East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 1907, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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A Sale on
Ladies' Muslin Underwear
For the Balance of This Week.
We have in our stock a good selection of Skirts, Night Robes,
Corset Covers, and all Muslin Underwear Not left overs,
but fresh stock You save dollars by looking over this stock.
SKIRTS sold elsewhere for $1.50 to 5.00, Teutsch's sale price - $1. to 3.50
Night Robes sold elsewhere for $1.50 to 5., Teutsch's sale price - 75c to 3.50
Corset Covers sojd elsewhere for 35c to 2.50, Teutsch's sale price 25c to 1.50
Pants sold elsewhere for 35c to 3.50, Teutsch's sale price -' - 25c to 2.00
LEE TEUTSCH'S Department Store,
Not the Largest but the Fastest Growing Store in Eastern Oregon.
IMvate room and hoard, 313 South
Main street.
Talking Machines given away at
The Wondor Store.
Special sale of hair goods at Mrs.
Campbell's millinery.
Houses and rooms, close In, for
rent. Apply John Vert
Lost A Scotch stag hound; return
to 428 Thompson street.
Charles Lane A Son put In window
glass. 'Phone black 3071.
Music hall. LaDow block, for rent
for dances, etc. Apply .ohn Vert.
Charles Lane ft Son for paints and
wall pnpers. 807 Vincent street.
Embroidery Kile at The Wonder
Store. Veiy cheap. Call at once.
Nice furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. Inquire 302 Logan street. .
Mis. Thompson, general stenogra
pher and notary public, room 16, as
sociation block.
Lust A hunch cf keys. Finder re
turn to Logan Kenn, at Dcniott'a Rio
.tv. Upward.
For Rent Four room house, 37.50
per month. Inquire Dan Komler. at
xlray Bros." grocery store.
When In Portland stop at the Hotel
Oregon. Rates $1 per day and up
ward. European plan, i-'ree 'bus.
130 acres summer fallow for rent
northwest of Pendleton. One and a
lialf miles from depot. Apply John
Full blood Rhode Island Reds.
White Leghorns and Harred Plvntouth
l:..cl. egfrv. S 1 .Oil per si-ltlpx of II.
F.mn'ir.' or nil.liess 1023 C.ilif.inii.i
tv-cl, Pendleton.
Is a comedian that la hard to beat,
though he has not the versatility of
his friend, the Royal Chef. From the
beginning of the piny to the end he is
funny, as Is likewise his private sec
retary and follow criminal, the "hu
man dumpling."
Because "he loved not wisely but
too many," and commits a fatal error
by proponing to the feminine judge
advocate, the royal sovereign becomes
No. 47 and Is the scorn of his former
harem. Put from that depth of de
gradation ho Is hoisted by the arrival
of a supreme court decision to the ef
fect that the constitution follows the
flag on Mondnys, Wednesday and Fri
days only. ' ' T
Should the sultan and his lady
friends agnln desire to visit Pendleton
It Is safe to say they would need no
ruse In order to gain entrance at the
city's gate.
'Tin" Snlliin of Snlii." n Fun Milker,
Soon liy n Crowded House.
To n crowded house the Pultnn of i the Anglo-Scandinavian comedy dra
Km Ire Mouth of January Promises to
ltd Supplied With Kxcellent At
tractions nt Hie Frnzer.
During the month of January a
number of excellent attractions will be
presented at the Frazer theater In
this city. Tomorrow night "At Cripple
Creek." a benutlful melodrama will
be presented. This Is a typical west
ern piny and promises to give n true
delineation of character ns seen In
the great mining centers.
"Little Pnilics' 'January II.
Youth, beauty nnd talent have been
the watchwords used by MH'ton and
Sargent Abnrn In selecting the cast
anil chorus In support of their clever
star, Countess Olga von Hatzfeld, In
Anna Held's Xew York Casino success.
"The Little Duchess." described as a
musical glrlicnl comedy, which will be
an attractive event for local theater
goers in the Frazer (heater Friday,
January 1 1.
"Tilly Olson" January 13.
A novelty In the way of Swedish di
alect plays will be shown at the Fra
zer theater Sunday. January 13. when
Sulu. his harem and his Yankee ns
slnillntoiH, played with satisfaction
last night. It was n performance
lookeil forward to by Pendleton be
cause something to laugh nt was need
ed. In "The Sultan of Sulu" Oeorge
ma "Tilly Olson" will be presented for
the first time here. The piece has
been written around the central figure
I of ii Swedish girl "bound out" to a
I fnmlly of favmer folk In Minnesota.
