East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 11, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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"'an independent newspaper!
FibllsbMl Pally. Weekly and Semi Weekly,
tt Pendleton, Oregon, by tht
Dlly, one year, by mall $5.00
1v1It. ill month., by mall 2 Ml
I ml I t. three months, by mall I ll
Dally, one month, by mall 60
Weekly, one y?ar. by mall 1.00
Weekly, alx month, by mall 7.1
Weekly, four months, by mall AO
fteml Weekly, one year, by mail
Semi Weekly, nil months, by mall "ft
feml Weekly, four months, by mall... .50
Olilcafo Rureau, PO Security building.
Washington. It. C. Hureau, 5ol Four
teecth street, N. V.
Member Srrlnpa News Annotation.
Telephone Main 1.
Entered at Pendleton Poetolflc ss second
class mstter.
UNlC Jtv'LAB c
Not one holy day. but seven.
Worshipr'HR. not at the call of
a bell, but at the call of my
' soul.
Singing, not at the baton's sway,
but to the rythm In my
Loving, because I must.
Doing, for the Joy of It.
Muriel Strode.
DM he not strive manfully, persistent
ly to hold himself up? Did he not
live a clean and upright life for a long
rcrlod In which he was away from the
Influences of the gamblers? If he was
crazed again, through drink, Is ho
more to blame than the wretches who
accomplished his downfall, in the face
of a manful determination on his part
and against the patient pleadings of
n family?
Hal McVanus been left alone, he
would be as his desk In Pilot Itock a
fire man, living a useful and upright
life. Had ho neon left to carry out
the hliih resolves of his mind, he
would today be nt his home, on the
upward pathwny.
Tut it Is sadly rtherwlsp, and w ho is
to blame?
In the recent history of Umatilla
county there has been no more pitia
ble Illustration of the struggle of a
brilliant man with the drink habit,
than that of John F. McManus, now
held in the county jail for shooting
Eob Estes.
No man deplores the habit more
than McManus. His mind is brilliant
and his nature refined and he keenly
appreciates tre disgusting environ
ments of the habit but like thous
ands of other brainy men, his weak
ness seems to be Incurable.
JCo one can say that he has not
fought off the habit manfully. No
man can say that his better nature
and his better Instincts have not been
developed and sustained by a most in
domitable will power, for long periods,
during which he has remained sober,
although possessing an ungovernable
Had McManus been left to his own
Inclinations and to his own determina
tion he would not now be In his unfor
tunate plight and his victim would yet
be alive, to grace his profession.
Four years ago when McManus
founded the Pilot Rock P.ecord, he
ouit drinking, shook off his old asso
ciate" and was one of the soberest and
most lovahle men In the community.
He is naturally a gentleman, and his
long business training and brilliant
mind give him a peculiarly attractive
personality, when sober. He multi
plied the number of his friends, mar
ried an estimable woman, established
a home and prospered. It looked as
though he had nt last conquered his
old habit and every man In the coun
ty who had known "Mac" was glad of
It and took a personal Interest In his
But his felicity waa doomed to short
When the gang of Pendleton gam'
biers saw that he was prospering and
had perhaps put away considerable
mrn'y. they began to visit Pilot Rock
regularly, they became "good fel
lows'' with Mack. They associated
with him closely, suggested and beg
g-1 that he drink with them, Just for
"old friendship's sake," and by every
wile known to the trade, sought to
undermine his manful determination
and to lower him again to their level
where his money would be "velvet
for them.
It was a year or more before they
finally succeeded In winning him
away from the entreaties and Inflences
of his family and friends. But finally
they "got" him, as they say. He be
gan drinking again, and from drink
ing It was easy to lead him to gambl
ing Biffin, and his money was carried
back to Pendleton In Installments by
the gambling fraternity which ) now
mourning the untimely loss of a mem
ber. . Nobody In to blame for the down
fall of McManus and the death of Bob
Fstes except the gamblers who have
worked long and patiently to accom
plish the downfall of McManus, after
he had manfully stood aloof from
them for almost four years, during
which time he had leaped Into a place
of respectability In the community,
had accumulated some means, married
and settled down and was prospering
and highly esteemed.
