OAiLYEVENINGEDITiOH There lire no "dead" ads In the East Oregonlan. They are all fresh, crisp, up-to-diite and mean Just what they say. Head them thin evening. WEATHER FORECAST. Fair tonight and Thursday. ! S i i A PENDLETOX, OREGOX, WEDNESDAY, AUCJUST 8, 1900. NO. 5739 VOL. 19. . a OAILYEVENINGEDITION PAN-AMERICAN RAIHY PI Rio Janeiro Convention Con siders and Debates Gigantic Railway Project. FORMULATES DE1TN ITK MXE FOR CO-OPERATION. Effort Will Bo Made to Secure Vni fornilly of Oenui Port Laws Xi Disagreement of a Serious Xuturc Cun Result Over the Drugo Doc trine Siib-Coinuilltoe of the Bu- reuu of Republic Provides In Its ItcjHirt for Widening the Soomj of the Hnmiu mill Making American Secretary of Stnto Is Cliulniuiii. Rio Janeiro, Aug. 8. The delegates propose a reorganization of the whole Pan-American railway scheme, divid ing the project Into three section Tho first "ncludes Mexico and Central America; the second the United States and Panama and Colombia; the third Argentine, Peru, Ecuador and Boliv ia. Karh section to hold separate railway conferences, and report to the congress. The committee on commerce decid ed not to touch the question of port luws, but Instead advocates the ap pointment of a commission to collect the port laws of various countries ami recommend a basis for Intelligent dis position at the next congress. There wiil be no disagreement of a serious nature over the )rago doc trine. The sub-committee of the bureau of republics, reported providing for the widening of the scope of the bureau. and give more power to the executive committee, which consists of four members with the United States secre tary of state as chairman. WOt I.D REMOVE THE POLES. Paving CoiniNiny Cannot Otherwise lo Good Work. Although the cement for the curb ing work that is to be done by the Warren Construction company Is now on the ground, the work has not yet commenced. The delay Is due to the failure of some of the men to arrive from Walla Wulla last evening. How ever, It Is understood that they will be over at once, and thnt work will be commenced. The cement for the curb ing and gutter work hns been piled on the city hall side at the corner of Alta and Cottonwood streets, where It will be convenient to the work. Would Itemove Eliitrle Polos. That the electric poles on the west side of Main street and on the north side of Court sboiild be removed, Is urged by Superintendent Shewry, who Is to be in charge of the paving work. Annr.-.llnn ... tlin BttMOt'lntPII, li.nl it! will he Impossible for the big steam rollers to properly work around the poles. Whether or nut the electric on.i pnny can be Induced to remove the polos is not known. This morning Mayor Fee slated that be wished to take the mutter up with the company nnd would do so as soon as be could communicate with Dr. Vincent, local manager. Unless the company should be found willing to place the wires underground he believes nothing can he done, the company being allowed by their franchise to string their wires ns nt present. PEDDLERS WIN' A VICTOltV. Transient Buggy Peddlers t'phcld In Washington. Buggy peddlers against whom a strenuous warfare has been waged by Implement dealers and hardware mer chants of the inland empire, this year won a pnrtlnl victory at Spokane yes terday when Judge Whltson hnnded down an opinion In the United States district court for eastern Washing ton, permanently enjoining members or the retnil agents of the Inlnnd Em pire Retail Hardware Dealers' asso ciation from following, harassing, In timidating or Interfering with ' the business of the Spaulding Manufac turing company nnd from approach ing persons solicited by complainants at the time compIalnnnU' agents are soliciting them. Judge Whltson says his decision must not be construed as prohibiting the Inland Empire Retail Hardware Denelrs' association from canvassing or soliciting customers or peddling In the same territory nt tho same time the Spauldlng Manufacturing com pany's agents are canvassing, solicit ing or peddling. . Eagles to Milwaukee. A. C. Koeppen, J. T. Hlnkle nnd Jack Huston have left for Milwaukee to attend the grand lodge of Englea. Of the three men Mr. Koeppen Is the delegate from the Pendleton aerlo, whllo Mr. Hlnkle Is tho grnnd chnp laln of the order. The Yakima National Bnnk has In creased Its capital stock from $22,500 to (100,000. TWO MOKE BOYS . 