RIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OUF GONIAN, PTCVDLETON. OREGON. TIURSDAY, APIUL 11, 190T. PAGE THREE. MIST HILLF.TIN' TRAINS. April Shoe Sale Oxfords Below Cost The greatest bargain chance of the season. There Is about 150 pair of Oxford we have Included In this sale because they are odds. Below we quote prices: $4.00 Oxfords '. 12. BO (3.50 Oxfords 12.25 (3.00 Oxfords $1-85 (2.60 Oxfords (1.60 All sizes from 24 to 5 only. If you have a small foot it will save you money. DEPARTMENT STORE The Home of The Sorrosis Shoe the coi.on.no conquered. Prtnilcd Stntenu-nt of the Work of Damming the Wild Stream. A Los Angeles correspondent writes as follows of the details of the glgr-.ntlc tark of damming the Col oiadu river where It overflowed Into Imperial Valley: The time actually consumed In making the closure, dating from the dumping of the first rock, was 15 days and two hours, during which In terval 77,000 cubic yards of material, 95 per cent of which was rock, the balance gravel and clay, were han dled, My the correspondence. The difficulties which confronted the en gineers will be better appreciated when It is recalled that the Colorado river, with a flow of 22,000 seconds feet, was rushing madly through a break 1100 feet long In soft earth banks. In mid-channel the dpth of the water was 34 feet Eut not only hns the break been closed: the Southern Pacific engi neers are determined that such a break shall not occur again. Addi tional material is being added today at the iate of 5000 cubic feet each 24 hours. When completed the dam will contain 140,000 cubic yards of material, 80,000 yards of which will be rock, and the balance gravel and ciny. The maximum umount of water contended with during the construe tlnn of the dam approximated 40, 000 seconds-feet. In a period of a little move than two weeks a struc ture of rock, gravel and clay was built across the channel. The top of the dnm Is now four feet above the level of the water. Its vertical dis tance from the top of the base is 60 feet The dam will be raised five or six feet higher, In order to be safely nbove the highest known wa ter, and it Is to'b padded on the up stream side with clay until It shall become impervious. A ureal railroad corporation, with abundant rolling stock, alone could have achieved this feat The entire equipment of the Fouthern Pacific was at the command of the enslneers during the period of the work. At tlrr.es even the locomotive on pis sengtr trains In transit wore divert ed to haul r.ick to the scene of the accident, and quarries hundreds of miles distant contributed materials to close the break. Temporarily, at least, the Colora do has been conquered, but, like the Mississippi In Its delta region, It will hear watching always. The Colora do Is one of the shiftiest, sylest and most treacherous rivers that ever ran. "Pneumonia's Deadly Work had so seriously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor of Rural Route 1, Georgetown, Tenn., "that I coughed continuously night end day and the neighbors' predic tion consumption seemed inevit able, until my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery, which In my case proved to lie the only renl cough cure and re storer of weak sore lungs." When all other remedies utterly fall, you. may still win In the battle against lung and throat troubles with New Discovery, the real cure. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. 50c and (1.00. Trial bottle free. RIGHT BREATHIXG CVHES CATHRH Shadow Etiquette, 1 tainted the Kaffir chief respect- I fully and heart;," said the Bailor. "Can you Imagine my surprise when be give me a kick? " 'Get off my shadder,' be Bays. "'Wot? " 'Get off my shadder.' "I was standing, by crlnus, on bis shadder, the shadder of his stomach. I skipped from there to the face. Ue groaned. When I got on to sunlit ground again be says to me: , " 'Didn't you never have no brlngln' up? Look at you now, lengtbenln' out your shadow longer'n mine. Crouch, consarn you, or I'll warm your bide with this here club.' " The sailor gave a loud laugh