EIGII1 PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, KFPTEMRER 27, 1906 PAGC THKEJB. IKE ALCOHOL WASH IBM I'lK SAWDUST OPENS CP NEW ENTERPHIZ3. i C. If. Adams of Sun FronclHco, Will Extubllsli a Plnnt at Aberdeen for the Manufacture of Denatured Al cohol On n Tout of Washington Sawdust, It Ih Found Tliat 59 Gallons of Excellent Alcohol Can Do Ex tracted From One Ton of Dust, C. H. Adams of San Francisco, Is forming a company for the purpose of erecting plant at Aberdeen, Wn., for the diminution of alcohol from fir sawdust. The process Is known as the Claas scn process, and Is a German Inven tion. The alcohol Is distilled from the sugar In the wood by fermentation. A distillery operating at Hnttlnburg, Miss., for some years has demonstrat ed the feasibility of the profitable dlB tlllatlon of alcohol from yellow pine sawdust. In oider to ascertain If the percentage of sugnr contained In fir snwdust was high enough to permit Its profitable utilization for the dlstll lntlon of alcohol, one car of sawdust was dlspatcht some months ago from Aberdeen, Wash., to the Hattlsburg distillery. The result showed thot 69 gallons of alcohol were obtained from 2000 pounds of sawdust. The alcohol sells for about IT cents per gallon. If these Jesuits are possible, a ton of sawdust converted Into alcohol Is worth about 110. The following article on denatured alcohol, from Mines and Minerals, will prove of Interest: The possibility of saving a large amount of money on the annual fuel bill of the mining and milling Indus tries of this country Is a subject well calculated to arouse popular Interest In the act to remove the present tax on denaturlsed nlcohol. During the past few years hundreds of mining compnnles have installed gasoline engines to run power and lighting machinery. In competition with cheap fuels such as coal and wood, gasoline has not made a marked advance, but In regions remote from such fuels and sources of cheap water or electric power, It hos been extens ively adopted. Whether or not the rapidly Increas ed price of gasoline was Justified by the danger of a shortage n account of the greatly Increased demand, is a question. The fact remains that the price of gasoline has nearly doubled In a few years' time and the retail price today varies from 20 cents per gallon In the vicinity of tho oil region. to from 40 to 60 cents per gallon In i most of tho mining camps of the west. I The publlp has only Just awakened to the fact that the removal of, the present tax of 100 pur cent on dena tured alcohol will make It available as a cheaper and In many ways bettor fuel than gasoline. DenatUilzed alcohol may be briefly described as pure grain alcohol mixed with from 10 to 50 per cent of such liquids as wood alcohol, gasoline, etc., In order to make It non-drinkable. At prices ranging from 15 to 30 cents per gallon It can be mode as a by product anywhere potatoes, sugar beets, corn or grain can be grown. For pumping, hoisting, power ma chinery, etc., at Isolated mines, where other fuels are dear, this alcohol will make possible a considerable reduc tion in expense. Starring to Death. Because her stomach was so weak ened by useless drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters of St. Clair St., Columbus, O., waa lit erally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from use less drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I was given up to die waa I Induced to try Elec tric Bitters; with the wonderful result that Improvement began at once, and a complete cure followed." Best health tonic on earth. tOc. Guar anteed by Tallman tt Co., druggists. ROUTING HOOD RIVER APPLES. Hole Ikncd In a Board Uol to De termine tins Grade. The Hood River Applegrowers' union has commenced picking part of its crop for shipment- and Manager Shepard Is Issuing Instructions which will be In the hands of growers this week calling their attention to the necessity of maintaining the high standard of of the pack for which Hood River Is noted, also explaining to them a new system for grading apples that will be put In force this year, says the Hood Illver News-Letter. In explaining the system, which the upplegrowers' manager says Is In vogue In California canneries and which he thinks Is the best that has yet been devised, he Ktates that three circular holes are cut In a board 214, 3 and 3 inenhs In diameter and the board placed In front of the sorter, being suspended within easy reach of the hand. As the apples are wiped their size can be quickly determined by the aid of the board and they can he placed In S, 3 M, 4 or 4 V4 tier boxes ul once. Instead of all being thrown In one box for the packer to resort All apples larger or smaller than the holes in the board go Into special boxes provided for them. Good for the cough, removes the cold, the cause of the cough. That's the work of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxative cough syrup. Contains no opiates. Sold by Tallman ft Co. i : 1 : T-I Tl ' i Scotch Kong and Muzlc. Something entirely new and fascin ating will be presented to the muzlc lovers of Pendleton tomorrow night, when MIhs Nannie Strachan and Ga vin Spence come to Muzlc hall In a Scotch program of song, story, anec dote and native Scotch wit and humor. The admission has been ploct at 50 centp. with half price for chil dren, lis order that It may be within reach of all, and It promises to be one of the best entertainments to be seen In Pendleton during the year. Both ' Miss Strachan and Mr. Spence arej favorites with audiences In the large ' cities of the land and Pendleton Is for-j tunate In securing' them. They will appear at Muzlc hall tomorrow night, September 28. The Zlnns Are Here. With the coming of the Zlnn Music al Travesty company and dancing girls to the Frazer theater for an en gagement of four nights this week, the amusement loving public