5 T A B 4 Illood Hounds to BO Takei tg ic Mountains to Join Seat 0 Walla Walla, Aug. 8. Pat s ar riving In Wulla Walla from the Big Meadows this morning state that no trace of the two sons of Qllhcrt Koz Izoskl, deputy plumbing inspector, who disappeared from camp last Hun day afternoon had been found up to 6 o'clock this morning. Water Superintendent Knight and Registrar McLean left for the Mead ows shortly nfter noon today to assist in the search for the two Doys. Superintendent Knight stated that if no trace of the boys Is found by tonight that the penitentiary blood hounds will be tnken to the moun tains and placed on the trail In an effort to find some clue, to their whereabouts. TEAMSTERS RUMP CONVENTION". Majority Remain Fiuler Shea's Dom Inatlon. Chicago, Aug. 8. Opponents of Sb.a Including the cxcludde delegates fiom San Francisco, bolted the team sters' convention today and stnrted a separate convention. Rhea postponed tli regular cessions In an effort to re store peace. The bolters claim Shea's rule Is too arbitrary.' A majority of the convention remained under Shea's lead. TOMAHAWKED HY WINNEBAGO Gondvtlluge Then Attempted to Sculp His Victim. Blackrivcr Falls, Wis., Aug. 8. Postmaster Lien of Olson, a merchant, was attacked with a tomahawk dur Ing tho medicine dance of the Wlnne bago Indians, by Chief David Good village, who started to scalp the vie tim, but was prevented by other in diuns. The sheriff has a warrant for the chief who, bis followers say, will not be arrested. NO Tit ACE OF HANK WRECKERS Examiner Thinks Hank .May Pay 23 Pit Out of Claims. Chicago. Aug. 8. Examiner Jones today continued investigation Into the affairs of the Milwaukee Avenue State bank. Depositors are told they will get at least 25 per. cent of their deposits. The police have no trace of President Paul Stensland nor of the cashier, Herring. SURVEYORS W ILL LEAVE CALDWELL OX THURSDAY. A Portion of the Survey Is Already .Made, noil Also Some of the Right of Way Scvnrei -Condemnation Proceedings May He Necessary In Some Instances Promise of Hush ing the Lille to Completion. A Boise dispatch says; E. 11. Plaie. assistant general manager of the San Francisco, Idaho & Montana railroad, who Is In charge nf Hie surveying work for the Gulden Hate route south from Caldwell. Edward E. Henry, for merly of Chicago, who has charge of all right-of-way matters for the com pany, and W. E. Fornn, who Is In charge nf the legal work nt the1 rail road headquarters In Caldwell, were In the city yesterday, leaving for homo on tho midnight train. "We have the route from Caldwell to the river nil surveyed." said Mr. Place, "and everything is all ready for us to go nhend with construction work, so far ns we are concerned. But the Caldwell people are hnvlng some trouble in securing a tier of five blocks through which the railroad Is to run. The section of line from Caldwell to tho river Is cross-sec tioned and all the prellmlanry work completed. "Our surveying pnrty Is to start out on the long surveying trip to Winno muoea on Thursday. Work Is to be pushed right along." Practically all the rlght-of-wny for the. line ns far ns the river hns been secured, so the rallwny men report. though there hnvo been three In stances In which whnt were regarded as exorbitant prices wore asked for lnnd. These places wore passed over, and later on condemnation proceed ings will be stnrted, If they are found to be