East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 25, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Easy to be Weil-Dressed
When you can get such
clothes as the.
Hart, Schaf f ner & Marx
Top -Coat, ready-to-wear
at an easy to pay price.
There's no excuse for
buying any other. Just
now is the time to invest
in a top-coat, there is no
other coat so handy for
Spring wear.
Nobby, all-wool, hand
tailored, perfect style.
The little label in the coat
guarantees it in every
immmmmmM i
Oim Bill Provides 133,000 for tlio Sup-
lort of the School ami Ono Appro
priates fSS.OOO for New Dormitory
Dormitory Bill Provides for . a
Complete Building With Modern
Heating Plant and All Needed Appliances.
6-Room Dwellllng
l-Room Dwelling . ,
-Room Dwelling ,
87 Pulldlng Lota.
JF 8(M)
1 12 . Court St., Pendleton, Ore.
Copyright 1906 by Hart bchaffner fc? Marx
The Peoples Warehouse
Save Your Coupons.
Where it Pays to Trade.
Following la a full text of two bills
concerning Weston Normal school,
Introduced In the house by Represen
tative Barrett. One bill provides for
the maintenance of the Normal and
appropriates (35,000 therefor, and
one appropriates $35,000 for a new
dormitory. They are as follows:
House bill No. 13, Introduced by
Mr. Barrett of Umatilla, and read
first time January 15, 1907. A bill
for an act to provide for the mainte
nance of the Eastern Oregon State
Normal school, and to appropriate
money therefor.
Be It enacted by the people of the
state of Oregon: Section 1. That
there be and Is hereby appropriated
out of the general fund the sum ot
thirty-five thousand (135,000) dollars
for the payment of salaries of the
officers, teachers and employee, ana
maintenance and general and con
tingent expenses from the first of
January, 1907, to the 81st day of De
cember, 1908, of the Eastern Oregon
State Normal school at Weston, and
to keep the buildings, grounds and
other property thereof In repair.
Sec. 2. The secretary of state Is
hereby authorized and directed to
audit all duly approved claims which
have been Incurred In accordance with
law and the foregoing appropriation,
and to draw his warrant on the state
treasurer In payment thereof, out of
the general fund not otherwise appro
For a New Dormitory.
House bill No. 14, Introduced by
Mr. Barrett of Umatilla, and read first
time January 16, 1907. .A bill for an
act to provide for the erection, heat
ing equipment and furnishing of a
dormitory, and the purchase of
grounds upon which to erect the
same, for the Eastern Oregon State
Normal school, and to appropriate
money therefor.
Be It enacted by the, people of the
state of Oregon: Section 1. That
there be and Is hereby appropriated,
out of the general fund, the sum of
thirty-five thousand ($35,000) dollars,
for the erection, equipment and fur
nishing of a dormitory for the East
ern Oregon State Normal school, and
for the purchase and Installation of
a heating plant therefor, and the
purchase ot proper and necessary
ground upon which to erect said dor
mitory. Section 2. The secretary of state Is
hereby authorized and directed to
audit all duly approved claims which
have been Incurred In accordance
with law and the foregoing appro
priation, and to draw his warrant on
the state treasurer In payment there
of out of any funds, not otherwise appropriated.
The Alabama house of representa
tives passed a resolution unanimously
approving of Roosevelt's course In
discharging negro troops after the
Brownsville affair. I
A special from Fox-Warren, Mani
toba, says eight men were hilled by
dynamite In a railroad camp. Six
Galtclans were frozen to death near
Starbusy. Manitoba. Their train was
snowbound and the Gallclans started
to walk.
Testimony concerning the affray at
Brownsville will be taken by the full
senate committee on military affairs,
beginning February 4. Snbpenaa will
be Issued at once for officers of the
discharged negro battalion and possi
bly some of the enlisted men.
Amos R. Howerton, a well known
contractor of Bozeman, Mont., has
met Instant death by being electro.
cuted. Howerton, It appeared, did
not wait for the lineman to remove
an exposed wire on a trestle on which
he to walking and be stumbled
against the wire.
Bfr a vote of 68 to 6 the California
state senate passed a resolution ex
cluding former Congressman E. J.
Llvernash, correspondent of a San
Tranclsco evening paper from the
privileges of the chamber on account
of published criticisms of that body,
of which Llvernash was the author.
