EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1807. PACT U'f EN. IF It I. Not Ad THE little Ads CLASSIFIED and WANT ADS vertised Here, That Get the Advertise for It. Quick Results. ..mm mmm CLASSIFIED PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND 8UR gtor. Office In Savins Bank building. 'Phone: Office main 164; residence, main 176, DR. C. J. SMITH OFFICE 8MITH Crawfnrd building, opposite postof flce. Telephones: Main 301; resi dence, main 1591; barn, red 681. DR. K. E. RINOO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Roomi S and 4 Schmidt building. 'Phone, office main 621; residence main 22. DR. W. O. COLE. PHYSICIAN AND urgeon. Office, Judd building. Of fice 'phone main 187; residence 'phone, main 138. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathlo physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 33t. OR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. Telephone, main 931; residence, black 161. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHY8I rlan and Surgeon. Office In Kav Ingr Bank building, room 1. Office yhune, main 1411; residence, main 1661. DR. LYNN K. BLAKE8LEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office phone, main 72. X-Ray and Electro Therapeutics. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. G. 8. AND EVA HOIS1NOTON. Graduates Klrksville school. Suite 10-12 Dejpaln block. 'Phone red 3181. All diseases treated. DENTISTS. RALPH C. SWINBURNE. DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Smith-Crawford building, opposite postofflce. 'Phone main MS. DR. M. S. KERN. DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 16, Judd build ing. 'Phone red 3301. VAI'OHAN BROS., DENTISTS, OF f Ice In Judd building. 'Phons red 1411. FrtATERXAI. ORDERS. PENDLETON I.OIVJE NO. 52, A. F. and A. M., meets ilie first an 1 third Mondays of earn month. AH visiting birtliM-n nr Invited. e The "look-hefore-you-leap" e people reml the ails every day. j Among the Exchanges I of thc Inland Empire City l;n iloyr Want Mori- Pay. A petition from the laborers and teamsters in the employ of the city wos read to the ecurxilmen at their 1 rrirular meeting last night. The pe tition wis slK'ieil by all coining under the head of laborers In the city's cm ploy. It was referred to the fi nance committee. The petition requested a IB per cent Increase and gave a number of reasons why the Increase should be granted. Thu coat of fuel, shoes and clothlnK, the petition stated, has steiuhly advanced In the last two years from 20 to 30 per cent, and to those of the petitioners who own their own homes extra tax has been added on account of modern Im provements, and to those not own ing their homes rent has been raised on account of such Improvements having been made. In the homes which they occupy. Another reason given was that out of 30(i working doys In any year at least 60 days are lost on account of Inclement weather. Exercising the stricter economy, the petition states, in a family averaging five persons, the expenses for a month are not less than 160, which Is the wage of the laborer. These and other reasons given are also applied to the condi tion of the teamsters who get for their teams' work, their own wages and the service of their wagons, S( per day. Dolse Statesman. Close Cull for a Lineman. While working in the nlley of the block bounded by Yaklmu and Naches avenues- and A and Fourth streets this morning, Lineman H. L. Denson of the N. W. L. W. Co., ac cidentally got both ends of his insu lating cutting knife in contact with the right combination of wires to pro duce a short circuit. There was a flash and a light a good deal like the strongest sun, and Denson found that his knife was melting In his hands. Though badly burned by the 2800 volt current, he was fortunately not severely shocked and was able to cling to the pole and break the arc. After ho was res cued from his position It was found thnl both of his bonds were serious ly burned. They wtro dressed by a surgeon, nnd Mr. Denson Is now tak ing a brief vacation and trving to ex plain why he wasn't killed. Yakima Republic. Slate Will Bridgo Uio Snake. The bill appropriating $10,000 for a bridge across Snake river at Warm SprlngB ferry, connecting Canyon and Owyhoe counties, bnB been passed and It Is now assured that that great necessity Is soon to be put Into corn- VETERINARY BURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary board. Office Tallman's drug store. Residence 1201 E. Court street 'Phone main 116. DR. T. J. LLOYD, VETERINARY surgeon and dentist. Graduate of Grand Rapids Veterinary College, Michigan. State local veterinary In spector. Residence 123 Cosble St Telephone main 131. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-residents. References, any bank in Pen dleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINOER, Vlce-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THH oldest and most reliable fire and accident Insurance companies. Office with Hurtman Abstract Ce. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER. FUNERAL DIR EC tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balming. Corner Main and Webb streets. 'Phone main 1301. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER & FOLPOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded te day or night. 'Phone main 75. SF.CONT.n.ND DEALERS. LEWIS HUNTER, PAWNBROKER, second-hand goods bought or taken In exchange for new goods. Old Joe Hauler stand. V. PTROBI.E. DEALER IN SFCOND hand goods. If there la anything ynu need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 Court street. GRAHAM, THE FURNITURE MAN, will buy your old furniture and give yon rash or new goods In return. It cost nothing to visit him. Postofflce block, Pendleton. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. O. K. FEED YARD, AURA STREET, between Webb and Alta. Stock well taken care of. Prices reasonable. Dnv and nlht service. L. O. Huston, t roprletor. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Kennedy, Props. T.tvery, feed and sales stable. Good rips at all times. Cnb line In connec tion. 'Phone mnln 701. mission. The need of the bridge has ever been an undisputed fact and that It has not been provided for long before seems to have been due only to the fact that the financial conditions seemed to block the way. Put, however those conditions may have been, K is difficult to under stand why this project should have been delayed and others Involving creator expenditures and of less Im portance were provided for. Put thanks to the power that be, the money In provided, and the bridge Is to be built. Nampa being; so near the new brldKe will receive special commer cial benefits that are sure to add wonderfully to Its rapidly growing opportunities. The hot springs, Just across on the Owyhee side of the river, Is certain to become a great resort. With the speclnl healing values contained In mine: waters of the warm springs there for rheumatic affections espe cially, that place Is certain to become a resort of great possibilities. Nam pa T.eadet. Preparing for Immense Apple Crop. The largest sales of apple paper ever reported from this city occur red vesttrday when a pnper company of Seattle took orders for 10 cars of the small squares which are used to wrap apples beforo packing them for shipment. This indicates that the 'argest crop ever gathered Is expect ed this fall, as only seven carloads were required lost year. Two of the cars were sold to the horticultural union,' which Is composed of grow ers, whllo the remaining eight were sold to local dealers. Etch enr contains approximately 30,000,000 of the paper squares of the usual dimensions of 10 by 10 Inches. Each cur costs In round numbers $1200. Orders were also taken for two cars of hop twine, which will be used In hop culture. This Is the same amount used last year, but Is much less than the amount used In 1904, when three and a half carloads were required. The drop In price has re duced the acreage to some extent, al though practically the same crop as last year Is expected. Yakima Re public. Albino Robin at Ileppner. A freak In the bird family was a pure white robin which was killed by Frank Roberta at Ills home In this clt j'. The bird has been making headquarters at Mr. Roberts' place for some time. With the exception of the white coat of feathers, the bird had the appearance nnd action In every way of the robin Tn fact ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Office In Despaln block. CARTER & RALTCY, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office in Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. WINTER & COLLIER, LAWYERS. Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. ST1LLMAN A PRTIITT. ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been ad mitted to practice in United States patent office, and makes a specialty of patent-law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office Savings Bank building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, LATE COUN ty attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETER WEST, DIVORCE LAWYER. Office (08 Garden street R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offices In Association block, at head of stairs. 8. A. NEWBERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 25 Smith-Crawford building. DAN P. SMYTH E, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In Despaln block, East Court street. M'COURT A PHELPS, ATTORNEYS at Law. Smith-Crawford building. J. T. HINKI.E. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Savings Bank building. