East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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y. St ;.(.).
Your home
can be made more comfort-
I able than ever before if you have
i Perfection Oil Heater. You can
carry it about and can quickly make
warm and cozy the rooms and hallways
that the heat from the other stoves or fur
nace fails to reach. There is no other
heater so handy, so clean and simple as the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Dcvlec)
Hundreds of thousands now in use and giving per
fect satisfaction. Perfection Oil H tor nmnnAH
with the smokeless device, are all that the name implies. A
trial will convince the most skeptical. Turn the wick as hieh
or low as you can there's no danger. Gives intense heat
i wo nnisnes nicKei and japan. Brass oil fount
beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and
burns 9 hours. Every heater warranted. If not at
your dealer's wtite to our nearest agency for de
scriptive circular.
ZtXXXVfJ I nmnli the best all-roundl
T ,. V "Nt household lamp made.
1 J ught giving power u unexcelled. Easy to operate and
absolutely safe. Equipped with latest improved burner.
Brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to
any room, whether library, dining-room, parlor, or bed
room. Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest
agency if not at your dealer's.
"Yankee Consul" Tonight.
One of the most attractive offer
ings of the present theatrical season
will bo the engagement of that suc
cessful comic opera, "The Yankee
Consul," which comes to the Frazer
theater on Saturday. The fame of
his remarkable offering has preced
ed It, and theater-goers will be enabl
ed to witness the splendid production,
whlcn has created a furore In New
York and Chicago, Boston, Philadel
phia and San Francisco. Manager
John P. Slocum, who la directing the
tour this season, has engaged a splen
did cast, numbering 75 people and
heaJed by Harry Short, a clever
oung comedian, and Miss Isabel
Carroll in the prima donna role.
The successful runs of nine months'
duration at the Broadway theater, in
New York, and of six months at the
Studebaker theater, Chicago, are suf
ficient criticism of the phenomenal
popularity of this delightful comic
opera, the locale of which la laid In
the tropical Isle of San Domlngoy.
Henry M. Blossom, jr., and Alfred Q.
Robyn are the authors of the play,
which threatons to rival "Ermine" as
to longevity. During Its local en
gagement the original production,
with a real beauty chorus of 40 pretty
girls, will be seen.
The shingle manufacturers of
Washington have agreed on a shut
down for a period of 69 days to cur
tail production.
The latest from Teheran Is that tha
shah of Persia has taken a decided
turn for the worse. He has lain un
conscious for several days,
James Murray Coleman Is dead at
Seattle. He was a pioneer of 1872
and at the time of his death was the
wealthiest citizen of the place. He
leaves JC, 000, 000.
Chief of Police Decker has raided
all the gambling houses of Wardner,
closing p.ll games. Much of the para
phernalia has been shipped out, the
remainder packed Into back rooms.
The Clearwater Lumber company
has bought 1120 acres of timber land
In Nez Perce county, Idaho, along the
north fork of the Clearwater, for $12,
400. J. B. West, Fred Veach and Mrs.
Harry Brucker sold the land.
May Kelly, an inmate of the under
world, waa found dead in her rooms,
and beside her, dying of a wound in
hi terrple, lay John Van Ness, a
stationary engineer. late of Superior,
Wis. The man will not talk and can
not live long.
The school -house at Jacksonville.
Jackson county, burned recently. The
building cost $16,000 and was built
but two years ago. There was Insur
ance to the amount of $10,000 on the
building, but school books and sup
plies are a total loss.
The weather has moderated in the
Grar.d P.onde until it is reasonably
certain that the 3000 tons of suagr
beets yet in the ground when the
early freezes came, will all be saved.
These 3000 tons represent about one-
tenth of this year's crop.
Mrs. Pa rah T. Brown Is dfad at
Whlteblrd, near Orangevllle, aged 69
years. She and her husband founded
the town of Mount, Idaho, in 1862.
She was one of the best known pio
neers of north-central Idaho and was
extremely popular. Pneumonia caus
ed her death.
It Is estimated that 7. 500.000 per
sons live In the section of country in
the United States and Canada within
a radius of 1000 miles of Seattle, who
are directly interested in making the
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition the
true exponent of their material wealth
and development
At Seattle Eugenlo Batlnloello set
a trap gun In his trunk to protect Its
contents. His landlady, Mrs. Emma
Dully, was shot and killed while ran
sacking the trunk, though It was
probable that her only motive was
curiosity. Batlnloello has been con
victed of murder In the second de
The city employes of Seattle have
organized and ask for an advance In
their salaries, urging the Increased
cost of living. Should their demands
be met, tho city's expense account
will be about $350,000 larger per
year. The employes are backed by all
the Influence the labor unions can
bring to hear.
