EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST ORKGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1906. PAGE FIVE. Delayed Shipment 20 Ladies Coats 1 Mostly Black, a few pretty plaids, They are all on sale at extremely low prices. Special Reduction on all our high grade skirts all this week. Teutsch's DERf"T DIAMONDS DIAMOND RINGS If you are looking for! a nice diamond let me show you one. The PRICE will be right and the quality guaranteed. LOUIS HUNZIKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Tit Main Strat Cutting Counts. Cutting the meat properly, together with our prompt service and particu lar attention to quality, are tha main factora that have built our business to Ita present high standard. . Try aa for SATISFACTION. mpireMeat Co. 'Phone Main 18. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Christmas Suggesstions. JAPANESE NOVELTIES. We have almost everything that you might ask for In Japanese novelties vases, fruit knives with china handles, Jardinieres, picture frames, collar and cuff boxes and all kinds of Inlaid boxes. TRIPLICATE MIRRORS. A fine selection In ebony, rose wood and mnhogony. Handy? yes Indeed useful, too. FOUNTAIN PENS. PEARL HANDLED KNIVES. We have a fine assortment for ladles and gentlemen. CHRISTMAS CANDIES. No Christmas Is complete with out candy. We have the finest as sortment of delicious candles und chocolates ever shown In Pendle ton. Make the children happy; buy them plonty of candy; the pure sugar candles that's the kind we carry. "THE AMERICAN" CUT GLASS. Best In quullty artistic in de sign. There Is no finer cut on the market and costs you no more than the ordinary kinds. Of course we havo a few pieces of the ordinary kind to show you that ' there Is nothing like "The American Come In and look thorn over. The Drug CITY BREVITIES Remember, Flremen'i ball Decem ber If. Good size safe for sale cheap. In quire this office. Store for rent at 732 Cottonwood St. Chris Ranley. Special picture sale, Saturday, De cember IS, at Radar's. Big sale on Indian baskets .and curios at the Wonder Store. M. A. Rader will sell J2.50 pictures for 11.10 Saturday, December IS. Charles Lane & Son for paints and wall papers. 807 Vincent street. Nice furnished housekeeping rooms for rent Inquire 80 Logan street. Three light housekeeping rooms for rent. Apply 820 Thompson street. Headquarters for Santa Claus and Christmas shoppers. The Wonder Store. ' For Sale One hundred mixed calves, to be chosen from 110 head. Maple Bros. A Christmas present for every mem ber of the family at a low price. The Wonder Store. Sale on trimmed hats still contin ues. Great bargains. Mrs.' Camp bell's Millinery. Mia. Thomnson. general stenogra pher and notary public, room 18, as sociation block. , For Father, Brother or for Him. MILITARY IIAIlt BRUSHES. $2.00 and up. ' Ebony, natural ebony and natural wood. FOINTAIN PENS. 11.00 to (6.00 a useful and last ing remembrance. COLLA RAND CUFF BOX. Leather, Jap wood, Austrian court, etc. CIGAR JAR BOX CIGARS PIPE. If he smokes, these will please him. KNIFE. Peurl handle, gun metal or stag. CUT GLASS DECANTER, Wlno or brandy set "American cut." SAFETY RAZOR. Gillette, Star or Oem. RAZORS. Torrey, Hlnkle or Kruse's, at all prices. SHAVING MIRROR. Plain or the magnifying kind. WALLET CARD CASE POCKETBOOK RAZOR CASE (roll up) We certainly have something in good leather goods that will please him. SHAVING MUGS SHAVING STROPS. Everything for a shaving outfit. BRASS ETCHED MOTTOES IN FRAMES. Especially good if he is an Elk, Plenty of other kinds. SILVER SOAP BOX For his traveling bag. JAP PICTURE FRAME With your picture In It Store That Serves The Wonder Store's 8c, lOo and 16c counters are piled high with toys and Xmaa presents. For Sale Good aa new Kimball piano. Price reasonable. Call 609 Johnson street. Great baseball gamo at Radtr's Sat urday, December 16, 1 to 10 p. m. Chicago vs. New York. A woman wants position in small family with no children, to do general housework. . Apply this office. We can fit all comers In. any of the lasts In the "Walk Over" shoes at the Alexander Department store. The lease and furniture for a 20 room hotel Is for sale at Echo. Call or address Hotel Hosklns, Echo, Ore. For