East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 03, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    II,,.M ,..ll.ll.lMl.l..i.l..ill , .n,,,,,,.,,, lltW,WM.Wt,w,lM.Ml.NM....l
Stockmen and Forest OfflclBls at Can
yon City Allotment in the West
ern Division Arc Adjusted In That
Portion of Dine Mountain Reserve
210,000 Sheep and 28.000 llorwf
and Cuttle Will Ue Grazed Next
A Big Saving to You.
Reduction on
25 per cent
Cut on every Hat..
Umatilla county stockmen range
exclusively In the eastern division of
the Blue mountains forest reserve and
their range meeting was held at
Sumpter on November 8, at which
time the question of range allotment
was adjusted for next year. Subse
quent to the meeting on November 8
another meeting was held at Canyon
City for the purpose of aliening the
range In the western division which
extends from Mt. Vernon, In Grant
county, 150 miles westward, to a
point near the base of the Cascade
mountains. Of this meeting the
Grant County News says:
The preliminary steps in the allot
ment of granting areas In the western
division of the Blue mountain forest
reserve have been taken by stockmen
and departmental officials. The new
ly organized body of stockmen was
thrust Into the breach between the
officials and growers, and did heroic
service. The step was approved by
the officers and the action of the
stockmen commended.
The representative of the govern
ment In attendance at the meetings of
stockmen were as follows: A. F. Pot
ter, chief of the range and grazing
service, of Washington, D. C; M. I.
Erlcpon.' assistant forest inspector.
Washington, D. C; D. B. Shcller su
perintendent ond acting supervisor of
the western division, Washington, D
C; A. S. Ireland, forest supervisor of
the western division. Prlnevllle; Hen-
i Ireland, deputy forest rnnger.
Prlnevllle; Arthur Bennett, forest
guard, Prlnevllle; and Monte Pearson
forest guard, Prlnevllle.
Mr. Potter was Introduced to the
ockmen's association and gave an
address replete with Information and
recommendation. He Incidentally
compllinentad the stockgrowers on
their new association and said that
governmental officers would far rath
er transact business through repre
sentatives of such bodies than with the
Individual direct.
As an Indication of the future
course of the government In allotlng
grazing privileges to stockmen, hu
said that many difficulties were in
the way of satisfactory adjustment
and of the two claims for privilege,
residence and steady use. the former
would grow Mronger and the latter
of less Importance as the system be
came better established. His remarks
w-i-e well received by the great d'dc
gntln of growers who heard them.
The western division had been di
vided Into 10 grazing districts, and
representatives of both the cattle mi !
sheep industry were appointed or
elected committees to adjust the lines
within each district.
miring next grazing season there
will lie permitted 210,000 head of
sheep, not counting lamb?, and 2S.000
head of cattle and harses. Last sea
son them were 27S.O00 sheep and 22.
000 head of cattle and horses furn
ished range.
The fee for horses from June 1 to
October 31 is 30 cents per head; for
c.ittie. for the same period. 20 cent
pi !i-n-!: for sheep from Julv 1 to
'. "" from June 1.1 to Sep
; l" i o-i. 7 cents per head.
K.vest officials say thnt all allot
ted anil reserve anas will l.e proper
ly Protected next season, and flint
sii'iiei-nt rangers will be on duty to
Insure proper administration (,' the
A B. & O. express ran Into an open
switch near Pittsburg, Pa., killing
Harry Shepard, Charles Denny, S. F.,
Strike and J. J. McCluskey. Several
were Injured.
Operator Mattoax, upon .whose
shoulders is placed the responsibility
for the wreck near Lynchburg, Va
Thanksgiving Day, Is still missing, al
though detectives of the Southern
railway are belndlng every effort to
locate him.
G. O. Yergy of the Yergy Lumber
company of Helena, and a well known
Helena man, while driving across the
street car tracks at the intersection
of Benton and Lyndale avenues at '6
o'clock last evening, was struck by an
electric car and almost Instantly
Henry S. Hartley, senior member
of the grain brokerage firm of H. S.
Hartley & Co., of Kansas City, plead
ed guilty In the district court to re
ceiving rebates from the St. Louis &
San Francisco railroad. Judge Boland
assessed the minimum penalty, a fine
of $1000.
The entire estate left by Carl
Schurtz, according to the report filed
by the appraiser In the surrogate's
office, for the purpose of adjusting
the Inheritance tax shows a net value
of $255,160. The property consists
largely of railroad bonds. Mr. Schurtz
left no real estate.
An express car on the Cotton Belt
route, was robbed near Redwater,
Texas. The express manager was
thrown off after being badly beaten,
and was seriously injured. The rob
bery was a complete success, though
the company refuses to tell how much
win taken. The robbers escaped.