Tilly Is the only Swedish character
Ade provided some very omuslng the play. It is n quaint and clever
things. The company last night put I cnnrnoier creation anu new to tne
them on with a "whirl." Tho com- ' Tilly Is a keen and bright
nnnv. considered altogether. Is one of ; daughter of Scandinavia, and her odd
the best musical comedy troupes that actions and amusing pranks will keep
has been here for many months. The ' playgoer In good humor for three
chorus girls were the best looking lot j hours. The piece tells a consistent
that has grnccd the Frazer theater
this season nnd among them are some
very graceful dancers,
As the sultan, Kl-Ram, Mr. Sykcs,
and; diamond
If you are looking for a nice
diamond let me show
you pne.
The PRICE will be right
and the quality guaranteed.
story and hns some scenes of consid
erable dramatic power.
Jacob Itlls January IS.
On Jnnunry 18 Jacob Rlls, the great
reformer and sociologist of Xew York
city will lecture under the auspices of
Pendleton Lecture bureuu at the Fra
; zer theater. This will be the second
number offered by the bureau and
I promises to be highly entertaining.
Mr. Rlls Is a writer of much ability, a
profound thinker and nil eloquent lee
turer and above nil, he Is a self-made
and rugged man of the world. He has
risen from the very slums to occupy
an exalted place In the world of let
ters. He Is a personal friend nnd biogra
pher of President -Roosevelt.
T2 Main Street
For Itent.
New six-room house on south hill,
plastered throughout, large rooms, six
closets, bath rooiif, hot and cold water
up stairs as well as down; woodshed
and chicken house, three lots. Will
lense It furnished or unfurnished.
Address Fred Lockley, nt E. O. office.
If vcu see it In the East Oregonlun,
it's so.
Agents for
Delicious New York Candies.
The Drug Store that Serves You Best.
O. D. Teel of Echo, Is in the city to
day on a business trip.
J. F. Phy of La Grande, is In the
city today on a business trip.
M. H. Long of La Grande, Is in the
city today on a brief business trip.
P. E. Johnson and family of Huron,
are In the city today on a trading
A. Kunkcl of Spokane, came down
last evening on a few days' business
trip ln the city.
J. D. Casey of Hllgard, Is ln the city
today on a business trip, a guest of
Hotel St. George.
Mrs. W. W. Berry nnd little daughter
left this morning for a two weeks'
visit In La Grande.
Mrs. C. A. Barrett and daughter,
Mrs. Plamondon of Athena, were In
the city yesterday.
Carl A. Oberg and J. L. Ray, both
residents of Upper McKay crock,
have been In town today.
Fred Laatz has sufficiently recov
ered from hls'recent attack of typhoid
that he has left the hospital.
R. H. Wilcox returned lust night
from southern California, where he
had been visiting for some time past.
Fred H. Shoemaker of Portland, Is
a guest of Hotel St. George today
while, In the city on a brief business
Jerry Stone of Athena, a member of
the board of regents of Weston Nor
mal school, Is in the city today on
W. A. Storie. superintendent of the
bridge and building department of the
O. It. & N is In the city today from
Joe Workman of Seneca, Mo., Is
visiting here the guest of his old
friends, Kd and Harry Hayes, of 502
Lincoln street.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCourt and
children returned last evening from
Salem, where they had been visiting
for several weeks. ,
T. O. Montgomery, Umatilla county
malinger for the Puget Sound Ware
house company, left this morning for
Walla Walla, and will return this ive
Fred H. Drake, formerly of this
place and now located In San Fran
Cisco, left for that city Inst night after
having attended tho funeral of his
W. C. Uren of Mineral Point. Wis,
an uncle of Mrs. Robert Warner of
this city, arrived last evening to visit
a few days at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. Warner.
Mrs. George A. Hamblen, organizer
for the Royal Neighbors, left this
morning for northern Idaho points,
where she will Institute a number of
lodges of the order.
Miss Mary Williams returned this
morning to Ellensburg, Wash., where
she Is attending the state Normal, af
ter spending a vacation of two weeks
nt her home ln this city.
Representative Jay H. Dobbin of
Wallowa und Union counties, passed
down the O. R. & N. last night to
Portland,- to attend a conference on
tho organization of the legislature.
S. S. Darnell, who hns been teach
ing school In district No. 39 west of
the city, left for his home nt Pilot
Rock last evening, nfter a business
Irlp In the city. The school has been
closed on account of high water.
J. F. Campbell of Milton, Is now
employed with the Ensterday Bridge
compnny, nod Is placing a large steel
bridge- on the Grand Hondo river In
Union county for that company. 'He
left for La Grundo last evening to re
sume his work utter tt few days nt Ills
home nt Milton.
T. H. Cox of Walla Walla, a pioneer
Implement man of Union county, Is in
the ci' today the guest of li 1st niece.
