East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    . -i.
Fine new 2 story brick cement basement, foundation for 4 stories,
on north 5th street, near Glisan. Responsible tenant, has three
years lease at $1800 per annum. Price $18,500. xPays over
8 per cent above taxes and insurance, or over 10 per cent, net
on amount of cash necessary to handle it. You will have to
act at once if you want this, as the market is strong and
Have a choice list of investments
paying as high as 15 per cent net.
3rd and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, ORE.
Torrential rains In eastern Nebras
ka have caused great damage to farm
property of every description besides
destroying several miles of railroad
grades and culverts.
John Harvey, a wealthy mining
man of Los Angeles, while making
ready to take a hath fell Into a tub
full of scalding hot water and was
scalded and drowned to death.
J. H. Bone, for over 50 years an
associate editor of the Cleveland Plain
Dealer. Is dead by cancer, aged 78
years. He was a boyhood chum of
John D. Rockefeller, tho older.
United States Senator La Follctte
Is making speeches In New Jersey In j
the Interest of the Colby political re
form movement, non-partizan. which
Is running a state and local ticket.
The 49 cases against express com
panic? in Texas, charged with violat
ing the anti-trust laws, will be com
promised, the defendants paying the
state Jia.fion. The su.ts will all be
The Gunlnla sawmill plant, machine
shop, cook house and railroad round
houe near I'kiah. Cal.. burned. Loss
approximately $2nn.ftiitl. The E. H.
Wood company of Pucet Pound only
recently boutrht the property.
Kelso, Wash., has begun a fight to1 ""l .nsP. A. .i ..stover,
take the county seat of Cowlitz from I Washington. D. C: Wm. M. Daugh
Kalama, and appropriate It unto Itself. . Portland; F. C. Cannon. Cincin
nati; airs, ftewnri anu nnugnter.
Edward Caldwell Is dead at Olym- j
pla after hlccuplng for three weeks
continuously. He died of sheer ex- i
haustlon. not being able to sleep or.
rest. I
At Seattle W. Lec. alias Casey, alias '
Wright, was fined $100 for violating
the state animal scalp bounty law, '
and also rebated $323.50 to the state,
which he had Illegally collected.
At Salem, while drunk, John Han-!
sen. a Minnesotan, fell beneath a
Southern Pacific passenger train and ,
both legs were mashed off just below :
the knees. He Is expected to die.
The Vale Oriano has purchased the
Nyssa News plant, and will Issue a
semi-weekly hereafter. One issue
each week will be devoted to Nyssa
local news and the other to Vale. i
The probate court at Sandpolnt. j
Idaho, has decided that a man's only
cow. or any other personal chattel
upon which he pays (axes. Is liable
to seizure to secure payment of his
road tax.
During the interstate fair at i-po-knHp
frnm SVnternber 23 tti October
O oM rnn.lo runlllrir 1 n t rt Kt.r.lfJltie will ' SlUslier
New York; O. D. Galley, Portland:
T. C. Lord. Portland; M. S. Kribs.
Portland; D. S. McCurdy. Seattle; L.
K. Marked. San Francisco; F. D. Dar
by, Hillings; W. J. Mofjan, Chicago;
Ir. and Mrs. P. L Coon, Perkhard;
K. J. Ciilbold. Portland; J. W. Brown.
Portland; James Stewart. North Yak
ima; Miss Lula Dauphin. Echo; Geo.
McGllvery. ' Spokane; V. P. Clary,
Cincinnati; Mrs. Mildred McConnell,
Denver; L. L. Gilbert. San Francisco.
Warren (amnion of I'olL County.
Iowa, by Studying Darwin's Theo
ries, Wns Able to Orlgliiutci nil Ex
oelliMU ltrectl of Culllo. Which is
Now In limit Demniul -Long
Search After Homeless Stock lo
Start tlu llreeil.