At La Grande, Mo., J. E. Rohon
and Hosea Duvall, constables, levied
upon some trunks belonging to a the
atrical company and a fight resulted.
Rohon and Duvall were shot and
killed, and Orio K. Stuart, an actor,
was fatally wounded, and Roy Mil
lard, an actor, may die of his wounds.
The Chicago Tribune states that
during the present season 74 men
have been killed and 70 wounded In
all parts of the United States, so far
as recorded, by being mistaken for
game In the deer districts, or by the
purely accidental shooting of hunters
not directly aimed at. Soras of the
wounded are expected to die.
Hotel St. George. F. J- Gardner,
Portland; J. T. Bon. do; G. McCully.
Spokane; J. F. Connett," Spokane; C.
S. McNaught. Hermlston; W. J. Shi
rey, Portland; J. Peters, do; A. Zard
and wife. Walla Walla: Mrs. A. A.
Dolph, Portland; B. B. Stanfield,
Echo; J. Watson. Walla Walla: R. M.
Raw; L. J. Lohrman, Kansas City; C.
J. Dodd, San Francisco; G. McC.ilvery.
Spokane; Miss L. R. Lorenz. city: O.
E. SMverthorn. Portland: R. E. Lem
on. Chicago; G. Zlillr. Portland; C. A.
Sehreiner and wife, Dougherty; Wm.
D. Wallace, Murray: L. Freedman;
J. O. Filly and wife. Conett: E. Eek
ert, Spokane; W. Canler. do; J. Hlr
son. do; F. L. Holmes. Portland; W.
R. King, Ontario; S. C. Charles ami
wife, Athena; Mrs. F. McCourt, Es
canaba; A. Elston. San Francisco; J.
I'axton. Walla Walla; J. M. StrucV
St. Paul; W. A. Gill. Portland; A H.
Patln, Seattle; J. A. Allison, Purt'dn 1.
pes. 50c and 60c Suiting
this week at, yard 39c
$1.25 Heavy Suiting 89c
$1.50 Dress Goods
at, yard - $125
$1.75 Dress Goods
at, yard $1.25
15c Flannellettes
at, yard - - 10c
Long Tennessee Flaht.
For 20 years W. L. Rawls, of Bells.
Tent!., fought nasal catarrh. He
w rites: ' The swelling and soreness In
rido my nose was fearful, till I began
applying Iu kler.'s Arnica Salve to.the
sore surface: tills caused the soreness
and swelling to disappear, never to re
turn." Best salve In existence; 25c
at Ttllinnu A. Co.'s. druggists.
Dinner ami Sale.
On Tiiesitnv nwrl r -
...... u,,u i.iimraiui, AJC-
cemher 4 and 6, the women of the
Presbjterian church will give a chick
en pie dinner and sale at the Eowman
Hi. I l.ll.. r.
The new sewers at Vancouver,
Wash., are nearly ready to be turned
over te the city by the contractors.
Yon Newer Know the Moment When
Tills Information May Prove of In
finite Value.
It Is worth considerable to any cil
liten of Pendleton to know how to be
cured of painful, annoying and itch
ing piles. Know then that Dean's
Oolntment Is a positive remedy for all
itchiness of ithe skin, for piles, ecze
ma, etc. One application relieves and
soothes. Read this testimony of Its
Rudolph Martin, of 500 Mill street,
rendlelon. Ore., says: "No one can
realize the exasperating Itching day
and night arising from itching hem
orrhoids, unless they have been In
thnt coiu'ltlon, trying one remedy
after another without getting relief.
I finally got a box of Doan's Oint
ment at Pendleton Drug Co.'s store,
and one application brought most
g,rnteful relief. Less than one box
cured completely. The curative prop
erties of Doan's Ointment are most
For snlo by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Ruffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember tho name Doan's and
take no other,
Unto! Priiilletiiii. F. W. Watson.
Portland; P. Mel). Fuller and wife,
do; E. It. McXiuiBhton. do; William
Maher. do; A. E. Green. San Frnn-cl-ro:
D. F, Sherman and wife. New
York: ("'. .i. Barrett. Athena; Mr. nn.l
Mrs. J. W. Burgess: It. A. Kelsey. V
lot Itoek: Mi-s Mfll Ashlicv. Pilot
Koek: i". V Taylor. Portland: ('. W.
Cotton. Chic-co: Will Alden, St. Joe;
Ccoi-ue E. Brady. Spokane: G. H.
Halts. n. Portland; I- W. White, do;
L. AMonhoff. do; Harry Beresforil.
New York: Pcicr Uice. rto; Margaret
Lee. do; Hellen Triivers. do; Miss
Johnson. .'n; V.r. Belden. do; S. H.
