PAUK TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGOJT, THURSDAY, DECEMRER 18, 10. EIGI1T PA0E8. The Pendleton Savings Bank OF PENDLETON, OREGON MOXTIE IV f;VIXN, President. 1. .1. MORRIS, Vice-President -,- .V is i Cnpltal, $100,000.00. Surpl nml I ndlvi.l.Hl Profits. $150,000.00. Deposits November 15. 1V06, $1,228,550.87. Directors : W. J. FURNISH CHAS. H. CARTER E. P. MARSHALL T. J. MORRIS Stockholders: W. J Furnish, J. N. Teal, Al Page, of Wardner, Idaho; R. Alex ander, R. T. Cox, Joseph Basler. Charles H. Carter, E. W. McComas, R. N. Stanfleld, A. J. Devlin, of Wardnor. Idaho; E. L. Smith. L. Pusenbery. E. Poetcher. Frank S. Curl. Marion Jack, W. F. Matlock E. P. Marshall, J. H. Raley, Herbert Roylen, F. W. Vincent, A. C Koeppen, C. E. Roosevelt, estate of C. H. Lewis, of Portland; Montle B. Gwlnn. T. J. Morris, and estate of D. P. Thompson. GENSRAL NEWS. 4 - -v 4 In Russia 30.000.000 are starving, and In China 15,000.000 are starving at this time. The J. P. Polk vegetable canning plant at Greenwood, N. C, burned. Loss $125,000. It is believed that the Oklahoma constitutional convention, already In session for two weeks, will not ad journ sooner than January 25. Otto Toung of Chicago, left an es tate of over J20.000.000, In equal shares to seven grandchildren and four daughters, after bequeathing $1, 000,000 to charity. At San Francisco Leon Soeder has been convicted of murder In the first degree. He cut the throat of Joseph Blaise, his brother-in-law, and threw his body over a cliff, to collect his life j Insurance. i The exact majority for Hughes for! governor of New York was 67.973. ' The majorities for the remainder of the state officers-elect (all democrats) are all the way from 5442 for Chan cer, to fa. 250 for Glynn, democratic candidate for comptroller. Nineteen Massachusetts cities held elections December 10. Three of the 19 voted out the saloons and after May 1 next will grant no more liquor licenses. They are Chelsea, with 37 000 inhabitants; Newburyport, with 15.000. and Salem, with 38,000. Information from the Edison Power company's camp near Bakersfield. Cal., where L. B. Hicks, one of the miners entombed by a cave-In last Friday morning. Is known to be alive, is to the effect that Hicks Is cheerful and believes he soon will he rescued, though It Is apparent that he can not be reached Inside of four days. Nour ishment Is being lowered to him through a pipe. The Investigation determined upon several weeks ago Into the manage ment and control of the Union and Southern Pacific properties of the Harriman systems of railroads, will be started In New Tork city on the 28th Inst. E. H. Harriman and many other officials and others identified with the systems have been subpenaed to attend as witnesses. " "YANKEE CONSUL" DEC. 15. Lan pliable Comic Opera Coming to the Frawr. "Mlgnon" Is one of the favorite members of "The Yankee Consul" company which comes to the Frazer theater on Saturday. December 15, and Is regarded by every other mem ber of the company as a most Import ant personage. Moreover, Mlgnon Is one of the charter members of the organization having been especially engaged for the opening performance and played . the part ever since. Mlgnon Is a hand-1 some little Rocky mountain burro, and j Is the only nctlng burro on the stage : today. The patlrnt little beast actu- j ally seems to enjoy stage life and the i members of the company are convlnc-1 ed that he can understand "cues" and "business" as well as any of them Mlgnon Is friendly to every member of the cast, but his especial favorite Is Manager John P. Slocum, to whom he is devoted. After every perform ance. Mlgnon eagerly awaits the com ing of Mr. filocum, well knowing that his reward for faithful performance of duty will be several lumps of sugar of which he Is passionately fond. Long Tennessee Fight. For ?0 years W. L. Rawls, of Bells Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and soreness In side my nose was fearful, till I began epplytrg Buckler's Arnica Salve to the sore surface: this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve In existence; 25c at Tillman A Co.'i, druggists. Read the East Oregonlan. .1. W. MAIONEY, Cashier. F. G. SCJIMEER, Asst. Cashier. i : x : ' i, 'iVi! St '"rt JOSEPH BASLE R R. ALEXANDER MONTIE B. nWINN NORTHWEST NEWS. James Heay, aged 13 years, was drowned while duck hunting on the Fraser river, B. C. John Barrett, United States minister to Colombia, Is expected to be In Portland Saturday and Sunday next. Oscar Handsberg