of Oils city has the opportunity of witness ing one of the unique and absolutely newest forms of entertainment, free from the taint of the melodrama, the coarse vulgar gags of the now work out vaudeville, and the silly, absurd society play. A ballet of 18 beautiful girls, are In themselves worthy of the price of ad mission. This aggregation has Just closed a highly successful summer engagement In Salt Lake City, which Is considered an extremely critical town. The company opened here on Wednesday and will present the fol lowing muzlcal conedles: "Teezy Wcozy," "A Japanese Courtship," "The Sultan of .Morocco," 'The Tele fone Exchange," and others. "The Royal Cher" October 7. The second act of "The Royal Chef", which comes to the Frazer on October 7. promises to be the biggest stage setting which has ever been placed on the stage In this city. The back part of fhe stage has to be rebuilt altogether In order to gve room for the broad staircase which flanks the court room scene. The scene. Is all done In white and gold, a dazzling array of electric lights brglhten It up to a point of brilliancy, which gives It a very rich appearance. Nearly 30 stage hands are required to set this one scene, and several elec tricians to attend to the lighting of It. -v CWjCBAMir.PttOR) TO THE -PUBLIC At the beginning of this now Kcaxon we desire to express our tlianko for the gratifying evidence of your good will and confidence that bus conic to us Hlnce opening the NEW STORE, a little less than three weeks ngo. We ran best show our appreciation of the favor we have receiv ed by striving harder even to merit a continuance of It. Hint we will lo our constant effort will lie to work each day sonic Improvement In the selling of good merchandise lit lowest prices to make this store the most satisfactory shopping place In Pendleton. "A Mad Love" October 2. One of the most Impressive and In teresting, arousing dramas seen here In a long period will be found In Man ager Edward- R. Salter's "A Mad Love." announct for Tuesday, Octo ber 2, at the Frazer, presented by a special company of players of repute, headed by that gifted artist. Miss Ma retta Smart, whose famous revival of "East Lynne," hi which she so suc cessfully starred the past season, has placed her on record as one of Amerl- FAIR WEEK VALUES In ladles' underwear. LadlcV white or grey pants' or vctts, Egyptian ribbed cotton, garment 25c Ladies' very fine ribbed pants and vests, Egyptian combed cotton yarn, silk "titrhed, grey and white ...50c Ladles' fine Australian wool pants and vests, grey and white, full regular made, non-hrlnkable garments, 95c FAIR WEEK VALUES In our cloak and suit department nothing but the newest for you to look at. All new stock, therefore all new fall styles. Ladles' "Princess Chic" suits of brown shadow plaids, direct from the New York maker fair week price $18.00 Ladles' seven-eighths coat, trimmed with allce blue, velvet collar and pipings, deep wide cuff, satin lined yoke fair week price 113.60 Beautiful new fall belts and neckwear. Ladles' new plaid belts, the New York vogue 65c Ladles' Frltchle Scheff belts, new eles tlc and fancy snake skins 50c Ladles' Peter Pan belts, new oriental patterns 50c Ladles' Peter Pan coin belt purses, the neatest thing yet 60c Ladles' fine hand embroidered collars . 25o ca's foremost emotional actresses. In "A Mad Love" she Is most hap pily cast, and also has the advantage of a superior company of players, all of whom have always been Identified with the highest class of attractions. "A Mad Love" Is a modernized ver sion of "Lady Audley's Secret,"' with a prologue and three acts, and is the effort of Edward Locke, who is re sponsible for various other plays of a similar nature, to which his name was never attached for private reasons. This is one of those rare dramatic offerings that command the Interest, as well as arouses the enthusiasm of the audience from start to finish. It Is a reflex of life Itself, possessing a story and plot that Is Intelligently clear, a moral and a motive. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Rates $1 per day and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. A POINTER ON PIANOS WHEN I SELL YOU A PIANO I DO NOT MARK A $250 INSTRUMENT AT $100 AND THEN CUT TO $300 TO MAKE THE SALE, BECAUSE I C ANNOT DO THIS. AS I AM AGENT FOR SHERMAN & CLAY, ONE OF THE LARGEST PIANO HOUSES IN THE UNITED STATES, AND NOTED FOR THEIR REPUTATION AS A ONE PRICE HOUSE THE LOWEST POSSIBLE. HOWEVER, .TO CLOSE OIT THE STOCK I HAVE ON nND, I WILL KNOCK OFF THE FREIGHT AND LET THEM GO AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. JESSE FAILING MAIN STREET. NEAR HHIDGE. For Bale at the East Oreeonian office Larpc bundles of news papers, containing over 100 big papers, pan hf hud for 25c a bundle. i ' I ' 111 , 8 If you want to know what smartly dressed I men will wear this If)) THE CHIEF OBJECTION That has frequently been raised against ready-to-wear clothes by fastidious men has been the fact that the patterns in ready made clothes are usually common. This is quite true of the ordinary ready made, but in Stein-Bloch & Kohn Bros' Ready-to-Wear Clothing carried by us, the patterns are mostly identical with those shown by the highest priced custom tailors and many of them are original and exclusive with this house. The variety is so large that only a limited number of gar ments are ever made from one fancy pattern. Pendletonians and Fair visitors are invited to note our beautiful window displays of this Fall and Winter styles, of high grade Clothing, Furnishing goods, Hats and Shoes. I: 4V. , . til If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear this Fall, ask the Get a Cravenette Hat Always new and snappy. It sheds wjter. - ' n..-:i.iFi.n.'.'M!ni"Ji Rain will net spot, streak or L.do it. ST0N STORE Best an Better Men's Goods. Pendleton, Oregon