. Phone In your order. The "Insurance" gasoline stove automatically controls the supply of gasoline. It Is an absolute safeguard against accidents from any cause, and nnkes gasoline as safe a fuel as wood or coal. Less than half as expensive as gas. Goodman Hardware Co., agents. Lost Between postofflce and Pen dleton Drug company, two hand em broidered shirt waists, one Japanese on 2V4 yards linen; one shadow em broidered on Vt yard fine linen. Finder return to this office or to Mrs. F. P. Rounds. Reward. Ilott-l Pendleton. IF YOU HAVE ANT EYE TROUBLES bring them to us as we are reliable opticians. No charges for the exam ination and a very reasonable one for the best kind of glasses. All work guaranteed. Tours for good goods and good results. Louis Himziker Jeweler Sb Optician, 7! Main St Chus. Ilolman, a. B. Davis and wife, J. Sedore, Portland; B, Jell, Spokane, J. E. Walsh, Portland; J. A. McKennon, Portland; I. A. Cam gua, Spokane; L. B. McManus, Port land; J. K. Cronan, Portland; C. E. Rcdflcld, Heppner; W. Winder, Spo kane; J. W. Smith, Spokane; Leo Cohen, city; A. Miller, Portland; T. N. Wllcoxen, Seattle; C. G. Eller, Walla Walla; R. S. Machlaughlln, Portland; Mrs. W. M. SI usher, city; T. C. Lord, G. O. Galley, W. R. Glen riening, Portland; G. E. Taney, San Francisco; G. T. Griffith, Olympla; T. E. Manchester, Louisville, Ky.; G. E. Waggoner, Portland; N. D. Joseph, New York; J. P. Hayden, Walla Wal la; Mrs. T. Wentworth, Bay City, Mich.; H. E. Manley, Omaha; E. B. Duffy, Portland; E. A. White, San Francisco; Frank Wood, St Louis; C. H. Norris, La. Grande; H. Kock, Walla Wnlla; C. W. Brown, Minneap olis; D. J. Smith, San Francisco; Oakland; John Fleming, Portland; Chas. Hnldman, Portland. ToIiiihoh's Orchestra Will Play. Johnson's orchestra left this after noon for Hermlston where It will fur nish music for a ball tonight at the Williams hotel, which Is being opened to the public. Tomorrow night the orchestra will play for the trainmen's ball at rnmtilla and expects to return home Saturday morning. This popu lar orchestra Is In demand constant ly and hnB a growing patronage out side of the city as well as here. It furnishes an excellent class of music and Is a high-class musical organization. Swore Cnttlo Losses. M. M. Wyrlck, who Is now ranging his cattle on the head of Vansyole canyon, Is In the city today making arrangements to move to the moun tains soon. He says that he has suf fered more losses In the past 40 days than In a period' of 40 years before. The spring has been very un favorable for cattle in the north part of the county. Meat - Fish Sausages Lard Delivered promptly each day. Phone Main 18 FRESH Empire Meat Co. Music at Rader'a A lurge phonograph has made plenty of excellent music In front of M. A, Rader's furniture store today. The Instrument has been In constant service all day und large crowds have enjoyed the musical treat. A spe cial sale of rugs will be held on Sat urday, April 13 and Mr. Rader has called attention to the fact by his concert today. Will Graduate In Wnlla Walla. Alger Fee, son of Mayor and Mrs. ames A. Fee of this city, Is among the list of graduates of Pearson's academy, the preparatory academy of Whitman college, this year. There will be 18 graduates from Pearson's academy this year. Suit to Uncover 12020. Mrs. Catherine Manning has start ed suit against Sheriff T. D. Taylor to recover property taken under fore closure proceedings recently. In the suit Judgment against the sheriff for me sum of izbzo is asked, together with 1515 damages. Get the Best the Genuine See anything advertised--comehere and get itget the genuine. No "just as good" talk here. We don't want to sell "something f just as good." We want to sell what you call forthe real article stand ard and genuine. THE DRUG STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Carl Gilbert, of Echo, was a brief visitor In the city today. J. W. Tulloch of Juniper, Is In the city today on a business trip. F. W. Lumpkin returned this morn ing from a brief business trip to Port land. Percy Folsom left this afternoon for Hermlston and will visit there for a short time. Mrs. M. A. White left this, morning for Walla Walla and Waltsburg for a few days' visit. C. E. Redfleld, the Heppner attor ney, has been here today on profes sional business. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Glllanders will return to Meacham this evening after a short visit In the city. Dr. T. J. Lloyd, the well known veterinarian, will go to Spokane In a few days on a business trip. N. G. Blalock of Walla Walla, has been a visitor In the city today and Is a guest at the Pendleton. MIsb Fay Stanton of Spokane, Is In the city for a few days' visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Phil McBrlan. Mr. and Mrs. George Fell returned last evening from Heppner, where they have been on a few days' visit. S. P. Hutchinson, the well known citizen of the George canyon. Is In the city this week attending circuit court. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ruby and fam ily left yesterday for Portland and Los Angeles, where they will visit a short time before going east. G. W. Young left on last evening's delayed train for Portland after settl ing up his business. here. He will now reside In Portland permanently General Master Mechanic J. F. Graham of the O. R. & &N., came up from Portland this morning and Is at the s?ene of the Cayuse wreck to day. W. H. Hoddcr, son of W. G. Hodder, has taken a position with Geer & Cummins. Mr. Hodder Is a plumber and all round tinsmith. Burns Times-Herald. Captain Broslus, assistant surgeon In the O. X. G., left last night for his home at Hood River, having partici pated In the formation of the military company here. Adjutant General W. E. Flnzer left on the afternoon train today for Port land after having been here for three days for the purpose of mustering In the militia company. Samuel White, of Baker City, who has been engaged In the prosecution of the McManus case, arrived from Baker this morning on business con nected with the case. General Superintendent M. J. Buck ley and Superintendent D. W. Camp bell came down from the scene of the Cuyuse wreck last night and have been In the city today. . Conductor F. L. Coykcndall, who was In charge of the wrecked train at Cayuse yesterday, remained In the city today to attend the coroner's Inquest, which has been In progress today. A. 13. Davis, representative of the Realty Associates of Portland, Is now here and will remain for some time In the Interests of that concern. He Is assistant to the superintendent of agencies. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Van Nice of Portland, are In the city today on a brief business trip. Mr. Van Nice represents the Title Guarantee and Trust company of Portland, which Is now doing an extensive business In eastern Oregon. Mrs. C. J. Smith, accompanied by MIsb Louise Schllkc, went to Pendle ton this morning. From Pendleton Miss Schllke will continue her jour ney to Portland, where her father was taken this morning to recuperate from the Injuries received In the wreck this morning. Mrs. Smith will return tonight. La Grande Observer. Left for Canada. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. , Babb, who have been In the city for a few weeks left this morning for Medi cine Hat, Alberta, where Mr. Babb Is now extensively engaged In the horse business. It Is probable that he will ship a train load of horses out of eastern Oregon Into Canada this spring. HALL GAME PLAYED TODAY. Fnnioiw Trvout for AlM-riloon Tvnm Willi Local Players. This afternoon the long looked for ball game between the Aberdeen 'earn and a nine" composed of local play ers Is being pulled off. The game wns called today In order to permit the Aberdeen men to deport tomorrow evening. According to Manager Brown, he will very likely be Instruct ed to leave for Aberdeen with his players tomorrow night In order to play there Sunday. .That being the. case, a mid-week came Is all that was possible here, and as many local fans desired to see the visitors tried out, the game was called today. In the game this afternoon' the lineup Is as announced for last Sun day. One team Is composed entire ly of Aberdeen men, while the oppos ing nine will have four or five local tossers. During the stay of Manager Brown nnd the Aberdeen team here they have made many friends and won much admiration 'not only for their ability upon the diamond, but also for their general clean and gentle manly conduct. Consequently the de parture of the team tomorrow will be regretted. j Souvenir of the Wreck. A souvenir of the Cayuse wreck may be seen at C. B. Lyman's In the shape of a portion of the engine bell, which was broken Into several pieces when the engine went over the em bankment. Mr. Lyman visited the scene of the wreck today and secured this reminder of