PACK ax. DAILY EAST OREOOXIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, TIIVRSRAY, DECEMBER 13, 1D08. EIGHT PAGES, BRIEF RECORD OF COUNTY EVENTS Special v Correspondence NEWS DF WESTON puoxf company asks exclusive fraxciuki Fainiew Will Celebrate Christmas on a Fine Senlo Several Large Deals In Wheat OJd Fellows and Knights of Pythias Elect Officer: Special School Meeting to Levy Taj rnltcd Brethren W ill Build $4000 Church In Tills Place All Saints Guild Will Give a Sale. Werton, Dec. 13. The Weston Ru ral Telephone company has asked fo a franchise from the city of Weston fcr a period of 10 years, for rights of ways for Its lines along the several streets of the city they now occupy. The petition embraces all the rural companies now entering Weston. The franchise is wanted for protection from all other lines. The members of All Saints Guild are arranging to give a sale tomor row and Saturday, and they will serve lunch at IS cents in the afternoon sni evening of each day. The last mreting of the ladies was held at the home of Mrs. G. W. Procbstel, where they were royally entertained. The first quarterly meeting of the si. E. church, south, was held Sunday, ueccmber 9. Services were conduct ed morning and evening by the new presiding elder, Rev. F. B. Looney. City Officers. The following list of officers are to serve Weston for the ensuing vear Mnyor, M. A. Baker; councilmen, two years, J. B. Gross, F. M. Bryant, Wm. McKeniie, one year; J. R. King, re- corner, L. s. Wood; treasurer, B. B Hall. Preparing for Christmas. Falrvlew district No. 96, expects to have a Christmas tree, which will sur pass anything given In the mountain district heretofore. Wheat Sales. One of the largest wheat deals at Weston this season was that recently purchased by S. A. Barnes, agent of the Pacific Coast Elevator company at BR cents: G. DeGraw, 3019 sacks: G. W. Staggs, 3501) sacks; Mrs. Sarah Stisgs, 1100 sacks. The following lots were also re cently purchased at 55 cents by Agent Barnes: Ceorge Winn, 1630 sacks; J. M. O'Hara, 1669 sacks; J. M. Compton, lb1) sacks. Lotlge Officers. The following officers have been elecfd by Weston lodge No. 58, I. O. O. F. : J. B. Gross, N. G.; F. M. Bry ant, V. C; Wm. MacKenzle, recording secretary; I. H. Mai tin, financial sec retary; P. A. Barnes, treasurer. The following officers have been elected for Stevens lodge No. 49, K. of P.: R. G. Saling, C. C; Lester O'Hara, V. C; J. M. Clodious, prelate; J. F. Warren. M. W.; P. T. Harbour, K. P.. S ; W. L. Durr, M. F.; J. H. Baker, M. at A.; J. P. Weinman, I. G.; C. F. Bulflnch, O. O.; Clark Wood, trustee for three years. For School Tax. A special meeting will be held Sat urday for the tax payers of the Wes ton Bchool district to vote on the piopnfitlnn of levying a tax to pay the necessary expense of the district The directors slate that it Is almost cer tain that a five-mill tax will be levied The taxable property of .the district Is 5210. 10, and a five mill levy will raise about $1053. Last year"s levy was 11 mlll3. New Church Building. The members of the United Breth rer. m Christ are arranging to build a J4000 church In Weston, and nearly the cntiro amount for the building has alrrady l ep scbcrW.od, and con ftruc'.lnn will begin the first of the year. It promise s to l.i- tie largest chur'h in il u i ty, with a suiting ca paeity ,f coo. Key. W. S. P.ivne. who has s-jli' i'.iii? suhs-rriptie-ns r,r .fvil months, is d -rerving of much er-i!t i" th.- active part he is taking In tv- matter. To Brew the Best Beer the brewer must first hare, m a kb or buy perfect Halt , for malt is the soul of the beer. FouT-d ay nu.1 1 ca n not make perfect beer such as Pabst BlueRibfoon because four-day malt is a forced and unnatural process and beer made from four day mult luvks the nutri tious food elements which distinguish Pabst Jieer. Pabst exclusive liyht-day malt, the choicest hops, pure water and a process tjmt len ity clean are the secret of the rich food value and the fine mellow flavor of I'abst Blue Ribbon Beef: wm E ADVICES WINTER IRRIGATION OF 31 SECTIONS OF LAND, All Fruit and Alfalfa Lands Fifty Men Employed on the New Dyke Much Activity In Real Estate Cred itors Will RcuUze Thirty Per Cent Great Interest In the Grange Ball Christians Eve Rapid Pro gress on the Electric Line Newly Elected City Officials. Freewater, Dec. 