and emptied his glass of milk. "Them Kaffirs," he said, "regards their sbadders as part of themselves. A polite Kaffir w,ould no more walk on -another's shadder than a polite Ameri can would bit a lady. They have a resnlar shadder etiquette. You mustn't on uo account let your shadder be lonpri- t'.i,i:i :i superior's. You must cmucU to iim'.:e it smaller, and that there crouch for the purpose of dlmln Ishln' the slindder la thought by the Spencerlan philosophers I don't say I thluk so, mind to lie the origin of the bow." New Orleans Times-Democrat Simple Way to Kill Ciitnrrlinl Germs In None, Tliront and Lungs. If you cut your finger, you don't attempt to heal It by swallowing a pill or a dose of medicine. It Is Just as foolish to try and cure catarrh of the nose and throat with pills and stomach dosing, for catarrh is a local disease and needs special local healing treatment. The only natural and common stnse method known for the cure of catarrhal troubles Is Hy-o-mel. It Is breuthed through an Ingenious pocket Inhaler, so that Its medicated nlr reaches the most remote air cells of 'he nose, throa' and lungs, kill ing all catarrhal germs, soothing the Irritated mucous membranes, and re storing a healthy condition If you suffer from catarrhal trou bles, such as offensive breath, rais ing of mucous, frequent sneezing, husky voice, discharge from the nose, droppings In the throat, loss of strength, spasmodic coughing, or a feeling of tightness across the upper part of the chest, you should begin to use Hy-o-mul at once. It will destroy all disease germs In the nose, throat and lungs, and provide the blood with additional ozone. The complete Hy-o-mel outfit with Inhaler costs but (1.00. So strong Is Tallman & Co.'s fulth In the power of Hy-o-niel to cure all catarrhal troubles, that with every dollar out fit they give an Iron clad guarantee to refund the money unless the rem edy gives satisfaction, Much Law, Poor Case. Among lawyers there Is a saying that in the trial of a case an attorney if light on facts must be heavy on law Tne other day an attorney was prepar ing to leave bis office In one of the big office buildings to go to the courthouse to try a case. From the shelves of his library he had taken many large law hooks containing decisions aud opin ions of higher courts. At Intervals a boy wcut In and out of the door, and each time be bore In bis arms a stack of the books, which he carried to ac express wagon that stood In the street below. The attorney was to use tht books In the courtroom. Another law yer, who Is of southern birth and who always addresses his friends with some army title, watched the boy as be went In nnd out carrying the law hooks. Then he dug bis hands dect Into bis trousers pockets and said tc the lawyer: "Well, Ah'll sweah, kunnel, you must have no case at all." Kansas City Times. Ralli'oail Coiiiiiiiwdon CoiiiM'1h Com panies to Give Information. While the O. n. & N. company has made a practice of bulletining the time of arrival of Its trains at all principal station?, other roads In Oregon have not done so, but hereafter all com panies must give the public full In formation concerning trains. A Halem dispatch says of an order of the Ore gon railroad commission on this sub ject: An order wns made yesterday by the 3tate railway commissioners by which a bulletin board shnll be placed at all stations, upon which the schedule time of the arrival nnd departure of regu lar passenger trains shall be kept. This order Is one that will be welcom ed with Joy by the traveling public and the Inconvenience which the peo ple have put up with will be remedied In a large measure by the order of the commission, which will go Into ef fect 20 days from date. J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the Harrlman vystem, and Attorney A. C. Spencer for the same corporation, were present and did not oppose the application for the order, which had been made by Henry Hahn, chairman of the transportation committee of f.ie Portland Chamber of Commerce. Following Is the full text of the or der: "At all passenger