East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 09, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    iijBYBSssiBVsVHBBnBKKssBSBSBHP ffljStMsEBKESi TrBsiWsWflTalftsPtTBCafBi
Showers tonltfht and Sunday.
Spring, summer, autumn or winter,
the best bargains are always to be
found In East Oregonlan advertise
ment. VOL. 20.
NO. 5920
Deputy from Dunne's Court,
With Burns the Detective
Overhauled the Fugitive.
Ruef Pretends Not to Take the Af
fair Seriously Tlic Sheriff, Under
Whoso Jurisdiction Capture Va
Made, Refused to Take Rurf to
.lull Stormy Session of the Bar
Association Discusses Issues Pro
rikI Con, aial Grlevunee Commit
tec Will Investluntc Hebbaril.
San Francisco, March n. Expect
ing that Ruef would be, brought In
to court this morning, a great crowd
gathered In the court room early,
but the prisoner was not brought
from the St. Francis hotel. The
court decided not to take any action
on his case until Monday morning.
Rjef, by order of the dlBtrlct at
torney, Is not In communication this
morning, reporters and other per
sons, except his counsel, not helng
permitted to see him. He continues
to maintain a cheerful, confident air,
pretending to look upon the entire
affair as a huge joke. '
Later In the day the restraint was
lifted and members of the city admin
istration and personal friends were
permitted to visit Ruef. The rela
tions between Ruef and Fllsor Blggy
are of the friendliest character. Ruef
took occasion several times to express
his appreciation of the courteous man
ner In which he is bring treated, and
says he will be relensed Monday
morning. He predicts that Judge
Dunne will be declnrcd guilty of con
tempt of the United Stales supreme
Grand Jury Sxvinl Session.
San Francisco, March 9. A special
session of the grand Jury was hur
riedly ciiled this morning. It !s be
lleved I he actions of the i-hcrlf? and
coroner In the search for Ruef are be
ing Investigated.
Hot Session of Hnr Association.
San Francisco, March 9. Abraham
Ruef, the political hosH who for three
days has been hiding to evade an or
der of arrest, issued by Superior
Judge Dunne, was taken Into custody
last nlRht at Torcarero, a secluded
suburban resort near the ocean
beach. The nrrest was made by Wm.
Piggy, elisor of Judge Dunne's court,
and Detective Rums, who has Is aid
ing sslslant District Attorney Heny
In the work of prosecuting the e.l
legd municipal "srnfters."
Reuf submitted as gracefully as
possible to the arrest, and was
brought to this city in an automobile.
He was tuken to a hotel where he
wis detained under guard over
It Is said his captors declined to
take him to Jail on account of the
Intimate political and friendly rela
tions exlstlni? between the sheriff
and the prisoner.
An exciting meeting of the S.m
Francisco liar association was held
last night. About a hundred law
yers gathered to consider the action
of Superior Judg Hebbard in grant
ing a writ of error tc Abo Reuf while
the latter trial is pending In a court
of eo-ordlnanate Jurisdiction.
Assistant District Attorney Heney
made n sensational speech declaring
that Hebbard was under the Influ
ence of liquor when he grarted the
writ and was constantly-affected by
intoxicants for ten days. Heney
vehemently declared the ncllons of
the attorneys for Reuf mora repre
hensible than the conduct of Judge
Hebbard In taking advantage of the
latter's alleged condition to securo n
writ to frustrate the progress of
Justice. Attorney Dwyer spoke for
cibly along similar lines.
Attorney Ach of Reuf's counsel de
nied that Hebbard was Intoxicated.
The Grievance Committee association
will make a thorough investigation of
the -affair.
Hearing Set for Monday.
At noon a petition for writ of
habeas corpus was filed by Ruef's at-
Cliclmlls Woman Killed.
Schnectady, March 9. The
bodv of a woman was found on
the Ice on the Mohawk river
this morning. She had Jumped
from a passenger train during
the night. A ticket dnted San
Francisco, Februaty 27, for a
Get man-Lloyd steamer lenv-
Ing New York next Monday
for Austria, bore the namo of
Mrs. Maria Becker, Chehalls,
Wash., was found on her per-
e. Dehaven, of the
riot court. Tho
H ,3oS
' ionnay auernoon.
-9and Juror Wine was dls
.uallflea from serving on the Jury.
Hcavy Exrienxc Caused by High Wa
ter and Ice.