Senators Ankeny and Piles of Wash
ington voted In favor of raising the
salaries of the member of both
booses of congress, the speaker and
other officials. Both voted against
the amendment to provide that the
Increase shall not apply before 1111.
Senators Dubois and Hey burn of
Idaho voted the same way.
of Quality
The Kind io Send Your Girl
Drug Co.
"The Mark of Quanty
George B. Stoddard and C. W. Nib
ley have purchased the Hotel Som
mer at La Grande. They will refur
nish and lease IL
Willis Rogers' dwelling at Centra
11a, Wash., occupied by John Saund
ers, burned. Loss on the house. $1,-
800; on the contents, $550. No Insurance.
January 22, 20 carloads of full fed
beeves, fattened In Eagle valley, Ba
ker county, were shipped to Seattle
and at the same time one carload of
draft horses.
E. E. Brasel, while working In the
round house at La Grande, fell nine
feet, dislocating his left ankle and
sustaining a compound fracture of
the left leg just above the ankle.
At Sunnyslde, Wash., Anthony
KHes while working with a hay baler
for D. W. Hutson, fell a distance of
three feet. He struck on the back
of his head, breaking his neck. Death
was practically Instantaneous.
Thomas Williams, a bridge carpen.
ter, waa killed in the Northern Pa
cific car shops at Spokane. His head
was crushed by a stick of timber j
which was caught In moving machin
ery and Jerked from the grasp of a
Parma, Idaho, went on the warpath
January 20 and notified the Short
Line officials that If coal was not
sent In there within 24 hours the citi
zens would hold up the first train
bearing coal and not leave It enough
to get out of town with. The Short
Line at once got busy and sent a sup
ply to Parma from Ita own bunkers
at Nam pa.
John Stanley will be prosecuted at
Lewlston under the state law of 187$
forbidding furnishing liquor to In
dians. The federal statute governing
the selling of whisky to Indians waa
declared Inoperative In an opinion of
the federal court of appeals at San
Francisco last year, and In view of
this the old territorial statute, passed
in 1879 and Included In the code when
Idaho assumed statehood, making the
selling of intoxicants to Indians a mis
demeanor, will be Invoked.
Cured of Lung Trouble.
"It Is now 11 years since I had a
narrow escape from consumption,"
writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business
man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run
down in weight to 136 pounds, and
coughing waa constant, both by day
and by night. Finally I began taking
Dr. King's New,. Discovery, and con
tinued this, for about six months,
when my cough and lung trouble
were entirely gone and I waa restored
to my normal weight. 170 pounds."
Thousands of persona are healed every
year. Guaranteed at Tallman eV Co.'s
drug store. KOo and $1.00. Trial bot
tle tree.
For Relief of Ben HolUday.
"For the rellof of the Benjamin
Holllday," Is the title ot a bill re
cently Introduced In congress by Sen
ator Ankeny of Washington, the sum
of $625,379 being asked to reimburse
the heirs of Mr. Hollldi.y for expendi
tures he made In getting post roads
built in Oregon and the northwest
during the Indian troubles In the '60s
and '70s and while he was a mall
carrier. What next during these times
when our rivers and harbors are so
much In need of money for Improve
ment? Salem Statesman.
Wullii Walla Wants to Play Baseball
During 1007.
The Walla Walla Statesman starts
off the baseball season with the fol
lowing Introductory:
A minor league to Include Walla
Walla, Pendleton, North Taklma and
Rltzvllle, la the favorite baseball talk
Just now.
It seems to be the Idea that mem
bership In the big league might be
too expensive a proposition for Walla
Walla. If Portland goes In the North
west league It wonld take a pile of
money to buy a team which would be
In the class with the one In which she
would In all probability get, say some
of the fans.
They are, therefore, skeptical about
the advantages of trying to get In the
fast company but seem to think a
speedy little minor league would Just
about fill the bill for 1907.
They assert that whatever league
Walla Wall goes In she must have a
winning team If It Is to get support,
and to get a winning team In the
Northwest league would take $5000 .
at least.
The German courts have decided
that the North German Insurance
company, which repudiated Its San
Francisco obligations, must pay In
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there Is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
la all Its stages, and tbat la Catarrh. Hall'i
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive core
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
belug a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrn
Cure la taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe
syetem, thereby destroying tbe foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and aaalst
Ing nature In doing Ita work. Tbe proprie
tors bare so much faith In 'Its curatlre
fiowers that they offer One Hundred Dol
ars for any rase that It falls to cure. Bend
for Hat of testimonials.