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls etc. Leave orders at East Oreponlan office. BOARDING AND LODGING. HELIX HOTEL, HELIX, OREGON. Under new management. Special accommodations for commercial trav elers. Grimes A Miller, proprietors. the bird with the different colored clothes from liU red breasted rela tives attempted to make friends and . nfsoi latf.s with cVe common birds in lilcuii'B worms and other pasttimes, but was looked upon with a suspi cious eye. The white robin was sent out to D. Cox, the taxidermist, for 1 mounting Ileppner Gazette Pullman' School House Problem. One of the most serious problems that ha "vrr confronted the city Is the school house problem. As it Is, no bonds can he Issued to build new buildings and unless a private sub s?"lpon Is made, the crowded con dition must exist for another year or fu. The whole fault lies In the building of the main building many venrs aso. A large bond Issue was made In the "boom time" and since that time no sinking fund has been provided to pay off this Indebtedness. It Is the intention of the board to create such a fund and by degreees raise the debt of the district. Pull man Tribune. The Grande Rc.nde Electric Light company Is now taking preliminary steps to construct a $2000 power plant on the Mlnom river, at a point about 12 miles back of Cove, for the purpose of generating power to dig the five and one-half mile tunnel through the mountnlns. This tun- rel '.s to be used by the Grand Ronde Water company. The appa ratus to be used In constructing the tunnel will be operated by electricity furnished by the temporary power plant.-rLn Grande Observer. D. Cox, who resides near this city, Informs the Canettc that he has a cow that for a prolific breeder is hard to beat. For the last three sea sons the cow has delivered three pairs of twin calves. All of the calves nte living and will make good cattle. Heppner Gazette. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly magazine of the wide awake West with fasi-inatinjr short stories, picturcqt:e personal point-of-vicw description of the inteicsting development cf the West, anJ the rjt:ir.nce and his tory of the wu.iuuruud of the earth. Ask your loo?! re-vHT.W for current i-: or $1.50 furyear's suh.-.-iv ibri. Tl-.ehooli. "RoadofaTho.i...n.iWo:vUTs." 120 beautiiui si..t:i vii vs in four colors vi'l be inoludtd free. Ft OOP ''II.O!MO ' AN FRANCl'dl ' IM.IVOKNtA RATES SSSJSJSSSSSSS SJBBSlBt'USSSiiHSJSBWt MISCELLANEOUS. SMALL POTATO. ANY PERSON who Imposes upon his neighbor with a cow, whether Doctor or any one else, is a very small potatoe and shows his principle. Best Hereford Bulls for sale cheap, at the Tutulllow ranch, south of Pendleton. Peter West ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES JOHN S. Vaughan, electrician. Does all kinds of electrical work. Complete line of electrical fixtures. Only electrical store In Pendleton. Work guaran teed. 'Phone, Main 139. 122 West Court street GET THE HABIT. PERSIAN STEAM Cleaning and Dye Works clean, press and mend your clothes the best and for less. Give them a trial. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE palr work on all kinds of machines, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marion Jack, Pres.; A. F. May, manager. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS, SUCH as help wanted; rooms or houses for rent; second-hand goods for sale; In fact, any want you want to set filled, the East Oregonlan wants your want ad. Rates: Three lines one time, 15 cents; two times, 26 cents; six times, 45 cents. Five lines one time. 26 cents; two times, 35 cents; six times, 75 cents. Count six words to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mall to the East Ore gonlan, enclosing silver or stamps to cover the amount SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREOONIAN the net publisher's price of the publi cation you desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost in the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publish er's price. Address EAST OREGON IAN PUB. CO.. Pendleton. Ore. DERMATOLOGY PARLORS. MRS. MYERS, MANICURING AND halrdresslng. New vacuum treat ment for face and scalp. Call at room 16. Schmidt building. 'Phone Black 3961. One line, one time - 10c One line, one week - 25c 4 lines, one month $1.00 and Coal to Burn and that will burn ; try a phone order and be con vinced that I handle the good kind only. Dutch Henry Office. Pendleton Ice ft Cold Storage Company. 'Phone M. lin 178. Also at Henneman's cigar store, ap posite Great Eastern store. 'Phons main 4. Get the Best Good Dry Wood and ROCK SPRING COAL ? Tbe coal that gives the most heat. J PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINIMIS ! Ioae orders at Mannings' cigar store, Opp. Peoples Ware- house. "Phone Main . e4e44eseeeeeee4a CHOICE AND FRESH ..MEAT.. Tlie delicious and appetising kind, delivered promptly. Empire Meat Co. Pholne Main 18. PASTIME PARLORS A quiet orderly plase for a gam ol pool, billiards or a little exercise In bowling. H-T T)RI US' BASEMENT. Corner Main and Webfc Streets. WANT ADS HELP WANTED. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE Good pay to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, iajravlngf Jewelrs" work: optics, easy terms; positions guaranteed; money made learning; Watchmaking-Engraving School, 1426 4th avenue, Seattle, Wash. WANTED. FOR CORRECT PIANO INSTRUC- tor see Miss Cora Slpfle. Enquire at Golden Rule Hotel or Star Theater, Fendieton, ore. FOR SALE. THREE GOOD, LEVEL BUILDING lots for sale cheap, on north side; close in. Inquire this office. FOR SALE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE with three lots, lit Garfield street, on north side. Alt modern Improve ment. Terms te suit purchaser. En quire this office. ANY KIND OF HAY OR STRAW you want. Cut hay, wheat hay and alfalfa. Tutuilla Chop Mill, Ed Maurer, Prop. 