' 'I" PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SKIT. 10, 1000. EIGHT PAGES. RATES ARE REDUCED THKFE RIG SYSTEMS LOWER HATES IX THE EAST. The Pennsylvania, Erlo and Larka wanna Kolnoo rnswiiRrr Fares From 3 to 2!i Ciw Per lllc In stead r ItiiWnc Rail's to "fiot Even" on New l.nto HHU the Com panies Have Mnde Actual lirtlno-tlon. aiiil certain terms their determined opposition to any encroachment of British authority on their right to govern themselves under the British crown. Thus the city that Is today attracting the attention of the world through Its connection with the Jamestown expo sition to be held on the shores of Hampton Roads, a few miles awny, was the first locality In this hemis phere to assert the right of self-government. The resolutions drawn up by this assembly declared that there should bo no taxation without representation, but expressly affirmed their wish to bo. subjects to the Kngllsh rule. That eastern railroads are highly prosperous and desire to ward off government ownership of railroads, Is hown by the reduction of passenger fares on three prominent systems In hte east the Pennsylvania. Erie and Lackawanna & Western. Tassenger fares will be reduced from 3 to 21- cents on these lines, and others are expected to follow with cuts In fare. It was said that the rail way rate bill passed by the recent session of congress would have a ten dency to raise rates. In order that the roads might "get even" for some of the restrictions Imposed. The oppo site is true, as is shown by the action of the roads reducing passenger fares on three of the greatest systems of ilia &aat The following dispatch from New Tork gives the details of the reduc tions: Following the recent reduction of maximum passenger rates by the Pennsylvania railroad, similar an nouncements were made t day by two other eastern lines the Erie and the Delaware. Lackawanna & Western. The Er'e issued a notice, that, be ginning November 1. the maximum one-way local fares will be 2 cents per mile over the entire system Instead of 3 .cents, as at present. On the same" date the company will place on sale a 1000-mile book at a flat rate of $20, use not restricted to pur chaser. This book will be good west of Hornellsville. X. Y., and also for through passage between New York, Newark, Olean and points west there of. The Interchangeable mileage book has been reduced from $30 to $25, the purchaser receiving $5 on return lne the cover. Instead of ?10, as here tofore. WORK OF CONVICTS OX ROADS. the stripes which they are required to wear while In the penitentiary. The nan wl'l leave the prison Sat. in day nh-lit in a special car over the W. t It. and will be taken to Lewis county by at least three guards. At the destination they will be put to work crushing rock for the building of the macadam roads. The state Is to pay the traveling expenses of the convicts and guards while the county in which the men are at work will be required to pay for the hoard of the convicts and the cipenses of the guards detailed to watch the prisoners. Tho state treasurer of Montana is accused of pocketing 4 per cent on state money which the convention (re publican) which nominated him pledged should: be turned Into the state treasury. The law dors not re quire either course, but leaves it op tional. The recent state republican convention refused, by tabling a reso lution of censure, to back up the par ty's promise of two years a&o. Washington Will Follow the Example of Oregon. I Warden Keen, of the state penlten- ! tiarv. received a teleirram from the ! state board of control this morning, to j send Id convicts to Lewis county s.it- j uiday night, says the Walla Walla! Bulletin. Thoe men will be emolov- i ed on the highways In Lewis county, i ami the experiment of working con victs on state and county roads will be watched with Interest all over the i state. j The men will be housed at nlglit In a stockade especially built for the I purpose, a. id in the daytime will be under the watchful eyes of three or I four guards. As a special favor the j men thus employed will be allowed I to wear citizens' clothing instead ofj TALK k OR TALCUM? If you are buy ing talk then buy ruling the dealer may choose bing the dealer may iy is "just os good. ' CONNER CENNE5 FiMlmlte of Bo anyl to say If you are buying talcum, then MENNEN'S BORATED TAL CUM is the only preparation which you can boy with satisfaction. Talk is cheap," Talcum, however, b Hot so cheap, because it costs the dealer