East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Nothing in the store but what is of the most useful kind, and no extra price stuck on because it is holidays.
Society events
' The Suns Sounl club will meet with
Mrs. Moorhouse on Monday evening.
Mrc. Frank Frazlcr will be hostess
next week for the Jolly Neighbors'1
Mrs. W. L. Thompson entertained
Informally a (ew friends on Monday
Mrs.' E. R. Swinburne returned
Thursday evening (rom a short vlBlt
at Heppner.
The Jolly club gave an enjoyable
masquurade and dunce last evening at
Music hall.
Miss Alma Hallock, of Fortland, Is
the guest of Mimes Eleanor and Con
stance Despaln..
Mrs. Ernest Bklles left on Monday
for Walla Walla, where she will re
main until the holidays.
Mrs. Norborne Berkeley entertain
ed Informally this afternoon In honor
of Miss Alma. Hallock.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Redfield,
of Heppner, lost Thursday.
Mm. W. L. Thompson will enter
tain at cards on Monday evening In
honor of Miss Edna Thompson.
Mrs. C. J, Ferguson and daughter
Jane returned home Monday from
two months' visit at Walla Walla.
Mr. William McDonald, of Ogden,
Is a visitor at the home of her pa
rent, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Moorhouse.
Mr. Charles Myers returned home
this week from Portland, after a
pleasant visit with her mother, Mr
U. A. Hartman.
Mrs. James Graham and Mrs. Ed
win Smith, of Walla Walla, returned
home today, having been guests at the
Matlock-Laats party.
The Alpha Psl fraternity are mak
ing preparations for a Christmas
party to be given on December the
ltb, at Eagles' hall.
Dr. Harry Pinkerton and bride have
returned from the east and are now at
home at the Dlsosway residence, cor
ner of Water and College streets.
Miss Edna Thompson will be the
guest of honor at a luncheon on next
Wednesday, Miss Maud and Gertrude
SherlJan being the entertaining hos
Miss Fleda Parkes, who left last
week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, at
Spokane Saturday and Sunday, Is now
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Tuttle, at
Door Park, Wash.
The Interesting social event of next
week will be the "500" luncheon
given by Miss Maud and Gertrude
Sheridan, on Wednesday afternoon,
In honor of Miss Edna Thompson.
Invitations have been Issued for the
wedding reception of Miss Edna
Thompson and Mr. Clark Edward
Nelson, on Saturday, December 22. at
9 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Leona
Thompson, Water street
Another attractive parly of the
week was the one given by Mrs. L. G.
Frailer nnd Mrs. Fred Earl on Thurs
day afternoon at the home of the for-
mer on Alta street, In honor of Miss
; Edna Thompson. The playing of
"(00" formed an enjoyable pastime,
Mrs. John Adams receiving the prize
for the highest score. Miss Thomp
son was also the recipient o fa pretty
token. The guests were Misses Ber
tha Alexander, Maud Sheridan, Esma
Sawtello, Winnlo Prlvett, Gertrude
Sheridan, Edith Epple, Sadie Baum,
Harriet Thompson, Adnah Raloy,
Fva Froome, Eleanor and Constance
. Deopaln, Effle Frasler, Myrtle Hill,
Blanch Horn, Myrtle Hawks, Elsie
Matlock, Carrie Sheucrman, Fay Bar
tholomcw, Ivy Klmbroll, Esther and
Siddle Sommervllle, Mesdames Hurry
. Thompson, Charles Myers, George
Hartman, John Adams. Robert Fors-
' A
When providing a
Christmas Dinner for
someone less fortunate
than yourself include
a package of Folger's
Golden Gate Coffee or
Folger's Golden Gate
Tea. Nothing could
be more acceptable.
i i
Tour grocer will supply you.
San Francisco
ter, Richard Mayberry, McNabb.
Fronk Hayes, I.ouis Hunzlker, Thom
as Spoor, Frank Mucy, Sum Thomp
son, Edward Crumer, Robert Rlngo,
Henry Rolf.
An event much enjoyed by those
present was the ante-Christmas danc
ing party given lust evening at the
hume of Mrs. William Matlock, when
she and her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Laatz, entertained about 200 guests.
The reception hall and parlors were
festooned in Christmas greens, ming
led with the holly shades of red. The
same colors were carried out In the
dining room, where un appetizing
collation was served. Ropes of fir
hung suspended from the electrolier
to four sides of the table, from which
red bells hung pendunt. A largy
bouquet of red carnations adorned
the center of the table, together with
red hooded candles placed at Inter
vals. Mrs. A. W. Nye and Mrs. Aura
Haley presided at the coffee urns.
Assisting them were Mrs. Carl Wheel
er and Mrs. Harry Bickers.
Mr. and Mrs. Matlock and Mrs.
I Rats received their guests In the
drawing room. Assisting them In the
reception hall were Mrs. Thomas
Ayers. Mrs. Eugene Vaughan, Mrs.
Thomas Warner, Miss Ethel Swag
gart and Mtss Pauline Mimms.