Thursday Banner Bargains j
eive a one f ire rate from all points
Liehtnlng struck two of the larg- ; in Oregon, Washington. Idaho
est buildings of the immense brick ! jjontana.
plants at South Evanston. Chicago. , ' waiter Thnmnson
: shot up Latah. Wash., taking several
shots at frightened citizens as th"y
ran for cover. Butts Is now In Jail.
Thompson escaped after exchanging
shots with the sheriff.
John Rynearson, aged "2 years. Is
dead at his home on the Grand
Konde, Union county, where he had
lived 41 years. He died comparative
ly wealthy, and highly respected.
Death was caused by heart disease.
Thomas C. Johnson, charged with
killing Thomas B. Tuttle, during a
fight In the Rainier Grand hotel in
Spokane, was found guilty of man
slaughter. Tuttle was the aggressor
of the fight and was fatally slashed
with a knife. ,
The new Ada bounty tax levy (out
side of Boise) Is M.!5 on every J100
assessed valuation. It was $2.05 for
1903. The valuation this year is but
$.169,513 more than last year. It re
iiulres $1897 less to run the county
this year than last.
Joseph Benjamin, aged 24 years,
an Arlington boy. while picking hops
Hotel IViulletoii. C. E. Miner. San
Francisco; G. E. Dlnsmoro. San Jose;
W. U. mending. Portland; W. W.
Lunf.-r. Portland; H. C. Bryson. Wal
la Walla: G. Bony. Seattle; F. Rogers,
Portland; F. C. Gr.rlger. Portland: H.
Myers. Portland: T. C. Paul. Walla
Walla; O. Ceam. Walla Walln; E. J.
Eddy. Portland: F. L. Klnshury and
wif', Pomeroy; H. A. Brandon, O. U.
& N. Co.: Dr. E. F. Young. Salem: J.
K. I.ery. Portland; E. S. Leedy. Port
land; A. M. Arthur. Portland: J. C.
Fritgerral. Portland; L. IT. Vlthaner.
San Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
city: R. L Adams. Portland;
.1. Adams, Oregon City; L. E. Boebe.
nnd Seattle; .Mrs. .M. I,, winter. Kansas;
i :
Farming, an agricultural paper
published-In Chicago, gives the fol
lowing interesting account of the ori
gin of the breed of Polled Hereford
cattle, which is now sought after by
all progressive breeders. Farming
After rending Charles R. Darwlns'
wonderful essay "On the Origin of
Species," Warren Gammon of Polk
county, Iowa, now Secretary of the
American Polled Hereford Cattle
Club, was convinced that there must
exist somewhere a "sport" or "freak"
pure bred Hereford bull or cow that
was polled or naturally hornless. For
Mr. Darwin says that variation, sports
or freaks of nnture are constantly
occurring among nil species of anl-
mals, domestic ns well as wild.
Mr. Gammon determined to locate
such sports. If they existed, nnd mate
them for the purpose of ascertaining
whether or not they would breed nf-
ter themselves. Constant Inquiry
among breeders In person and by cor
respondence was maintained: adver
tisements were Inserted In various
publications, and In due time his ef
forts were rewarded by locating In
various parts of this country, 17 such
animals, four males nnd 13 females
from pure bred, registered stock.
Ho bought; the four bulls and seven
of the cows: and by mating them
produced pure bred, registered Here
fords having no horns, thus laying the
foundation for the new breed Polled
Herefords and established a double
standard. '
T'y mating polled bulls with polled
cows nearly all the calves ' came
polled, and when polled bulls were
mated With horned cows, something
over half the calves were free from
Not having a large number of polled
animals with which to establish and
maintain a herd the work necessarily
started slowly, but now Mr. Gammon
reports there are more than ion head
of pure bred Polled Herefords eligible
tn entry In both the American Polled
Hen-ford Tlecord and the American
Hereford Record, and the new breed
Is in a fair way to a rapid nnd healthy
Another lot of Sample Skirts, no two alike.
Black Sateen Skirts For
One Day Only.
Skirts lluit tire designed for service mid nent
i less. They nre miidc of n good fnst-color nier
eerixed snrreu, lu'eked nnd planted. They ore
skirts tlmt sell nt veirulnr for $1.50, $1.73 nnd
$2.00 eaeli. Extra special for Thursday, Sep
tember 20.
