East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 18, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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coughs KING OF CUR ES colds
f t- ,4'1 . ,S S r
Eruption Broke Out in Spots All
Over Body Caused a Continual
Itching for Two Years Doctor's
Medicine Did no Good Cured at
Expense of only $1.25 and Now
Wanted to Know How It Would Act
Plowing tor Spring Seeding Rail
Colds Are Prevalent Daughter Wns
Born December 12 Jerry Swartx,
Station Agent, Will Bo Transferred
Big Celebration of Christmas
Considerable Wheat Is Being Ship
Adams, Pec. 18. Jlmmle Lleunllen
the lB-vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Lieuallen. met with a painful
accident Saturday, while handling a
cartridge. He wanted tn see how it
would act and lit n match to it and
It proved far more serious than he
anticipated. Before he had time to
move, his hands, face and hair were
badly burned, and he has been suffer
ing considerably since.
A big dance has been scheduled to
tnke place Friday evening In the town
hall. A number of the young people
from here went to Helix to a dance
last Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. McXeeley of Milton,
are in the city visiting with Mrs. Mc
Xeeley's mother, Mrs. C. Reed.
Mrs. Lee Price and Mrs. Redford
have been quite ill of late, and bad
colds are prevalent.
The city hall at this place will be
'Some time ago I wrote you for a
book on the Cuticura Remedies and
received it O. K. and went and bought
theSoap.Ointment, and Pills. They did
me more good than any medicine I ever
used. They cured me of my skin disease,
and I am very thankful to you. My
trouble was eruption of the skin, which
broke out in spots all over my body,
and caused a continual itching which
nearly drove me wild at times. I got
medicine of a doctor, but it did not cure
me, and when I saw in a paper your
ad., I sent to vou for the Cuticura book
and I studied my case in it. I then
went to the drug "store and bought one.
cake of Cuticura Soap, one box of Cu
ticura Ointment, ana one vial of Cuti
cura Pills. From the first application
1 received relief. I used the nrsi sei
and two extra cakes of Cuticura Soap,
and was completely cured. I had
suffered for two years, and I again
thank Cuticura for my cure. If you
wish, vou may publish this, our
friend forever, Claude N.Johnson, Maple
Grow Farm , R. F. D. 2, Walnut, Kan.,
June 15, 1905."
Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! This
fured men l, lighted by gasoline lights which have
may be instantly relieved and speedily already arrived, and will be put in at
euredbywannbathswithCuticuraSoap once.
and gentle applications of Cuticura Unit- Joe vcCollum of Helix, is in the
ment, the great Skin Cure, and mild to spen(j the holidays with rela-
doses 01 uuticura ubmicuhub, tlves Bnd friends.
physicians and aU else tail. Four an.ests were made in Adams
rnS&STii !r'S.iocra.c last week among the Indians from the
reservation for drunk anr disorderly
conduct. They were fined $10 each,
Two big Christmas trees have been
brought Into Adams which will be
decorated for the big union Christmas
celebration In the town hall on Christ
mas eve.
Considerable wheat is being shipped
out from this point and Eastland, a
number of the farmers taking advan
tage of the present price 55 cents a
Mr. Nelson, son of the section fore
man at Weston, has arrived here to
take up the duties of station agent in
place of Jerry Swartz, who left here
for Wallula Saturday.
Plowing Going on.
Farmers about here are plowing In
the fields for spring sowing, which
speaks well for the mildness of the
climate in this section.
Daughter Born.
A daughter was born last Wednes
day, December 12, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Owens of this place.
New Depot Agent,
Jerry Swartz, who has been depot
agent at this place and at Athena for
a few years, left Saturday for waiiuia,
where he will relieve the agent ror
about 10 days, after which he will be
stationed at Dayton, Wash., as cashier
and operator at the depot there.
Ten-Mill School Tax Levied Macca
bees and Knights of Pythias Elect
Officers Agitating AU High Line
Telcplione Wires Tho Helix Bank
Stockholders Elect Directors and
Offlcci.i Expect to Abandon the
Barbed Wire for Telephones.
1 ,l JAi n... h had n. til druffriatl. K
ItCit Kl oTra run Toller Drug CSem. Corp., Sol.
mSr Wed 1 roe, "All Abort lie SUo, Scmlp, and Heir.'
fi in
From 209 East Court street to
the Milarkey building, opposite
telephone office.