Salem, March &. The regular
monthly meeting of the board of
portage railroad commissioners was
held in the governor's office yester
day, Secretary Benson being the only
absent member. At the end of Feb
ruary tho operating expenses of the
road were $300 more than the earn
ings. According to Superintendent Steel
smith's report, this was caused part
ly by high water, ice blockades, and
the labor required In the raising of
wharf boats sunk during the storms.
The road earned $100.90, and the dis
bursements were $400.70, for the
month of February. At least $125
was the extra expense caused by the
above named causes.
The members of the board. Gov
ernor Chamberlain and State Treas
urer Steele, excepting Secretary Ben
son, who Is 111, will visit the road and
make an Inspection tour over It next
week. In his report the superintend
ent says:
The cost of operation for the
month was materially Increased by
the expense of labor on wharf boats
sunk during the recent Ice blockade.
In this connection, I have to report
the wharf boat at Big Eddy In a very
bad condition.
As reported last month, the Ice
carried away tho house entirely, but
so far ns, we are uble to see the hull j
Is uninjured. As the hull Was sunk,
anw owing to the heavy deposit of
slit carried down during the recent
freshet it has filled with mud to such
an extent that we have been unable
to get It to float high enough to
pump out.
Portland, March 9. Nine saw
mills ami box factories have closed
ami 1830 men are out. The lumber
gangs will strike. Tlic mill owners
have agreed upon starving ont the.
fight. The longslMiremen appointed
deputies to guard the mills, hut they
refused to act.
Grcittc-i Colonist Rnl on Pacific
Con-t K On Nine Hundred
Came In en'-v It Is Estimated
That No. 5 I Currying 700 to 1(100
lVrwons Dally Hindi Will Continue j
AlMiut Two Weeks lioincscrkcrs,
lim Mors, Tourists.
One of the heaviest passenger trains
pulled across the continent arrived In
Oregon yesterday loaded with home
seekers. The train rolled Into Hunt
ington in two sections, aggregating 19
cars. Many of them went to eastern
Washington points, and when reaching
here It was estimated that there were
900 passengers.
The greatest colonist rush to the Pa
cific coast ever known Is now on. It is
believed the two principal trains of the
O. R. & X. company alone, Nos. 1 nnd
5, are bringing 1500 people into Ore
gon dally. There hnve been previous
successful homesecker movements In
augurated by the railroads, but none
that started off with the tremendous
vitality of the present rush. The colo
nist rates from Chicago and the east
o Oregon went Into effect March 1.
By the third of the month the heavy
tralnloads began rolling into Hunt
ington. The crowds dnlly Increased
until March B, when the .limit of a
single train section was reached by
No. 5 with eight coachloads and four
other cars. On March 6 this train
began running in two sections over
the Short Line to Huntington, and
from that date it has steadily Increas
ed. Yesterday No. 5 rolled into Ore
gon with 17 coaches, Pullmans and
bnggnge cars. The capacity of a car
averages B0 to 7B persons, nnd It Is
estimated that No. B Is carrying 700 to
1000 persons dnlly.
Tho passengers consist of homeseek-
ers, investors, tourists and travelers
who have boen waiting for cheap rates
to take a Journey to the coast on any
kind of business. It Is expected the
rush wll continue about two weeks,
but will continue strong during the
two months' period of colonist rates.
At the latter end of tho period there
will be another rush of travel by per
sons who have walled as long as they
can to leave the cast or who have
been detained.
Robbers Fatally Wound Policeman.
Cnrllnvllle, III., March 9. Rob
bers attacked the post office this
morning and Bliot and probably fa
tally wounded Policeman William
Vaiuneter, They dynamited the safe,
and escaped with stamps and mon
Eighty Indictments Brought
Against Six Offic:rs and
Ex-Officials at Peoria.
$100,0(10 OF THE PUBLIC'S
Grand Jury Return the Indictments
Accompanied by a Roast of the
Manner in Which the Public's Af
fairs Have Been Administered
Direct Theft, Falsifying Record.
Extortion, Forgery and Confidence
Work I'iMin the Public, Are All
Peoria, III., March 9. Indictments
were returned this morning against
the following: Robert Jones, city
clerk, thirteen counts for embezzle
ment; Daniel Potter, former sheriff,
embezzlement; William Peters, for
mer deputy sheriff, confidence gamo
and falsifying public records; E. M.