neccssnry. IDAHO DEMOCRATS NOMINATE. Fred T. Dubois Named for the Prv pie's Choice, for Senator. At Coeur d'Aleno City, Idaho, last evening, the democrnts of the Oom stnto nomlnntcd a full state tlckte, as follows: For governor C. O. Stockslager; lleutennnt governor, George C. Cha pln, nnd for secretary of state, Flour- ney Calloway. Senator Fred T. Dubois, present democratic senator, was nominated for United States senator ngnln, to be voted for by the people of Idaho. Ptockslngor was formerly a mem ber of tho state supreme court and Is TQWNNEMUCCA ft strong man In the stnto. JAPANESE ARE Si 10 POACH Revenue Cutters Capture Jap' Sealers in the Act Off the Aleutian Islands. (JIKSTIOX WIIETIIEIt IT IS PIRACY IS UNDETERMINED. Government Wants Skilled Artisans for Canal Zone at (15 Cent Per Hour Chicago Mechanic Arc Leary of the Panama Climate Union Rosen Invite Anieiicuiis to Pai'llcipate in the Exposition nt St. Petersburg, of Iotliiots Manufac tured by American Women. Washington, Aug. 8. Vigorous ac tion will be taken by the government against the Japanese poachers arrest ed on the Aleutian Islands. Admiral Sims' report, turned over to the de partment of slate, protests to the Jap anese government against the con tinuation of the poachers' raids. The department will take preventive moivsures with revenue cutters, the Justice department will proceed against the prisoners, and the depart meat of commerce and labor will get an opinion from the attorney general as to whether schooners within tlvj three-mile limit can be seized for pi racy. Assistant Secretary Bacon this morning sent a long dispatch to the American ambassador at Tokio de tailing the circumstances and direct ing the course he pursue. It is stat- at the state department there will be no complications with the Japan ose government. Want Artisans for Panama. Chicago, Aug. S. George Roberts, a government tariff expert, ami C. H. Slausson. a Lake Shore freight agent. testified before the grand Jury hives, ligation today. An employment agent of the canal is here trying to hire 500 skilled art! sans for Panama. It is believed the number can be secured, although re ports are th.'t unacclimated men die there. Sixty-five cents an hour for eight hour day. and time and a half overtime Is offered. Americans Invited, Washington, Aug. 8. Baron Risen Invites Americans to participate in thu exposition at St. Petersburg to show the advancement in the technical ed ucation of women. Leather, pelts. feathers, down and other products W hite Mini Rode .loe Craig's Animal will be exhibited at St. Petersburg I (mv(M)1 Sl.,.t-' fer four months, beginning in No.' , vember I Jni' Crae. the well known Indian In 'trpreter, is minus a saddle horse. tlie animal hnvlng been stolen from .NS AND NELSON WILL 1TGHT.L ,toh.ng rack on Cottonwood streM " ' i wi'Vfl':ll H:ivu nrrn 1 l . -i Bout Will Take Place nt (iohlflclil lor j Purse of S:si).non. - teno. A iiu. X. "Tex" ltirkards" n..Miar.-r of the UoUfieM Athletic club '!i,l I Illy Nolan met last night i and complete, I arrangements for the Caiis-Xohm fight at Oolilfield. Pep timber 3. Everything was settled except signing the articles, which will lie signed by Nolan nnd C.ans at Gold field tonight. Nolan Insisted that Nelson get tho l lg end of the J30.000 purse he 130.000 purse, win or;f"lmi'- I'levins Is a man who has lose, 'lml lilekard agreed to any di vision to he arranged with Cans to night. It Is thought that .Inns will agree, as he stated he would agree to any thing Nolan would, ns long as he got an opportunity to meet Nelson and flg'it for the championship. Rickard and Nolan state that the fight is as sured and that nraney and other pro moters will lose out. Cans will train at Ooldfleld wifli Willie Fitzgerald, for tralnen. Nelson will probi.bly trnln nt Reno. The flgln will take place at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. SLAPPED THE