Helix, Pee. 1 R. A tax of 10 mills
has been levied at Helix for school
purposes for the ensuing year. This
district Is entirely out of debt, and hnd
nearly $1500 on hand at the present
term of school. The present tax levy,
the directors estimate, will leave about
the same amount of money on hand
when the school closes.
Efforts are being made to have high
line telephone wires Instead of the
barbed wires, which are so often out
of commission. It Is believed that be
fore long all the lines running out of
here will be the "high lines."
A number of Helix people expect
to go over to Adams Friday night to
take In the dance at that place.
Lodges Elect.
Pleiades lodge No. 74, K. of P., has
elected the following officers for the
ensuing year: Ira Julian, chancellor
commander; S. E. Starr, vlce-chancel
lor: D. W. Howard, prelate; M. M
Rounds, master of the work: M. A.
Ferguson, K. of R. & S.; A. B. Mont
gomery, master of ex.; D. B. Rich
ardson, master of finance; C. A. Lo
gan, master at arms; C. E. Bott. Inner
guard; J. E. Montgomery, outer ffiard:
Charles Barger, H. B. Richmond and
Harry F. Grimes, trustees.
Macon bee Officers.
Violet Hive of the Ladies of the
Maccabees have elected the following
officers to serve for the next term be
ginning January 1, 1907: Mrs. Carrie
Dale, past lady commander; Mrs. Wll
da Smith, lady commander: Mrs. J.
B. Montgomery, lieutenant command
er: Mrs. Belle Richardson, record
keeper; Mrs. Clara Dunnlngton, ser
geant; Mrs. Hattle Ferguson, chap
lain: Mrs. Lulu Smith, sentinel; Mrs.
E. Bott, picket: Mrs. Theodore
Cramer, musician. At a recent social
given by the Maccabees over $40 was
cleared by them.
Bank Officials.
The following officers have been
elected for the Helix bank for the en
ulntr vear: Directors. E. L. Smith, F.
H. Richmond, Carl Kupers, John Tim
merman and Gunder Tergeson; E. L.
Smith, president; F. H. Richmond,
vice-president; A. B. Montgomery,
cashier; F. H. Richmond, assistant
cashier. '
Japanese Store
Large line of Chlnaware,
Japanese novelties and bamboo
Elegant Xmas presents at
great saving to you.
Come and have them laid
aside for you.
Harry Hiraiwa, Prop.
80S E. Court St
When In Portland stop at the Hotel
Oregon. Rates $1 per day and up
ward. European plan. Free bus.
Desire For Food
Is Important
Lppetit Is Necessary In Order To
Digest Wbat we Eat.
Wr notice that some of the most
eminent physicians of this country and
Europe who have made a study of the
nrnnpo.il of digestion unite in the ODln-
ion that a keen appetite Is a great aid
to proper aigesiion. ome even go no
far as to say . that there must be a
irnnd sham aDDetita for the food eaten
In order that it be properly digested
and assimilated. Dr. J. r. rawiow
vnav on "The Work of the DlKestlv
rilnnds." whirh was awarded the Nobel
prize, sets forth very clearly the value
of appetite.
There Is no other such safe sure
means for creating a healthy appetite
as Pabst Blue KibDon Beer lateen oe
fnm or with Tour meals, and it Is ai
almost absolute guarantee of perfect
digestion, while its tonic and food
value cannot be overestimated.
Dr. Joseph Felsler, of the North
western University of Chicago. In com
mpntlnsr unon this said: "I fully be-
lleve that the moderate use of good
beer at meal times acts as a ionic ana
! thfrernre usetul.
n nriii,i thm to hear yon hare Dr. Felsler stands at the head of hi
not sot a Winona wagon. Those outer pronssion arm nm won m". "'
... . . t - i irronr wi-iv iif w i l ii iiiuob dcch i u
bearing blocks prevent ine axis iryu. g",,h
springing and makes it the easiest pab,t rtue Ribbon Is such a beer as
running wagon on earth. The steel p,.. Fetsler recomtaends. It is a prod
clad hubs are defiance to the weather, uct of eight-day 'malt, choicest hops
They never crack or have loose .poMa .hS valine Vodele'ment.
Our hacks and nuggies are maoe oy if he bar, , predlBC,tcd form.
the Winona Manufacturing Co., right 1 gVes pabt Beer its rich nutrition and
in the hardwood belt. All air dried
timber used In construction. Call and
see us.
