S" PAGE EIGHT. DAILT EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMHER U, 11100. TEN PAGES. BRIEF RECORD OF COUNTY EVENTS Special THE DR. KING'S OF F mm ON MILTON NOTES 0 MAM Fancy Goods Sale THIS WEEK WE MAKE A SPECIAL SALE OF Ladies' Fancy Goods M AKING SPECIAL PRICES- OX MAXY LINES, NR SHOWING UX rSEAL VA1TES IX EVERY ARTI CLE EXHIBITED. Neckwear Id DOZEN TURNOVERS. TH1 KIM) YOU USUALLY BUY FOR 20? AX1 JSC. THIS WEEK WE MAKE OXE SPECIAL PRICE OF 10c MAXY OTHER STYLES 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. and $1.50 Belts Belts THE NEW PLAID BELTS IX SILK OF MANY STYLES, 80c KIXD FOR THIS OXE WEEK WILL GO AT 40c PLAID LEATHER BELTS W ORTH I.P0, THIS WEEK GO AT 75c A BEAUTIFUL PLAID SILK BELT A I.I. SIZES, FOR ONLY 65c Bags THE NEWEST SHAPES, STYLES AXD COLOR AT THE LOWEST PRICES, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $2, $2.50, and $3.00 FVERY BAG A BIG VALUE. Many new styles of Fancy Ribbons just in, at Fair Store Prices The FAIR Department Store PENDLETON CAR SHORTAGE CAUSES , MILLS TO SHUT DOWN. Xo Wheat Slilppnl In ami Xo Flour Shipped Out Fuel Scarce and Will Bo More So, Probably Grocery liuslncKs at Freewator Changes Hands Basket Dinner In a Grove, and Lecture by Mrs. Waldo Big Shipment of Potatoes. Milton. Ore., Nov. 2. On account of the shortage of cars the Eagle flouring mill nt this place has been closed, and It Is possible that the Pea cock mill will be closed also. No wheat Is being shipped In to be ground, and no flour can be shipped out, making a complete tie-up. An order for 20,000 sacks of flour for re tall trade at The Dalles has just been received but cannot be filled for some time. Fuel is also scarce, and people would suffer if it were not for the wood that is being hauled In from the mountains. Business Is suffering to a great extent. J. H. Hall, cashier of the J. L. Elam bank at Freewater has pur chased the entire stock of groceries owned by Andy Johnson at Freewater. Mr. Hall has resigned his position at the bank, and the vacancy has been filled by J. J. Merrlfleld. Tuesday next there will be a bas ket dinner held In the grove by the Moore school house and Mrs. Clara H Waldo, lecturer for the Oregon state grange will deliver a lecture at that time. Granges have been organized at Hudson Bay, Vincent chapel and at Milton through the efforts of Mrs. Waldo, and It Is understood that few. more will be organized In this vicinity. The Walla walla Produce com pany and the S. S. Shields company are shipping out potatoes by the car load of late. The Shields company alone shipped out eight carloads last week. B. Y. P. V. Social. On Monday night there will be held a social gathering to which all the young people of the Baptist church and congregation are cordially lnvlt ed, meeting this month with Miss Fern Edwards, at 200 East High street. Pneumonia Follows a Cold but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia. Koeppen's Drug store. Free Test Free Test Free Test The eminent palmist and trance me dluni, wl'l remain In Pendleton a short time only. Frof. Harrington will give test readings Sunday, November 4, between 1 and 6 p. m., absolutely fre of charge to everyone. 1 X S - . t. Prof. Harrington rrance Medium Clairvoyant Healer. Gives advice. Tells more facts in five p Mutes than others do In a life time. HONEST, FFARLESS AND CAPABLE. These qualities of heart and mind have won for him thousands of friends throughout the length and breadth of the land. A brilliant scientist. A true philan thropist. Gifted with talents that would bring reputation and great suc cess In business, he chose to devote his life to advice and better the con ditluns of his more unfortunate fel low beings. His offices at the Arling ton house are always filled with prom inent people, who anxiously seek his advice and assistance en all affairs of life. Everyone, rich or poor, may have, an opportunity to receive the benefits of his marvelous powers and reliable advice. It is evident to the most casual ob server that Prof, Harrington Is no ordinary man, but a deep thinker, a student of men and affairs, as well as a master of the occult a man who Is fully capable of solving the most difficult problems of life. , Harrington's private parlors are at THE ARLINGTON House, 618 Vain street, Suite 1 and 2. Honrs 10 a. m. to fl p. m. Don't de lay, hut call at once. FEE WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. f Air -fx MICH INTEREST IX LAXD PROPOSITIONS IX IDAHO. Al Hew Has Recovered From a Fever L. L. Day and Richard Yerxa Taken to Pendleton Hospital Xew Warehouse Xenra Completion Switzlvr Makes Improvements Preuchlng Services Next Sunday Evening at School House Indian and Squaw Taken In Custody. Umatilla, Nov. 2. The frost was on the pumpkins all righv last night. Al Hess returned from the Pendle ton hospital this week, after a siege of fever. Ruth Davison has been having a tussle with rheumatics. L. L. Day is In the county hospital in Pendleton. Mrs. Ethel Stephens ran a nail Into her foot, which Is causing her some trouble. Halloween was not celebrated to any great