EIGHT PAGES. DAILT EAST ORTXJONIA, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDJVX;. JTTSK , ISO. PAOB FTVX. .and miLU MADE IN ST.UMJI3 BV tCBBasJ(HINSONtfANISlI0t The Whole Family find their shoes at our store in. "Our Family" shoes. There never was a better line of shoes, turned out of a factory. Men's $3.00 and- $3.50 Women' $1.75 and $2, Boys' $2.25 Youths' $2.00 Misses' $1.65 Quids' $1.50 If you wear one pair of "Our Family" shoes and say you did not get satisfactory servide we will give you back your money. Teutsch's Dept. Store PERSONAL MENTION CITY BREVITIES Kaiser lost his dog; see Fergy. Found, at Fergy '8, Kaiser's dog. For Rent Up-to-date cottage. Ap ply 209 Garden street. Nicely furnished front room for rent, (tt Jackson street. Piano for sale for 1125. Enquire at Burns Bros.' photograph gallery. Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms. Ellers Piano House, 813 Main street Bummer trimmed hats selling at cost. Mrs. Campbell's Millinery, Court street. Don't bother with wash day. 'Phone Robinson's Domestic Laundry, Main 60. For dependable laundry serTloo, 'phone Robinson's Domestic Laundry, main SO. . Carney A Kennedy's cab stand, at Tallman's Drug Store, after 8 p. m. wphone main 70 for cab. Put Pendleton people to leep peacefully and In perfect comfoit on B. M. O. E. Nuff sed. U C Rader. Leathers' Transfer & Storage Co. 'Phone main til at all hours. Office and stand at Orltmnn's cigar store. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Rates $1 per day and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. J. B. Despaln Is selling out his clothing and furnishing goods and putting In a small line of notions. See him. Next door to postofflce. Soda and city beer In bottles, 60c per dozen, $1 per case. Cheaper thun draught beer for family use during Nothing hut tlie bewt VuteJies, Cloeks, Jewelry Cut tiiuM anil Silver ware when piirelumliig nt our More. We guarantee- tin goods, mid tin prices to Ik the lowest. L. HUNZIKER, Jeweler and Optician summer months. 'Phone main 660. John (lagen, Eagle building, Court street. Wanted Competent salesmen , to represent factory on the road. Posi tion permanent. Address Dept. 42, 1010 Atwood Bldg., Chicago. For Rent Suite unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregon Ian building. Hot and cold water and bath on same floor. Inquire this of fice. "You have an excellent Job of plumbing In your house," was recent ly remarked to a citizen of Pendle ton. "Oh, yes; It Is up-to-date In every respect." "Who did your plumb ing?" "W. M. Morrow, at 643 Main street." Hiie for Electric ltoad. A. .. Pearson of Freewater, is in the city today in the Interest of the right of way for the Walla Walla Freewater electric line, which Is now almost assured. The people of Free water hope to see that line In opera tion within a few months. It will mean the further development of the rich country lying between Freewoter and Walla Walla, and It is hoped will result In the Increase in the - straw berry acreage and in the final erection of a fruit cannery at Freewater. OrchcHtra for Illdaway Spring J. D. Kirk, manager of the Hldaway Springs resort, has been in town for the purpose of securing help and sup piles for the coming season. While here Mr. Kirk engaged McMlnn's or chestra to play for the dances at the springs during the summer. They will commence on their engagement nbont July 1, and on July 4 there will be a grand celebration at the springs followed by a dance In the evening. -v ... Flood Ciwt HUn $1200. C. If. Whlteman. of 602 Newell street, this city, has Just returned from Weston, where he had been to look ufter his property at that place to see how much he had been damaged by the recent flood. After a careful survey of the premises, Mr. Whlteman estlmntes that his loss will exceed $1200. Walla Walla Union. W. M. Scott of Helix, has been a visitor In town today. D. H. Preston, of Athena, has been in town upon a short visit. Zoeth Houser, of Echo, has been a visitor in town stnee yesterday. J. H. E. Scott, f Adams, has been In the city today upon a brief visit. Mrs. Robert Lyle, of La Grande, is visiting Mrs. Laura Nash for a few dnys. H. D. Cashed, of Halem, arrived on the morning eastbound train and has- been here today. H. and J. Lleuallon, sons of J. T. Lieuallen, of Adams, have been visit ing In town today, C. A. Miller, representing the Wy-man-I'artridge company, of Minneap olis, has been In the city today, W. Huggers and A. Shearer, of Mo re, Sherman county, have been here today and are guests at the Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. W. J. Stockman is in Wood land, Cal., where she Is vlsitfng her brother, William Edmlnston, who Is seriously ill. William E. Lowell has returned to his home In this city, after having finished the course In the academy at Whitman college. John Bryant, stock inspector for Umatilla county, has been in the city