Goods on display in show window.
Sixty mn were Injured, of whom two
were killed, six horses were killed
ami the plant itself destroyed by the
resultant fire.
Addison J. Nowlen of Chicago, lies
sick and must die. in a short time. As
sured of that fact, he is deliberately
making gift deeds of his property,
valued at $2"0.oroi to members of his
family and to other beneficiaries, thus
forestalling- the necessity of a will,
ami possibility of litigation after he
is dead.
The using of coloring matter, fla
vors and preservatives in foods and
drugs were discust before the govern
ment commission appointed to hear
the arguments of manufacturers as to
the application of the pure-food law
at a continued hearing In New York
city. Many merchants and manufac
turers were present.
Tobacco users and theatergoers
among college students of Syracuse,
N. Y., university, must pay full tuition
according to an edict Issued by Chan
cellor James R. Day, when college
nr"pr! f -his fall's term. Nearly
limn fr.. s holarshlps were given
away to needy students last year.
This year tobacco users and theater
goers are cut out of the free list.
j .1. Hunt, .NenrnsKn.
! Hotel I'cnilliton. J. H. Ailshlne.
Poise; S. G. Halenys. Seattle: T. Wo
i den. Portland: E. L. Seedy. Portland;
' J. C. Fritzgeral. Portland: H. A. Shul
: ty. Portland; G. Hazen. Portland; F.
M. Havincl. Portland; J. H. MHmoth,
Portland: J. Santford. Cove; Mrs. H.
W. Berry. La Grande; M. G. Cosey.
Chic , go;' M. B. Given. Chicago: J. M.
T'.Ingers. Chicago; D. B. Jarwnn. Athe
na; C. D. Kawoga, Michigan: H. W.
Cameron. Spokane; F. Elopson, Port
land: G. T. Coyne. Portland; A. Bob
bleton. Portland: W. J. Shlrey. Port
land: L. Hayner. Portland: C. Ades.
Spokane: C. H. Burke. Portland: J.
Vert nnd wife, city; V. T. Hislop and
wife, city.
Cured Hay Fever ami SiimmiT Cold.
A. J. Nusbaum, Batesvllle, lnd
writes: "Last year I suffered for three
months with a summer cold so dis
tressing that It Interfered with my
business. I had many of the symp
toms of hay fever, and a doctor's pre
scription did not reach my case, and
I took several medicines which seemed
to only aggravate my i Fortu
nately I Insisted upon having Foley's
Honey and Tar In the yellow package.
and It quickly cured me. My wife has
since used Foley's Honey and Tar
with the same success." Koeppen's
drug store.
Cntiirrl Cannot B? Cured
with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, ns th.y enn
nt rnrh the sont of thfl dlRpnse. Catarrh
in a 4ok1 or constitutional (IIhphsp, and In
order to cure ft you must take Internal
remedies'. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces, nail's Cntnrrh Cure Is
not a quack medicine. It was prescribed
hy one of the bst physicians In this coun
try for years and Is a regular prescription.
It Is compoHed of the boat tonics knowrj.
In the Ahtnnum valley, near Yakima. """ 'r"" 7"" ""..lli -n.
suddenly and violently Insane, perfect combination of the two Ingredients
Is what produces such wonderful results la
without apparent cause, and Is now
confined In the Yakima Jail. Ho has
no delusions or Illusions, but Is simply
a raving, cursing, dangerous maniac.
"Varsity Cut"
curing catarrh. Send for lesttmnnlnls free.
K. J. CHKXKY & CO., Props. Toledo, O.
Sold by drugclBts. price 7."ic.
Take Hall's Family rills for constipation.
ilen's styles show a marked change
fur '.liis fall and winter.
The leader for the coming season,
among the smart dressed, will be tho
Varsity cut coat.
It is a three-buttoned, single
breasted suck cont, with straight front
and blunt points, and is longer than
the passing styles.