Sule. Seven-room cottage three blocks rrom Main street. All modern conveniences. Price 11800. Apply this office. Just received at the Alexander De partment store, third shipment of the celebrated "Walk Over" shoes, for fall and winter. Notice The party who wished to know who married Mrs. Anna Day, please communicate with Waldemar Wilson, San Diego, Cal. ' Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 will give a grand ball in Eagles' hall on Wednesday evening, December 19. Everybody welcome. INDIAN LEARNED HIS FUTURE. Gypsy Palmist Pleased Tribesman With Her Revelations. For several days past a gypsy palm ist has been stationed behind a gaudy curtain In front of the Merchant's Cafe. While she has not had much success with white patronage she has made somewhat of a hit with resi dents of the reservation, who have been attracted to her abode. Tester day a big Indian entered the "parlor" to have his fate made known in ad vance. The gypsy took his hand and proceeded to reveal any mysteries of the past, present and future. The rev elation was evidently very gratifying to Poor Ix, for he beamed with satis faction as the facts were unfolded to him and when he came forth onto the sidewalk again he walked with the air of a man who came of a proud and noble family. Investing til Omron Timber. A tract of fir timber, consisting of about 300,000,000 feet, in Lane coun ty, has been -sold by J. D. Lacey & Co. to Kent & Moberly. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $200,- 000. The purchasers are large oper ators In yellow pine In Louisiana. J. D. Lacey & Co. selected the timber from various owners of small tracts, and cruised It, and on this cruise the purchase was made. The southerners acquired it as an Investment, believing In the theory that Oregon timber values are bound to advance in the next five or 10 years. In the last two months Lacey & Co. have Invested for eastern and southern clients $1,600 000 In Oregon and Columbia river timber. For Mother, Sister or for Her. MANICURE SETS. Some pretty pearl handled ones. PERFUME. In cut gloss bottles and fancy boxes. . , HAND BAGS. Plenty of new arrivals In seal, walrus, elk and allegator skins. MUSIC ROLLS. Good assortment, good prices. CUT GLASS. "The American." There Is no article that will please her more than a piece or two of this cut. Name on every piece. COMB AND BRUS HSETS. Good brush, good mirror. HAND-PAINTED CHINA. Italian, German, French, Bavar ian and English ware. "OLD IVORY CHINA. This pleases the mall. JAPANESE VASE. The finest line in the city. PERFUME ATOMIZERS. See the very latest. LEATHER JEWEL CASES. For ladles that travel. VASES. Bavarian hand-painted vases, at $1.60 and up to $7.60. See that beautiful genuine Dres den vase at $30.00, and it's a bar gain. ENGLISH ART CHINA. In odd pieces. We have two shades. Nothing like It in Pendle ton. 11UYLER' SNEW YORK CANDIES In Christmas packaged, also plenty of Lowney's and other makes, also pure sugar candles In bulk. You Best. El THE MEW FOR AND ALL DISEASES PNEUMONIA and CONSUMPTION Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, at well aa I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 60c PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Casteel of Pilot Rock, are In the city today. Miss Elizabeth McBroom, who has teen on a visit to Monument, has re turned. Cliff Turner, the high school stu dent and crack athlete, left this morn ing for Waila Walla. A. D. Stlllman has returned to town after having passed several days In the country south of here. W. R Taylor, of Athena, Is here today and has been the guest of his brother. Sheriff T. D. Taylor. Matt Mosgrov;, the Milton mer chant, I a visitor In the city today, having come down on the early morn ing train. Mrs. Rose Campbell, of Pendleton, visited yesterday with her mother, Mrs. A. H. Smith at this place. lone Proelaimer. J. M. Wise, manager of the Wise piano house In Boise City, passed through last evening to Walla Walla on business. Dr. G. W. Blggers, who has been in the city for the past few months from La Grande, has gone to Walla Walla on a brief visit. Miss Edna and Emma and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Marl of Pilot Rock, are guests of Hotel Golden Rule, while