CARDINAL. The IJitter Denied the Deht When Was Dunned. Rome, Aug. 8. A man named Rar ubaccl, called upon Cardinal Dolla volpe and demanded the payment of a debt. The cardinal denied the exis tence of the debt. Bnrabnccl boxed the prelate's ears and fled. FEDERAL COURT FOUND WATSON GUILTY Portland. Aug. 8. The Jury in the case of Charles Watson, which has been on trial In the federal court! since Monday morning, returned u verdict of guilty this forenoon, rec ommending the defendant to the mer cy of the court, Walson Is charged with hnvlng sworn falsely In final proof on a homestead and is one of the first ac tual homesteaders to bo tried for this crime, most of the land fraud cases which have been tried being those of RESIDENTS 1 T PA! ALL LOSSES Russian Government Takes -Steps to Recover on Losses , ot Its Property, WOI1.1) M AKE REVOLUTION FINANCIALLY UNPOPULAR. Stolypin Will Miike Another Attempt to Organize a Cabinet That Will Meet the Czar's Approval; Will Rec ognize the Established Church Czar Insists Upon Appointing it (rami Duke tu Head the Army Sixty Naval Sailors Arrested as Su iects. Warsaw, Aug. 8. The governor general oiderei the Inhabitants of all towns where the postoffices are rob bed, government stores burned and similar outrages committed, to pay all such lopses in the future. Any citi zen refusing to contribute to make good such loss will, be Imprisoned three months. Reni'giiiilzlng Cabinet. St. Petersburg, Aug. 8. Stolypin has gone to Peterhoff to secure the emperor's approval to appoint Prince Vassi'ohlkoff as minister of agricul lure, Fllossoff of commerce, and Is wolsky procurator general of the royal synoo. The islter is a brother of for eign minister. It is probable that if unsuccessful it will be Stolypln's last attempt. New Coiiinuindcr or the Army. St. Petersburg. Aug. 8. The Xovoe Vremya declares today it is still the emperor's intention to appoint tho Grand Dune Nicholas commander In chief ot the army, but subservient to Kudinrj.-, minister -of war. ltudigcr protests, but will remain In office If allowed, to direct the grand duke's actions. Sixty Sailors Arrested. Riga, Aug. S. Sixty men aboard a training ship were arrested this morn ing. Their loyalty Is suspected. Bomb Hurled Into Croud. St. Petersburg, Aug. 8. A bomb was hurled into the crowded Snsno vlc railway station today, killing one man and injuring many. SXDDI.E HOUSE STOLEN. Prp aiso tnk,,n A wll(te mni" was --een riding the horse on the same " Veiling that it was stolen, and the of- ' ''cry are now looking for the In.li. vl 1' .H in question, hut so far have not lo-ated him 1'ilcviiis Is the Man. This aft rnoon John McCotirl. act ing district attorney, issued a warrant for the ai-est of William Dlovlns for having stolen Craig's horse. How- over, up to this time he has not been been Implicated In trouble several times before and is said to have been seen riding the stolen horse. HALF INTEREST SOLD. W. M. Slusher Now Sole Owner of the Nolln Ranch. Perry Gould, the well known sheep man and president of the Umatilla County Woolgrowers' association, has deeded to his former partner, W. M Slusher, his half Interest In the Slush-er-C!ould ranch near Nolln. The war rantee deed making the transfer was filed for record today. The consid eration named la $ 1. and the deed conveys to Mr. Slusher the undivided one-half Interest formerly owned by Mr. Gould. Mr. Gould Is now with the Union Stockyards at Portland. At Altamont, Mo., Dr. Bothman Jackson nnd J. M. Woodworth quar reled over the hitter's management of a hotel owned by the former. Wood worth shot and killed Jackson. officials and purchasers of land who were guilty of subornation of per jury and conspiracy. Tho mnxlmum penalty for Watson's crime Is five years In the penltentlnry and a fine of $2000. As Watson did not live on his claim nt nil it is likely that he will be given a Heavy sentence. His