PAUE TWO. DAILY EAST OREflOyiAy, PENDLETON, OREGON, TTESDAV, DECEMBER 4, 1006. EIGHT PAGES. ' No More Cold Rooms If yon only knew how much comfort can be derived from a PERFECTION Oil Beater how simple and economical it operation, yon would not be without it another day. You cau quickly make warm and coty any cold room or hallway no matter in what part of the house. Vou can heat water, and do many other thing with the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick as high or low aa von can there's no danger.. Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Mad In twn finiatiM mImII ...J 2 1 -. , . . . juuu ui on ana Duma o hours. Every heater warranted. If yon cannot get heater or information from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular. RttfO StB.5 and steady light, simple con . struction ami absolute safety. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated.. An ornament to any room whether library, dinine-robm, parlor or bed room. Every lamp warranted. Vrite to nearest agency if not at your dealer's. sTAvnrj on, COMPANY n OFFICER Pt GENERAL SEWS. At Spokane a switch engine collid ed with an extra freight on the North ern Pacific. Engineer Ed Fearl, of the switch engine, was instantly kill ed. Addison T. Smith, private secretary of Senator Heyburn, Is to be appoint ed to the office of register of the Poise land office to succeed Harry fj'mi. Linn Hunt, a single man aged 3t years, shot and killed himself while visiting friends at 10 East Eighth street north, Portland. No under stood caue for the tragedy. The genuine San Jose scale has put in an appearance In the orchards around Leominster, Mass. The In sects are supposed to have been in t: olr.eed on nursery stock from the west. A. P. MeKi'iin, a roustabout em ployed on the steamer Chester, fell overboard at Kelso and drowned In eight feet of water. He lost his life by trying to save another man, who was finally rescued. I. S. Averell. first cousin to E. H. Il.'.rriman. has long held a responsible p.'slti'ir. in the Southern Pacific of firfs at San Francisco He has turn ed up missing, and foul play Is sus rec; l. n all his accounts are straight. Hewitt Jennings was shot by his bro'hpr-in-law. Martin Moody, In nJstake for a hear near the Granite Hil! mine, near Grant's Pass. He has five buckshot In his leg, but is not ha.'ly hurt He was taken to Grant's Tass. Emphatic denial has been made by H. D. Miller, American consul gener al at Yokohama, of the reports ema ratir.e from San Francisco that he had predicted a war between the I.'nited States and Japan. The de partment accepts his explanation. The Japanese who have been lured Into Mexico by specious and definite promises made by planters and con tractors are getting out as fast as they can. They say the conditions under which they were required to work constituted virtual slavery. Camp. Louisiana: C. R. Lawrence, Ckiah; E. I- Mtson, Boston; J. E. Widges; S. D. Hoover, Walla Walla: T. S. Harls, La Grande; H. Rlnluer ton and wife. Weston: T. Trow; E. P. Jordan. Albany: B. Wallace, Boise; J. E. Taylor. Echo. Hotel IViulloton. M. W. Smith, Colfax; Mrs. A. Griffin, Nolan; Miss Julia Hainel, Nolan; E. H. Burke, Portland; N. P.. Krausc. Seattle; A. A Kardon, Portland; Andreas Bard and wife, Walla Walla; Mrs. Dorf. Port land: C. Braithwaite, St. Louis: J. W. DeJannette, Omaha; Will Alders, St. Joe; G. D. Galley. Portland: T. C. Loid. Portland; W. R. Glendenning, Portland, J. L. Scott. Echo; Fred Shields. San Francisco; F. W. Swan ton, Portland; A. M. Comton, Port land; A. F. Hardt and wife: J. Sedore, Port'and.. H. E. True. Spokane: A R. Thomson, Echo; J. F. Melcher, Starbuek: Harry Struve and wife; Mrs. Flora Smith, La Grande: May White. La Grande; C. A. Miller, Min neapolis: Dan J. Malarkey, Portland; N. A. Neilson. Portland; W. F. Wal lace and wife, San Francisco; E. J. Brown. Portland: F. S. McMahon. Portland; I). F. Carnes, Portland; Fred Rogers, Portland; H. W. Clark. Portland; W. Maher, Portland; N. L Tooker, Portland; Ed Guinsburg, New Vork; J. Nathan. e wTork; J. L. Lindsay, Spokane: J. II. Klocker, Spokane; W. F. Eoerlg, Spokane; G M. Carey, Spokane. AXATI TOXAKl IXVESTI- GATED 'FRISCO SCHOOLS. , t i I'nlvorslty Profetnor of Toklo Patweil Tliroucli to Washington After Per forming a MIsKion for Ilia Govern ment in San ' Frandsoo--Found That No Jnianeso Had Bern Ex cluded From Public Schools. Anti Tonakl, a diminutive Japan ese, no larger In stature that Jimmy Hackett, but an Intellectual giant, who has been In San Francisco In vestigating the alleged discrimina tions against Japanese in the public schools of the Bay City, passed through Pendleton last evening on No. 2, for Washington, D. C, where he will attend a portion of the pres ent session of congress, the guest of the Japanese minister. Tonakl was sent out py the Japan ese government to make a thorough Investigation of the charges of rank discrimination against his people In San Francisco, and has been in that city for the past month prosecuting his work. In speaking of the matter to the East Oregonlnn, at the O. R. & N. depot last evening, he said that the abuses charged against the San Francisco school board had been lnrgely overdrawn. In most cases the Japanese who had been denied ad mission to San Francisco schools were adults from 25 to 35 years of