East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 11, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Line Is Rapidly Xoarlng Completion;
Terminals Are Being Settled
Work on Streets Progressing
Everybody, Including Dad, Will
Work on Friday Next Strong
Baseball Team Will Be Organized
New Class Organized at Colum
hla College.
Milton, March 11. The graders
re at work on the Walla Walla
Traction company's line Into Milton,
and rails will be laid In a very short
time. Information has been received
that two carloads of poles are en
It Is reported that the fare from
here to Walla Walla on the new line
will be 25 cents for one way, or 40
cents for the round trip. The same
rate will apply to Freewater. The
fare from Milton to Freewater will
be five cents. Manager Allen is ex
ptcled here this week to consult
with the people of Milton on the
subject of terminal facilities and
other matters.
Coluribn college will give an oys
ter supper In the near future for the
purpose of decorating the dining
the dining room.
Kyle MeDaniel of Umatilla, was
he-e for several days. lately. He is
till on crutches on account of the
accident to one of the bones in his
leg a short time ago.
The Christian Kndeavor society of
the Presbyterian church gave a so
cial it the home of James Kirk on
Friday evening, which was much en
joyed. The Pixie Jubilee singers will ap
pear in Milton tonight.
Elaborate preparations are under
way for the big clean-up day in Mil
ton next Friday.
Miss Inez Phelps, musical Instruc
tor at Columbia college, has organ
ized a history music class.
School Entertainment.
The pupils of the Grove school
will give an entertainment and lunch
on the evening of March 16 at the
FsvlE hall.
Street Work Going On.
The work of street grading is well
under way. Warren Walter and Ed
Davis has contracted for a consider
able stretch of the work at the up
per end, and George Lutz has con
tracted for much of the work on the
lower end of Orover street.
To Play Baseball.
A baseball nine has been organ
ized with Carvasso Reese as cap
tain ar,d C. P. Slvingln as manager.
The players are practicing and a
good team will be organised.
Remains Found of a Gigantic Prclils.
torlc Animal Lambing In Progress
on Cunningham Ranch ltnncltcs
a Few Miles from Town Reported
to Have the Smallpox Building
Operation Will Commence Soon
Xew Clerk at Sylvester.
Th Great Amount of Material Ra
quired to Meet the Demand.
"Ono of the most generally accepted
tut mistaken Ideas that are entertained
by the people of this country," said a
traveling representative of a foreign
manufactory of gut strings, "Is that
strings used on musical Instruments
are manufactured from cntgut. If that
wore true the cats In this world would
have beeu exterminated many yean
ago In supplying the market with ma
terial for musical Instrument strings.
Wanders of the Offahore Sierras,
Const nana of California.
Along tbo great bluo current of
Jupan that sweeps down tlio Califor
nia coast is strung a chain of Islands.
They are the summits of offshore Bier
ras, a coast range of California that
has been partly overwhelmed by the
sea. All have a peculiar beard, or pro
tecting growth of weed, that consti
tutes a perfect forest about them, a
giant seaweed growing in water sixty
or more feet In depth and forming a
"The fact Is that they are manufac- natural wave break and a home for
tured from the Intestines of sheep, and countless marine animals. The vines
In obtalnlug enough raw material even 1 are sometimes 100 feet In length, vast
Pilot Rock, March II. George
Mansfield Is arralnging to construct
a new building on Willow street,
which v ill be occupied by the firm
of Mansfield & Newcomb as a lodg
ing house. Work will be commenced
In a few days.
Lambing Is now going on at the
Cunningham Sheep & Land com
pany's home ranch on West Birch
Bert Miller has accepted n posi
tion in the Sylvester dry goods store.
Smallpox Reported.
It has been repotted that Robert
enklns, who lives about four miles
east of Tllot Rock has the smallpox,
having contracted it from one of the
camps on the railroad.
Bones of Kxtlnct Animal.
Win. Kolb, while looking for jack
rabbits in Jack canyon a few days
ago came acress some bones which
ttrncted his attention, and It Is be
lieved that they are the bones of
some extinct anir.-.al. one piece un
covered by Mr. Kolb is of mammoth
ize and Is believed to be part of a
mastodon's shoulder blade. Further
excavations will te made In the near
Saved Her Son's Life.
The happiest mother In the little
town of Ava. Mo., Is Mrs. S. Ruppee,
She writes: "One year ago my son
-was down with such serious lung
trouble that our physician was un
able to help him; when, by our drug'
gist's advice I began giving him Dr.