more and makes his profit less. That's why he'd sooner sell you talk than "talcum "of the Meoncn Brand. Dont be talked out of buying Mennen's Borated Talcum, the only powder which can be used with safety and satisfaction. Have you tried MENNEN'S VIO LET BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER r Ifsfrairrant with the odor of fresh plucked Parma Violets. For sale everywhere for 25 cents, or mailed postpaid on receipt of price, by GERHARD MENNEN CO., Naw&rk, N.J, FtMloriU cf Bo The WONDER STORE Special Prices on Hosiery and Underwear See Window Display. " All Kinds and Prices. Children's, per garment 7 1-2cto25c Ladies', per garment - - 25c to $1.00 Men's, per garment - - 45c to $1.45 Hosiery, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, and 25c. We guarantee to save you money on these lines . . . THE WONDER STORE DESPAIN & BEAN. Next Door to Postffice mf Tfn TTli' Til iiii 11 ir-tiTI i'i",J F ree s Fair Week i,-..rjincr fr thf Tjirka wanna, on November 1, or as soon thereafter as the completion and filing of the nec essary tariffs under the new law will nrmit ,Vo mntimnm nnssencer rattIS on that system will be on the basis of 2 4 cents a mile. Passenger rates to and from Hoboken will be the same as to and from New Tork city. This will not change existing passenger rates now in effect on that road cn a basis of less than 2 4 cents per mile. Interchangeable 1000-mile books w'll be on sale by the Lackawanna rail road at the rate of $25 Instead of $30, as heretofore, with a rebate on each such book of $5 instead of $10. "v NEW VARIETY OK WHEAT. Ide.ho Man Find Lone Head of Grain Which Yield? 200 Fold. A special dispatch from Juliaetta Idaho, to the Spokane Review, says: A. Adams, of this place, has rented 40 acres of land on the prairie above .lnlixetta to exDeriment with a new vaMcty of wheat. If future yields 'prove as prolific as tests already made, and the character of the grain Is suitable for milling purposes. Mr. Adams says he will revolutionize wheat growing In this section. In the fall of 1S04, while traveling through British Columbia. Mr. Adams found a head of wheat growing wild, which he brought home with him. It contained 123 grains. L'nlike other wheat, the stalk consisted of five heads. Branching off from the main head were four smaller ones, the five forming a cluster of heads. The 123 grains produced seven pounds of clean wheat. Last fall Mr. Adams planted half of this seven pounds, and the other half this spring. When he threshed the wheat this fall he reaped about 1600 pounds, or 2i bushels. The yield was an Increase of a littlo more than 200 fo 1. Another feature was the f;jct that there was no dif ference between the yield of the fall and spring planting, which is. not usu al with ordinary wheat raised in this erti"n winter sown wheat prod'jein more pio!:f icaily. This fa'.! Mr. Adsnns will plant 11 busin-ls of this British Columbia wheat on 20 acres of land and the remain ing 11 bushels n the olher 20 acres In the sprint-. The average seed fori an acr" is a bushel and a peek but' Mr. Adams will sow his new found t wherit ihiiily to give (t all the oppoi tum'y possible to develop and ntatur Welcome Ladies and Children to our F R E "E Rest Rooms, Reading Rooms' and Toilet Rooms. Up-stairs, opposite Fair Pavilion. A Lady in Charge to Look After the Wants of Women and Children. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative .Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nause ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Rffufe substitutes. Koep ptn's drug tore. 1IISTOKIC NOKIOJ.K. Fli-t Town to Strike fur American Liberty, Near Juiiiii. Few but the most diligent student of American history know the fact, yet It Is true, that the citizens of Nor folk denied the light of Great Britain to tax the colonies without represen tation more than two months before the promulgation of the celebrnted Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde pendence and nearly five months be fore n presciitutlvf s of the 13 colonies met In Philadelphia and forniully re nounced the authority of f.lreat BrIN uin. As far back as March 13. 1776, a number of Norfolk patriots assembled tin ier the name of "Sons of Liberty' and announced In resolutions of bold f , , iBiipilPffe Please, fMifp.?i i VIEWS OF THE LARGEST FURNITURE AND CARPET HOUSE IN EASTERN OREGON. BRING Your Children, Your Friends, jj or Your Lunch and enjoy a Quiet Time Up the first, stair north of the Fair Headquarters.