age who desired to secure an English education for business reasons. He said he had found but few Japanese children of school age who had been denied admission, and be lieved that the matter would be ami cably settled, without prejudice, be tween the United States and his gov ernment. He says there are perhaps 800 Japanese children in San Francisco and suburbs. Many of these are chil dren of Japanese gardeners, farmers, laborers, business men and trades men, most of whom pay taxes and own homes. Against these children there Is no objection from the school board, but the trouble in the schools was caused by adult Japanese enter ing the schools where young white children In the first and second grades attended. Parents and teachers ob jected to the adult Japanese ming ling with the young children, but do not object seriously to Japanese chil dren of the same age attending these primary grades with white children. Tmiakl Is an educated gentleman of excellent address, fine appearance and manner and speaks English with scarcely a trace of foreign accent. He is a professor In the Toklo university and has traveled extensively for the Japanese government In professional and educational capacities. Peneleto Big Store 8 J ' i. Ready for Christmas THE machinery of this store is run ning smoother and easier than ever before, even under the highest pressure ever put on it. Come to the Great Xmas Store for pleasure, if you will or for profit. The early selections are always more satisfactory. You'll find as sortment larger and better than ever. In these days of great prosperity it's not a question of how much to pay but of what to buy. The store is full of suggestions of the right kind. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel St. Georee. j. c. Fleharty. B"ise; Mrs. B. W. Wallace, Boise; O. Hanes. San Francisco; Miss Irwin. Spokane; J. Vandevan, La Grande; O. S. Andrews. Portland: B. Rosensteln ro.-tlrr.d: J. Becker, Portland; W. E. Golden Rule Hotel. James Johns, city; W. McChrlstatn, Frusta; Mr.' Lee and wlfo. New York: R. H. ; Graves, Portland; Sam Lee, Portland;' V. H. Stephens and wife. New York; j Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton, I'matilla: W. ' C. Cook, Portland; George L. Winz ler. Dog Creek; Charles H. Nelson and wife, city; J. H. McManus, Pilot Rock, ' Ellis Pinkerton, Weston; Tom James, Weston; Edith Doldge, Adams; Ma rion Hurd, San Francisco; Walter, Jennings. I'mat'lla; A. L. Ramsay ' Athena: II. Harris, Chicago; C. Bands, Portland: Frank Done and wife. Pilot Rock; L. B. Harris, city; B. B. Rich ards. Athena: J. Hohbach, Portland; If. G. Newport. Hermlston; Wm. ' Potts, Myrlck; H. Bell, Myrlck. I lion's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any esse of catarrh that canaot be cured hr Hull's Catarrh Core. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., To'edo. O. We. the nndemlgned. bsve aonwn F J. Cheney for the last 1.1 years, and bellee him perfectly honorohte In all bnslnes. transactions and financially able to carry out snv nhllcstlons made by hip firm. WALWXO. KINNAN ft MAttVIN, Wholesale Drugglnts, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucons surfaces of the svs'em. Testimonials nt free. Price 7.1 cents per bortle. 8old by all nrninrlts. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative, stimulates, but does not Irritate. It la the best Locative. Guar anteed or your money back. Koeppens' drug store. Now It Is stated that King Menelik of Abyssinia, l not 111 and has not been, and all speculation about tha succession to the throne are off. Senttle Hnrsm Show. Seattle Is to hold a big horse show about the middle of December. En tries have closed with about 75 fine horses on the list, says the Rural Spirit. Every seat In the boxes has been sold and the management Is thinking of enlarging the seating ca pacity. W. H. Dobson of Marlon, Iowa, who recently brought out a car load of fancy drivers, will be an ex hibitor. We admire the Seattle spirit In doing things. They are the kind of people that would try to raise dry land alfalfa on the Duwamlsh flat If It would benefit Seattle any. We wish them success in their undertaking they are entitled to It and they are the kind of people who usually bring success to any undertaking. The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade. Save Your Coupons. ALBA NEWS NOTES SI DDEN WINTER HARD ON THE RANGE STOCK. to drop with the opening of spring. Three dollars Is a big price for lambs, but that figure Is more liable to be raised than lowered before the season Is over. The outlook now is certainly very encouraging to the sheepmen. Heppner Times. OF mi THE CUBE DR. KING'S IW ISCOVEIFSY COUGHS and GOLDS AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES . . . .' . PREVENTS PDEUDODIA " CONSUMPTION FOR "Two years ago severs cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." ' W.J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50o AND $1.00 V SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TAJLLMAN CO. PasseU Examination Successfully. j James Donohue, New Britain, Conn,, I'lcnty of Dry Feed, But Stock Are , writes: "I tried several kidney reme Vnonxy Eight to Ten Inches or dleB- and waa treated by our best j by Snow, and Zero ' Slc'anS frI1 t did not Im- prove until I took Foley s Kidney slon Among the Locators