King's New Discovery, and I soon no
ticed Improvement. I kept this
treatment up for a few weeks when
he was perfectly well. He has work
ed steadily since at carpenter work,
Dr. King's New Discovery saved his
life." Guaranteed best cough and
cold cure, by Tallman & Co., drug'
elsts. 60c and 11.00. Trial bottle
For photographs or kodak finish'
Ing for amateurs, see Bowman, near
Red Cross Pharmacy
728 Main St. Pendleton
from these animals the manufacturers
at times find difficulty.
"The only string made from the In
testines of the feline Is that used for
surgicul purposes for sewing up
wounds. One would be amazed to
know that there are millions of mu
sical Instrument strings used In North
America alone, and Just think where
the tabbies would be If they had to
supply the consumption.
Another amazing tiling Is that there
are over 700 different grades of musical
Instrument strings. The demand for
trlugs lu North America is Increasing
every year, especially In the south aud
In Mexico. There are more guitar
trlngs sold In Mexico than any other
kind, but through the south the banjo
string Is still popular, despite the fact
that every year has marked a sll;;ht but
gradual falling off In the demand."
Kansas City Journal.
Miss McBrlde Will Work for the
Southern Pacific at Portland At
tended the Dedication at Walla
Walln O. G. Cliambcrlnln Resigns
Ladles' Missionary Society Electa
Athena, March 11. There were
no cervices at the Christian church
yesterday, as Minister V. E. Hoven
and many of the congregation went
to Walla Walla on the excursion to
attend the dedication of the new
Christian church at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kemp and
daughter left yesterday for Portland
where they will visit for several
weeks. They expect to buy a home
n the vicinity of Portland.
A number of Athena young peo
pie mnke trips to Weston for the
purpose of skatlr.g at the rink over
Louis Bergevln is confined In the
Walla Walla hospital with erysipe
las, and his condition is reported
quite serious.
With Southern Pacific.
Miss Bessie MoL'rlde, of this place.
who has been employed In the court
house In Portland as stenographer,
has resigned her position to take a
like situation with the Southern Pa
clflc railway company jn that city.
Missionary Society Officers.
The ladles of the Baptist Mission
ary society have elected the follow-
In gofflcers for the ensuing year
President, Mrs. Geo. T. Ellis; vice
president, Mrs. Ed. Barrett; secre
tar-, Mrs. J. D. liamondon, treasur
er, Mrs. M. L. Watts.
Justice of Pence.
O. G. Chamberlain has resigned as
iustice of the peace of Athena, and
a petition has been circulated for
the appointment of B. B. Richards.
Y'ju should he careful of you
howels when you have a cold. Nearly
1! other coughs syrups are constl
"ating, especially those containing
opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Cough
Syrup moves the bowels contain:
no opiates. Conforms to National
Pure Food and Drugs Law. Bears
the endorsement of mclh'ers every
where. Children like its pleasant
taste. Sold by Tallman & Co.
Blustering Mars nnd Hit Name Month,
the Thraclnn of the Twelve.
Mars was not a favorite among the
classic Greeks, nor Is his name month
great favorite among the Gothic
moderns. The god of war was a bar
barian Intruder In the Olympian circle.
There was something Thraclun, and by
that token crude and unworthy In his
manner. He was more of a blusterer
than a fighter, and Homer narrates
with evident relish how Pallas Athene
tumbled him over In combat, his vast
bulk covering several acres. Of wild
aspect, untutored way9 and Indifferent
wits, he had little to recommend him
hut his Immoral origin.
Such also Is the month that has taken
the war god's name. One poet notes
Its "ugly looks and threats." "A half
wild creature cast from nature's lap,
another calls It The proverb "mad as
a March hare" says the same thing
with less reticence. Eul!sh people
call the month "March Mnnyweath
ers" and thereby Intimate their doubt
of Its capacity for sustained purpose.
It is the Thracian of the twelve, as
September Is the Tyrian. There Is
something blustering and barren In its
aspect, as there Is In what people call
"a good war." The winds that blow
from one end of It to the other are not
the winds of God." A peck of March
dust may be worth a king's ransom, as
a wise saw has It, but from the aver
age human It gets less grateful guer
don. "Beware the Ides of March" Is
good wisdom for our common human
ity. New York Mall.
cables, with broad, crlmpled leaves of
a dark olive hue, which assume grace
ful shapes In the tide.
When the visitor peers down Into
the turquoise water the scene Is often
a revelation. A new world Is opened
up and the real beauties of oceanic or
submarine scenery are appreciated.