conviction has caused conster nation among entrymen who hnve ex pected thnt the guns of tho federal court would be turned upon the "small fish" next HAS BEEN IN "HINGLAND." Bryan Ih Now Out or tho "Provincial" C'Iuhm of Politicians. London, Aug. 8. The Globe today comments patronizingly upon Bry an'a return home and says: "Whereas before he was only a provincial poll clan, he Is now a cultured man of the world, understanding European con ditions. He thus has the advantage of Roosevelt." PACIFIC COAST BASEBALL. Scores of Yesterday's Games at An League Points. Seattle, Aug. 8. Seattle 7, Oakland 3. Oakland, Aug. 8. San Francisco 7. -Los Angeles 4, Los Angeles, Aug. 8. Portland 4, Fresno 0. MUTINY AT PHILADELPHIA. Ringleader Has His Throat Cut From Ear to Eur. Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Five ma rines and 10 sailors wore arrested af ter a mutiny which resulted from a spree among a liberty party ashore from the receiving ship Lancaster. Two enlisted men were badly in jured. One of the ringleaders had hi throat cut from ear to ear. All the mutineers were placed In irons. SEVENTY" BODIES IN STEAMER. $28.0110 Siibwrllied for Surrerers nt Ctirthugoiila. cartnagenta, Aug. 8. Divers re port they counted 70 bodies In the Interior of the sunken steamer Sirlo, The subscription for the sufferers has reached $28,000. Charges Dismissed. Los Angeles. Aug. 8. All charges were dismissed against L. Spencer, who claims to be financially promi nent in Oakland. San Francisco. Portland and Seattle, He was charged with collecting rents on bogus leases. Chicago Wheat Market. ''Chicago, Aug. S. Wheat opened 73lji, closed 73 1-8 ; corn opened 4, closed 49'i; oats opened 313-8, clos ed 51 3-8. Metalworkers Meet. Tndimapolis, Aug. 8. The Master Metalworkers' association's ' national convention Is In session here today. STATE MEETING OCTOBER 11-12 DATES FIXED FOK IRRIGATION CONVENTION IVesident S. A. Lowell of State Asso. elation. Receives Notice From Sec retary A. Kin;; Wilson, Saying What Hood River' Peiiplo Expect Apple Fair Will Be In Session nf Time or Convention It Is Imortniit to Know How lnnv F.Xcet lo Attend. The date for the annual meeting of th Oregon Irrigation association has been fixed for 't'liursilay and Friday. October 11 and 12. at Hood River. President S. A. Lowell, of the state association, received a letter from Secretary A. King Wilson this morn ing, saying that the people of Hood River could take care of the meeting on those dates and Inclosing n letter from E. L. Smith of Hood River, for mer president of the state association, telling of the partial arrangements at that place for the convention. In Ills letter to Secretary Wilson. Mr. Smith says: "It occurs to me thnt the meeting should be called for Oc tober 11 and 12, nnd that the first ses sion should be held at 11 o'clock on October 11." The local train from Portland reaches Hood River at 10:33 and most of the eastern Oregon delegates will come In on the morning tratr This would give us a long session on the first dny nnd wo could get n sight of the valley on the forenoon of the sec ond day. "On the evening of the second day the delegates are Invited to attend the apple fair which will be In session at thnt time. We hove not planned for evening meetings. "We expect to furnish a bnll, have nn address by the mayor, if necessary furnish a stenographer, and will can vass the town for lodgings, hut we very much desire to know how many ore to be present." President Lowell will mnke nn ef fort to ascertain the exact number of people to go from this county and enstern Oregon In order that Hood River people may make arrangements accordingly. DENIED A DIVORCE. Stimnitoi Maintenance With Child, Stands, However. Purls, Aug. 8. Maude Gonne Mo Bride was denied a Oivorco from Ma jor MeBrlde hy the court today. The decree of separate mnlntennnce with custody of tho child, grnntod a year