extent In Umatilla. The school house bell refused to ring next morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duncan visited In Paterson, Wash., the first, of the week. The proceeds of the basket social last week amounted to $45. Young's orchestra played for a so. clal dance last Monday night. An en joyable time Is reported. Mrs. J. B. Swltzler is visiting in Portland. C. D. and John McXurlcn left for Cambridge, Idaho, Tuesday, to look over land propositions. Frank O'Connell left for his home stead in Idaho Wednesday. He will do some building while there. Dr. Smith of Pendleton, was In town Monday to see Richard Terxa, who has typhoid fever. Richard was taken to the hospital in Pendleton Tuesday. Frank Cllne returned from Idaho the first of the week. J. a. Swltzler Is erecting a new barn on his place and Is otherwise improving his property. It reminded one of olden times to see several teams hauling freight from the docks to the different busl ness houses Wednesday about two carloads was received. The new warehouse of J. H. Pound & Sons is rapidly nearing completion. Rev. E. T. Allen of Irrlgon, will hold services In the school house next Sunday evening. Marshal Kelley locked up the In dlan Bill Larock and a squaw who had run away from The Dalles, where he Is wanted. They are also accused of selling a team and buggy, and are having a time with the proceeds. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel St. George. O. D. Holton, Portland; Bensteln. Cincinnati; J. Ja cob, Chicago; F. M. Sprocher, do; J. H. Donnelly, do; Dr. H. A. Mount, Waltsburg; E. Bryon, Chicago; C. S. Taggart and wife, Washington; Swe zea and wife, Walla Walla; 3. H. Gwlnn, Denver; A. Peters, Seattle; L. Friedman, Portland; J. A. Aileron do; O. L. Richardson, do; P. J. Gard ner, do; G. W. F. Robert, do; Wm. Dunn, do; Baker, do; McConnell, New York; Mrs. Overstreet. do; L. R. Rud, Denver; H. H. Bell, Los Angeles; J. C. Fuge, San Francisco; A. J. Sten- man, do; Waldmnn, do; J. Hill, do R. R. Johnson, Echo; S. G. Cosgrove, Pomeroy; O. McGilvery, Spokane; A H. Small, do; H. H. Wlntzer, St. Louis; J. E. Miller. Portland; James Liheadt, Portland; D. S. McCurdy, Seattle. Hotel Pendleton. O. H. Stevens, Denver; Mrs. W. R.. King. Ontario; H. A. Brandon, O. R. & N.; a. G. Bushnell, do; Miss Brathwalte, St Louis; T. B. Klllln, Portland: W. Bol Ions, do; R. Pryer, do; S. Rathhurn do; Hedger, do; J. A. Connor. Seat tle; Mrs. Waldo, Waldo Hill; Bullock and wife, Portland; N. L, Goofer, do; N. L. Kingsbury, do; H. A. Osborn, Seattle; O. O. Bengham, Seattle; W. W. Stabler, Chicago; J. Booker, do; E. H. Burke. Portland; C. H. Young, do; D, A. Wentworth, San Francisco; C. S, Haigh, Philadelphia; J. Graham, do; W. Walsh, Meacham. Golden Rule) Hotel. Perry Shields, Echo; J. C. Clemens, Burns; H. M. Page, Halfway; Mrs. Llnstedt, do; L. E. Hunt and wife, Delta. Col.; George Ness, Cold Springs; F. R. Bridges, La Grande; Win J. Moore, Spokane; C. Ades, do; C. D. Rinker, do; O. J. Wel- lert, do; S. A. Doolln, Helix; M. H, Dale and wife, do; Miss Amelia Blehm, Hill City; Mrs. M. C. Wallace Oakland; W. W. Glasby, Tacoma; Josephine Clelltos, Mississippi. Dairy and Foot! Commlfwlnn's Report The Minnesota dairy and food com mission's analysis shows that Kenne dy's Laxative Honey and Tar and Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar con tained opiates and croton oil. Opiates are poisons and croton oil Is a violent poisonous purgative. Refuse to ac cept any but Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow package. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates or dan gerous drugs and is the best cough and cold cure. Koeppen's Drug store. For Sale. ' mirty head of well broke young mules. Would make great combine team. Geo. N. Crosfield, Wasco, Ore, See photograph at E. L. Smith's Im plement office. FOR AND ALL DISEASES PDEUQODIA CONSUMPTION "Two year ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and to completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's Hew Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, at well ai I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c 3k. SALEM EDITOR PRAISES EASTERN OREGON Representative Frank Davey of Marlon county, editor of the Salem Statesman, and one of the most Inter esting characters In the legislature, In writing to his paper of the legisla tive excursion from Pendleton to Walla Walln, says the following nice and interesting things about Pendle ton and eastern Oregon in general: While we are talking railroads and trolley lines these people are push ing great Irrigation and reclamation projects that nre already turning what appeared to be desert wastes Into garden spots, while the possibilities of the future, according to present outlines, can only be surmised. The first appearance of Irrigation Is at Irrlgon, a live young town In the upper end of Morrow county, where young orchards, alfalfa fields, melon patches and garden spots can be seen In every direction. The water for the ditch used In this section Is -taken from the Umatilla river through the old