Nobody Is to blame for his down
fail cxir ft the gamblers of Umatilla
county, against whose fraternity the
Eot Oregonlan ha repeatedly spok
en In the past. It Is only another Il
lustration of the penalty which must
sooner or Inter be paid. In every com
munity which toleratet gambling.
John P. McManus has made a mis
take, It t true. But waa he to blame?
The Eant Oregonian has refused to
print fully one-fourth of the dirty rot
which has been sent over wires con
con. Ing the Thaw trial. It has too
much respect for the homes of Its
readers to send such vile stuff out for
children to read.
The facts being brought out form
a monumental example of social de
pravity In the great metropolis of the
United States and the conditions por
trayed by the .evidence In the case
should cause the American to blush
for his country.
White and Thaw and Mrs. Thaw
and that entire coterie of social vara
Tires, preying and preyed upon, as
they are, form one supreme example
of the rottenness of the Idle life of
the vicious rich. While the woman
Is to be pitied, yet she must bear her
part of the odium.
Some one has said that it was a
pity Thaw's pistol did not shoot both
ways. That .vould have been an ex
cellent solution of the case.
For Pendleton and Umatilla county
and the smaller towns of the county,
the coming year promises to be one
of the very best ever enjoyed.
Work Is now in progress on the
government Irrigation project and
several private projects will be placed
upon the market. These will attract
settlers and homeseekers, Investors
and capitalists and Pendleton Com
mercial association has a busy year
ahead of it.
The facts concerning Umatilla coun
ty should be placed before the pub
lic by some reliable and trustworthy
agency, that those who come here up-
in the strength of advertisements of
the county, may not be deceived and
leave disetisted, to become kickers.
The association should see that the
ritrht kind of literature Is sent out,
that the homeseeker Is given the
light impression, that he is received
cordially and made to feel at home,
even before he locates.
The plrit of a town has much to
do with winning settlors as well as
the Mislness opportunities.
You can make better food with
Lighter, sweeter, more palatable
and wholesome.
The following humorous sketch of
Kentucky life was written by Col. E.
E. Richardson of Kansas City, for the
Kansas City Star:
Man born of the mountains of Ken.
tucky is of feud days and full of virus.
He fisheth. fiddleth, cusseth and
fighteth all the days of his life.
He shunneth water as a mad dog
and drinketh much good whisky.
When he deslreth to raise h ,
he planteth a neighbor, and, lo! he
reapeth twenty-fold. He rlseth even
from the cradle to seek the scalp of
his grandslre's enemy, and brlngeth
home In his carcass the ammunition
of his neighbor's wife's cousin's un
cle's father-in-law, who avenged the
Tea, verily, his life Is uncertain,
and he knows not the hour that he
may be Jerked hence.
Ho goeth forth on a Journey half
shot, and cometh back on a shutter
full of shot.
He rlseth In the night to let the cat
out, and It taketh nine doctors three
days to pick the buckshot out of him.
He goeth forth In Joy and gladness
and cometh back In scraps and frag
ments. A cyclone bloweth him Into the
bosom of his neighbor's wife, and his
neighbor's wife's husband bloweth
him Into Abraham's bosom before he
hnth time to explain. "
He emptleth a demijohn Into him
self and a shotgun Into his enemy
and his enemy's son lleth In wait for
him on election day, and, lo! the cor
oner bloweth up a 40-acre field to
bury the remains of his enemies.
Woe, woe is Kentucky, for her eyes
are red with moonshine whisky, and
her soul Is stained with the blood of
her Innocent moonshiners.
Kentucky, oh, Kentucky! how I love
thy classic shades,
Where flit the fairy figures of the
bright-eyed southern maids;
Where the birds are sweetly singing,
'mid the flowers newly born.
Where the corn Is full of kernels and
and the colonels full of corn.
A little of the philosophy of an old
afflicted trother might help some of
up out on the life road. "And how Is
vour good health this morning." some
one asked.
"Well, sir," he replied, "I can't com
plain. Cutside of the old wnr rheu
matism", an' a crick or two In my
wooden fcg, caused from sympathy,
an' the deafness that come on me In
78, an' the cataract over my left eye,
an' a leetlij twinge o' the springtime
ague, an' the hard to understand
change In the elements above us, I am
proud to relate to you that my good
health wua never better!" Atlanta
The spice of speculation Is & dan
gerotts and expensive experiment, but
It Is always necessary to suffer a risk
In order to enjoy a sensation.
