8 k- r PAGK TWa DAILY EAST OREGOXI.VN, PENBLBTOX, OREGON, TCESDAY, FEBRVARf 1. 1901. FIOHT PAGES. SPRING STUFFS 0 1 6 pieces, 36 in. Percales, in light and dark colors at, per yard 15c 64 pieces Printed French Batiste, 30 in. wide. Polka pots checks and stripes, at 15c 48 pieces French Lawns, 30 in. Vide Elegant Patterns and a fine wash Fabric, at pr yard 12 1-2C 6 pieces Linen Finished Duck, 36 in. wide, at, per yard 18c 1 0 pieces Mercerized Linen, 30 in. wide, at, per yard 50c 1 8 pieces Colored Dotted Mull, 30 in. wide, very neat and dainty, at per yard 35 c 1 2 pieces Plain Cotton Voiles n all new shades, at, per yard 25c 1 5 pieces Cotton Covert Skirting, 30 in. wide, at, per yard 15c 78 pieces of New French and Zephyr Binghams, at, per yard 12 1-2c The Peoples. Warehouse Save Your Coupons. Where it Pays to Trade. GEX-31AL NEWS. Chief Engineer Stevens makes an emphatic denial of the report that he has said he would resign If the dig ging of the Panama canal was let to contractors. At Kansas City Albert M. Crone was found guilty of murder In the second degree, for having klllel Ber tha Bowlln, his former sweetheart, and fixed his punishment at 18 years In the penitentiary. An appeal will be taken. Grand Nest, Brotherhood of Owls, with headquarters In Walla Walla, faces serious trouble In the form of a suit that Is to be brought against hte lodge by "Owls" of Indiana, who claim that the work of their lodge Is copyrighted and that the Washington lodge has copjed it. The Northwestern anil Union Pa cific roads sought to compel the au thorities to pay full fare for the sol dies who are to go to the Philippines, but the time for moving has been changed until after the date when colonist rates go Into effect and all the troops will be .sent on those, the government thus getting lower fares for them than It had hoped for. Prof. E. H. Armstrong, principal of the Grass Valley, Cal., Business col lege, while attempting to rescue his daughter from their burning home, received probably fatal Injuries while carrying the child down stairs. He missed his footing and fell his full length and was stunned. His cloth ing caught fire and he was terribly burned. The child and her mother es caped. The National Brokerage company, representing all the "Independent" window glass manufacturers of the country, has decided to shut down all factories from this time until juiy i next, for the purpose of curtailing production as a means of keeping up the price of window glass. The In dependents organized several years ago with the avowed purpose of fight ing the old glass trust There are now two glass trusts, In no sense competitive except in rustling for trade, as methods and prices are lden-tlcal. Willie walled and Winnie wheezed, while wintry winds whined wearily. Wll'le wriggled while Winnie wheezed wretchedly. Wisdom whispers winter v inds work wheexes. Wherefore we write: "Use Kennedy" Laxative Cough Syrop." Nothing else so good. Sold by Tallman Co. REAL ESTATE I have wheat lands with good or. chards and plenty of water. I have stock ranches for both sum mer and winter quarters. T line n. nroriosltlon that I will ruarantee a profit In If taken at once. Anyone with a little money and a lit tle nerve to back It can clean up tout 15000 In about six months. I have or..e of the best property in the city listed with me for eale. I have a hotel with 22 roome. two lots 51x110, doing a rushing business. Price too small to mention. t have ubnrban property Impror- rd and unimproved. I have a few good business chances. In fact, I have anything you want either real estate or livestock. Come in and tell me what you want. If I haven't got It I will Bet It for yon. E. T. WADE "Phone blscbk Sill. Office a. O. Building. NORTHWEST NEWS. Supplies are getting scarce at Rit ter. Coal oil and flour all gone and from the looks of the weather It will be three months before we can get ovr the road to Pendleton. Long Creek Ranger. Johnnie W. Hiyes, a 5-year-old. at 311 Aloha street. Seattle, died from the effects of eating a quantity Of cough drops. The attending physic ians and the coroner agreed that was the caufe of death. Mis. F. H. Spencer will build a five-story apartment house In Port land at the corner of King and Wayne streets, to cost $121,000. The ground was purchased recently for the purpose at $ 10,000. The Northern Pacific had three double-headers with three rotary snow plows stuck In the snow 11 miles from Saltese, Mont., for a week. All had to be dug out by hand, the efforts of a fourth