13. Winter Irrlga tlon Is now going on In the Hudson Bay district, 10 miles below Freewater. The big tturllngame ditch and Its lat- eials cover an area of about 20,000 acres of fruit and rich alfalfa land, and at this .season of the year all the waters of the Walla Walla and Tum-a-lum rlvors below the Peacock and Eagle mills are available for Irriga tion. The alfalfa land, which yields four crops a season, Is literally soaked during the winter months. J. H. Hall has arranged for a water supply for his home and for Irrigating purposes by putting in a ram from the Perkins ditch, which runs a short dis tance from his home. W. T. Shaw and John S. Vinson were among those from this locality who went to Hep"pner Tuesday. J. L. Elam of Walla Walla was in the city Sunday. John M. Clark; one year, I. Taylor. A Christmas ball will be given in tho Freewater hall on Christmas evening. To Dyko River. Residents along the Walla Walla river will dyke the river to protect their property from future floods. Some time ago a meeting of property owners of that vicinity was held to consider the matter, at which a com mittee consisting of W. P. Shaw, W. E. Putnam and G. W. Miller was appoint ed to investigate and report on the advisability of building' a dyke. The committee reported favorahly and work Is now under way. The dyke will extend from where the Little Walla Walla and Tum-a-lum divide north to the railroad bridge at A. Miller's. Jack Grooms has charge of the work, and about 50 men are now employed. The water will also be changed back to Its original chanel. Property Sales. Mrs. M. R. Reynolds sold to Miss Maud Foster a lot In Freewater for 00, and Mrs. Dyer has purchased two lots In Freewater for a consider ation of $375. S. C. Thornbow to Josephine Pres ton, a tract of land east of town for $!5n: P. M. Van Slyk to Samuel LInd, one-half acre for $50. Samuel Beamer to Mr. Winn half section of land west of Milton for a consideration of $6400; W. J. Emery to W. II. Wllmot, 324 acres for a consideration of $3250. Dividend Declared. . J. H. Hall, assignee of the Oregon Meat Market, has declared a division or the assets of the company In favor of the creditors. This dividend is for 30 pr cent of all the claims, and It Is expected that 30 per cent will be real ized is soon as the outstanding ac counts are settled. For Money Due. C. T. Godwin bas stalled a couple of suits in the Justice couit, one against J. D. Campbell for M. E. Cor bctt, :n.' one against H. A. Derrick for K C. Franklin, both for money due. Interest in Grange. f.raat Interest Is being shown In the weekly meetings of the Hudson Bay Ciange, which was recently organis ed. It I of great heln to the com munity, and arrangements are now be lli; made to erect a'some hulld for the .'..t, i.f holding these -iet:ngs. City Ofricci.. In the city eiertlun held last Tues day there was no opposition to th Peoples' ticket which was elected as follows Tr-nsurcr, John S. Vinson: lecordcr, Willieni Hirst; marshal, Her man Wolf: coiincllmcn for two years John Crlimnliis, Sam Chrlstensen. The Klrrtrlc Bond. Tho Walla Walla Traction compa 's electric ine Into Freewater and Milton is being pushed as rapidly as the weather will mlt. The recent flooils dl:ivel the work somewhat. but all is no'.v c iiiiir along smoothly. The grading Is finished to a point a hurt Oi'tancc from Freewater, and the steels ere l:rd to a point about thre miles from here. It Is now nre- d That the line will reach this HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel St. George. William Dunn, Portland; D. S. Hallaran, Spokane; C. C. Springer, Chicago; Miss Berry, Se attle: W. W. Bender, Portland; J. J. Crusinan, Chicago; W. Henry Wells, rortland; O. B. Thomson, Echo; W. J. Fhlrey, Portland; W. W. Grapp, Port land; James Peters, Portland; F. E. Rishop, Portliind; Henry T. Hill, He lix; Thomas Robertson, Myrtck; J. E. Miller, Portland; Jay Williams, Walla Walla; C. L. Anderson, Hot Lake. Hotel Pendleton. E. Hedges, Port land; lewis Rethbum, Portland; W. R. Macklln, Portland; H. A. Morrison, San Francisco; L. H. Vllhauer, San Frnncisco; R. E. Paddock, Walla Walls; ,L. C. McCormlck, Portland; H. L. Valencea, New York; Dr. Oliver Chambers, Rock Springs; B. W. Urookfleld, Omaha; W. A. Quirk, Mc Cook; Thomas Hickson, Laramie; W. J. Hatfield. Portland; H. L. Stevens, Laramie; F. J. Smith, Portland; R. Joll, Spokane; J. Melcher, Starbuck; F. B. Hayes, city; Miss