and J. M. Dean, two of the three linemen comprising the Aberdeen, Wash., "trouble corps," were killed by live wires on December 11. Farmers of King and Pierce coun ties, Washington, will ask the next legislature for $200,000 with which to straighten and deepen the channels of the White and Puyallup rivers. Forest Grove has balked and kicked over the traces! The city council re fuses point blank to pay but 40 per cent of the November bill for electric lights on account of the poor quality ' the lights and frequency with which ,hev went out- , The Walla Walla city council has accepted Architect Henry Osterman's plans for the new combined city hall and fire station, which will cost $75, 000, and has employed Landscape Gardener Olmstead to lay out plans for city parks. Captain J. W. Ekstrand, master of the Japanese steamship Shibata Ma ru. In port at Portland, Is 74 years of age, and the oldest sea captain in command of a vessel flying the Jap anese flag. He has led a seafaring life 62 years, for 39 of which he haa been In command of vessels owned In Japan. At The Dalles John Hull, aged 64 years, a farmer living at Rufus, Sher man county, was run over by an O. R. & N. switch engine and died In three minutes. The supposition Is that he was on the rear of the tender when the engine backed, and lie Jumped and slipped. No blame at taches to any one. The body was ta ken to his home for burial. COCOANUT GROWERS. Cubans Clever In- Production and the Shipment Are Larjre?. The Cubans are clever with cocoa nuts. One port alone. Baracoa, ship ped 18.500.000 nuts last year. Their favorite nut Is the San Blaz, from South America. It Is planted about 28 feet apart, about 4 5 trees to trie acre. When the trees are large enough so that the cattle can not reach the branches and Injure the leaves, the land may be used for grazing pur poses, but It can bo more profitably used In the' growing of cacao, Cacao trees can be planted 14 feet apart, or about 150 trees to the acre, with the cocoanuts. Citrus trees alBO do well In the grove. When cacao Is planted bananas also should be planted near the young car-no trees to give them shade, so that In plantation times they my be growing cocoanuts, bananas and cacao nt one time, -rj,e banana tree is only allowed to stand until the cacao' tree begins to hear, or about the third year. The cocoanut tree begins to bear In' about five years on the seashore and seven or eight years Inland. Age does not count against the tree; some of the best trees are over 50 years old. Each tree drops about 80 nuts a year. These nuts are gatnered twice a month, hulled and brought In to the exporter. One man can gather and husk 1000 nuts a dny. Chicago Trib une. The American Sugar Refining Co. and the Brooklyn Cooperage Co. both pleaded guilty to the acceptance of rebate on sugar In the United States court at New York. Judge Holt fined the Sugar Refining company $80,000 and the Cooperage company $70,000. Fresh oysters will be served next Friday and Saturday by Methodist ladles In Savings Bank building. I . CHILD LABOR ISSUE ritGED TO THE FRONT BY NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Recoguizcd aa a Great and Growing Evil by Sorintlni which Have Sent Over Four Thousand Delegates to Cincinnati There Arc Now 2,000, 000 Children Employed In the Man ufactories of the I'nlted StatON, and the Number Is Constantly Increas ing. Cincinnati, Dec. 13. The annual convention of the National Child Lai bor association, which commenced here today, was a notable one. When Dr. A. H. -Frleberg called the meeting to order In the convention hall of the Hotel Havlln there were over 4000 persons present. Every state In the union sent delegates. Governor Har ris of Ohio, and Major Dempsey of this city In brief addresses welcomed the delegates. Dr. Felix Adler, chairman of the National Child Labor committee, said the suppression of child labor was the most Important the country has to deal with. Among the spenkers were Gov. J. W. Folk of Missouri; Governor Charles Deneen of Illinois: Charles P. Nell, United States commissioner of labor; Senator Bev erldge of Indiana; John Mitchell, president of the National Mlnework- ers; President Nicholas Murray Bates, of Columbia university: President C. W. Babney, of the University of Cin cinnati, and Jane Addams, of Hull House. Chicago. In the course of an Interesting ad dress Dr. Lyndsay, professor of so ciology In the University of Pennsyl vania, laid great stress on the terrible Injury child labor was working in this