A man Is always safe In spite of
every Influence In earth or heaven, as
long as he can keep faith In himself.
Is the joy of the household, for without
it no happiness can be complete. How
sweet the picture of mother and babel
Angels smile at and commend the
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pats, how
ever, is so full of danger and suffering that the
looks forward to the hour when she shall feel
the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear.
Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child
birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific
liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders pliable all
tne parts, ana assists nature in
its sublime work. By it aid
thousands of women have
passed this great crisis in per
fect safety and without pain.
Bold at l.oo per bottle by druggists.
of priceless value to all women sent free. Address
Our book
Hotel St. George
SEOnQE DAllVEAU, Proprietor.
European plan. Everything first
class. All modern conveniences. Steam
heat throughout. Rooms en suite with
bath. Large, new sample room. The
Hotel St. George Is pronounced on
of the most up-to-date hotels of th
Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm
connections to office, and hot and
cold running water In all rocms.
ROOMS: $1.00 and $.5o
Block nni a Hntf From IVpot.
See the big electric sign.
Golden Rule Hotel
A first-class family hotel and stock
men's headquarter.
Under new management! Telephone
ajid fire alarm connections with air
Spec'al rates by the week or month.
Excellent dining room service.
.MUMS 2fte.
Rooms, 50c, 75c & $1.00
bVm bin to snrt from nil trains
Dally East Oregonlan by carrier,
only IS cents a week.
John D Rockefeller has given 132,
000.000 for general education to be
used by a general educational board.
If this mot.ey Is to be used to fasten
John D. Rockefeller's educational and
economic ideals upon the country, let
u give It back to him, quickly. Better
no schools than schools which teach
wrong principles. Petter no funds
than funds for warped and "manu
factured' "education.
If every man understood every other
man's motives, If all the deeds which
we do an! which we witness were
fully 'explained and their motives
known, there would be much less en
mity and hatred In the world. Many
a man Is branded as an enemy sim
ply because he Is not understood.
'With the portage road extended to
The Dalles, with boats upon the up
rcr river, with railroad lines extend
ing Into the Interior and with Irriga
tion schemes being developed every
where It looks pretty well for east
ern Oregon. '
Expelled for Bribery.
Senator Richard W. Morgan has
been expelled from the Colorado legis
lature, says the Denver News. He
confessed bribery and that he had
served several terms. He was re
elected last fall, after confessing he
accepted I7G0 for voting In favor of
the Cripple Creek railroad merger
two years ago. Public comment
forced the republicans to repudiate
him. Morgan declared that others
were more guilty than he. His share
was only part of the quarter of a mil
lion boodle fund for which the In
quirers accounted.
Profits In Hons.
The Pacific Homestead says of the
cost of raising hops: A fair average
crop of hops per acre is about 800 to
1200 pounds. Some parts of the river
bottom lands nenr.Salom have yielded
as much as 2600 pounds to the acre.
It Is conceded that a crop of hops can
be made ready for delivery to the
buyer for from 7 ',4 to 9 cents a pound.
The average bale consists of about
180 pounds. The hop vines will yield
a "baby" crop the first year, and
thereafter full crops If trie weather
condition permit.
Watch this ad tomorrow for more bargains.
The time taken will be well paid for-
en's QH!ifcy Qothing
At Hurry Up Prices.
THE SACRIFICE still continues. Last week's sales were hum
mers, which goes to show that particular buyers are pleased to
get an opportunity to purchase EXCLUSIVE CLOTHING, such
as we handle, at such a great reduction in price. We aim to
make this week's sales eclipse all previous efforts in our history, or in
fact all previous QUALITY CLOTHING merchandising, in the City of
Don't think my friend, that because you are getting this clothing so cheap, "that it is shoddy
goods or cheap clothing for the man who cannot afford better. No Sir. A majority of our
customers have been men of business, who have accepted an opportunity to get that what
they wanted, and at lower pricesmerely a business proposition f
We Must Have Room For Spring Goods.
Read Below and Make Money.
$22.80 MEN'S SUITS, HURRY PRICE $10.85
$20 MEN'S SUT8, HURRY PRICE $14.40
$1 3.50
Tasty Furnishing Goods for the Man who Cares'.