East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 04, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    ilmiiMiiiUlmMM, iiwiiiMaMi n
Snow tonight or Wednesday.
If you wish to know how to buy
what to buy, when to buy and where
to ouy holiday goods, read the East
Orcgonlan advertisements.
VOL. 19.
NO. 5840
Chamber of Commerce Will
Issue an Official Expose of
Insurance Companies.
Itoport Will rihiii-Htliiiiilly I( Many
Insurance CompiinifM Grout Dulling-:
Will Afford tlic Suffering Sun
Franciscans OportiinIty to "Get
Even" Schiiillz unil Ruef Pleaded
Not Guilty mill Itolli 'lines Were.
Continued Prosecution Hcntly for
San Francisco. Dee. 4. The offi
cial report Compiled by the Chamber
of Commerce on the Insurance com
panies doing liuslness In San Francis
co at the time of the fire und the
treatment of policyholders will be
made public Saturday.
The report is expected to do Incal
culable harm to a number of com
panies, but officials of the chamber
declare they can substantiate every
statement In It.
Extortion Chmch Continued.
Snn Francisco, Dec. 4. Schmltz
and liuef were nrrnlgned this morn
Ing under five Indictments, charging
t extortion In the French restaurant
cases. Both appenred In court. On
the pica of their attorneys for further
time to prepare a defense the Schmltz
case was continued until Monday,
and the Ruef case until Thursday.
S. XI. Shortrldge and Henry Ach
appeared as counsel for the Indicted
boss and the mayor.
They pleaded not guilty to the
charges of extortion as specified In
the Indictments. At the office of the
c'l! trlct attorney It Is stnted that
everything Is In readiness to begin the
trials on nil the Indictments found
by the grand Jury to date.
Grand Jury Tukew l'vltlnicc.
San Francisco. Pec. 4. The grand
Jurv sitting was resumed today. The
Belvldcre, Music hull. municipal
brothel and severul other cases were
considered. The star witness was
Frank Carlllo. ex-manager of Aurello
Herrern. Cnrlllo told the Jury an un
successful report made him secure a
permit to erect a tent In the uuburned
district In which he proposed to con
duct a vaudeville show. Hi? attrib
utes his failure to get the permit to
his refusal to give up one-third the
receipts to representatives of the city
F.vldince Again John A. Benson.
The grand Jury this niotnlng heard
evidence of the alleged Illegal' seiz
ure of land In Inyo county. Califor
nia, by John A. Benson, already un
der Indictment for land frauds In
Oregon and California. An Indict
ment Is expected this evening.
Danger In Boar Hunting.
Lisbon. Dec. 4. King Carlos and
the crown prince came near to death
while hoar hunting today. A wild
hoar charged, the king's horse fell,
and the animal gored the steed to
death, though Carlos escaped. The
crown prince's horse outdistanced
the bonis. Count Deniollna and the
Marquis DeFerrera were Injured.
Will Have New TrlnN.
Jefferpon City, Mo., Dec. 4. The
supreme court today reversed and re
manded tor a new trial the murder
cases of Vauglinn, Raymond and Ry
an, (tourists, who In November, 1905,
broke out of the penitentiary, killing
Guards Allison and Clay.
Terry McfJovcrn Insane.
New York, Dec. 4. Terry McQov
ern became suddenly crazed near his
home at Brooklyn today. His sanity
has been suspected before. He car
ried a loaded shell which he secured
at the navy yard at Washington,
which he visited yesterday.
Will nang tho Preacher.
Atlanta, Ga Dec. 4. The governor
last night refused to further respite
Rev. J. C. Rawllngs, who will be
hanged today at Vnldosta on the
charge of planning the murder of the
two Cnrter children, a year ago.
Fatal Duel In Crook County.
Prlnevlllo, Ore., Dec. 4. As
the result of a duel at Tumulo
Sunday between H. A. Melvln,
a rancher, armed with a rifle,
and S. M. Dorrance, armed with
a shotgun, the latter was fatally
wounded and died a few hours
Inter. The fight was the result
of an old feud. News of the
murder was brought In by Mel
vln today, who surrendered.
$161,001,000 WATER SCHEME.
Now York City Looking to the Cats-
klll Mountains.
New York, Dec. 4. Bids were re
ceived today for the first contract In
connection with the new scheme for
supplying water to the city from the
Catsklll mountains. The contracts
for which today's bids were received
Involve an expedlture of only $5,000,-
000, but the full cost of the work is
estimated by the board of water sup
ply to amount to the enormous sum
of 1161,000,000.