The Jury In the case of Orlando
Murray, "who killed Lincoln Whitney
at Portland because the latter would
not marry his sister, unanimously
acquitted Murray within five minutes
after retiring. The Jury then took
two ballots to get an expression on
points of law, and brought In their
verdlot 45 minutes after retiring.
Whitney's brothers are said to have
made veiled threats against Murray.
Popular opinion In Portland Is prac
tically unanimous with Murray.
"The Little Outcast" Monday.
E. J. Carpenter's "A Little Out
cast," with its splendid scenic equip
ment will be produced here next Mon
day night, December 17. This is a
melodrnma of the cleverest type, hav
ing every essence of human interest.
It is a love story pure and simple.
with every trait of loyalty and affec
tion which could be lent to give the
piny a nobler intent and color. The
story which is a wide departure from
the usual style of drama, Is marked
by novelty In construction, it is built
upon the vicissitudes of a young clerk
and passes In swift action from, state
ly mansions to crime-Infested haunts
of New York;
Seattle Brings Chicago Team West at
Cost of $2000.
The nerve of the Seattle filgh school
lads In bringing a football team to
Seattle from Chicago to play for the
Interucholastic championship of the
west is everywhere commented upon
favorably, and the boys probably will
be rewarded by the biggest crowd that
ever turned out to a football game In
Seattle, New Year's Day, says the Se
attle Times.
Nothing like this trip was ever even
contemplated by a high school team
before. Years ago the Michigan
team, then In Its glory, made a trip to
California to play Stanford, and Stagg
once took a Chicago team out there
during the holidays. Both these trips
were the talk of the athletic world
at the time. But for a high school
team to travel half across the contl
nent to play a game of football was
not even dreamed of a few years ago,
much less talked of.
The Seattle team this year Is un
questionably the- best on the coast
and northwest. The north division
school won the championship of Chi
cago and the middle west, defeating
the Hyde Park school, which turnea
out such great players as Eckersall
and the Hammond boys, so that the
winner of the game here New Year's
Day will have a clear title to cnam
plonshlp honors In the west at least.
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
clean the system, good for lazy liv.
ers, makes clear complexions, bright
eves and happy thoughts, sror saie
by A. C. Koeppen & Bros.' drug store,
Marriage; License Issued.
A marriage license was issuedtoday
to the following couple: Peter mathl
ot of Marlon county, and Evelyn Pin
ard of this county.
Pine Salve Carbollzed, acts like
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for eczema, for chapped hands
and Hds. cuts, burns. Sold by A. U
I Koeppen & Bros.' drug store.
Bargains in Real Estate
Are you going to buy a home In Pendleton? If so, buy right
now. City property will be 25 per cent higher In less than a year.
Look at these bargains:
1-room house. 601 Franklin street, corner Webb 160
All modern 5-room house, 601 Post street, corner Webb $1600
4 room house, 605 Post street 1000
All modern 5-room house, 906 East Webb street $1400
All modern 6-room house, 620 Market street ' $1400
lot 1780
Another In same locality, new 6-rooms and 1 good lots $87S
This property must be sold In the next 80 days, as the owners are
leaving the city and if they do not sell will rent and take them off
the market. All of these can be had by a small cash payment, bal
ance monthly payments. Why pay rent Own your own home In a
choice location.
ANOTHER SNAP. 7 fine large rooms, city water, bath, all modern,
barn, two full lots. No. 711 Ann street, $2500.
The Improvements could not be duplicated for the price , to my
nothing about the lota. .
Large and small wheat and alfalfa ranches for sale.
Call and see use before buying. ( '
Bouse to rent in all parts of the city.
Many of the Thompson Family Have
Been Insane.
All this forenoon the county, court
house rang with the eloquence of at
torneys making their opening state
ments In the Thompson murder trial,
says a Taooma dispatch. Assistant
Prosecuting Attorney Miller, of King
county, made a statement for the
prosecution. His speech to the Jury
laeted half an hour and recited all the
incidents leading up to the murder of
Judge Fmory. Miller went Into ml
nute details to prove that Thompson
bought a revolver and went to Judge
Emory's house for the purpose of
killing someone.
Judge Thompson, father of the prls
oner, Bpoke for an hour and a na'.r,
when a recess for noon was taken
He resumed at ? p. m. The burden
of his speech was that Insanity Is her
edltary in the Thompson family. He
opened his talk by giving the history
of his family for many generations
back, relating numerous Instances of
Insanity among his ancestors.
After exhaustively covering this he
took up the peculiarities of his son.
Beginning at his babyhood he recited
the mental characteristics of the boy,
told of his moods, peculiarities, likes
and dislikes, his irresponsibility under
various conditions and his proneness
to Irrationallsm when his emotions
were stirred.