stations where depot ticket agents and telegraph or railroad telephone operators are reg ularly employed and on duty the rail road companies shall keep posted on a bulletin board the schedule time and time of probable arrival of each reg ular passenger train stopping at such station either to receive or discharge passengers. "Whenever any rcgulflr pessenger train shall be more than one hour be hind Its schedule It shall be the duty of such railroad company to bulletin at intervals for a reasonable time prior to the schedule time for the arrival of such train and until its arrival at each of Its said passenger stations whre a telegraph or railroad telephone opera tor Ib on duty and where It Is schedul ed to stop to receive or discharge pnssengers, a notice showing how much such train Is behind Its schedule and the time when It will probably ar rive at Buch station. "This measure becomes effective In 20 days from service hereof." r.lttrn by a Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bile, John Washington of Eosiiuevllle, Tex., would have lost his lea, which became a mass of run ning sores, had he not been persuad ed to try llucklcn's Arnica Salve. He write": "The first application re lieved, and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals every sore. 25c, at Tallman & Co.. druggists. HOTEL ARRIVALS. uj H EH f li 11 At Crank's Store Saturday Morning Boys Get Busy. Bring Your Gats Any Time Between 7 and 9 o'clock. Here's the Plan to Secure Cash Prizes: Bring any kind of cats you have, large cats, small cats, society cats, alley cats with their ears chewed off, don't make any difference. Every person who brings a cat will receive a cash prize from 1 5c to 50c each, and he must leave the cat at the store until 4 o'clock Saturday after noon, they will be fed and cared for, and after the big parade at 4 o'clock they will be allowed to return home unharmed. Men, Boys and Girls Bring Your Cats to Hotel St. George. Mr. and Mrs. W. Alme, Walla Walla; W. C. Webb, To ledo, C. L. Futterfleld, Portland; A. H. Brown, Portland; J. W. Watson, Portland; L. S. Martin, Portland; C. F. Hubbard, Olympla; Louis Housh, Portland; Jos. A. Pound, Umatilla; Frank Spike and wife, St. Paul; F. V. McClung, Seattle; Dr. N. O. Bla lock, Walla Walla; J. J. Binnlstool, Los Angeles; L. B. McManus, Port land; F. C. Hanley, Portland; J. C. Allison, Portland; J. A. Fait, Seattle; C. C. Willlngton, Hermlston: M. Chappt-I), Spokane; A. O. Fisher, Suokane; C. A. Hastings, Boise; Jos. A. Ochnlg, Portland; Earl Glllander and wife, Meacham; J. M. Leland and wife, Spokane; R. L. Mattingey, New Ford; Win. Abbers, Portland; O. J. Boss, San Francisco; P. B. Van Will and wife, Portland; C. H. Thom as. Chicago; Miss Pearl McPhevrin, Onlesbuig, III.; Mr. Eugene McPher vln, Oalesburg. 111.; S. H. Kelley, j Kit.; It. rernhnrdy, San Francisco; . M. Bale, Tacoma; H. C. F. Oil-' liimi, Seattle; Pan M. Morris, Cleve- ,' land; ,T. O. Newell and wife, Port land; (iiildcn Rule llotcil. J. O. Jassup ' und wife, Portland; Dr. E. R. Swln- : burn. city; Jnmes Murrey, La Grande; C. A. Denny, Minneapolis; i W. A. Xewuts, Minneapolis; J. B. I Johnston, city: Mrs. E. T. 'lould, I Weston; Sam Lee, Portland; J. Bla ley, Prmltano; S. A. Frans, Spokane; ' V. T. Moore, Pendleton; G. M. Al-' f'.rd, .La Ornnde; n. C. Walden, Lai Grin le; L. F. Noble, La Grande; J. 1. Ktltrmvir. Ln Grande; F. L. Lewis. La Grande; II. I. Adams, La Grande; Wlllard W. McCully, La Grande; Mrs W. H. Wentworth, Boise; J. Cohn, Boise; Lee McClelland, Boise; J. M. Jackson, Boise; Carl O. John ton, Boise. , ctaf reporter, the Judge, who has practiced law here for many years, said: "Unless Baker City builds the di agonal railroad from here, covering the copper mines, and on down to Eagle and Pine Valleys and Snake river she will go to the dogs In a short time. The building of the rail road from Huntington to Iron Dyke and the bad condition of county roads will make It possible for those people over there to cut out a new county with a county seat on Snake river unless we build a railroad from here. We lost the Important addi tion to Baker county of a small strip eff of Grant, Including some Green horn and Red Boy mines that do all their business here, now mark my word, we will lose the Panhandle v.