In the city today on a trading trip. Fifteen Days for Vagrancy. J. P. Garden, a gentleman from the under world, was given a sentence of 15 days in the city jail this after noon for . vagrancy. The particular eason for the case against him was the fact that the police strongly sus pected him of living off the earnings of prostitute women on Cottonwood street. Garden Is but one of several such characters that have been given city Jail sentences for vagrancy re cently. Methodist Fnir a Success. The fair and cooked food sale Which has been conducted by the Methodist women In the Savings bank building this week, has been highly successful. The rooms were filled with delightful booths containing fancy work, home made garments, cooked food and other useful articles for sale. The fair will close this evening and the women are delighted with the large patronage which they have received. For tlio Hospital Bamar. The Sisters of St. Francis are so liciting for the hospital bazaar, which will open In the Dusenber'ry building on Main street, next Tuesday evening, with an address by Bishop O'Reilly of Baker City. The bazaar promises to be well putronlzed and a large assort ment of excellent articles will be of fered for sale. Left fjr Uklali. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hllbert, of Uklah, who have been In Walla Walla for several days, came over from there Inst evening and left for their home by team this morning. When they loft tlklah there was no snow on the mountains and the weather vus delightful. Son Was Horn. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Redd of Kahlotus, Wash., at St. Anthony's hospital yesterday. Mrs. Redd came to the city several weeks ago to enter the Pendleton hospital, where exccllont care and attention could be given. Suit for Value of Ruck. Charles Cunningham has sued Tlios Mathews for the sum of $100 which amount la claimed to be due for bucks sold to the defendant. The suit was filed today by Carter, Rnley & Haley. Argument In n City Bnnnifre Cnse, In the circuit court this afternoon an niprutiient Is on In tho damnge cos? against the city and W. S. Ryers. It is upon n motion of the plaintiffs to strike out Burgess In Petaluma. W. C. Burgew, formerly of this city, has Just purchnsed a slx-ncre tract of land near Petaluma, Cal., and will en gage In the poultry business. Mr. Burgess left Pendleton for Portland OF I 11 ' -1 DR. KING'S DBS' V COUGHS COLDS THROAT SOLD AND GUARANTEED TALLMAN A CO. Looks' Good to Mr. Burns. R. Burns, district freight and pas senger agent of the O. R. A N., has returned from an inspection trip over the Umatilla Central which is build ing from Pendleton to Pilot Rock, a distance of about IS miles, says the Walla Walla Statesman. Mr. Burns Sensible Suggestions for Shrewd Christmas Shoppers Select Xmas List ART SQUARES AXMINSTER RUGS A. B. M. O. E. BASEBALL GAMES BAMBOO BOOK SHELVES BAMBOO FLOWER STANDS BEDROOM! SUITS BOOK CASES BUFFETS CARD TABLES CARPETS CARPET SWEEPERS CELLARETTES CHILDREN'S ROCKERS CinLDHEN'S CHAIRS CHIFTONIERS CHINA CLOSETS CLOCK SHELVES COMBINATION CASES CORNER CHAIRS COUCHES COUCH COVERS CUPBOARDS DAVENPORTS DESKS DINING CHAIRS DIVANS DRESSERS DOOR MATS EASELS EXTENSION TABLES FOLDING BEDS GAME BOARDS GENTS' CHIFFONIERS HALL CHAIRS HALL TREES HAIL MIRRORS HAT RACKS 1 1 JON REDS .1 ARIMNIEH STANDS KITCHEN TABLES KITCHEN CABINETS . A. M and LUNG PREVENTS AND $1.00 BY XL states that rapid progress is being made on the road, seven large outfits being at work at present It is the in tention of the company to have- tha line completed in time for next sea son's business. Read the East Oregonlan. Presents From Below: LADIES' DESKS LADIES' COSTUMERS LADIES' DRESSING TABLES LIBRARY TABLES liEATHER ROCKERS LOUNGES MISSES' ROCKERS MIRRORS MORRIS CHAIRS MUSIC CABINETS OFFICE CILVIRS OFFICE DESKS ' ORIENTAL RUGS PARLOR CARINETS PARLOR CHAIRS PARLOR SUITES PIANO COVERS PICTURES PILLOWS PORHERS REE RROCKERS ROMAN CHAIRS SEWING ROCKERS SEWING TABLES SCREENS SHAVING STANDS SIDEBOARDS SLIPPER STOOLS SLIPPER ROCKERS SMYRNA RUGS SOFAS SOFA CUSinONS STAND COVERS STEEL SANITARY COUCHES STEEL SANITARY FOLDING REDS TABLE COVERS TABOURETS VELVET RUGS WALL. POCKETS WORK BASKETS RADER' several months ago,