East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 16, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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5 !
Friday and Saturday Only
10 jueoos Canton Flannel, cream or bleached;
mnilnr 12Jc value, nt, jn?r yard
dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs, lace and
embroidered trimmed ; regular 25c value
at, each,
34 pieces white Embroideries, from 6 to 10
inches wide; regular 15c values, at, per
12 dozen Ladies' Silk Belts, fancy plaids and
taffeta and Tioinan stripes; regular 75c
values, at, each
4S pieces new figured Lawns, in small figures
and dots; regular 10c values at, per
25 dozen cream Bath Towels, fringed, size
20x44 inches; regular 25c values, each. . .
6 dozen Ladies' long Flannelette Kimonas,
all sizes; regular $2.75 values at, each. . .
10 dozen Muslin Nightgowns, V-shaped
necks, lace trimmed, tucked yokes; regu
lar $1.25 values, at, each
12 dozen Outing Flannel Gowns; regular
$1.45 values, iu stripes and plains at,
12 dozen Muslin Drawers, lace trimmed,
with wide ruffles; regular 45c and 50c
values, at each
15 dozen Mercerized Sateen Underskirts;
regular $1.25 and $1.35 values, at each. . .
S dozen Lace Curtains, Bonno Fenuue or
single curtains, CO inches by 3 J yards;
regular $1.50 values at, each
10 dozen Swiss ruffled Curtains, 2J yards
long; regular $1.63 values at, pair
Friday and Saturday
' Feb. 15 and 16.
Will sell anv 50c Work Shirt in the house for
All lined, Gloves and Mittens will be re
duced 25 per cent Just
Any Ilat in the house will bo reduced
$1.50 Hats will goor. $1.15
$2.00 Hats will go for $1.55
$2.50 Hats will go for $1.90
$3.00 Hats will go for $2.35
$3.50 Uata will go for $2.60
$4.50 Hats will go for $3.65
$5.00 Hats will go for $3.95
Every Hat in the house REDUCED.
Any Overcoat in the house will be reduced
just "
$7.50 Coat will be $5.00
$10.00 Coat will be $6.65
$15.00 Coat will bo $10.00
$20.00 Coat will bo $13.65
Friday and Saturday
Offerings at
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it Pays to Trade.
19 pounds best Cane Sugar $1.00
15 pounds Xo. 1 Japan Rice $1.00
5, pounds Coffee, regular 25 seller. $1.00
Good, solid pack Tomatoes, per can. . .IOC
Walters' White Satin Flour 95c
Xo. 1 Burbauk Potatoes, per sack. .$1.40
21 pounds small white Beans $1.00
25 pounds large white Beans $1.00
The Peoples Warehouse
Save Your Coupons.
Where it Pays to Trade.
Legislatures of Two Stairs Arc IU-
HrtKVd Willi ltullriMUI Lobbyist, ,'
' Who Stvk to Dcfcut nmlrouil Ias
Mutton Effort In Nevml to An
Hiuj ShlpiHTM by Minor Couvcw-toons.
The Sun Francisco Examiner In a
recent Issue, says of the railroad leg
islation Issue In Oregon and Nevada:
Feeling confident that tne legisla
ture at Sacramento will not do it any
harm, the Southern Pacific, throiiKh
political agents, Is watching,, quietly
and closely, certain combinations In
the Oregon and Nevada legislatures,
which It deems unfriendly and In
imical. These agents were In town
for two days. Having got their In
structions, they are off to Salem and
Carson to accomplish their respective
Harrlman does not want the Ore
gon legislature to create a state rail
way commission and to pass a recip
rocal demurrage law. Nor does he
want tho Nevada solons at Carson to
create a state railway commission
and reduce the maximuni passenger
and freight rates which are now re
spectively 10 cents a mfle and 20
cents a tonpcr mile. The Hill people
are lending him support in Oregon,
where they have Interests. Herrln
has his men In Salem, assisting Hill's
political emissaries. In Nevada, Her
rln is going It alone, save for a little
assistance the Brock syndicate of
Philadelphia owner of the Tonopah-
Goldfleld railway. Is giving his agent.
Would Propitiate Shippers.
In Nevada, the Southern Pacific
and Brock people have made a prop
osition to the leading shippers and
gold mine owners to grant concessions
to them and thus remove the cause of
their present grievances, provided, all
antl-rnilway legislation at Carson is
Strong pressure In this direction Is
being made and J. C. Stuhbs has been
called on to frame traffic and rate
concessions that will enable the com
pany and the Nevada shippers to meet
on common and satisfactory ground. j
Stubbs is to have the proposition ready I
for submission early next week. It I
remains to be seen if the tactics will !
have the desired effect..