The great leaves are carried by the
fitful currents that sweep these Islands
In every direction. . Sometimes they
are extended at full length and appeat
like a horde of green snakes. Again
they lie down upon the surface, list
less and drooping, taking myriads of
shapes and forming nooks and corners
of great beauty.
So attractive are these forests that
what Is known as the water glass has
been elaborated Into a glass bottomed
boat, which has several large plate
glass windows through which the pas'
sengcrs may look down into the kelp
forests and view a panorama of the
sea. These boats range In size from
rowboats to side wheel steamers, so ar
ranged that they can float over the
forest and view its wonders up and
down the coast. Chicago News.
Fronts and Indlgeatloa.
Mrs. , who knows many a prac
tical thing, had a maid who was dying
(or thought she wasj of indigestion.
Now this maid was too valuable to lose.
so her mistress determined to save her
life and retain her services. "Maggie,
I want you to eat every morning for
breakfast three stewed prunes. Now,
never more than three. If you were to
eat more yon would get tired of them.
But three will leave you a little hungry
for some more prunes and your appe
tite will steadily Increase." Maggie
started in obediently and at the end of
the week was the healthiest, happiest
girl for miles around. Mrs. has
effected many such cures. New York
He Met Him.
"When you go to New Zealand
wish you would Inquire after my great
grandfather, Jeremiah Thompson.
"Certainly," said the traveler. An
wherever he went be asked for news
of the ancestor, but without avail, ac
cording to the Dundee Advertiser. One
day he was Introduced to a fine old
Maori of advanced ae. "Did you ever
meet with nn Englishman named Jere
miah Thompson)" he asked. A smile
passed over t'.ie Maori's face. "Meet
him?" he repeated. "Why. I ate Mini'
The Proline of Monte Cblrlea, on the
Iiilnnd of Llparl.
rumlce. as is well known, is of vol-
conic origin, being a tracbytlc lava
which has been rendered light by the
escape of gases when in a molten state
It Is found on most of the shores of the
Tyrhetiiau sea and elsewhere, but Is at
present almost exclusively obtained
from the little Island of Llparl. Most
of the volcanoes of Llpnrl have ejected
pumaceous rocks, but the best stone li
all the product of one mountain, Monte
Chirlcn, nearly 2.000 feet In height
with Its two accessory craters. The
district In which the pumice Is excavat
ed covers nn area of three square miles.
It has been calculated that about 1.00C
hands are engaged lu this Industry, COC
of whom are employed In extricating
the mineral.
Pumice is brought to the surface In
large blocks or In baskets and Is car
ried thus either to the neighboring vil
lage or t3 the seashore to be taken
there In boats. The stnpply Is said to be
practically Inexhaustible. Pumice l
used not merely for scouring and
cleansing purposes, but also for polish
ing lu numerous trades; hence the fad
that the powdered pumice exported ex
ceeds In weight the block pumice. Be
tween twenty nnd thirty merchants are
engaged In the pumice trade on the
Island. London News.
RaRraiu tiffins.
Mr. Blrrell's story about the little
ragamuffin In a church school stirred
a clerical correspondent to write a let
ter wherein he spoke of ragamuffins
as "boys who have more rags than
muffins." No doubt that was not meant
to be taken seriously from the etymolog
ical point of view. The mumn of the
word has puzzled many. "Rnganiuf
fin," says Dr. Johuson, "Is from 'rag,'
and I knaw not what else." According
to Dr. Brewer the word moans a rag
ged "muff" or "muffin" (a spirltle.'s
fellow). But the original RagnmolTjii
seems to have been a demon lu certain
old mystery plays, whove name was
probably Just high sounding nonsense.
It Ib curlaus, however, that "the rag
man" Is an old name for the devil.
London Chronicle.
L. M. Preston, secretary and man
ager of the Tlmklr, Hollar company.
New York, was being Interrogated by
members of the company about Its
affalis, when he suddenly bolted a
large dose of prusslc acid and was
dead before a doctor could reach
him. Investigation discloses that
Preston war short with the company
nearly 1100,000. Me received a sal
ary of T12.500 a year.
"The more the merrier." Not so
One hand Is enough In a purse. "Noth
hurts the stomach more than sur
Choice and Tender
Steaks and Chops
Central Meat Co.