Mrs. W. A. Crunk, and his sister-in-
law, Mrs. Robert Warner. Mr. Cox
hns beei located In Walla Walla for
the past four years, but for n num
ber of yenrs was one of the loading
Implement men In Grand Hondo.
Truln Delayed by Storms.
No. 1, the westbound O, R. ,V N.
train due nt 11:05 this forenoon, will
not pass until about 7:30 this evening,
the Union Pacific connections being
delayed by heavy storms In the Rocky
Ministers Now Propailng Bill to Pre
sent to Lawmakers.
A Sunday closing bill Is being pre
pared by a committee of the North
west Sabbath association, working; ln
co-operation with a committee of the
Ministerial association of Portland,
says the Oregon Dally Journal. The
proposed measure will provide for the
closing of all saloons and places of
amusement on Sunday and the partial
closing of drug stores on the same
The bill was first formulated by
Rev. Joseph H. Lelper, field secretary
of the Northwest Sabbath association,
and Rev. C. Nelson Allen of the Min
isterial association. Rev. T. B. Ford
was added to this committee at the
request of the fathers of the meas
ure, and the three have spent some
little time In removing all possible de
fects from the construction and form
of the bill. The measure will be In
troduced early In the session in the
hopes that It will pass quickly through
the two houses before the crush of
business catches It and perhaps smoth
ers it In some committee. A strong
delegation of lobbyists will go to Sa
lem to assist the bill ln Its passage
past the signatures of the two pre
siding officers.
It. SI. Hall's New Position.
Farm Loans and City Bonds, a fi
nancial publication of Portland, says
of Rlnaldo M. Hall, who has Just en
tered Its service as northwest agenU
Farm Loans and City Bonds takes
pleasure in announcing that we have
been so fortunate as to secure the
services of Mr. Rlnaldo M. Hall as our
Pacific coast representative. For
more than four yeais Mr. Hall was
advertising manager of the Harrimon
lines ln the northwest, with headquar
ters at Portland, Ore. In that time
he made a mort enviable reputation
for himself and was Intrusted with
many thousand dollars each year to
exploit that wonderful section In news"
paper, magazine and booklet advertis
ing, the booklets and books he pub
lished being of such a high standard
that they were Introduced and used
In rrmy eastern schools as text-books.
On September 15 he resigned to go
Into business for himself.
Xew Freight Rate Effective.
Shipments of paper sent to the
East Oregonlan from Portland under
the new freight rate on the O. R. & N.
show the effect of the lower rate In
the size of the freight bills. While
tho rate pn paper Is but r few cents
per 100 pounds lower, yet In the
course of the year the saving will
amount to many dollars where large
quantities of paper are used, as ln tne
East Orcgonlan's Job department.
Water Pipes Hurst.
Tie1 water pipes In the residence of
H. E. Cook, on South Johnson street,
were bunded by the cold weather
Monday night and yesterday flooded
the three floors In the building be
fore being repaired.
The Alexander Department Store
Wait For Our
Clearance Sale
-Room Dwellllng
(Room Dwelling . .
8-Room Dwelling
87 Puilding Lots.
$1100 t
$800 i
1 12 E. Court. St.. Pendleton, Ore.
Put Wings to Your Work
An electric motor will do more andf
better work than any other power
that you can use. The economy of
Its use is a demonstrated fact- If yen
want good, quick work at a minimum
of cost, you want an electric motor.
We will be pleased to give you our
prices and to furnish complete esti
mate to suit your needs.
Northwestern Gas and
Electric Co. .
The East Orejronian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It
leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron
age. It is the advertising medium of this section.
...Improved Wheat Land...
One of the Finest Wheat Ranches
in Morrow County for Sale Cheap.
Two or Three Good Crops Will Pay for the Land
800 acres of deep, rich soli now in cultivation, which has produced S3
biLsliels to the acre, all ln one solid body; can be plowed all around with
out pulling op hill.
160 acres of pasture land with never-falling spring of running water,
also borders on Rhea creek, which never goes dry.
Onc-thlrd of SOO-acre crop of summer fallow wheat (delivered at
wnrehouse) goes with the ranch; 500 acres of stubble ready to plow near
The Very Best Wheat Land Snap in the Northwest
960 acres at only $18 per acre, and six miles easy down
grade to railroad warehouse.
TERMS : One third down, balance in easy yearly pay
ments at. eight per cent, interest.
Hunch located In the famous Social Rider Wheat Belt, nnd offered at
S2 per -acre less than the market price In that locality. Must bo sold soon
or the much will be leased for a term of year. Address
All tha news all the time ln the
East Oregonlw.