of Home- cure. After the second bottle I steads II. T. Council Has Sold showed improvement, and five bottles Ranch Coyotes Have . the Munge, ' cured me completely. I have since .....1 Arc Idling Chicken I "" "Tm" fr ''f Insurance." Foley's Kidney Cure I cures backache and all forms of kid ney and bladder trouble. Koeppens' drug store. Alba, Dec. 2. The past two weeks has been a continuous cold spell of winter weather, making It hard on stock, coming on so suddenly and stopping the green grass. Although there is plenty of feed, the stock has hardly cot reconciled Did Not n.iy Townsltc. Rumor, having Its Bourcc In known quarters, and for ulterior purposes, had It that the Fremont Power, com pany had purchased the Sumptcr quarters yei. Being uneasy . townslte. Manager Thomsen yester nnd want to run around ' dny gald that there waa nothing In It There Is between eight and 10 as his company was In the power bus Inches of snow, and the thermometer! Iness and not handling real estate, has registered here in some places as politics or any other thing. Sumpter low as 10 degrees below zero. I American, Cattle are all being: fed. hut thnro! are a good many horses pawing and rustling yet. It is reported that all government land west and south of this neighbor hood has .been annexed to the stock reserve, and that the rush of timber locators has been stopped by the withdrawal from entry of all timber in this locality. Also that n man cannot now take a homestead unless he can prove that it is arable land. This report has caused some little excitement among those that are rushing for Uncle , Sam's domain. H. T. Connell, who has lived here for 26 years, has sold his ranch, but will remain here until spring. B. Q. Brehm, of Weston, Is here looking after his stock Interests. Coyotes are getting so thick that they are putting most of the people out of thy chicken business. It In also a fact that a large number Danger In Asking Advice. When you have a cough or cold do not ask some one what Is good for it. as there is danger In taking some un known preparation. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs, colds and pre vents pneumonia. The genuine Is in a yellow package. Refuse substl tutes. Koeppens' drug store. Collision on the Sumpter Brunei., On last Wednesday afternoon the Sumpter Valley freight train,' making them are afflicted with the scab 01 FACTS or . T mange, as tney can Do seen running around nearly naked for the want n'lf hair, it Is to be hoped that the cold J snap will send many of them to their hnppy hunting grounds, Rig Sales of Morrow Sheep. Tim .hfinn mnrlrat ! nnonlnir un un. usually early. Not for years, If ever'j before, have buvers made Durchases ' for tprlng delivery as early as No-.' gated Lnnils a a booklet pub- Z , which tells all about their Irrl Is the narrto of llshod by the in vember, but that is the case In Mor row county this month. John Flem ing has bought between 30,000 and 40,000 lambs, paying "an advance of 1 a head, or one-third of the pur chase price, and is In the market for On large or larger number than he ha snlready contracted for. Mr. Fleming Is buying for Rea brothers, of St. Paul .and these large purchases this early In the season by this well known firm Is an Indication that the sheep market Is not liable I Sunny ..Alberta Call at 827 Main street, Pen- dleton, Ore., and get a copy. It I Jonathan Johnston.! ; : the return, collided with a logclng train that was barking up while they were Just nbout a mile nnd a half east of the summit. James Ln mont, a tie-contractor, who was In the caboose of the freight train, was considerably brulrcrt nnd scratched In the nccldent. but none of the train men were Injured, most of them Jumping. The freight engine plowed into a flat car and cut It In twain. The engine wns damaged considera ble and pnrtlally thrown off the track. Where the collision occurred there la a very nbrupt curve. The train crew each claim that they had been ad vised by the dispatcher that they had a clear track. Sumpter American. AND NOW FOR. Christmas The greatest holiday of th year Is approaching nnd will soon be upon us. The true Christmas feeling is never experienced except by those who follow the time honored custom of gift making. In anticipation of the many calls that are sure to be made upon us within the next three or four weeks we have had an extra shipment of high grade pianos, especially se lijcled fo rthe Christmas trade. This shipment comprises such celebrated rnukes as Stelnwny, Knnbe, Everett, Packard, Estey, A. B. Chase. Fischer, Emerson nnd others. Come In and select your Christmas gift now while the stock Is fresh, and If necessary we fan put the Instrument of your choice on the. reserve list to await your fu ture order. A Piano is the mdst acceptable gift You could purchase, when the use fulness and pleasure throughout the balance of the year are taken Into consideration. Don't make the mistake of paying big money for an ordinary Instru ment, when the same money will buy the best. The Emerson piano-player Is tha union of the Emerson piano with th Angelus, which 'combines all the su perior qualities of the Emerson and and the Angelus, making this beyond question the finest combination of player eve roffered to the public. THE HOtSE OF QUALITY. Sherman, Clay & Co. JESSE FAU.INn, MANAGER,