Conitey, former deputy, embezzle
ment; Sherman Hunt, formtr dep
uty, extortion; Pan Raum, attorney,
A total of 60 Indictments were re
turned, specifying that $100,000 has
been taken from the city and coun
ty In the offices of the city clerk
and former sheriff.
The grand Jury scathingly
nounce-i for carelessness all
county and city officials.
On Murderous: Charge While Dtsguli
ed, at Alfalfa.
North Yakima, Wash., March 8.
Disguised as an Ignorant Slwash,
with his hair tied In a handkerchief,
wearing a blanket, Oscar Spencer, an
educated Indian wanted for murder
ous assault committed on Johnny Jake,
a fellow tribesman, was arrested late
this afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Lind
say nt Alfulfa, while trying to make
his escape. Spencer assaulted Jake
recently, leaving him lying by the
road for dead, spending the night
with the victim's family. He was ar
rested next day and placed in the
Toppenlsh Jail, but sawed his way out
with touls passed in by a friend.
Sheriff Edwards arrived with the
prisoner on a delayed train last night
and placed him In Jail awaiting the
result of the attack on Jake.
niicaso Wheat Market.
Chleafo, March !t. Wheat opened
sv 3-1. closed stunt-; corn opened
4 7 1-S, closed 4 7 1-4; oats opened
3-1, closed 42 1-2.
MUton, March 9. t a mass meet
ing of tho citizens of this place held
In tho city hall last evening, It was
decided that next Friday, March 15,
be "Cleanup Day" In Milton. In the
evening a big bonfire and barbecue
with a supper furnished by the In
dies will be given.
This promises to be one of the,
greatest events of lire kind ever held
In the city, nnd in fact in this section
of Oregon. Everybody Is expected
to turn out to lend a helping hand
on thiB occasion, and there Is no
doubt but that the town will be one
of the rlenncest on the map when the
work Is completed.
The city will be divided in districts
In order to carry the work out In a
systemotlc way, nnd a captain has
been nppclnted for each district to
work with a committee In carrying
on the different details of the work.
The districts have been divided ns
1 Dlst From' the southern limits
of the city to the Grove school
house. Committee, Nat Cockburn
and Mrs. Talbert.
By action of the county court to
day the bill for the expenses of the
coroner's inquest held over the re
mains of the five Indians burned In
the Jnll a short time ago was rejected.
The totul expense Incurred amounted
to $93, and the amount Is for Jurors'
and witnesses' fees, salary of ste
nographer, and livery hire.
In rejecting the bill the court took
the ground that since the Indian de
partment has held that the county
docs not have Jurisdiction upon the
reservation the government and not
the county should stand the expense
of the nquest. It It presumed the bill
will be presented to the department
through the local agent and the ac
tion of the government Is being
Terrestrially and Commonly
Known as John Alexander
Dowie, Has Occurred.
Been In a Virtual State of Dissolution
for Many Moiiths-Decp Chagrin
at Defeat of Hi Latter Day Pur
IKiMCs Largely ltenonslllc for His
Demise Delirium Conquered His
Brain During tlie- Last Hours Gen
eral Belief That He Was Insane
During the Pust Several Years.
Chicago, March 9. John Alexander
Dowie died at 8 o'clock this morning.
The end has not been unexpected, as
he has been in a state of dissolution
for many months. Beaten in his
fight for control of the properties he
founded, the prophet never recovered
his vigor.
Death Came During Delirium.
Chicago, March 9. Dowie died at
7:40 a. m. In Shlloh house, Zion City.
At his bedside were only his personal
attendants, Freeman Haenel. a white
servant. John Hershflcld, a negro, and
Judge Barnes. He was as well yes
terday afternoon as at any time for
six weeks. At midnight he became
delirious and Imagined he was holding
religious services. He denounced an
imaginary Interrupter, and ordered
the guards to "Put that man out." The
delirium lasted until daylight. As he
grew weaker his attendant called
Judge Barnes. The prophet was un
conscious when Barnes arrived and
never regained consciousness.
Had Faith In Howie's Character.
Barnes never believed the charges
of fraud and immorality preferred
against Dowie, but thought him insane
during the last few years. Barnes
was a member of Voliva's council, but
remained a supporter of Dowie's per
sonality. Dowie's wife, his son Gladstone, and
his father. John Murray, are at their
summer home near Muskegon, Mich.,
which was retained to Mrs. Dowie dur
ing the receivership proceedings.