E. P. Colman, Hay Springs; E. H. Burke, Portland; F. W. Vincent, city; A. W. Wakefield, Lewiston; A. B. Thomson, Echo; Allen Thomson, Echo. Golden Rule Hotel. C. Alders, Spokane; 3. B. Johnston, city; W. T. Shaw, Hudson Bay; C. J. Moshad. Tekoa; Mrs. J. Boucher, Starbuck; E. IT. Thompson, Starbuck; J, Samuel Hagen, Briggston; John S. Vinson. Freewater:- T. J. Campbell and wife, Freewater: B. C. Hegar, Bingham Springs; Sam Banister, Weston; J, Kilgore, Athena; George Johnston Pilot Rock; P. H. Russell, Pilot Rock Mart Rahe, city; Joe Creighton, Col fax; Cassie Helmer. Oakesdale; Fd Cramer, Nye; Bessie Todd, Weston P.aiph Saling, Weston: Jack Murphy, Nampa: W. H. Sampson and wifo, Hay; H. Parrott and wife, Hay Creek G. H. Glbbs, Corvallls; A. O. Moore. Mt. Vernon: Roy Moore, Mt. Vernon Mrs. R. W. Montgomery, San Fran Cisco: Effle McBroom, Portland, a Williamson. The Dalles; Venard Bell, Athena; Lee Beeher, Athena: George L. Hammer, Texas; A. S. Johnston, Kent; Otto Poll, Moro; Mrs. C, Peets, Moro; E. Messenger, Moro; R. Doyle, Hermiston: Oliver Ward, Condon Lewis Htarbuck; L. D. Rlnker, Spo. kane; O. F. Meets, Pilot Rock; Wm, J. Moore, Spokane; Paul Bushman Athena. A Western Wonder. There's a Hill at Bowie, Texas, thafa twice as big as last year. This wonder Is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180. He snys: "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consumption. I was reduced to 90 pounds, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlon. Coughs and Colds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, I have more than doubled In weight, and am completely cured." only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. druggists, i0c and $1.00. Trial bottls free. Young Jacks for Sale. P. F. Swaggart. of Heppner, Is In the city from the Eastern Oregon Jack farm, with a number of excellent young Jacks for sale and will remain for several days In order to place these animals before the stockmen of this vicinity. The Jacks are well bred, young and acclimated to eastern Ore gon and an excellent grade of mules may be raised from them. This Is an excellent opportunity for stockmen to secure good young animals at reas onnble prlcen. The quality, prices, term and conditions are all satisfac tory and the stock shows for Itself. Stockmen are cordially Invited to in spect the animals now In this city. Public Speaker Interrupted. Public speakers are frequently In terrupted by people coughing. This would not happen if Foley's Honey and Tar were taken, as it cures coughs and colds and prevents pneu monla and consumption. The genu Ine contains no opiates and is in i yellow package. Koeppens' drug store. ity shortly after the first of the venr. Die Firewater city council his prant- cl the company a franchise and th, it iihst.ic'o of Its progress Is now re moved. It Is now deemed probable that ex- Senator Brown of Utah, who was shot In Washington by Mrs. Annie Brad ley, will recover, though his condition is yet critical. Notice, Notice is hereby given that the artl les of Incorporation of the Gordon- Harrison Grocery company have been i mended and the name of said cor poration changed to Gordon Grocery Co. W. H. Harrison has sold his in- e-cxt In said company and J. B. Hal ey has purchased an Interest In the company. The members of the firm now being David Gordon, F. A. Gor- lon ar.d J. I). llalley. All hills due the Gordon-Harrison Grocery company are payable at the grocery store at 130 East Court street, renciieton, Oregon. Dated this 7th day of December. ia06. GORDON GROCERY CO. By David Gordon, President. J. B. Halley, Sev. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Pnhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, It used to be considered that onlv urinary and bladder troubles were to- b's traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their bcc;iiiuin; in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, w hen your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and bow every orian seems to fail to do its duty. If yott are sick or " feel badly," bcpin taking the p;reat kidney remedy, Lir. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you arc sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swa;np-Root, the Kreat kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all FT"-.! druggists in (iftv-cent flV'ttfi'f! 