rotary being fruit less, R. A. Fulcher of Washougal, Wash., Is the possessor of a hammer which came over from England to Virginia In 1607 and is consequently entitled to the designation of F. F. V. Mr. Fulcher has sent It to Jamestown to be placed on exhibition there. David Smith, a pioneer of 1851, Is dead at Forest Grove, aged 80 years. He had been county assessor and county ludge of Yamhill, member of the legislature from Washington, six times member of the city council of Forest Grove, and twice mayor of that pUce. The desperate strait Wallace, Idaho, has been in for fuel all mining op erations and factory and public works dependent upon power having been st-ipoed for six weeks has been re lieved during the past week by the arrival of IS carloads of coal, of which six carloads went to dealers for retailing. Dr. B. F. Roller, the Seattle wrest ler, turned down a cold cash contract to receive $12,000 to wiestlc for eight months tinder the management of Chicago sports. They usked him to travel and to uike one oout a week If itqulred, with the probability that he would not be asked to go on the mat oftener than once In two weeks. The dead body of Charles D. Hud son, aged 10, a farmer, living six miles east of Soda Springs, Idaho, on P.ear river, was found banging by a rope from a rafter In his barn. He had evidently committed suicide while In a temporary fit of Insanity. Hudson was a bsohelor and the only relatives in that part of the country are four cousins. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel St. George H. C. Lawer, Chi cago; Mrs. Rena Burford, Indiana; J. H. O'Nell. Portland; George Stod dard, La Grande; L. C. Taylor, Iowa; G. A. Bryant, 1909; F. C. Hanley, Po-t!and; Glen Douglas, Athena; J. Ktllugg, Walla Walla; A. Bobletter, Portland; J. J. Hogan, do; J. W. -Baker, do; C. W. Madden, do; J. A. Fld aker, Spokane; R. F. Blcknll, Onta rio; N. C. Moris, Portland; E. R. WU lard, Los Angeles; J. Tempany, Wal la Walla; W. Hurst, Walla Walla. : T GHOFU M US PILOT ROCK EDITOR A PIONEER PRINTER. A Brilliant Writer, Witty ami Sarcas tic A Preul Shot, Good Horseman mill a Versatile Man In Many Ways Once an Expert Wrestler A Na tive of Minnesota. $100 Reward, S The readers of tbls paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that scleoce ban been able to cure in all Its stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive core known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. HalTs Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution ana assise Ins nnrnre In doing lta work. Tbe proprie tors have so much faith In Its curative Mworn that ttiev oner una uunarea urn- lira for anv case that It falls to cure. Send for list or testimonials. Address F. 1. CUK.NE to., Toieao, u. Sold by all drugiclsts. Toe. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation The Oregon Dally Journal gives the following Interesting sketch of Editor John P. McManus. of the Pilot Rocjt Record, who Is now awaiting trial In the Umatilla county Jail for killing Bob Estes: So far as shooting goes, McManus Is a good one at the mark, says the Journal. Trained nt the target by a brother who drove a stage In the Da kotas when the two states comprised a territory, he saw some life among the Indians. Like John, the brother was a Journeyman printer, but In the seventies he lef"t the case for the ex citing life of the plains. He was said to be a dead shot, and It was also said of him that he made a three days" horseback ride between two stations In Dakota with a sack of mall on his back and with a band of Indians be hind him. This McManus, according to the story told by the advertising mannger of Katl Putman, fed himself the three days and nights on the deerskin of his moccasins, and .when he arrived at the end of his Journey the only complaint he made was that he had lost sleep. John P. McManus himself worked as a compositor In the newspaper of fices of Portland In 1S93. Previous to that time he had been editor of papers In the smaller towns of Min nesota, Dakota and California. He was looked upon as a bright but la borious writer. Some of his opinions were widely quoted. Leaving Port land In 1894. he became editor of the Pendleton Tribune. In' 1900 he start ed a Pendleton paper that finally be came known as the Pilot Rock Rec ord. A "Sub" In Portland. " McManus has a fund of sarcastic wit. When he was In Portland In 1893 times with the substitute print ers were very hard. The regulars were sticking to their cases and there was little work. At a meeting