His statement Is of the most sweep
ing character, and may last all the
afternoon, ail nets of, Chestoi Thomp
son oeing covered and placed nerore
the Jury with, elaborate care. Not
half of the spectators could enter the
court room and the doors were lock
ed a few minutes after the session
opened this morning.
ManZan Pile Remedy put up In con
venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may
be applied at the very seat of the
trouble, thus relieving almost Instant
ly bleeding, itching or protruding
piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Sold by A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.' drug store. ,
Killed by Powder Explosion.
A premature, explosion of a delayed
black powder blast In Porter Bros.
& Welch's camp No. 5, near Reu-
hns left the country and he tried to
the Swedish foreman, and seriously
founded Sylvester Devlto, an Italian
laborer, at 9 o'clock this morning.
Carlson, who was 45 years of age, Is
a well known railroad construction
foreman, and previous to accepting a
position on the prairie extension, was
with Grant Smith & Co., the well
known Spokane contractors.
There are no heavy rock cuts In
the vicinity of camp No. 5, and a
charge of black powder had been
placed In the dirt to loosen It The
fuse worked poorly and the explosion
was delayed. Carlson concluded that
the fuse had failed of Its purpose and
Instead of waiting for a possible re
sult, hurried back to the scene. He
was standing directly over the hole
where the chargo had been placed
when the explosion occurred. His
body wos hurled about 12 feet In the
air and he fell heavily to tho ground
In a cloud of dust. Death was instan
taneous from concussion and broken
Devllo. who Is about 40 years old
and who has a wife and three children
In Italy, was standing about 10 feet
from the holo when tho explosion
hurled Carlson to his death. The
force of the flying dirt broke his right
leg, badly lacerating his fnce and
filled his eyes with dust so that there
Is danger of losing one or both.
Lew Is ton Tribune (Ho Corrcs,)
Saturday Evening Specials.
AFTER 6 p. m.
Any Man's Hat in the house
will be reduced 20 per cent.
Any Man's Overcoat will be
reduced 15 per cent.
100 Boys' Corduroy Suits all
day Saturday 1-2 price, just
the thing for School.
If You Don't Know What to Give
Give a Peoples Warehouse Merchandise Certificate-Good
as Gold anywhere in this store.
The Peoples Warehouse
Merchandise Certificate
Everything for Men, Women and Children to Wear and Eat.
Will Pay to
.Dollars in Merchandise.
Pendleton, Oregon,.
Good anywhere in the store at any time during the year.
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it Pays to Trade.
Save Your Coupons.
"Plneules" (non-alcoholic) made
from resin from our pine forests.
Used for hundreds of years for blad
der and kidney diseases. Medicine
for SO days, ft. Guaranteed. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen A Bros.' drug store.
Charles Lane A Son put In window
glass. 'Phone black 3071.
Free, to Advertise Pendh-ton Acade
my's Musical Department.
On next Wednesday evening Miss
Lyman's class In the Pendleton acad
emy will glvel a musical and literary
entertainment at the academy build
ing, to whlchthe public Is Invited.
The entertainment will be free and
for the purpose of showing the work
that Is being done by the department
of music of which Miss Lyman Is now
the head.
Aside from the musical numbers
on the program there will also be a
number ot literary selections by mem
bers of Mrs. Bleakney's and Miss Ly
man'o classes.
All the news all the time In the
East Oregontan.
The Christmas
Puzzle Solved
Useful Necessary
At the very lowest Prices.
Red Cross Pharmacy.
Surprising Variety
The Holiday
Watch Us '
The Pendleton Drug Co.
"The Mark ot Quality"
Phone Main 20
Pendleton's most popular dining room.
Thoroughly renovated In every de
partment. Everything new In kitch
en and pantry. All new dishes.
Most up-to-date kitchen In the
Polydore Moens
33 Main St.
'Phone Main 8,
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, ISO barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour. Mill Fed, Chopped Feed,
etc., always on hand.
Building Air Castles
! . nlMMMI Hilt llnnKn'llnkl.
When you're building realities and "
need good grade lumber, lath, shin
gles, rash, doors, ceemnt, brick, lime,
sand, etc.. honestlv nrioA nrnmnti
delivered every way satisfactory
" your oraer witn us.
Sole agent for Krlsollte Wood Fibre
Plaster, made in Blue Rapids, Kan
sas; also White Crystal Lime.
Pendleton Planing
R. FORSTER, Proprietor.
American plan, IS per day and up
ward. Headquarters for tourists and
commercial travelers. Special rates
made to families and single gentle,
men. The management will be pleas
ed at all times to show rooms and
give prices. A modern Turkish bath
establishment In the hotel. -a
a BOWERS. .Manager.