We are headquarters for the Fair
banks. Morse fiasollne Engine and
Pumps. Estimates given on Irrigation
and Klettrlc plants.
Call and get prices from
Neagle Bros.
: Famous $500
: sBeer
l ways call for City Brewery
M.M- the home product; $500
that says it Is pure. J
Dally East Oregonlan by carrier,
only IS cents a week.
the fine mellow flavor which dlstin
rulshes It from other beer. This, to,
opihur with iiixtv vearB of .dentin
brewing, is what has put Pabst Beer
so far in the lead. No food that comes
from the cleanest kitchen can be
cleaner, purer nnd more wholesome
than this celebrated beer.
Danger in Asking Advice.
When you have a cough or cold do
not ask some one what Is good for It,
as there is danger In taking some un
known preparation. Foley's Honey
and Tar cures coughs, colds and, pre.
vents pneumonia. The genuine Is in
a vellow package. Refuse substi'
tutes. Koeppens" drug store.
Bishop O'Reilly and Mayor Fee Will
Mnke tho Formal Opening.
Next Tuesday night, December 18
at 7-30, the bazaar will open .and
contlnne every night during the week,
His- lordship. Rt. Rev. C. J. O'Reilly,
will make the opening address, an
an address will also be made by May
or Fee. The booths will he arranged
on Monday and Tuesday at the Du-
senberry bulldlrg, opposite the post
office. All are Invited to come and
ee the hcrmtlful display and to pur
chase Christmas presents. Luncheon
will be served every night.
Must Lower the Dam.
A very Interesting and Important
decision was rendered today in the dls-
trlct court In a dam case. Suit was
brought by the Boise-Payette Power
company against the Canyon Canal
company to compel it to lower Its dam
In the Payette river five reet. -ine
dam was built 12 feet high and backed
the water Into the power plant of the
nlaintlff company.
Judge Stewart holds the dam must
be lowered, as the rights of the power
company attached before the other
enterprise was started. The dam
can be lowered, but It will require the
widening of the canal for some miles
to admit of sufficient flow. The canal
Is Intended to Irrigate some 40,000
acres of land. Boise Capital News.
Prompt attention to the rental
or property.
Room 13, Judd Building.
Money In Malheur Alfalfa,
The Parma Mercantile company has
purchnsed so far this season about
150.000 pounds of alfalfa seed. About
100.000 pounds of this was purchased
In the vicinity of Vale. In this con
nectlon Mr. King, the manager of the
company, relates an Interesting bit of
news, showing the profit In raising
Heed. One of the men from whom he
purchased seed, offered his farm for
sale Inst year for $2500. This year
Mr. King paid him $2541 for his seed
crop. Parma Herald.
Ney. Perce TuxcH.
Taxes are coming In this year much
faster than In 1005, according to the
figures In the tax collector's office at
the court house, the figures showing
791 more to (lain than were recorded
at the same period last year. On De
cember 14, 1905, 1245 persons had
paid their taxes, while up to yesterday
the books showed 2038 names on the
rolls who had sotlled wlljl tho coun
ty. Lewlston Tribune.
I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my f riends expected that
when I left my bed it would surely bo for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind.
Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free
Why Not Buy
Perfect ir
jja'-lf RANGE
A useful Christmas present.
The more useful the present,
the longer it will be remembered.
The list below affords you an
opportunity to select a gift rthat
is useful the year around.
Universal Steel ranges, the fuel savers.
Hotblast heaters, beautiful in design and nothing
better in quality.
Chafing Dishes.' Coffee Percolators.
Handsome Tea and Coffee Pots,
Carving Sets. Set of Knives and Forks.
Set of Tea or Table Spoons.
Berry Spoons. Soup Ladles.
Nut Cracker and pick.
Razors and Strops. Pocket Knives.
) A 22 Calibre Rifle or a boy's Tool Chest makes
saw that any member of the family can use.
We yvould take the greatest pleasure in showing you our line of any of
the above articles.
(SoodiniDSiiiD (HbiPutosiire (Co.
Successors to Goodman-Thompeon Hardwnro Co.
643 Main Street Phone Main 81
Quality Holiday Goods
Everything New and Choice
at the
We have so many new things that we can't talk
about all of them at one time. Call and see
Th Brt Oregonlan Ii Bartern Oregon"! representative paper. It leadi and the people appreciate and
ibow It br their liberal patronage. It Ii the advertising medium of thU motion.