-lth its valuable copper mines and growing towns, unless that little rail road Is built." FOR SALE B-ROOM 5-ROOM 8-ROOM 5-ROOM B-ROOM B-ROOM 4-ROOM 8-ROOM Mionu 7-ROOM DWELLING DWELLING DWELLING DWELLING DWELLING DWELLING DWELLING DWELLING mvn.t.rvfj DWELLING The barbers of Yakima have or ganized a union with 25 members. : ii i 11 m J. R. Jenkins Is over from his Steins' mountain ranch looking after business affairs In this city. Mr. Jenkins has disposed of his vnnriinir wethess for $3.25 to be delivered at 1 the pens after shearing. This Is be- ! lleved to be the best sheep sale ever made In this ennntv rlirht nt.. I lug and would Indicate an exception ally good season for sheep men. Burns Times-Herald. This Mny Interest Ton. j No one is Immune from kidney trouble, so Just remember that Fo- J ley's Kidney Cure will stop the lrreg- j ularltles and cure any case of kid- ' ney and bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of medicine. Koep pen's Drug Store. , The Cause of Many . Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or i anoulex v are often I the result of kid I ney disease. If I kidney trouble is allowed toadvance thekulney-poison-ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake bv taking I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realizeif. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. . Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size tiottles. Yon riiav have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make anv mistake, but rememlier the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Olmstcnri Dlwiissrs Baker County. Judge M, L. Olmstead, who a few days ago sold his residence property, here and Is preparing In another yoar, possibly, to moke his home on the coast where his sons can more frequently be with him, has now tak en chambers In the block where his office la located. Talking about con ditions In Baker' City with a Demo- PROMPT SERVICE QUICK DELIVERY Choice Fresh Meats, Lard, Sausages and Soioked Meats every day at the Central Meat Co. Carney, Ramsdell & Co. Telephone Main 33 Cool With Gas SUMMER AND THE HOT WEATHER WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOU ARE AWARE OP IT, AND IP YOCR KITCHEN IS NOT ALREADY EQUIPPED WITH A GAS RANGE, BY ALL MEANS DON'T DELAY IT MUCH LONGER. OCR ORDERS ARE NOW COMING IX VERY RAPIDLY. GET IN YOUR APPLICATION FOR GAS. GAS IS BY FAR THE MOST ECONOMICAL FUEL ON THE MARKET. THE GREATEST ARGUMENT IN ITS FAVOR IS THAT YOU CAN HAVE THE HEAT WHEN, WHERE AND AS LONG AS YOU WANT IT. NO HOT ROOMS IN THE SUMMER TIME. THEN THERE IS NO DIRTY WOOD OR COAL TO BE CARTED AROUND AND CLEANED UP AFTERWARD. GAS IS PIPED RIGHT INTO YOUR STOVE. A TURN OF A VALVE AND A SCRATCH OF A MATCH TLLS THE WFOIE STORY OF AS COOKJNG. Gas for Heating and cooking cost $2.00 per 1000. Average cost per month, about $3.00 NORTHWESTERN GAS . ELECTRIC CO. REMEMBER! We lay pipe from main to curb free ! and are in a position to do all piping and furnish all fittings. 11800.00 $2500.00 $3000.00 $1200.00 $.800.00 $:soo.oo $1200.00 $3300.00 $2500.00 $2000.00 FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. I 1 1 2 E. Court St.. Pendleton, Ore. Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Oood bread Is assur ed when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, ShorU, Steam Relied Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. tYEBS, Piovtelo. Thn Vnat Orwnninn in pastern Ormmn'a Kni'uinit.ilii. Tt - n - - w.. R .ip.iiuiuum papi 11 leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron- ii is uie advertising meaium oi this section. aire. SENATOR LA FOLLETTE Will Lecture On National Subjects Christian Church, Monday, April 1 5. Under Auspices of Pendleton Lyceum Bureau. Admission $ 1 .00 to Any Place in the House. School Children 50c. Tickets on Sale at Pendleton Drug Co. All Subscribers Tickets Must Be Exchanged.