The fact that the Brock syndicate'
road Is paying dividends on both it
A Question You MusL
Answer Now.
Do you want tho best hlrtwnlt ever made for the least money?
This Is a question which admits of only one nnawer but that must
be nut on record now.
is distinctive. It Is the onry waist on the market that you can buy
two waists for a single price.
See the line. Examine it. Test It. Comparo It. Tour rood judg
ment will convince you.
Sole agents for the Gladis Waist and Skirt-
common, and preferred stork, of 17
per cent annually, Is one reason for
the existing antl-rallway feeling In
that neck of the woods.
Neighbor Rot Fooled.
"1 was literally couehine mvwlf tn
death, and had become too weak to ,
tonve my hed: and neighbors predicted j
that I would never lep.ro It olive; but j
they got fooled, for thanks he to (lod, i
I was Induced to try Dr King's New ;
ntsoovery. It took just four one dol- !
lnr bottles to completely cure the ;
cough and restore me to good sound :
tv.-alf " wr!te Mrs. Eva Uncapher, :
of Orovertown. Stark Co.. Ind. This
King ot cough and cold cures, and I
healer of throat and lungs, is guar-
ar.teec! ly Tallmnn ,t Co., druggists, j
50c :r.i $1.00 bottles. Trial bottle free.
The remittitur of the decision of the
supreme court In the case of Delgrave
H. Atkinson vs. Washington Irrigation
company has been received at the
county clerk's office at Yakima, says
the Republic of that place.
The supreme court upheld tho de
cision of the lower court In Issuing a
pt-rmationt injunction agulnst tho
Washington Irrigation company, pro-,
hlbltmg it from building or maintain
ing laterals across the plaintiff's
This decision Is an Important one
for the people using water out of the
Sunnyside canal, which was owned at
the time the above suit was brought
by tho Washington Irrigation compa
ny, but which Is now owned by the
United States government.
The plaintiff owned and farmed
land under the above named canal.
Across his land the canal company
had maintained laterals for the dis
tribution of water to lands beyond
lout of Atkinson's. It Is claimed by
the latter that the company took up
a large amount of his land and that,
by having the flumes and laterals over
his property he 'was compelled to
maintain a number of small bridges
across the same.
The company contended that as It
had been using the laterals across the
property for not less than 10 yeara,
with undisputed right thereto, that Its
c'ali.i was established. As tho later
als appeared to be a menace and a
nuls'ince to Atkinson he went Into
the courts of the county and obtained
an Injunction preventing the canal
company from using the same. This
injunction was made permanent by
the lower court and an nppeal was
taken to the supreme court with the
result th:it the lower court was sus
tained. The canal company, at the time the
drcMon it the lower court was made,
was given 30 days In which to com
mence codcmnatlon proceedings for
a tight of wuy across the land ot At
kinson, for the land that it claimed,
but the company failed to take advan
tage of this decision of the court and
luter made the appeal. Now,, the
government owns the Sunnyslde canal,
aiM If It wants to use the above lat
erals across the Atkinson place it
must go Into court and commence
condemnation proceedings and pay
for the property used.
$100 Itewnnl, IOO.
Tbe readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is it least one dreaded
disease that scleDca ban been able to cure
In all It stages, and that la Catmrrb. Hall's
Calarrb Cure la tlit only positive cure
known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a conatltutlunal dlseane, require- a
conetltutlonat treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure la taaea Internally, acting directly
upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe
system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of
the disease, and elvlug tbe patient strength
by building up tlie couatltutlon and aiialat.
Ing nature la doing Ita work. Tbe propria
tors bare so e-ncb faith in Its curative
f rawer tbat the; offer One Hundred Dol
ars for any ease that it falls to cure. Send
for list ot testimonials
Address F. J. CHKNKT & CO.. Toledo, O.
Hold by all rtrujulita. TSc
Take Hail's Family I'llla for constipation.
Ileturn Limit to California Excursion
Tickets Extended.
The regular return limit of the win
ter excursion tickets to California has
been extended to six months and the
price of tfcheta advanced $5. For In
formation inquire of E. C. Smith
agent O. K. A N.. Pendleton.
ManZan Pile Remedy put up In con
venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may
be applied at the very sent of the
trouble, thus relieving .-.I most Instant
ly bleedlnB, Itching or protruding
piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Sold br A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.' drug store.
Fifty persons were killed and scores
more Injured by nn expl03lon in a
mine nt Bakhamut. Russia,
At Flalnfleld, X. J., the lashings
holding a five-ton casting broke. The
casting fell upon John Barsdlck and
Frank Manter, killing both. Several
others were Injured.