Bailey flume started several years ago. There Is now considerable capital Invested In It and a large amount of land has been platted In small tracts and sold on the Install ment plan to settlors who are mak ing a good start on comfortable homes. The next big project, or rather combination of projects, Is at Hermts ton, a new town between Umatilla Junction and Echo. In this region the United States is engineering one irrigation scheme which will Involve the construction of a storage reser voir covering three square miles, In tended to store up the winter flood 45,000 acre-feet of water, sufficient to irrigate over 20.000 acres of land. The work on this great enterprise Is now in progress. Then there is the ditch of the Max well Land & Irrigation company, which Is Intended to water another area of over 20,000 acres and the W. t (-Room Dwellllng Tea J.Afo!eer&k CEYLON V I S-Room Dwelling $800 fl-Boom Dwelling $2000 X 7 Pulldlng Lots. f FRANK B. CLOPTON & CO. I I 112 E. Court, St., COUGHS and COLDS THROAT SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TALI-MAN & CO. J. Furnish ditch, which will Irrlgnte as much more, all of this being now the home of the sagehen and Jack rabbit, but which under the Influence of the water cure will grow the rich cut kind of crops. The water for all of these will be taken from the Umatilla river near Echo. In passing through the latter town we noticed the sign not far from the depot, "Watch Echo Grow," and I have an idea that as all those irri gation propositions are fully devel oped the process of growth of that nnd other towns throughout this re gion will be remarkable and Interest ing. We found Pendleton a most lively and prosperous city, whose people have faith in the future and are will ing to put their faith Into active good work. They are now Inylng bltullthic pavement on the two business streets anatngous to Commercial and State In Salem. Main street from the river to the bluff, a distance of nearly half a mile, and Court street a similar dis tance and the balance of the street Is to be macadamized clear to the city limits. The contract price of the pav ing is, I think. 165,000, and the busi ness men are all proud of It and talk of It with pleasure. Pendleton Is humming with Industry and alive with public spirit. The ride to Walla Walla took us through the richest wheat belt In Ore gonthe country surrounding Adams. Athena and Weston, then through a splendid fruit country, surrounding Milton and Freewater, then through another wheat belt to Walla Walla. It was simply a revelation to west ern Oregon people to see the magnifi cent farms along this Journey of 40 miles and as far as the eye could reach on either side, farms which hnd been sown to wheat for 40 years and arc still bearing 45 to 60 bushels to the acre, farms that are worth 175 to Satisfaction SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate English Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong1 Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green ' "Pacini m Flavor-Ti;fit Carton) J. A. Folger & Co., San Francisco ffil 1 ()( Pendleton, Ore. i Put Wings to Your Work An electric motor will do more and better work than any other, power that you can use. The economy of Its use Is a demonstrated fact. If you want good, quick work at a minimum of cost, you want an electric motor. We will be pleased to give you our prices and to furnish complete estl mate to suit your needs. Northwestern Gas and Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDEN ST. and LUNG PREVENTS AND $1.00 $100 an acre. Umatilla Is a great country and fie Irrigation projects present and prosjiectlve, will add much to the greatness. . Scalp Treatment. Prevent dandruff and falling hair and keep the scalp healthy, leautiful hair makes beautiful women. A trial will convince you of the merits of my mi'thoi. of treatment. HAIR DRESSING SCAI.P TREATMENT MANICURING FACIAL MASSAGE OR CHIROPODY. I Miss Grace Hudson Itooiii I I Sclnnl.lt Building. 'Phone Kill 3110 1. THE BREWERY DEPOT ft Paul Hcimiirlgarn, Prop. X FINEST WINES, MOTORS CIGARS. Pendleton's Famous t $300 Beer on Draught, f 623 Main Street ( - 1 House Cleaning and. Janitor Work Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes Shined tailed for nnd Di'livcrcil. I.cnve Orders With or 'Plume WELCH'S CIGAR STORE Court St. 'Phone Main 19 T Notice to Public I HAVE NOT SOLD MY PLACE OF HI SIXESS, AS W AS RI MORED, ' PIT WILL HE FOl'ND AT THE SAME OLD PLACE, 1)18 MAIN ST I'OIR FIRST-CLASS RAIUIERS. JAS. H. ESTES EAGLE BATHS SHAVING PARLORS I Can Sell Yonr Real Estate or Business NoIMatter Whers Located Properties and business of all kinds ( sold quickly for cash In all parti of the United States. Don't wait. Writs today describing what you have to sell and glvs cash prlos on same. If You Want to Buy any kin of business or real sstata anywhere, at any pries, writs ma your requirements. I can save you time and money. DAVID B. TAFF, THE LAND .NAN 415 Kansas Avenue, TOPEKA, KANSAS. f JACK BROWNi t" ucaier in t HIDES, WOOL AND JINK f 111 WpcI Wohh C t j ; ' .' , .. a " . '