Mayor McClellnn, who recently
made a tour over the entire ground
to be traversed by the proposed
aqueduct pronounced the project to
bo more stupendous than the Panama
canal. Controller Mctz states that the
matter can be financed without any
difficulty. By the wording of the
legislative enactment authorizing the
expenditure of $161,000,000 by the
city for an additional water supply
the money must be obtained entirely
by the sale of 20-year bonds.
Flnx, Rye, Wheat. Spring Wheat, Oats
und Potatoes.
Ottawa, Dec. 4. The census of tha
field crop of Manitoba was Issued to
day in the shape of a blue book and
shows a great advance In the crop
production of the province.
The total acreage of land under cul
tivation is given as 4,175,346, of which
t.'i 15.543 is under wheat. Occupied
farms total 10,195,604 acres, of which
21,013 Is under potatoes and 111,411
In hay. In flax, rye and spring wheat
there is an enormous Increase, whll2
spring wheat has reached a total of
47.577,8?1 bushels In the province
alone. There are 930,174 acres under
oats and 2.7 1 8,8 RR acres nre being pre
pared fir spring wheat during the
coming season. Prairie hay shows a
great falling off but the acreage under
beets and barley compensates for this
by more than 5C0 per cent.
Two-Story Frunux Along the Water
Front Destroyed.
San Francisco, Dec. 4. A row of
two-stnry frame buildings at Front
and Market streets, occupied by the
Bullshead oil works. American In
surance company of Newark, North
ern Assurtince company, Lake, Hale
Co., M. P. Detel, flour and hay
Preston Commercial company, Na
her. Alfs & Hrune, burned at mid
night. Loss $100,000.
N. P
Ynl.lnm Man Will Make u Test Cue
noil for the 1'iiM Time In the His
tory of Washington, ii Common (nr.
Hit Has Ilis-n .Maiiclaoui-cd will
Test Validity of Claim fnmpnii)
Ciinnot (in Cars.
North Yaklmn. Wash., Dec. 4. A
writ of mandamus has been issued by
the court commission commanding
the Northern Ptelflc to carry coal to
North Yakima Immediately or show
cause before the superior court De
cember 6 why the order has not been
obeyed. It Is snld to be the first case
of tho kind in tho state where n com
mon cnrrler has been commanded to
carry commodities over its line from
one point to another.
The writ was Issued upon petition
of Albert H. Hall, who makes affi
davit through his attorney. H. J.
Sulvely, that the company refused to
carry coal to North Yakima for do
mestic uses, and there Is not a plain,
speedy and adequate remedy In the
ordlnnry course at law. Hall asserts
he went to the conl company fre
qurntly to dbtnln fuel, but could not
obtain it because the company stated
the Northern Pacific could not fur
nlsh cars.
North Yakima Is located less than
100 miles from the Roslyn and Cle
Elum coal mines.
Solo Loser Was Opponent of Amerl
con Society of Equity.
Owensboro, Ky., Dec. 4. A barn
belonging to James Wilson, opponent
of the American Society of Equity,
was burned by Incendiaries, destroy
ing 29 mules, tons of grain and hay.
Loss $10,000.
One hundred fifty thousand pounds
of tobacco belonging to Wilson's ten
ants, all Equity sympathizers, was un
touched. TOWN WAS HELD VV.
Storm anil rostofflee Looted In Far.
mcrvllle, III.
Furmersvllle, III., Dec. 4. The town
was held up, several stores robbed
ond the postofflce safe wrecked, con
siderable booty being stolen from the
government. Wares from stores val
ued at several hundred dollars were
For the'
of getting a
leading into i
n from the west,
filed a condet
4 fi ' suit In the
filed this mor
awid in behalf
by W. W. Cott.
Si .H
fe er & Raley,
that for the co, .nce of traffic,
lnate certain curves In Its track
tlons. To this end it asks that an assessment be made of the dam-
ages that will result to the property In the proposed right of way.
and that upon the payment by the
amounts a Judgment be given the company for the land desired.
The defendants named in the condemnation suit are as follows:
. Robinson Albee, C H. Myers, Jane Doe Myers, T, D, Oliver,
Jane Hoe Oliver, R. I, Oliver, Jane Doe Oliver, Pendleton Savings
bank, Flora Despaln Berkeley, N. Berkeley, Albert M. Despain, Eer-
nice Pf.spaln Dickson, HaUlane Dickson, Oeraldlne Despaln Berkeley,
Charles Berkeley, Louis M. Despaln. Mary Despain. Eleanor Despaln,
Constance Despaln and Nancy E. Despaln.