At Grand Rapids, Mich., Mike
Ward was killed in a prizefight with
Harry Lewis. Lewis will be tried 'for
murder, and Frank Lynch and three
others will be tried for complicity.
No general order will be Issued by
the Interstate commerce commission
requiring railroads to pay rebates and
claims for overcharges previous to
I hare wheat lands with good or
chards and plenty of water.
I have stock ranches for both sum
mer and winter quarters.
I hive a proposition that I will
guarantee a profit in If taken at once.
Anyone with a little money and a lit
tle nerve to back it can clean up
el-nut IbOOO In about six months
I have eon.e of the best property
in the city listed with me for sale.
f have a hotel with 22 rooms, two
lots 50x100, doing a rushing business).
Price too small to mention.
I have tibirban property Improv
ed and unimproved.
I have a few good business chance.
In tact, I have anything yon want
either real estate or livestock. Come
in and tell me what you want If I
'Invent tot It I will get It for yon.
'Phone blaebk 2111.
Office B. O. Building.
January 1, the date on which the new
anti-rebate law went into effect.
Fire at Pine Bluff, Ark., destroyed
90 cottages and residences, three
schools, a church and 200 barns.
Loss $270,000. John Springer and
Ellas Redd were burned to death.
The latter lost his life from being
On February 14 five deaths, all In
different portions of New York city,
occurred from escaping gas caused by
water pipes freezing and breaking.
They were John Rodary, Louis Ger
valse, Elsie Anderson, Leo Langinus
and Annie Liefland.
A London dispatch to New York
says Lloyds has added to its many odd
Insurances one on Thaw's life, agree
ing to pay after a total logs If the
prisoner Is executed. The premium
Is 30 guineas per cent. The amount
underwritten Is not divulged.
A combine has been formed of all
the coal mines In central Wyoming,
the Hudson Coal company having
gotten control of every producing
mine In the center of the state. These
mines are along the new line of the
Chicago & Northwestern railroad and
Include even the mines upon the un
ceded portion of the Cheyenne and
Arapahoe Indian reservations, which
have all been leased to the Hudson
Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup con
taining honey -nd tar is especially
appropriate for children; no opiates
or poisons of any character; conforms
to the conditions of the National
Pure Food and Drug law, June 20,
1906. For croup, whooping cough,
etc. It expels coughs and colds by
gently moving the bowels. Guaran
teed. So d by A. C. Koeppen aV
Bros.' drug store.
Three men giving the names of
Casey, long and Magulre, were ar
rested at The Dalles and confessed to
stealing a large number of shoes from
a box car at Arlington.
John Bock, for years janitor of the
First Baptist church at Oregon City,
disappeared January 28. His body
was found February 14 In the Aber
nathy river, near Oregon City. It Is
believed he suicided.
Gust Kostovos, who was struck
over the head by Ed St. Clair with an
Iron bar at Wallula, died In a Walla
Walla hospital, following an opera
tion to remove a bone splinter from
the brain, fit. Clair now faces a
charge of murder In the first degree.
Alexander Anderson was Instantly
killed by a landslide at tunnel No. 2,
on the Monte Crlstuo branch of the
Northern Pacific, near Robe, WaBh.
The slide came down a steep moun
tain above the point where a gang of
workmen were clearing out a tunnel.
Near Lewlston, Idaho, Mrs. Albert
Mlzner, who Is the mother of 10 chil
dren, the eldest only 14, attempted to
beat her brains out by pounding her
head wtlh a conch shell. Her mind
Is affected from overwork. During
the husband's absence at work she
conceived the idea he had been killed.
Eleven hundred head of cattle are
being cared for by the Northern Pa
cific at Ellensburg owing to the freight
delay on their road. The cattle , men
and care takers are having the time
of their lives caring for the stock, as
each carload has to be unloaded, ex
ercised, fed, watered and then placed
hack again to make room for the next
WE WILL be prepared to furnish gas for lighting
and cooking by April 1 st, if we have applicants
enough to start the Plant First come first served, get
in your applications for service pipes at once.
Don't pay a fancyprice for water-soaked
wood and mine-run coal.
A GOOD Gas Range only costs you from $17.50
to $35.00. We lay all pipe from main to curb
free of cost and only charge you 1 5c per foot from
curb to stove and 1 Oc for elbows and "Tsn etc.
Gas for Heating and Cooking costs you
$2.00 per 1,000.
THE average cost per month for cooking is $3.00
We furnish the meters. A heater for kitchen
hot water service will cost you $9 . and will heat tank
of water in thirty minutes.
Maximum of Results for Minimum Trouble.