the unfortunate event . Carload of Express Matter. A boxcar load of express matter from the Cayuse wreck was brought to thl3 city this morning and Is be ing separated here today for shim ment to Its destination. A large amount of expressage was lost in the wreck and considerable was spoiled by having cream cans burst, flood ing one corner of the car with cream. New. Cashier for O. R. & N. Jack McLaughlin, cashier In the O. R. & &N. offices, will leave tonight for Portland to accept a position with the Illinois Central railroad and R. E. Ganahl, billing clerk, will be pro moted to the position of cashier temporarily. An "Abused" Millionaire. Colonel J. H. Pratt, one of the wealthiest cattlemen In the west, who was sued for divorce by his young wife last week, will file counter suit, charging cruelty, says an Omaha dis patch. He will accuse his wife of driving him from home and of stutlng that she was tired of waiting for him to die. Colenel Pratt, who Is past 70 years of age, married recently. He was for years associated with Joseph Letter, of Chicago, In the cattle bus iness In Wyoming. He formerly lived In San Antonio, Texas. Rancher Suicided. William H. Woolrlch, a homestead er residing In the timber about 14 miles northeast of Goldendale, com mitted suicide Sunday night by blowing his brains out with a 38 callber rifle. Woolrlch was a widower, about 65 years of age, and has three grown children. His son Is away working and his two daughters were attend ing a literary entertainment. On ar riving home at 11 o'clock they found the body of their father still warm. Goldendale Sentinel. H. H. Tucker, secretary of the Uncle Sam Oil company, with headquarters at Topeka, Is under arrest charged with defaulting In the amount .if over $700,000. A receiver will be appoint ed, as Tucker bankrupted the company. $3.50 Shoes at $2.90 S2.90 $2.90 Buys a $3.50 Shoe SHOE SALE IX ORDER TO INTRODUCE THE EXTRAORDINARY WEAR ING QUALITIES OF OUR SHOES, WE HAVE SELECTED A FEW NUMBERS FROM OUR. BEST S.50 LINE, AND WILL PUT THEM ON SALE AT $2.90 PER PAIR. THESE GOODS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW. WE HAVE LIMITED THE SALE TO 10 DAYS IF YOU NEED A PAIR OF SHOES, DO NOT DELAY, BUT COME WHILE WE CAN FIT YOU. Remember, $2.90 Buys Yau a $3.50 Shoe. The Wonder Store THE PLACE TO GET BARGAINS. DESPAIN (Sh BEAN For Egg Producing Food See Colesworth) CHOP MILL CORNER ALTA ivn fwrrovwrnn era PENDLETON KIM STICE Dally trips between Pendle- ton and Uklah, except Sunday. Stage leaves Pendleton at 7 a. m., arrives at Uklah at ( p. m. t Return stage leaves Uklah at p. m., arrives at Pendleton at t s p. m. Pendleton to Uklah. $1.00; roun dtrlp. 15.00. Pendleton to s Alba, 12.76; round trip, 16.00. s Pendleton to Ridge, U; round trip, 18.50. Pendleton to Nye, s S1.60; round trip, 12.60. Pen- dleton to Pilot Rock, tl.00; round trip, $1.60. Dally East Oregonlan by carrier, only IS cents a week. We positively guarantee every thing from the Red Cross Pharmacy Everything new and up to the standard. We pay no commissions, and will save you money by buying from us. If not true, your money back. DONALDSON'S Red Cross Pharmacy 728 Main St. Pendleton : Famous $500 : Beer 2 Always call for City Braw.ry Beer the home product; $600 that says It la pur. ; CITY BREWERY SCHULTZ A 8TRICKKR. Read the Fast Oregonlan. WOOL IS ARRIVING. Now Wool From Yakima, Old Wool From linker City. Two shipments of wool from out side points have already arrived nt the warehouse here, nnd from this time on it Is said the fleeces will bo rolling In until after the clip has been mar keted. Of the wool shipped In so far, three cnrlonds Is new wool from the Yakima country, while the other ship ment Is old wool from linker City. Thus far llttlo wool has been haul ed In from the country tributary to Pendleton, but ns some firms have already commenced or finished shear ing the hauling will soon commence. ttlQI Mi Saturday, April 20th. 1 0 o'clock a. m. sharp. At the Alta Feed Barns, i Pendleton. 24 head of gentle, well broken horses, ready for use. They will weigh from 1100 lbs to 1500 lbs. TERMS : Cash or approved bankable notes, payable Sept. 1st with interest at 8 per cent. Three per cent discount allowed for cash. Said stock formerly belonged to J. W. Tulloch Sons of this County. Horses will be at the Alta Stables on Alta Street for inspection from Friday morning until Saturday the date of sale. 1 Head the East Oregonlan,