Because of Their Unjust and
Hostile Attitude Toward Or
ganized Labor.
President National Association of
Manufacturers Puts Bryan, Goinp
ers, und Ahc Ruef In the Same Class
Advocates Increase In Wages and
Ountes Statistics to Prove the Em
ployers Generally Are Not Sharing
Their Prosperity With Employes in
Chicago, Dec. 4. The National In
dustrlal association was addressed to
day by J. W. Vancleve, president of
the National Association of Matiufac
tuiers. Ho pleaded for fair play on
the part of both operator and opera
tive. He denounced Bryan, Gompers
Schmltz and Ruef and said:
"The causes for the creation of the
movement these men typify Is rested
in autocratic and unjust employers
who go fur as they can without vio
lating the statutes, and always hold
a hostile attitude toward labor.
Trades union autocrats also exist.
The good employer and well be.
haved hi borer must work In harmony.
I mc oppressive employer is a worse
enemy to society than the deniagogu-
lie ossa'ls.
He advocated an increase of wages
and urg nianufai tui't-rs to :-hare lib
erally of their prosperity with their
employes, and cited statistics to pier'
they are alio to do so.
Open Shop Denounced. j
Chicago. Dec. t. Waller Drew, a J
commissioner uf the National Manu
facturers' association t,il,i the Indus
trial association:
"The 'open shop' and industrial
crime In San Francisco have brought
work to n standstill. The employer
Is to be censured, but the blame Is on
all who stood by and watched the re
sults of the closed shop."
Washington, Dec. 4. President
Roosevelt's message to congress, one
of the best yet written by him, was
presented this ufternoon and caused
widespread comment because of some
of the radical recommendations made
in It.
The message contains 25,000 words
and touches upon every public Issue
before the nation. A synopsis of the
leading topics is as follows:
To the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives: As a nation we still continue to en
Joy a literally unprecedented prosper
ity; and It Is probable that only reck
less speculation and disregard of le
gitimate business methods on the part
of the business world can materially
mar this prosperity. "
No congress In our time has done
more good work cf Importance than
the present congress. There were sev
eral matters left unfinished at your
Inst session, however, which I most
earnestly hope you will complete be
fore your adjournment.
No Campaign Contributions.
I again recommend a law prohibit
ing all corporations from contributing
to the campaign expenses of any
party. Such a bill has already passed
one house of congress. Let individuals
contribute as they .desire; but let us
prohibit In effective fashion all cor
porations from making contributions
for any political purpose, directly or
Another bill which has Just passed
one house of congress and which It Is
urgently necessary should be enacted
Into law, Is that conferring upon the
right of way for the change of line
thn O. Jt. & N. company has
circuit court. The complaint was
of the railroad company is signed
nd Arthur C. Spencer. It stetes
etc., the company desires to ellnv
between Cnyuse and Barnhart sta-
railroad company of the respective
All Senators Gave it Consider
ation ( Except Tillman and
the New York Members.
Const mo it to Minn That Washington
Is Determined to Establish a Pro
tectorate Callfornlans Arc Enraged
Alioiit the Chapter on tho Japanese
Question, Especially Concerning the
Possibility of Naturalizing Them,
and Predict Acts of Over Ami-Jup-anew
Washington, Dec. 4. The . presi
dent's message was laid before the
senate today 10 minutes after the
opening? Assistant Secretary Latta
carried the message to the senate.
Printed copies were placed on all
desks. The senators closely followed
the reading except Tillman, who left
fefore tile reading began. Other
southerners gave close attention to
the discussion of ihe race problem,
and denunciation of mob law. Piatt
and Depew paid little attention, but
conversed and laughed Jovially occa
sionally. In the house practically the full
membership was present at the read
ing of the nassage, though few mem
b"is I'stened to the end.
Cubans Are Suspicious.
!aa'ui, Dec. 4. The Impression
ated 111 Cuba over the president's
i ranees o.i the situation In his mes
e it- that Washington Is determln
.n establish a protectorate.
( nlifcrniuus Enraged.