Cnlderhead; L. Hopkins. Spokane;
H. H. Swift, New York; J. H. Gwtnn
and wife, city; Charles Miller. Port
Ian. 1: J. II. Smith; L. 1. Vllhauer.
San Francisco; G. M. Carey, Spokane:
M. H. Patton. Spokane; Miss Pauline
Lederle. La Grande;
Golden Rule Hotel. Phyllis Pnrkes
city; Effle Parkes, do; Mrs. Beam and
Mrs. Mowser, Pilot Rock; James Ross.
Dale: Mr. Sey and wife. Baker City;
E. Sammon, Portland; Charles Snapp,
McKay; F, S. Cass, Walla Walla; J.
L. Stonsberry. Walla Waltn; J. Allen,
Spokane; W. W. Butler, Spokane; L.
B. Davis, city; John Nelson, Walla
Walla; C. H. James, Bingham Springs;
M. T. Lewis, Spokane; Maude Camp
bell, Weston; M. A. Loughlln, Ad
ams; J. Stohrback, city; W. J. Ben
son, Echo; C. Bands, Umatilla; J. Lar
son, Barnhnrt; HI Watterson, city;
Mr. nrd Mrs. J. B. Smith, La Grande;
Blanch Lee, La Grande; Frank Pe
dro, Pendleton; Sam Lee, Portland;
Arthur Sexton, do; Mrs. Hextor, do;
Una Smith, Helix; Eunice Vogel, Pi
lot Rock; Bernlce Ruppe, Saxe Sta
tion; John Hlllern, Boise; O. J.
Hnuer, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. N. E.
Montgomery, Richmond; Ed Contell,
do; C. E. McClellan; Mrs. D. Fos
ter. Nolln; J. C. Conford, Chicago;
Peter Rnuney; C. Ades, Spokane; J.
8. Ross, Hale; J. D. Smith, Dale; P. A.
McLaughlin; Herb Cable, Portland;
F. Robinson, Pilot Rock; Will Cole
man; S. Luper, Pendleton; A. O.
Moody, city; Edna Campbell, city; J.
N, Huffman, clty James S. Arnberg,
Portland; M. Pedro, Pilot Rock; C.
Frederlckson, Adams; S. Campbell,
Athena; L. A. Crooks, Union; A. R.
George, La Grande; John Blanchet,
Pilot Rock; F. S. Cass, Walla Walla;
Mrs. Levy and children, Lewlston,
Idaho; H. S. Shangla, Milton; H. C.
Thomson, Echo; C. C. Ewcrt, Kamola;
Joe H. Parkes, city; Mrs, Joe Parkes,
city; Fleda Parkes, city, x
For Rent Suite unfurnished
housekeeping rooms In East Oregon
Ian building. Hot and cold water and
bath on same floor. Inquire this office.
$25 Tailor Made Suit Free
For a .Good Guess
Other Valuable Prizes Free
The otject is to get you in the habit of reading
Crank's ads. They'll keep you posted on
what to wear "and where to buy it.
Here's the Plan Try it:
Gupss (he number of words that will be used in CHAXK'S adf as pub
lished in the Daily East Orcffouian from the third day of December, until the '
24th. the day before f'hri?tna9 makin? it ju?t the time to use these prizes as
Christmas presents. You can have tho first 15 days of the month to siz np
the advertisements and count the words. But we might suddenly use a half
pace advertisement no one can foresee even we don't know whether they
will be Vng or short.
Make your cuess on a card of any kind, put ycur name and address on.
and seal it," write" on the outside: "For guessing contest," and bring it to the
store on or before December loth.
The 2 Ith day of December, in the evening after supper, the contest will
be decided.
The envelopes will all be. thrown on n big table and one envelope at a
time will be taken out at random from the heap and opened. The name of
the person in ihe first envelope containing the correct rrness will receive tho
$25.00 Tailor Suit .
Cor their choice of any in the house to fit them.) If no one makes the cor
net jjue's the suit will an to the nearest gvicsscr. j
The second nearest p.uesser will receive a CA (f ITiit
The third nearest will receive a
.$7.50 Waist.
The fourth will receive
The fifth will receive a
$5.00 Shopping Bag.
$2.50 Sterling Handle Umbrella.
The editor of the East Oregonian will keep a correct count of the words,
and his decision will be final.
Every word in the signature will he counted, compound words as one
word. Price? also count as one word.
Each member of the family is elip-ible to enter this contest one guess
only to each. Xo one connected with the store allowed to guess.
If everything isn't absolutely clear to you, come in and ask about it, or
Grand Christmas
Opening All this Week.
The store Is elaborately trim
med ami ready for Chrlstmns
tlile. Every visitor villi lie present
ed will) n lovely souvenir.
The county board of Yakima esti
mates that the recent floods did $50,
oon tlnmaiie to roads and hridsres
.'.lime in that county.