of the union the troubles of the "subs" were taken up. The union advised them to get out of town and find work. "Find work!" ejaculated McManus. "Why," he added sarcastically, "there's lots o'f work back In Wichi ta, Kansas." Wichita was 2000 miles away and none of the "sub" printers, Including McManus himself, had enough money to pay for a street car ride across the Morrison street bridge. McManus Is an expert horsemnn and driver. He Is, or was a few years ago, a fine wrestler. He weighs only about 130 pounds, but he has easily thrown men weighing 200 pounds and over. He Is about 45 years old and Is a native of Minnesota. Return Limit to California Excursion Tickets Extended. The regular return limit of the win ter excursion tickets to California has been extended to six months and the price of tickets advanced $5. For In formation Inquire of E. C. Smith agent O. R. & N.. Pendleton. 5 A Question You Must Answer Now. Do you want the best shirtwaist ever made for the least money? This Is a question which admits of only one answer but that must be put on record now. THE GLADIS WAISTS Is aistlnctlve. It la the only waist pn the market that you can buy two waists for a single price. See the line. Examine It. Test It.. Comparo It, Your good Judg- ment will convince you. ..THE ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE Sole agents for the Cladis Waist and Skirt. FOR. SALE (-Room Dwellllng l-Room Dwelling . , 8-Room Dwelling , 87 Puildlng Lots. $1100 .SOO $2600 FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. f 1 1 2 . Court; St., Pendleton, Ore. Why Not Rest Easy 7 PISCAHD THE OT.l HARD, UN. SHAPELY MATTRESS AWT SE CTOR ONE OP OrR REST PRO MOTING KIXI). THEY' SEND YOI' TO WORK FVFRT MORXINO WITH A 8MTLE. THEY'RE JUST WIT "TED WITH COMFORT. WT1EN YOU SEE THE PRICE IT V-KES YOl' LIKE THEM EVEN LETTER. SEE WINDOW. T'se a little KODOL after your meals and it will be found to afford a prompt and efficient relief. KO COL nearly approximates the diges tive Juices. It digests what you eat It Ie scld on a guaranteed relief plan. Sold here by Tallman & Co. Hope Is really nothing more than a beautiful thought with the founda tion of belief beneath It. LEWIS HUNTER, COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER, The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it nnl bhow it by their liberal patron age. It is the advertising medium of this section. Piles of people have Piles. Why suffer from plies when you can use PeWitt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve and get relief? Nothing else so good. Beware of Imitations, See that the name is stamped on each box. Sold by Tallman A Co. Woodmen Grand Ball. Woodmen grand ball, given by Pen dleton Camo No. 41, degree team, Wednesday evening, Feb. 13., Eagle hall. Johnson's orchestra. Refresh ments served. Everybody cordially Invited. . W. H. Olvens, colored, of the 10th If. S. cavalry, died recently at Bel lliigham, Wash. He left the regular army In 1399 after 30 years continu ous wvlce. At the battle of Santi ago he Is said to have saved Roose velt's life. He was a first sergeant and had been personally commended by General Miles for bravery In the Indian wars. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived In California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble In ,he way of hums, sores, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles that FucHnn's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walters, of Al legheny, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; It cures every case. Guaranteed by Tallman Co., drug store. ?tc High Grade High Price- Vmiui m Full Murt Sottfe GAT In- ..f Extract VANILLA A J ways tht Sam$ Soli on Merit J. A. Folger & Co. San Franoitoo 4GH SF1 WE WILL be prepared to furnish, gas for lighting and cooking by April 1 st, if we have applicants enough to start the Plant First come first served, get in your applications for service pipes at once. Don't pay a fancy price for water-soaked . wood and mine-run coal. A GOOD Gas Range only costs you from $1 7.50 to $35.00. We lay all pipe from main to curb free of cost and only charge you 1 5 c per foot from curb to stove and 10c for elbows and "T's" etc. Gas for Heating and Cooking costs you $2.00 per 1,000. THE average cost per month for cooking is $3.00 We furnish the meterk A heater for kitchen hot water service will cost you $9 and will heat tank of water in thirty minutes. Maximum of Results for Minimum Trouble. n NORTHWESTERN MS 0 RIC GO MATLOCK BUILDING. 3)