Address F. J. CIIKNKT CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists. 75c.
Take Hall s Family rills for constipation.
Columbia Bar
Rooming House
Fine Wines, Liquors,
and Cigars.
Newly furnished and up-to-date
Rooming IIoubo In connection.
Saunee; F. P. Skey, Chicago; T. H.
Langdon, Cincinnati; C. D. Sloan and
wife, San Francisco; Joe D. Kemery,
Portland; T. T. Whistler, Hermiston;
Frank Sloan, do; J. A. Woolery, lone;
W. J. Shlrey, Portland; J. Forsythe,
Portland; J. A. Newell, do; J. J. Mon
ahan. New York; J. Poiner, San Fran
cisco; W. J. Chocron, Spokane; Miss
C. A. Gilbert, Echo; C. Grover Tem
ple, city; F. A. Wagner, Seattle; E.
H. Shlrey, Boone; L. Friedman, Port
land: S. A. Keystone, San Francisco;
G. Geddes, Baker City; W. DIshman,
Elgin. Ore.; W. L. Thoma, Lovejoy;
J. M. Shaw, Walla Walla; C. McCury,
North Powder; George F. Gates, Ml
not;:Mlss Pierce, Sandpolnt; Mrs. C.
W. Ulrlch, do; Mary F. Hume, do;
J. P. Talford, do; Sam F. Kruse,
Nampa; E. H. Knowland, Falrbury;
Addle Tompkins, Caldwell; E. B. Coon
and wife. Cove.
Golden Rule Hotel. D. C. Gur
dane. Heppner; E. F. Smith, do; M.
J. McCane, do; Chris Armstrong,
Juniper; N. D. Parka, city; H. B. Mlt
chum, Echo; George Slgler, North
Powder; James Roach, Pendleton; D.
P. Kirk, Walla Walla; S. A. Frans,
Spokane; H. H. Gilbert, Pilot Rock;
J. M. Wlllcoxaon, Walla Walla; W.
P. Wall an, Adams; Sam Lee, Port
land; W. H. Patterson, Boise; G. K.
Light, Adams; W. A. Hitchcock and
son, EllenBburg; W. J. Runyan, Pilot
Rock; Elizabeth McBroom, New York.
Special Announcement Regarding the
National Pore Food and Drug; Law.
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs,
colds and lung troubles la not affect
ed by the National Pure Food and
Drug law, as It contains no opiates
or other harmful drugs, and we rec
ommend It as a safe remedy for
children and adults. Koeppen Drug
Hotel St, George. Oliver P. Mor
ton, U. S. R. 8.; W. F. Miller, New
port; O. Kelsey, Bast Chicago; Wil
liam H. Upton, Jr., Walla Walla; E.
Xe Bates, Mlnot; George T. Graham, town.
Do Ton Fear Consumption?
"When we take Into consideration
the fact that one out of every seven
In this climate dies of consumption. Is
It any wonder that it is feared by the
people of Pendleton who have .weak
lungs and chronic colds and coughs?
aid a member of the Pendleton Drug
"Physicians everywhere have recog.
nixed the value of cod liver oil for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, consump.
tlon and all wasting diseases, but, un
fortunately, few could take it and de
rive any benefit from Its use on ac
count of the Indigestible oil which It
"We want every person In Pendle
ton to know that Vlnol actually con
tains In a concentrated form all of the
body-building, strength-creating ele.
ments of cod liver oil actually takon
from fresh cods' llyers, without a drop
of oil to upset the stomach and retard
Its work, and tonic Iron added,
"Therefore, whenever old-fashion
ed cod liver oil or emulsions will do
good, Vlnol will do far more good.
We guarantee Vlnol will Improve the
appetite, strengthen digestion, make
rich, red blood, create strength, cure
chronic coughs nad colds, and
strengthen weak lungs."
If Vlnol fails to give satisfaction to
our customers, we return money
without question. The Pendleton
Drug Co.
Note. While we are sole agents for
Vlnol In Pendleton, It Is now for sale
at the leading drug store In nearly
every town and city In the country.
Look for the Vlnol agency In your
Wheat Land.
For Sale
and will be sold at a
bargain if taken at once.
Personal reasons for selling.
Two or three crops will
pay for the land. For terms
and other information,
"S" East
Pendleton, Oregon