country. He stated that according to the United States census of 1900 there were 1.750,178 children over 10 years of age and under 16 engaged In gain ful occupations. Since that time he claims that the number has Increased to 2,000.000. The manufacturers of the country, he said, will assist in the abolition of child labor, for they rec ognize that the problem of what the country Is going to do with millions of children In dangerous occupations of life, health and education, growth and mornls. Is a very serious one. i Prof. R. S. McLendy stated that an urgent call for the organization of the national committee came from the south, which was the greatest sufferer. but Georgia was the last state to pass a law prohibiting child labor. The law passed, however, he was sorry to say, did not go far enough to suit those Interested In the matter. Governor Folk's statement that President Roosevelt was giving the association his active co-operation. elicited prolonged applause. The Hon. J. H. Morgan, Inspector of workshops and factories, said the labor unions everywhere were their energetic al lies. , Dr. Felix Adler, who Is leader of the society for Ethical Culture, and pro fessor of social and political ethics In Columbia university, delivered the an nual address. His subject was "The Child In History." "The evils of child labor and the power of the public to prevent them" was the subject of an extremely Interesting address by Gov. Folk of Missouri. The governor of Illinois spoke on the same subject. Resolutions were adopted calling on the government to totally abolish child labor. The convention will sit until Saturday night. Don's Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any esse of catarrh tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. To'edo, O. We. the nnderalicneri. have known P. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all easiness transactions and financially able to carry ont anr obligations made by bis first. WALniNO. KINNAN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Drugglsta, Toledo, O. riall'a Catarrh Cnre la taken Internally, artlns directly open the blood and mucoua surfaces of the sys'.em. Testimonial aent free. Price 75 centa per hurtle. 8old bj all druggists. Take Hall's Family rills for conatlpatlon. Ilettfr Wages for Dispatchers. The Union Pacific has Increased the wages of nine train dispatchers em ployed at Cheyenne, from 110 to $J0 per month. They now get $145 to $180 per month. The chief dispatch ers receive $160 per month. At Condon Charles Brown has sold 1500 sheep to John Fleming, repre senting Ray Brothers of Montana, at $3 per head. The Chrismas Dinner Your Dinner will be more satis factory If you will supply your cook with Golden Gate Coffee, Tens, Spices, Extracts. Raking Powder, "The Satisfaction Line." Your grocer will supply yo. J.A.Folger&Co. San Francisco If You Don't Know What to Give Give a Peoples Warehouse Merchandise Certificate-Good as Gold anywhere in this store. The Peoples Warehouse Merchandise Certificate Everything for Men, Women and Children to Wear and Eat. Will Pay to ' Bearer Dollars in Merchandise. Pendleton, Oregon,. Good ooa anywhere - 1 OUT OP SORTS. People Not Really Sick Are Often Most In Need of Care. The people who actually are most In need of kind words and medical treatment are not those who are real ly sick, but Just "out of sorts." The old-time energy, force, strength .and happy spirits are lack ing; the physical and mental powers are flagging; there is poor appetite, and they cannot get the good out of the food they eat. In nine cases out of 10. this results directly from a weakened stomach, and no other treat ment equals Ml-o-na to restore strength and health. When the nerves and muscles are weak, If there is sleeplessness, irrita bility, and specks before the eyes, when the head aches and there is a dull pain n the back, and there Is any distress and heaviness In the stomach, dizziness and sometimes nau sea, the use of Ml-o-na stomach tab lets for a few days will make a world of Improvement, and continued use for a reasonable time will restore per fect health. These tablets are not mere digest' Ives: they absolutely strengthen all the organs of digestion, so that there Is good appetite, perfect digestion and strong nerves, when they are used. A large box of Ml-o-na stomach tab lets Is sold for 60 cents by Tall man & Co, with an absolute guarantee that they will be successful In curing dl gestlon and restoring health, or the money will be refunded. Ask them