We are showing them in the pres
cntt popular patterns, soft plaids.
gray mixtures and the always popu
lar black.
Bond Brothers
Men's Style Headquarters.
Hear mill Llir.b l ull on Him.
Hay Fllloon caem over from Trout
Lake today and will be employd at
the Spencer dock. Bay gives further
'details concerning the death of Billy
Fritz Thursday. He says that Fritz's
companion had warnd him about
sleeping under the tree, which was
afire before he went to sleep. He
again warnd him five minutes before
i the accident. Not alone the limb of
, the tree, but the bear ns well, fell on
the unfortunate man. Tho benr showed
fight and had It not been for the dogs
Fritz's companion would never have
succeeded In getting rid of the angry
bruin. The l'mb fell ncross Fritz's
head nnd he died an hour afterward
The Dalles Chronicle.
A Lesson In Health.
Healthy kidneys filter the Impuri
ties from the blood, and unless they
do this good health Is Impossible.
Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound
hldnys and will positively cure nil
forms of kidney and bladder disease.
It strengthens the whole system,
Koeppen's drug store.
Narrow KHcniie From Flri nt Lcwlstnn
A small building In the Northern
Pacific BWltch yards caught f're
about noon today. The flames spred
so rapidly that Mrs. Charles Williams,
wife of one of the men working In the
yards, who was cooking dinner nt the
time, barely escaped with her life.
She was surrounded by the fire before
she dlscoverd thnt the house was burn
ing, and had to seize her little child
and rush thru the flames. A purse
hanging on the wall with 53 In
money In It could not be rescued.
Mr. Williams lost all of his be
longings, beside the money, some val
uable notes and account of a grocery
business he formerly conducted. He
says he ennnot estimate tho loss, but
thnt the fire leaves him practically
destitute. Lcwlston Teller.
Northern Pacific MlnnptH m Stop
'!to Car' Pus.np. Habit.
Box car passengers h.ave h'-en th
undoing of about .In Northern I'aclfi
brakemcn. and is a result there is ;
list of either 28 or HO brakies on file
in the superintendent's office of men
whose services are scheduled to come
to an end as ron ns others are se
cured to take their places. 1 ef-terday
Bankrupt stock of heating stoves rmm Stl.oO up to
Charter Onk, Imperial nnd Acme stoves mill ranges both m-i
and iiinlli-iihlc; mimuI or coal, from S.'." to $,0.
Although the Tltl'ST, Inchiilinc IVrullrton ami the Western
uholewiliTs, have put nip on the MucklM, for not charging high
enough prlivs to suit theiii, I liuve Jut n-tui-nril from n trip to the
cnt, where I purchased n fine line of furniture much lower In price
than the western people could Miwblv give.
The ear will he here won. lou't buy your furniture until you
see my hotter line, together with the money I can save roil.
Graham Furniture Co.
Postoffice Block Your Credit is Good
lEnhi Inrrviisi's
pH'sent r.iin li;is
price (if picking li"p in :it l--;tst thrco
yiinls In tin vicinity of Kiihvmp In ml
vuncc from nhe rent to n cent nthl a
hiilf a pounil. iiihl thnt price- Ii.'ih prp
vallrd In those yards since yesterday,
say. the Kiitfenr fiuanl. As soon as
the rain begun pickers commenced to
desert the yards, and In ordr to hold
them the owners decided to make this
advance, with the result that a major
ity of the pickers have remained. The
yards in which, the nld price prevail.
nre almost deserted,
eight brake twisters were given their Vlgorou. Health : la the Great Source of
walking papers, says the Spokane
The action of the company has
thrown the brakemen Into -a turmoil
and there Is plenty of conjecture fly.
leg arn'ind as to who is to get bump
e l next. The company has evidently
had a spotter or two on the road.
The brakemen are reported to have
made a good thing out of the hoboes
who brat their way over the line.
"It wus n poor day when a brake
man could not clean up from $r to $10
a day hy shaking down the hoboes,"
statd one of the employes.