A feature much enjoyed was the
singing of Mr. Edwin Cook, of Athe
na. He was assisted by the opera
house orchestra, who furnished good
music throughout the evening for the
dancers, who were loath to depart
from the pleasant surroundings.
The out-of-town guests were Mrs.
James Graham and Mr Edwin Smith,
of Walla Walla; Mr. Edwin Cook, of
Athena; Mr. Carl Dlether, of Fort
Woyne, Ind.
A pretty church wedding was sol
emnized on Wednesday evening at the
Presbyterian church, when Miss Ga
leae Campbell and Mr. Frank Hayes
plighted their troth.
At S o'clock the notes of "Lohen
grin" wedding march, played by Miss
Lyman, announced tha approach ef
the bridal party. The bridal proces
sion was led by the ushers, Mr. Mark
Moorhouse and Mr. Roy Raley, fol
lowed by the bridesmaids. Miss Faye
Bartholomew and Miss Myrtle Hill,
both handsomely attired In white net
elaborately trimmed in lace, and
worn over light blue taffeta silk, with
picture hats of light blue, trimmed
with ostrich plumes of the same
shade. Arm bouquets of La France
loses were carried.
The maid of honor. Miss Bertha
Alexander, preceded the bride to the
altar, looking lovely In an empire
gown of blue silk meseellne, with lace
yoke.' A hat of the same shade of
her gown completed her toilet, to
gether with a shower bouquet of pink
The bride was escorted by her
father, Mr. Thomas Campbell, and
was dainty In hT bridal robe of white
silk messllene trimmed In lace, made
with a train. ' A tulle veil fell In grace-
ful folds about her. Bride's roses
was the bridal bouquet carried. The
officiating clergyman, Rev. Van Nuys,
and the grcom, who was attended by
Mr. Ernest Ruppe, awaited the com
ing of the bride. The beautiful ring
marriage service was used.
After the service was read the or
ganist played Mendelssohn's wedding
march, nd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes
led th" 'irldiil party from the church,
which was filled with friends of both
contracting parties.
A wedding reception followed at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dick
son. In the reception room the host
and hostess together with the bridal
party, received their guests. In the
library, where punch was served, Mra
Fred Earl, Mrs. Clarence Penland
Mrs. John Adams and Mra. L. G. Fra
iler presided, assisted by Mra Charles
Eppinger, Miss Edna Thompson, Mine
Roberts and Miss Frazlcr.
In the dining room, where a buffet
luncheon was served frem a prettily
appointed table, Mrs. Elmer Dodd.
Mrs. Sam Thompson, Mrs. George
Hartman, Jr., and Mrs. Harry Thomp
son took turns In pouring coffee. As
sisting them were Mrs. Frank Macy,
Miss Gertrude Sheridan, Miss Harriet
Thompson, Miss Eva Froome, Miss
Maud Sheridan, Miss Myrtle Hawks,
Miss Blanch Horn and Miss Gertrude
Mrs. Frank Moule and Mrs. Richard
Mnyberry assisted In the reception
Long Tennessee Fight.
For 20 years W. L. Rawls, of Bella
Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He
writes: "The swelling and soreness In
side, my nose was fearful, till I began
applying Kucklen's Arnica Salve to the
sore surface: this caused the soreness
and swelling to disappear, never to re
turn." Best salve In existence; 25c
at Tallman & Co.'s, druggists.
Glassware nt Cost.
We have a consignment of glaxs
ware, which we are selling at whole
sale cost. See our display window.
The water sot which we are offering
for $.16 will cost you at least 12.60
elsewhere. Our berry dish set is a
big bargain. Just the thing for a
Christmas present. At Clark's gro
cery store, Just south of the East
Oregonian building.
' A nice Fur would delight her.
M OO Furs, Xrnas talo price $1.1)0
l.i.00 Furs, Xmas sale price fri,'J.0
J8.00 Furs, Xmas sale price $5.00
$10.00 Furs, Xmas sale price '$6.50
The entire line reduced likewise.
A lovely Silk Viulcrsklrt for licr.
$$.00 Silk Skirts, Xmas sale
$10.00 Silk Skirts, Xmas sule
$12.50 Silk Skirts, Xmas sale
The entire line at Xmas sale prices.
Beautiful Waist would bo nice for her.
IS.Ou Waists, Xmas sale $.3.60
$1.50 Waists, Xmas sale ' $1.85
$10.00 Waists, Xmas sale $6.85
Many beautiful designs at Xmas sde prices.
Store Open Evenings Until After
A new Coat or Suit U hlgMy appreciated by lier.
$12.60 Coats and Suits, Xmas sale $8.25
$17.50 Coats and Suits, Xmas sale a'5
$25.00 Coats and Suits, Xmus sale $10.25
$.10.00 Coats and Suits, Xmas sale jklO.25
$".16.00 Coats and Suits. Xmas sale .... $2 1.25
Up to the highest priced are reduced likewise.
A nice Skirt will be very useful to her.