to show you the liberal guarantee they give with every 60-cent box of Ml-o-na. Christmas Sale. The ladles of the first M. E. church will hold a Christmas sale In room recently vacated by Moorhouse A Hamilton, In Savings Bank building, on next Friday and Saturday, Decem ber 14 and 16. Luncheon will also be served In connection with the sale. Killed White- Thawing Dynamite. While engaged In thawing out dy namite for blasting purposes at the Tohnson A Welsch camp, Carnlne Pao Imil was killed hy an explosion, and will he burled In the Culdesac ceme tery today. Culdesac News. AND NOW FOR. Christmas The greatest holiday of the year Is approaching and will soon be upon us. The true Christmas feeling 1: never experienced except by those who follow the time honored custom of gift making. In anticipation of the many calls that are sure to be made unon us within the next three or four weeks we have had an extra shipment of high grade pianos, especially lected fo rthe Christmas trade. This shipment comprises such celebrated makes as Stelnway, Knabe, Everett, Pivknrd. Estey, A. B. Chase, Fischer, Emerson and others. Come In and selcot' your Christmas gift now while the Mock Is fresh, and If necessary we can put the Instrument of your choice on the reserve list to await your fu ture order. A Piano is the mdst acceptable gifi Ycu could purchase, when the use fulness and pleasure throughout the bi.lance of the year are taken Into consideration. Don't make the mistake of pay In big money for an ordinary Instru ment, when the same money will buy the best. The Emerson piano-player Is the union of the Emerson piano with the Angelus, which combines all the ra perlor qualities of the Emerson an and the Angelus, making this beyond question the finest combination player eve roffered to the public of THE HOUSE OP QUALITY. Sherman, Clay & Co JESSE FAn.INO, MANAGER. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE By .i . m tne store at anv time St. Joseph's Academy UNDER THK DIRECTION OP THk. Sisters of St. Francis OF PHILADELPHIA. RESIDENT AND DAT PUPILS. SPECIAL AT TENTION GIVEN TO MUSIC AND ELOCUTION. STUDENTS PREPAR ED FOR TEACHERS' EXAMINA TIONS FOR COUNTY AND STATE CERTIFICATES. FOR PARTICU LARS ADDRESS SISTER. SUPERIOR Building Air Castles la a pleasant but unprofitable task When you're building realities and need good grade lumber, lath, shin gles, sash, doors, ceemnt, brick, lime, sand, etc., honestly priced, promptly delivered every way satisfactory- lodge your order with us. Sola agent for Krlsollte Wood Flbr Plaster, made In Blue Rapids. Kad- eaa; also White Crystal Lime. Pendleton Planing Mills R. FOR8TER, Proprietor. Nothing like a turkey well Roasted To do that you have got to have the right kind of Roasters We have the kind you need a self baster. A baster that don't burn your roast V. Stroble Cheapest place In Pendleton to ' Buy Furniture. ! Court U. Phone Black' 81T1 Choice Roasts and Steaks Dried, Smoked and Cured MEATS PURE LARD . Carney, Ramsdell (2b Co. 'Phone Main SS. HOTEL PORTLAND OF PORTLAND, OREGON. American plan, $8 per day and up ward. Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special rates aAa made to families and single gentle men. The management will be pleas ed at all times to show rooms and give prices. . A modern Turkish bats establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. No.. i .r during tne year. ...BIO... REMOVAL SALE Up to Jan. 1st, 1907,111 give a discount of 15 per cent to 25 per cent on every piece of furniture bought from ' me. Come and help me move. G. R. O'Daniel Good Furniture at a cheap Price Up-To-The-Times The New Monthly Illustrated Magazine Published at Walla Walla Is on sate at Post-Office News Stand Frazier's Book Store. 15 CENTS A COPY. S1.2& PER YEAR. Pendleton's most popular dining room'. THE FRENCH RESTAURANT Thoroughly renovated In every de partment. Everything new In kitch en and pantry. All new dishes. fixe sir.mvr dinners ocu SPFCIALTY. Mop up-to-date kitchen In the northwest. Polydore Mocns Proprietor 633 Main St. Thone Main 98. For i MOLTING t CHICKENS See Colesworthy CHOP MILL corner ALTA AND COTTONWOOD STS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, 'WW ff WW wwwvvvw ECZEMA and PILE CURE FREE Knowing what It was to auf- f(jr wlu PREBJ os. CHARGE, to any afflicted a positive cure for Ecxema, Salt Rheum, Erysip elas, Piles and Bkln Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer.. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan avenue. New Tork. Enclose Stamp.