None ever held personal enmity
against the leader, thinking him
i insane. His wife and son will un
; doubtedly come.
j Ever since the court proceedings
Dowie held services In Shlloh house
! until six six weeks ngo. Attendants
i carried him to the audience chamber.
: For six weeks past he has ben unable
ot address his followers. Two hun-
2 Dlst From the Grove school
house to the poslofflce, Alex Still
and Mrs. Mat Mosgrove.
3 Dlst From the postoffice to
Columbia college, W. W. McQueen
and Mrs. N. A. Davis.
4 DIM From Columbia college to
Dr. Dobson's residence, James Ed
wards. Mrs. J, J.. Williamson.
5 IMst From Dobson's residence to
and Including the Central school
building, E. Stewart, Mrs. George
6 Dlst From Central school build
lne to the west end of Main street,
J. I.. Childeis, Mrs. R. E. Bean.
7 Dist Fiom the high school, east
to Main to the city limits, James
Evans nnd W. H. Badgero, Mrs.
Evans and Mrs. Badgero.
The Milton Progressive association
will furnish the pigs for the barbe
cue. The ladles will work In the dif
ferent districts for the food for the
supper, nnd the captains of the dis
trict are supposed to get the men In
line for work.
Milton is show'ng a progressive
spirit In this matter, which promises
to result In much good.
agalted with Interest.
Some time ago in Indian, Joe Ben
nett, died at the county Jail while
serving out a federal sentence. At
the time the bill for his funeral ex
penses was presented to the county
court, but payment was refused. It
was then 'presented to Agent Ed
wards, who, it Is said, promised to
ry the amount from the estate of
the dead ward, but up to this time
has not done so.
By rejecting the bill for the cor
oner's Inquest the court hopes to as
sist In bringing about a more defl
note understanding as to the status
of the reservation and the extent of
the county's JurlBdlclon over the
dred and fifty only remained after
Voliva denounced the original leader.
The funeral will probably be In Shl-
loh park, Zion City.
Dowie lived up to his teachings and
was never attended by physicians. It
Is believed he died by blood poisoning
with dropsy complications.
All Rancor Is Gone.
All rancor Is gone from Zion. "The
apostle Is dead," was the cry which
rang out. All industries closed and
the workers poured out forming a
great procession to Shlloh house. Vo
liva was the first to enter the death
chamber. He went In a reverential
Mrs. Dowlo l'rostrated.
Muskegon, Mich., March 9. The
Dowie family received the news of
the prophet's death this morning.
His wife was prostrated. She has
been seriously ill three months and
may be unable to go to the funeral.
The son will go to Zion City today.
Give nnd Take the Watchword on
JaiMuiese Question.
San Francisco, March 9. Mayor
Schmltz this afternoon made public
the memorandum agreement entered
Into between the president and Sec
retary Root and Schmltz and the
board of education on the Japanese
According to the agreement, the
memorandum states the president has
promised to secure legislation looking
to the complete exclusion of all skilled
and unskilled. Japanese laborers from
this country and the exclusion of all
skilled and unskilled American labor
ers from Japan, If the oowers con
ferred on the president by tho amend
ed Immigration bill fall of their pur
pose. In return for this the mayor and
board of education agree to withdraw
the present segregation order and
Substitute therefor an order exclud
ing Japanese pupils of the ages of
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1, 17 irom
grades 1, 2, 8. 4, 8, 6, 7 and 8 respec
tively and enforce the educational
The memorandum states that when
the first conference with the presi
dent was had It was pointed out to the
Callfornians the segregation order hal
been entirely misunderstood, It hav
ing been accepted as a measure of
revenge against the Japanese.
The California congressional dele
gation unanimously agreed the agree
ment was enilrely proper and Justified
by conditions.
Jurymen Stood Evenly Divided VMn
the Ijist Ballot Attorneys for De
fense Do Not Believe Tlmt He Will
Be Tried Aguln on Tyler Charge
Friends of Adams Delighted With
Result, Declare It Equal to Acquit
tal. Wallace, Idaho, March 9. Six to
six was the standing of the Steve
Adams Jury, which finally reported
disagreement after being out 37 hours.
The Jury was then discharged.
The Jury for mnny hours stood nt
seven for conviction nnd five for ac
quittal, and It was only upon the
seventh and last ballot that tho Jury
men stood evenly divided.