Telephone Main 8S.
felting." Yes, lack of meat "Nothlnp
but what has an end." Not so. A ring
has none, for It Is round. "Money Is a
great comfort." Not when It brings a
thief to the gallows. "The world Is a
long Journey." Not so. TJie sun goes
over It every day. "It Is a great way
to the bottom of the sea." Not so. II
Is but a stone's cast "A friend Is best
found In adversity." Not so. For then
there Is none to be found. "The pride
of the rich makes the labor of the
poor." Not so. The labor of the pool
makes the prl'Je of the rich.
American plan, ft par day and up
ward. Headquarters for toorlata and
commercial travelers. Special rates
made to families and stasia gentle
men. Ths management will be pleas
ed at all times to show rooms and
give price. A modern Turkish back
establishment In ths hotel.
H. C. BOWERS. .Yanaser.
Cold Blooded Opinion
"When a man loses his money," re
marked the cynic, "he finds out who
his friends are."
"Yes," answered Mr. Dustln Star, "It
Is a wise compe;i8atIonT"wbon a man
loses bis fortune he saves the time he
used to spend shaking hands and lis
tening to hard luck stories and gets a
chance to make a notlier." Washing
ton Star.
Utile Pllobera.
Willie Uncle Jack, did you choke on
that cake batter ma made yesterday i
Rich Old Uncle Good heavens, no,
child! What put such an extraordinary
Idea Into your head? Willie Why, I
heard pa tell ma he made you cough
up the dough. Baltimore American.
The greatest menace to woman's
permanent happiness In life is the
Buffering that comes from some de
rangement of the feminine organs.
Many thousands of women have
realized this too late to save their
health, barely in time to save their
To be a successful wife, to retain
the love and admiration of her hus
band, should be a woman's constant
If a woman finds that her ener
gies are flagging, that she gets easily
tired, dark shadows appear under
her eyes, she has backache, head
ache, bearing-down sensations, ner
vousness, irregularities or the
"blues," she should start at once to
build up her system by a tonlo with
specific powers, such as
jbm..,.,,ac .i,,,,
1',"''-, i
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
the irreat woman's remedv for woman's ills, made only of roots and herbs.
It cures Female Complaints, such as Dragging Sensations, Weak
Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and all
Organle Diseases, and is invaluable in the Change of Life. It dissolves
and Expels Tumors at an early stage. Subdues Faintness, Nervous
Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures
Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole
female sysem. It la an excellent remedy for derangements of the
Kidneys in either sex.
j '
41 Company, Attention I"
" For recreation you will now
listen to a story from head
quarters." Capt. Kkxai.i., Adj.
A certain man, because he
Was so strong and hearty, Im
agined he was a locoiuoiive.
There w as, he thought, no limit
to his vitality. ,
lie regarded his stomach as
the firebox. All he had to do
was to keep the firebox full.
lie followed the Mississippi
Steamboat plan, and crowded
every old thing into his stomach.
One day when he was pulling
a heavy load the firebox didn't
burn right, so the Human Lo
comotive stopped to investigate.
lie found the flues choked,
the firebox full of clinkers, and
so stuffed with fuel that It
couldn't even show a red glim
mer. Somebody told him to keep a
clean fire w ith a good draught,
and feed it regularly, with only
a certain quantity at a time.
He was further advised to
use Retail Dyspepsia Tablets
for the purpose of putting him
self in lirsi-cliiss shape.
He did as he was told, and
was s'jon al!e lo pull niul haul
as well n'i ever, liesiiles he
puffed less under a heavy load.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
are absolutely guaranteed to
cure all thedlstresslng forms
of Dyspepsia and Indiges
tion, or we'll pay for all ths
medicine you take.
Prloo; 25o., at our store orb; mall.
Heavy Snows In Central Idiilwi.
C. W. Neff, who came In from
Roosevelt this week, says that there
Is more snow In that part of the state
th?n at any time for years past.
While there is only ubout 18 inches
of snow at Tloosovelt there Is six feet
of 11 at the Dewey mine, and nil over
the hills. The roads are better for
traveling than might be anticipated
from this amount of snowfall. He
came on snowshoeo for 0 miles, out
us far as Knox, lo which point the
stnge reaches from this direction.
Thi entire trip reo'ilred six days.
Bntao Statesman.
"Love and a red nose can't be hid,"
but most peoplewho have bargains in
Real Estate, either "for rent" or "for
sale," keep them hidden from Jthe
public, though notjntentionly, by neg
lecting to give them proper publicity.
East Oregonian
Want Ads
bring direct, certain results for the
least possible cost.
One line, one time - 10c
One line, one week - 25c
Four lines, one month $1.00