Y.'.i: himtton. Pec. 4. The presl
i?ent' attitude toward the Japaneso
situation has stirred the ire of the
California delegation. McLaughlin,
of l.os Angeles, says
"it Is fierce. Tomorrow morning
the Pacific coast will be ablaze with
Indignation. The entire west wlM
fight the commendation thnt the Jap-
government the right of appeal In
criminal cases on questions of law.
This right exists In muny of the states:
it exists in the District of Columbia by
act of congress. It Is of course not
proposed that In any case a verdict
for the defendant on the merits should
be set aside. Recently in one district
where the government had Indicted
certain persons for conspiracy In
connection with rebates, the court
sustained the defendant's demurrer;
while in another Jurisdiction an in
dictment for conspiracy to obtain re
bates has been sustained by the court,
convictions obtained under it, and two
defendants sentenced to Imprison
In connection with the delays of the
law. I call your attention and the at
tentlon of the nation to the prevalence
of crime among us, and above all to
the eqldemlc of lynching and mob
violence that springs up, now In one
part of our country, now In another.
Each section, north, south, east or
west, has Its own faults; no section
can with wisdom spend Its time Jeer
ing at the faults of another section; it
should be busy trlng to amend its
own shortcomings.
To deal with the crime of corrup
tion It Is necessary to have an awaken
ed public conscience, and to supple
ment this by whatever legislation will
add speed and certainty In the execu
tion of the law. When we denl with
lynching even more Is necessary.
A great many white men are lynch'
(Continued on page S.)
anese may bo naturalized. War with
Japan would find every naturalized
Japanese citizen of this country doing
all In his power to aid the mother
McLaughlin said, "If the president
desires to take the part of Japan
against a sovereign state that Is his
affair, but the authorities . of Cali
fornia wlil not long be able to precent
overt acts by the people."
Knowlnnd said, "It Is a good thing
tor California congressmen tho pres
ident's message did not come before
the election."
Raynor of Maryland, Indignant.
Washington, Dec. 4. Senator Ray
nor of Maryland, regards the presi
dent's attitude on the Japanese ques
tion as absolutely Indefensible and
such a threat as using force against
the state as "outrageous and start
ling to the imagination." This after
noon he offered a senate resolution
directing the president to notify all
the world, Japan Included, that the
states have exclusive rights of their
The resolution proposed declares It
Is the opinion of the senate there Is
no provision in the treaty with Japan
that relates to the subject, or Inter
feres with the right of the state of
California to conduct Its . system of
schools In accordance with its own
legislation. Raynor will speak on
the subject tomorrow.
The Raynor resolution was laid
upon the table and the senate ad
Latter Captured and Believed to Be a
Colorado Boilcnnukcr.
Holliday, Kan., Dec. 4. A man
boarded a train on the Santa Fe with
a ticket for Topeka last night, drew a
revolver In the smoking car und or
dered the passengers to deliver. All
gave In but a cowboy, who drew a
gun and fired a shot, which struck the
thief In the leg. The thief forced by
the closed doors ran through the en
tire train to the private car of Third
Vice President Nicholas, from which
the robber grabbed u coat. As he
ran through he bloke a window and
as the train was slowing he leaped off
with no booty.
Lawrence, Kan., Dec. 4. A man
p'vnig the name of John Clark and
said by the police to he Charles H.
Green, a hollemaker from Colorado,
was nrrested at the office of a doctor
this morning, where he went for
treatment. Ho Is suspected of the
robt ery of a Santa Fe train lest night
at Hon. lay. He lias a pullet nolo in i
the left leg. i
0. H. & N. RAISES
Fntir Classes of Lnlxir Have Their Pay1
Advuneed From Five to 13 Per Cent
Cur CIchiiits Raised From SI-'
to S2. Round House Men From S1.00
to 82. Car Repairers From SJ.10
to S2.1S, and Car Inspectors From
92.40 to $2.50.
Fifteen employes In the mechanical
department of the O. R. & N. in this
city have enjoyed a raise in wages
ranging from 5 to 15 per cent In the
various classes of labor.
There are four classes of labor em
ployed In the mechanical department
here under Foreman F. P. Rounds,
as follows: Car cleaners, car repair
ers, car Inspectors and round house
men. For a number of years Pen
dleton has been on of the principal
enr repairing and car clennlng points
on the O. R. & N. system, nnd a num
ber of men are employed here in
those occupations.
The raise in wages of the various
classes of labor Is as follows: Round
house men from $1.60 to J2 per day;
car cleaners from 11.70 to 13 per day:
car Inspectors from $2.40 to $2.50 per
day; car repairers from $2.10 to $2.16
per day.