The prosecution declares Adams
will be tried again for the murder of
Tyler, but not sooner than the next
term of court, which begins In Octo
ber. ' Attorneys for the defense openly
slate their belief that Adams will
never be tried again on the Tyler
charge. They point to the expense to
the county of Shoshone, estimated to
reach $25,000 for this trial alone, and
say that the prosecution will. In their
opinion, ultimately announce that the
case Is dropped.
Practically every one In Wallace
was prepared for a hung Jury and the
news which was spread by newspaper
extras came as no surprise. The ahlef
Interest was In learning how each
Juryman voted.
Attorney Hawley, leading counsel
for the state, made the prediction Im
mediately after tho Jury went out,
that It would hang. Attorneys for the
defense made a similar prediction.
George Wilson, one of tho Jurors, In
referring to the request made by the
Jury that the court read Mason's testi
mony to them, which request was re
fused, said. "If the court had end us
that testimony there would hnve been
an acquittal."
The friends "of Adams are delighted
with the result, and declare It is equal
to an acquittal. As this Is a mining
town, the sentiment seems to favor
Walla Walla Enrolled 21B0.
Walla Walla, March !. City Su
perintendent of Schools O. S. Jones
has Just completed his report of the
condition of the schools for the sixth
month of th present school year. The
total enrollment this year is 2469. as
compared with 2334 last year.
Jerome Expected to Try to
Prove That White Was Not
There as Charged.
State's Experts Cannot Agree as to
Present Mental Condition of Thaw
Thaw's Sister, Wlio Traded Her
self and Her Money for an English
Title Will Demand Separation from
Evelyn as the Price ot Her Loyalty
to Her Brother Jerome Retains
Six .More Alienists.
New York, March 9. It la believed
Jerome will seek to prove that White
was not near the studio the day
Evelyn says he ruined her. The date
can be fixed, It Is said, by a photog
rapher who took their pictures.
The state's experts, it is reported,
are unable to decide to their own
satisfaction the state of Thaw's mind.
Thaw's experts declared he was
Insane at the time of his marriage.
It Is stated the Countess of Yar
mouth, If her brother is acquitted,
will demand that he leave Evelyn, as
the countess 'social position demands
the riddance of her unsavory sister-in-law.
The separation is to be ef
fected on the grounds that Thaw was
Insane when he was married.
More Alienists for the State.
When Jerome reached his office
this morning he ordered all the at
taches to remain all day, and be pre
pared to work all night If necessary.
County detectives were sent forth on
some mission.
Jerome today retained six addi
tional alienists. They met with Doc
tors McDonald, Flint and Mabon, and
were supplied with copies of all tes
Whitman College Team Has Planned
Busy Season.
Walla Walla, March 9. Manager
Cahlll of the Whitman baseball team
stated this morning there may be
seven Intercollegiate games for the
college team this year. He is in
communication with the manage
ment of the Montana university team
which is desirous of playing Whit
man in Walla Walla. This will be
the first time these two institutions
have met on the diamond and a se
ries of games with Montana is very
much desired.
The college team Is getting down
to some good swift work now and It
Is the opinion of every one who has
seen them practice they will be win
ners. With Rlgsby and Marquis In
the box Captain Brown behind the
bnt. Duteher, Schubert, Schmidt and
Borllske for infield, the college team
will undoubtedly put out the swift
est team In its history. The places
and players ere not yet assigned, as
there are many new men trying out
and all are to be given a fair chance.
The season will open In about a
week. The first games will be
clayed with the team from the Fort
and some games have already been
arranged with other local organiza
First Criminal Charge Recausc of
Iroquois Theater Horror.
Danville, 111.. March 9. Judge
KlmbroiiBh decided this afternoon that
the building ordinances of Chicago,
under which Davis was prosecuted,
are invalid. The court then Instruct
ed the Jury to find a verdict of not
guilty, and then asked the Jurors,
"What's your verdict?" All replied.
"Not guilty."
Davis was charged with murder by
negligence in the management of the
Iroquois theater.
Two German Steamers Founder.
Berlin, March 9. The German
steamers, Wettern P.nd Joergensen,
foundered In a Noith Sea gale. All
hands thirty-four men, were
Hill Abandoned the Dakota, r
Seattle. Mrtrch 9. The
steamship Dakota Is formally
abandoned by J. J. Hill to the
underwriters. Hill will col-
lect $2,500,000 Insurance, nc-
cording to advices received
from New York this morning.
This Is taken to mean the ves-
sel Is a total loss. Later. The
underwriters state the ship Is
a total less.