'Phone Main 562. GOOD ALFALFA HAY, BALED OR loose, for sale. Delivered at 311.60 for loose and 114.60 for baled. Ad dress N. D. Parks, box 617, Pendleton, Ore. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, 601 Clay street 'Phone red 2241. FULL BLOOD, SINGLE COMB, WHITE AND BUFF Leghorn Eggs $ 1 .00 per setting of 1 5 All settings guaranteed to be from pedigreed laying stock. Visitors wel come at yards, fourth place west of Walters' mill. Umatilla Poultry Yards Leave orders at Colesworthy's Chop Mill, or 'Phone Red 3621. NO ARGUMENT NECESSARY. as to the soundness of our lumber you'll be convinced If you will but give It halt a fair trial, and that's what we ask you to do If you're not familiar with the stock In our yard. We guarantee selectlo n, seasoning. prices and quick delivery. Qlad to es timate on specifications of any sjie. We want your trade. Sole agent for Krlsollte Wood FIbrs Plaster, made In 1 e Rapids, Kan sas; also White Crystal Lime. Pendleton Planing Mills U. FOHOTHR, Proprietor. Famous $500 j Beer Always call tor City Brewery Beer the home product; $600 that says it la par. CITY BREWERY ' SCHULTZ ft STRICKER. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac AnTon nmdlng a nketrtt and dewoiiptton may qnlcklr nicer t at our opinion free whether an InTentlon it probably painihl. Comtminira ttnniHtrletlrwnfldentta). HANDBOOK on Patent ent fro. OMent alienor fur ecurltttr patents. Patent takun tliruukh Munn ft Co. reoalrfl tpffial notic. without enwrga, In the Scientific American. A fianridomtlr lllmttratml weekly. I.mt ctr dilation of nnr if ton title Journal. Tonus, la a Tour; fMir montbi, L Sold byaJI newvdwtlera, MUNN & Co.36,Bro"h- New York Brauch Oftlco, iT35 V BU Wasblutitua, D. U MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Big d for nnnatara dlirhartiM.i&flaintnfttloDB, Irritation! or ulceration! g O.uuu i - ' , muottui meniLrkus)5t . nrtnsrfc 1rn.,HHrw, raiQlM, and pot utrlA nil Evans CHt MicAiCo. gut or pouooona. i MMHNNAT1,0j 6wia 67 urniTiriii or tQt In plain wrapptis by xprrra, prepaid, toff 1.00. or bottle 12.75. Circular taut a ntatffl. Vet As A GOOD ADDITION AO A GOOD DINNER. Is always to be had in a bottle of good beer. As a table beverage It is un surpassed, and adds a savor to a meal that no other drink can. It delight ful flavor and absolute purity makes it Invaluable as a food product II la bottle by Anheuser Busch under the most thorough sanitary condi tions, in pints and quarts, at the Oregon Wine & Liquor Co. BOWMAN BLOCK. Near O. R. & N. Depot Telephone Main 144. THE PLACE TO GET A GLASS 2 OF BETZ BEER, The OFFICE : 711 MAIN ST. t WINES, LIQUORS and Union-Made CIGARS COURTEOUS TREATMENT. PENDLETON, ORE. iFERGY'Sj MOST POPULAR RESORT in Town. BEST OF LIQUORS and CIGARS WEINHARDTS SPECIAL BREW. 618 MAIN STREET. FERGY'S AMuUpaOKPACIHC Through Pullman Standard ana Tourist Sleepers dally to Omaha an Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Knn sns City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to unirago; reclining chats cars (seats tree) to the east daHy. SCHEDTJIJ2 FROM PENTtLETOW. KASTBOUND. No. 2, Chicago Special .arrives 1:41 p. m.; departs 6:40 p. m. No. t, Mall ft Express, arrives 4:11 a. m.; departs 4:65 a. m. WESTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrlrsa 11:05 a. m.; departs 11:05 a. m. No. E, Mail ft Express, arrives l:ll a. m.; departs 12:15 a. m. SPOKAfJE DIVISION. No. ?, Pendleton passenger, arrives 5:35 p. m.; connects with No. I. No. 8, Spokane passenger, depart! 11:15 a. m.; connects with No. 1. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41 arrives 1:10 ,-. : u No. 46 departs 6:40 p. m.; connects with No. 1. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparia to Lewieton Leave Rlparta dally except Saturday. 6:40 a. m. Leave Lewlston dally except Friday Tarn. E. C. SMITH. Agent, Pendleton. WM. M'MTTRRAY. Q. P. Portland. Ore. PENDLETQN-UKIAH STAGE Dally trips between Pendle- ton and Uklah, except Sunday. Stage leaves Pendleton at 7 a. nu, arrives at Uklah at p. m. Return stage leaves Uklah at 6 p. m., arrives at Pendleton at 6 e p. m. Pendleton to Uklah, $1.00; roun dtrip. 65.00. Pendleton to e Alba, 62.76; round trip, 65.00. Pendleton to Ridge, 62; round trip, 63.50. Pendleton to Nye, 61.60; round trip, 62.60. Pen- dleton to Pilot Rock, 61.00; round trip, 81.60. ocatt's Santal-Fepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For TrflammatlOn or Cnrli inn tiiaUtlt'f ant UlrsrI tfl.tn.- W . iMiiuon, -j ouro lit! pur Caret qnlekir and Prrma n"3 rv .'nifcriiris. ri in, ir i.r t)t- , li.uu.aDo.M.aa.'fe. 'THE 8ANTAl-PE?il, CO. Sold by F. J. DossaldsnaJ