It has been extremely difficult to
retain experienced men In the me
chanical department of the road at
various . places during harvest season
as many of them went Into the har
vest fields where wages were much
better for a short time. By raising
the wages In the various positions the
company hopes to be able to keep ex
perienced men the year around with
out Interruption.
Competing for $8000 Job.
Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 4. Th ex
amination of candidates for the posi
tion of chief of the water bureau Is
taking place here today. Major Gil
lette of the engineers, is chairman of
the board of examiners and the posi
tion Is worth $6000 per annum and
pickings. There are 412 candidates
and they hall from all parts of the
United States, Including Utah, Colo
rado, Georgia, Florida, Alabama.
Arizona, California, Washington, New
York, Massachusetts and Montana.
The examination Is purely a technical
one and will be one of the severest
ever given under the new law.
Development League Leaves
Pendleton by Special Train
on December 1 1.
Ileppner Is Preparing an Elaborate
Program of Entertainment for tho
Excursionists Social Features Dis
tinctive Though Business Phases
Will Receive Proportionate Atten
tion Walla Walla Interested and
Will Send a Delegation Headed by
Dr. N. G. Blalock.
Arrangements are now being made
by Pendleton business men to attend
the Development league meeting to
be held In Heppner on Tuesday, De
cember 11. The object of the meet
ing will be to seal the friendly com
pact between the two counties, which
was so favorably started In the coun
ty fair recently held In this city.
This will be the pilgrimage of Uma
tilla county business men to Morrow
county In return for the large at
tendance of Morrow county people at
the fair.
Heppner is preparing an elaborate
program of entertainment for the ex
cursionists who go from this county
next Tuesday and every business man,
not only In Pendleton, but In all the
smaller towns of the county. Is earn
estly urged to Join In the excursion
and attend the meeting at Heppner.
While the formal object of the
Heppner meeting Is to organize the
Third District Development league,
yet It will be made memorable by the
social features of the occasion, which
will be in the nature of a family re
union of the two counties.
The special train will leave Pendle
ton on the arrival of the Walla Walla
train on Tuesday morning at 9:15. and
will arrive In Heppner about 4 o'clock
In the afternoon. Stops will be made
I at Echo. Umatilla. Irrigon. lone and
Lexington, to pick up delegations from
j those places and It is expected that
! fully 150 people will reach Heppner
i on the excursion.
I The business men of Pendleton
j and other Umatilla county towns are
urgently requested to make arrange
I ments to Join the excursion. A rate
of one fare for the round trip has
i been secured and the people of Mor
1 row county cordially Invite Umatilla
' county people to visit their county
I and become better acquainted.
1 Wallu Walla is Interested.
Dr. N. Cf. Blalock, the veteran
I worker for the Interests of the Inland
empire, has Just written that he ex-
fcctl to Vnve n 1eleR(ltlon from Wlla
walla Join in ine rieiqincr
to take nart In the proceedings. The
0 wAik of the Walla Walla delegation
will be especially devoted to the sub-
Ject of the open river nnd strong reso
lutions will be presented upon that
Dr. Blalock hopes to see the Com
mercial club of Walla Walla take the
matter up nt a meeting this week and
elect a strong delegation.
Courts Cnlliil I'Hn to Help Discipline
Milwaukee, Dec. 4. The circuit
court this morning issued an Injunc
tion restraining Rev. Franz Kupfer,
postor of the Evangelical creed
church, from preaching anything but
Lutheran doctrines In that church.
Supreme Court Decides That It Is a
Valid Document.
Salem. Dec. 4. (Special.) The su
preme court upheld the lower courts
In the matter of the estate of Amanda
Reed, and sustained the will.
Chicago Wheat Market.
Chicago, Dec. 4. Wheat opened at
73 3-8, closed 74: corn opened at 42 H
and closed at 42 S-4; oats opened at
33 and closed at 33.
Kllaque In Eruption.
Honolulu, Dec. 4. Kllaque Is In
eruption. Commercial organizations
of this city are trying to secure a Pan
Paelfle congress.
No Theft of Relief Funds.
Washington. Dec. 4. Secre
tary Taft nnd the president of
the Red Cross today received a
telegram from ex-Mayor James
D. rhelnn of San Francisco,
denying thnt any relief funds
had gone astray or stolen. All
alleged shortages have been
traced and the money found to
be receipted for.