ngo, stnnds. STANDARD IS INDICTED Federal Grand Jury at Chicago Backs an Indictment With Nineteen Counts. REBATE BY NON-PAYMENT OF STORAGE CHARGES. Supremo Court or Colorado Gives Judge I.lndsey Curte Blanche to Compel Testimony Hearing Upon Charge,, (,r Wholesale Frauds In Flections of Denver, by Means ot W hlch a $120,1100,000 Franchise Was Secured Will Tuke Ballot Boxes ly Armey Posse II Necessary. I Chicago, Aug. 8. One Indictment and 19 counts were returned against the Standard Oil company by the fed eral grand Jury today charging the non-payment of storage charges to certain railroads, thereby procuring-an unfair advantage over competitors In violation of the Elklns law. More True Bills Likely. District Attorney Morrison after the' Indictment, said the Jury Is working on other phuses of the case and It is likely more true bills will be returned. The amount the Indictments alleges ine hianciard gained by the transac tions is t00. Will Ixik Into Denver Election. Denver. Aug. 8. Justice Bailey, of tho supreme court, this morning re fused a writ of prohibition against County Judge Lindsey. who staYted the Investigation of the elections of Muv 1! by which the tramways com pany secured a franchise worth $20 -000,000, it is alleged, by fraud. The Investigation will now proceed un less the supreme court en banc in terferes. .fudge I.lndsey has ordered the sheiv: iff to organise an armed - force as A strong as necessary nnd take the bal- ' lot bores from the warehouse. The guards refused to allow the sheriff to touch them yesterday, New York Indictments Likely. Jamestown, N. Y Aug. 8. That In dictments will be found by- the fed n il grand Jury investigating the rail road oil rebate cases, is now a prac tical certainty. Henry Knox Smith, deputy commissioner of corporations, i.nd District Attorney Brown were closeted all day. It is believed they drew indictments applicable to the evidence. CONFIRMATION OF THE CHARGE Young Knrg's Denials Seem to Do 1 1 tin No Good. Some light was thrown upon the case of Karl Karg last evening when the mother nnd stepfather of tl-.o lad appeared at the sheriffs office to see him, having Just learned of his trou ble. TV,n .. ... . i-.m-ois g.i,. ni"ir names ns 1 Mr, nnd Mrs. W. M. Anderson jio.i no It was the name of v. M. Anderson that youiiit Karg signed to the check ne tried to pass, it is evident that bo forged the name of his stepfather. However. In a talk with John Me Court the prisoner declared this morning that there was another W. M. Anderson besides his relative, and that lie had worked for him In the Juniper country. But as the locality described by the boy would be across tho Columbia river, it Is believed that he is lying about the matter. The boy's parents have ben work ing in the country near here, and the mother wns greatly grieved by her son's misbehavior. FOOT CUT OFF BY COMBINE. Henry Poenrd. Well Known Thresh ing Machine Man, Injured In a Run away Thin Morning. While oiling a combined harves ter on the farm of J. H. Raulstone near Adams, this morning. Henry Pe card, the well known threshing ma chine man of this county, met with an injury which may result In the loss of his left foot. While oiling he stepped on the gearing of the machine and the team started to run, catching his foot In the cogs nnd cutting It is a horrible mnnner. All the toes and a large part of the foot wore cut and mashed off nnd If any of the member Is saved it will bo badly erlpped. Mr. Pecard narrowly escnped death, as the team ran for about 80 yards, dragging him under the machine. Dr. Todd of Adams, accompanied Mr. Pecard to St. Anthony's hospital In this city this afternoon, where Dr. W. C Cole was called to assist In an operation. The locomotive of n Santa Fe freight train exploded from unknown causes at Marshfleld, Kan. Engineer K. E. Holmes nnd a stranger wore killed, nnd Fireman E. W. Quinlan seriously Injured.