Jack Arthur stabbed Oeorge Ken
nekton, probably fatally, at Shoshone
Idaho, flurlnir a fisht over a Rambling
de'ji. Arthur is in Jail.
J. M. lirown, county horticultural
Inspector at Yakima, estimates the
value of this year's fruit crop in thnt
county at $1,200,000. Fouiteen
hundred carloads will be shipped out
Rrakemnn Hale was caught between
a car ami some timbers at the coal
leiMkerp at l.a. Orande, and seriously
hii'-l. His collar hone and three ribs
hrcken and a foot badlv mash
ed. Koity acres will be added to the
C.i::yon City townsite by pre-emption
application having been made to the
lu.l office. Proof will be made Jan
uard 15.
Xo bids were made on the Bumping
Lake dam (a part of the Yakima rec
lumition project) and It Is probable
the government will build it first
hand. It will cost approximately
II. Proctor has been postmaster at
Kkln for 16 years, during which time
he has been away from his office Just
one entire day, and that was Thanks
giving day last week, when he visited
his son at I.a Grande.
Two masked men held up Antone
Knutson's grocery at 1160 Belmont
street, Portland, competing the pro
prietor, two clerks and two visitors to
hold up thlcd hands. The robbers se
cured $170, two watches and escaped.
Senator Fulton has promised to In
troduce the first day congress meets
a bill providing for the construction
of a $2,000,000 postofflce at Portland;
ah) MPs for public buildings at Al
bany, Oregon City, La Grande and
Pendleton, to cost $100,000 each.
Word has reached Tone of the sui
cide at Newtown, Mo., of Jesse Brack
et!. Brackett formerly lived at lone.
Drinking and financial reverses are
snld to he responsible. At the time
of his death he was running a hotel
and livery stable at Newtown. . He
leaves a wife and little daughter.
A Western Wonder.
There's a Hill at Bowie, Texas, that's
twice as big as last year. This wonder
is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of
90 pounds has grown to over 180. He
snyB: "I suffered with a terrible
cough, and doctors gave me up to dlo
of Consumption. I was reduced to
90 pounds, when I began taking Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. Now, after
taking 12 bottles, I have more than
doubled In weight and am completely
cured." Only sure Cough and Cold
cure. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co.
druggists, T0c and $1.00. Trial bottla
are great things to cheer the cockles
of you rlicait, but sometimes what
wines lack In ape is made up for in
the extra quality of the Rrape. We
have "olde wines" if you want them,
hut we ke:p nothing but the choicest
quality of Illinois and wines anyhow.
Every boitle is guaranteed, and we
stund behind the guarantee with a
reputation of which we are Jealous.
Let us Induce you to try our brands
once. We know you will stay with us
Old Kentudky Liquor & Wine
Store (Si Pioneer Soda Factory
'Phone Main 550. Eagle Building.
1 .1 be mi terms to the borrower. Long
time loans If desired.. Annual Inter
est.. No coinmlsrion.
If you denlre a lona. write ns fully
giving location, Improvemncts, acre
age and a mount desired.
: House Cleaning
FREE Knowing what It was to tuf-
i f w1) ,ve FREE OV
CHARGE, to any afflicted a positive
cure for Ecsema, Bait Rheum. Eryslp.
elas. Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant
relief. Don't suffer longer.. Write
F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan
venue. New Tork. Enclose Stamp.
Nothing like a turkey well
To do that you have got to have
the right kind of
We have the kind you need
a self haster. A baster that don't
burn your roast.
V. Stroble
Cheapest place In Pendleton to
Buy Furniture.
210 Court ,t. Phone Black S171
Pendleton's most popular dining room.
Thoroughly renoated In every de
partment. Everything new In kitch
en and pantry. All new dishes.
Most up-to-date kitchen In the
Polydore Moens
633 Main St.
'Phone Main 93.
Dally trips between Pendle-
ton and TJkiah, except Sunday.
Stago leaves Pendleton at 7 a.
m., arrives at Uklah at I p. m.
Return ttage leave Uklah at (
p. m., arrlvei at Pendleton at S
p. m.
Pendleton to Uklah. $1.00;
roun dtrlp. $5.00. Pendleton to
Alba, $3.75; round trip, $5.00.
Pendleton to Ridge, $2; round
trip, $3 50. Pendleton to Nye,
$1.50; round trip, $2.(0. Pen-
dleton to Pilot Rock, $1.00;
round trip, $1.50.
American plan, 13 per day and up
ward. Headquarters for tourist and
commercial travelers. Special rate
made to families and single gentle
men. The management will be pleas
ed at all times to show rooms and
give prices. A modern Turkish batk
establishment in the hotel.
H. C BOWERS. Manager.
Dally East Oregontan by taurrUr,
nly 15 cents a week.