"The rnmpany tnkes the stand that
the brakemen are collecting monoj
which would have gone to the com
pnny. The brakemen, however, fee;
they are so much ahead for every fare
they can collect.
"The company Is not robbed of a
cent," said one of the hrakles. "When
a brakeman gets a piece of money he
gets It from a man who would beat his
way over the line anyway rather thai
pay the regular fare."
All Women Should Seek It.
One of the most noted, successful a nd
richest men of this century, in a recent
article, has said, " Whatever I tun and
whatever success I have attained in
this world I owe all to my w ife. From
the day I first knew her she has Ihm u
an inspiration, and the greatest help
mate of my life."
Shoddy furniture for the homeT
Nevr! Let us show you the finest In
furniture. Baker A Foliom.
Intoriiatlonal Iteforni Iliirenn
creases lis Forces.
The International Reform bureau
with headquarters at Washington, D.
C which has drawn 12 laws wh'ch
luve been enacted by congress, has-
Just Increased Its force of active sec
retaries from two to seven, with a
view of doing the same work In each
state legislature In tho near future
as has-been done so successfully In
Resides Dr. Wilbur C. Crnfts, the
superintendent, and Rev. A. S. Gregg,
In charge of New York state, now
fighting "Relmont's" race gambling
trust, the following dlstr'ct secretaries
all popular lecturers nnd reform
ers have been added: Rev. R. C.
Miller and Retf B. P. Judd, New Eng
land secretaries; Rev. George W.
Peck, Jn charge of Ohio, Michigan
and Ontario: Rev; F. W. Emerson
from Oklaohtna north to Manitoba,
Inclusive; and Rev. G. L. Tufts, Ph. D.,
who Is well known for the temperance
work he has done for the Anti-Saloon
league, who will now have a wide
work, Including all reforms and a
larger field Including nil Pacific coast
state, with Idaho and Nevada, with
headquarters at Portland.
To be such a successful wife, to re
tain the love and admiration of her
husband, to Inspire him to make tho
most of himself, should be a woman's
constant study.
If a woman finds that her energies
are flaKg-lng, that she gets easily tired,
dark shadows appear under her eves,
she has backache, headaches, bearing
down pains, nervousness, irregularities
or the blues, she should start at once
to build up her system bv a tonic with
specific powers, such as Lydia K. Pink-
bam s Vegetable Compound. -
rouowing we puonsn oy request a
letter from a young wife :
Dear Mrs. Pinkliam:
" Ever slnos my child was born I tav suf.
fered, as I hope few women ever have, with In
flammation, female weakness, beniing-down
pains, backache and wretched headaches. It
atrected my stomach so I could not enjoy my
meals, and half mr time was latent In Ixxl
" Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound
made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful
that I am glad to write and tell you of my
marvelous recovery. It brought me health,
new life and vitality ."Mrs. Bessie Almley.
611 Houth 10th Htrent, Taeoma, Wash,
What Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Alnsley it will
do for every sick and ailing woman.
If you have symptoms you don't un
derstand' write to Mrs. Plnkhara,
daughter-in-law of Lydia E Plnkham,
at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and
always helpful.
Is visible on the faces of all our cus
tomers when their laundry work Is
delivered, because they know from
past experience that we have made II
clean Job of It. and thnt, however
soiled the linen was. It would "all
come nut 1 nthe wash." Not onlv
thnt, but our patrons know thnt we
always take the greatest care of their
clothing, nnd never burn or scorch It
or "ent It" with destructive acids.
Pendleton Steam Laundry,
Flsliniiin refer. Props.
'Phone Main 179.
Marble Works
H. WRAY, Prop.
Manufacturer and Denier In All
Kinds of Domestic and Im
Carload of Red, Rlue and Gray
Granite Just received from
I can furnish you with anything
from a small slab to a large
monument. Kstlmntes given
on application:
Court nnd College Sts.
Pendleton, Oregon.
12 foot v and 6 foot
Keep your Kitchen
and Dining Room
V. Stroble
Cheapest Price Store In the City