'aiiiiFU and one-dollar sue B'iirHri'Wi' ttfiWHa bottles. You may "iaaiB have a sample bottle Homi.otBwMnp.Root by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you bow to find out if you nave kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ring bamton, N. V. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamn-Koot. and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. "GOOD PIANOS" ?Why? First We employ only practical factory piano workmen. Second We know a good piano when we hear it and se it. Third We are judges of superior construction and perfect scale. Fourth We have passed judgment on every piano we carry. Fifth We have unbounded faith In everything we sell you. Sixth We are the largest dealers west of Chicago. Chickering Kimball Lester Crown Weber H. M. Cable Schumann Baily And 26 more makes to choose from, and now Is the time for you to buy your pianos for Christmas, as we have just received two carloads of pianos, and can save you from 1 100 to JU0 on. your pianos. Call and look ever our moat beautiful stock of high grade pianos. Terms can be arranged to suit any pur chaser. And back of our judgment and experience as a piano house we guarantee tho quality of every piano as repres-nted to you by us, and at any time, If piano is not as we represent, we will gladly refund your money. We approach you In this practical manner, so that you may understand that no matter what piano you may buy, you will leave our store a satisfied customer. Eilers Piano House The Busiest, Biggest and Best Stores in all Towns on the Pacific Coast 8 1 3 Main St. Phone Main 5 1 5 W IiiIiiH"iii. n.lW WE ARE STIIJ, HAMMERING, away and emphasizing the great value of our lumber and Its superior qual ity for building and other purposes. If we did not positively know it to be all right we would not guarantee it, but we do know It to be the soundest and strongest lumber ever offered In this market, remarkably free from imperfections, and cut Into convenient lengths for quick use. Our prices, as you know, were always low. 0 REG D N LUMBER YARD B12 Alta 8L 'Phone Main 8 FRAZER THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY Thursday, Dec, 1 3 The Big Melo-Dramatic Success OUT IDAHO Adapted by A. Webb Chamberlain from the famous western stories of Brette Harte HUMOR! PATHOS! SENSATION! Don't Fail toSeeA'Xt PRICES, 25, 50, 75c Seats on Sale Wednesday at the Pendleton Drug Company. Surprising Variety FOR The Holiday ...Demands... Watch Us The; Pendleton Drug Co. "The Mark ot Quality" Phone Main 20 It surprises them to hear you har. not got a Winona wagon. Thos. outer bearing blocks prevent the axle from springing and makes It the easleat running wagon on earth. The steel clad hubs are defiance to the weather. Thuy never crack or have loose spoke Our hacks and buggies are made by the Winona Manufacturing Co., right In the hardwood belt. All air dried timber used In construction. Call and see us. We are headquarters for the Fair banks, Morse Gasoline Engine and Pumps. Estimates given on Irrigation and Electric plants. Call and get prices from Neagle Bros. THE" BLACKSMITHS. JAPANESE WOODEN BOXES A FIXE WIXDOWFl'L FANCY INLAID WORK. NICK BOXES FOR HANDKERCHIEFS. COL. LARS. GLOVES. NOTIONS, CTC- Til Cook Perry Hook, Stationery, Notions Wholesale mid Retail. 10.1 E. Court St. Phone Red 3191 From 209 East Court street to the Mllarkcy building, opposite telephone office. LADIES' SILK GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. LOW SAM k CO. SUNRISE t Japanese Store Lnigc line of Chlnaware, Japanese novelties and bamboo ROOllH. Elegant Xmas presents lit great snvlng to vou. Come and have them Inld nsldc for you. Harry Hiraiwa, Prop. 30R E. Court St. t Byers' Best Flour - Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Oood bread is assur ed when BYERS" BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W.6. VTERS, Proprietor. ' The East Oregcmian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron ace. It is the advertising medium of this section. 4 i ; bivermore Bickers REAL ESTATE, INSFRANCE, CONVEY XCE AND LAND Dl'SINESS. Prompt attention to tho rental of property. Room 13, J add Building. Famous $500 Always call for City Brewery Beer the home product; $500 that says It Is pure. CITY BREWERY SClltJLTZ & STRICKER.