$7.00 Skirts, Xmas sale price $4.25
$10.00 Skirts, Xmas sale price $6.25
$15.00 Skirts, Xmas sale price $10.25
$17.50 and $20.00 Skirls J J.25
Present her with a Kltl Glove order for Xmas.
Lor.g Kid Gloves In black and white, only $2.85
Long Kid Gloves in color and $3.50
Regular length Kid Gloves $1 .25, $1 .50,'$2
Store Open Evenings Until After
A $25.00 Tailor Suit free. Guess
the number of words used In my
ads, from December 3 to December
During Christmas week every
visitor gets a sprig of real holly.
with red berries on. FREE.
Hotel St. George. O. E. Silver
thorn, Portland; C. H. J. Munson,
Moscow;' Wm. H. Weber, Walla
Walla; E. L. Bogardus, Goldeadale;
W. H. Kelsey, Portland; J. W. Baker,
Portland; Mr. and Mra. StanfJeld,
Echo; M. B. Davis, San Francisco: J.
T. Weart, Hood River; D. B. Sheller
and wife, Sumpter; G. B. Holloway,
Portland; E. C. Wallace, Boston; A.
P. Sprague, Elgin; James H. Clark,
Baker City; Oliver P. Morton; Dela
King, Rig Rapids; Mra D. F. Daniel,
Hermlston; L. Camp, San Francisco;
Wm. Dunn, Portland; W. H. Feani
ley, New Tork; Lam Woolf, Louis
ville; Joseph N. Scott, Athena; Chris
Marretti and wife, city.
Hotel Pendleton. G. B. Klllen.
Portland; H. J. Meyer. Portland; W.
M. Rice, Portland; C. B. Blair, Chi
cago; H. C. Thomas. Chicago; Don
Urgahart, Portland; H. W. Cameron,
Spokane; E. Hedges, Portland; Lewis
Rathburn, Portland; Charles .Miller,
Portland; C. S. Carey, Spokane; J. W.
Harney, Spokane; E. W. Chappell,
Spokane; C.W. McCullem, Spokane;
Big Lewis, Portland; Albert Parrey,
Los Catos.
Golden Rule Hotel. J. M. Wise,
Boise; Mrs. N. J. Wise, Boise; Ray
Montgomery and wife, Gurdane; Miss
Irene Cates, Gurdane; A. J. Mottand,
Tekoa; A. T. Wess, Milton; L. S.
Wheeler, Weston; Elizabeth Mc
Broom, Monument; Ed Rlngle, Helix;
Edgar Forest, city; Mra W. F. Brit
tan and daughter, Ehar.iko; Pearl
Russell. Chicago; James Marcum,
Potts; Joe Bereman, Athena; M.
Bush, city; Mies Eva Vest, Colfax;
Harry Adams, Athena; Charles Gay,
Athena: Minnie Prltchard, Condon;
Lee Whlteman, New York; D. L.
Fountain, San Francisco; Jack
Brown, city.
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup, the
new laxative, stimulates, but does not
irritate. It la tha best IjLxatlve. Guar,
anteed or your money back. Koeppens
drug store.
: Famous $500
: Beer
Always call for City Brewery
Beer the home product; $500
that says It Is pur.
Carload of the Famous
Grande Ronde Apples
Must Go at Once.
$1.00, $1.10 and $1.20
Per Box.
Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup con
talnlng honey and tar Is especially
appropriate for children; no opiates
or poisons of any character; conforms
to the conditions of the National
Pure Food and Drug law, June SO,
1906. For croup, whooping cough,
etc It expels coughs and colds by
gently moving the bowels. Guaran
teed. Sold by A. C. Koeppen &
Bros.' drug store.
All tha news an tha time
$3t: OrcroataM ,
Another Car Coming and
I Must Have the Room
Lymam's Mcurkei
310 East CourL
Table Delicacies for the
i Livermore :!:
Prompt attention to the rental
of property. , ,
1 ' t Room 19, Judd Building. j
It surprises them to hear to a haw
not got a Winona wagon. Thoae outer
bearing blocks prevent the axle from
springing and makes it the easiest
running wagon on earth. The steal
clad hubs are defiance to the weather.
They never crack or have loose pokea.
Our hacks and buggies are made by
the Winona Manufacturing Co.. right
in the hardwood belt. All air dried
timber-used In construction. Call and
see us.
We are headauartera tar th F.U-
banks, Morse Gasoline Krnrinn and
Pumps. Estimates given on Irrigation
and Electric plants.
can and get prices from
Neagle Bros,
Holidays J
f ew-Jr-H ; it '' I vunvtilO iijwJi1 unity
Nothing like a turkey well
To do that you have got to have
the right kind of
We have the kind you need
a self baster. A baster that don't
burn your roast.
V. Stroble
Cheapest place In Pendleton to
Buy Furniture.
210 Court Lt, Phone Black SITt
Roasts and Steaks
Dried, Smoked and Cured
Carney, Ramsdell
Time Mam U.
All the new ail the Ume to the
aat Oregwlaa.
II'.. I Hill