today, having Just returned from the north end of the county. Miss Mary Williams returned last evening from Ellensburg, Wash. where she attended the state normal school during the past winter. Rudolph Rosenawelg, a brother of Mrs. Carl Welssert, has arrived from Holsteln, Germany. He Is a painter and decorator and expects to locate In this city. H. B. Lee, county commissioner elect, came down from his home at Milton last evening and has qualified for his office as an appointee of the county court. Herbert Yates, stenographer In the reclamation office at Portland, left last evening for northeastern Wash ington after a two days' visit with relatives here. Aubrey Graham has been appointed assistant for Pendleton to C. J. Freese district agent of the Spokesman-Review, and will look after the collec tions and circulation. d. F. Saylor, a mining man of Des Moines, left this morning for Spokane after having been here for a short business visit. He Is inlerested In the Gold Issue mine of Sumpter. . Mrs. William Reavis and daughter, Mrs. A. Jones, returned last evening from Elgln-and Wallowa and Grand Ronde points, where they have been visiting relatives for several days. Mips Celestlne Moorhouse, who has been teaching school In the upper camps during the past winter, passed through Baker yesterday on her way to he.- home In Pendleton, where she will spend the summer with her par ents. Maior and Mrs. Lee Moorhouse liaker City Herald. Divorce Granted. In the circuit court this morning Judge W. R. Ellis granted a divorce to Laura A. Frlddler from Albert A. Krlddler. Peter West was the attor ney for Plaintiff. Sim Wu.4 Horn. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ram page of West Court ttreet. a son. Tutti Frutti Ice Cream 10c A new one with us this SeclSOn, but already popular We have started our new Soda Fountain and are ready to demonstrate again that we know how and do serve GOOD SODA We are originators of smiles and that contented feeling for the inner man. Let us prove it. KOEPPEN'S POPULAR SODA BAR F.XPECT TO RAISE $2000. Solid Foundation for Grent Fourth of July Celebration. With the aim of raising $2000 for a Fourth of July fund. Lee Teutsch. Leon Cohen and C. E. Roosevelt began circulating a subscription this morn ing, and within a half hour $600 was secured' from nmong the business men of the city. After securing the above anion? the merchants, the committee turned the paper over to T. C. Taylor, who was requested to present It to 4he more prominent property owners of the city, from whom a considerable sum Is expected. In order to have a celebration along the lines planned, those In chargs of the affair any that a fund of $2000 will be needed. Consequently all bus iness men and property owners will be requested to contribute to the fund. When a sufficient amount of money I? in sight for the celebration. Chairman Alexander will name sub-conimlttoes to have charge of the various feature? (it the eeli'bratlon find arrangements will be made to have a Fourth of July celebration such as Pendleton lias not seen for several years. The following Is a list of the con tributions secured by the committee this forenoon: R. Alexander J50 Lee Teutsch &n C E. Roosevelt 50 The Peoples Warehouse 60 Flrht National Bank 50 Pendleton Savings Bank 50 East Oregonlan Pub. Co ' 50 George Dnrveau 50 Hotel Pendleton . 50 Bond Bros 25 B. F. Nicholas 25 Louis Hunter 23 Gray Bros. Grocery 25 Tribune Publishing Co 25 After the subscription has been cir culated among the property owners It will be presented to the remaining business houses of the city. Satmrdlisiy's Great Bargain Feast EAGLES' BALL TOXIG1IT. Arrangements Made for n line Enter tainment at Eagles' Hall Tills levell ing. Arrangements have been made by the local aerie of Eagles for an ex cellent ball tonight and from the tick et sales It will be well attended. Non-lntoxlcutlng refreshments will be served, the best of music will be furnished ond the bnll promises to be a pleasant event. Hoard Meeting Adjourned. The meeting of tho bourd of trus tees of Pendleton academy held last evening, wns adjourned to meet again next Wednesday evening. AT The Peoples Warehouse Woman's 15c Summer Vests at.. ... IOC 1 5c figured Lawn and Batistes,, per yard.... J ( ( Women's 20c black Cotton Hon, at. .. 12C All 7c Calicoes, Saturday, per yard.... SBc Sunbonnets, Saturday at, each. 13C 73c Serge Umbrellas, Satuvday at, each 4:0C 60c and 65c Girdle Corsets, Saturday at, each 30C Women's 20c Handkerchiefs, Saturday at. ... JO 'it Q 50c and 85c Collars, Saturday at --23C tl.50 Muslin Nightgowns, Saturday at OSC 35c and 60c Lisle Gloves, Saturday at "23C 50c white Sunbonnets, Saturday at 25C Women's and children's Hats at COST. ' ' Men's and Boys' Furnishings 20 dozen "Johnnie Jones" Hats at HALF PRICE. 50c and 75c Neckties at -3tC Men's H.25- fancy Vests, Saturday at 05C Men's 1.60 fancy Vests, Saturday at -'$1.20 Men's 2.00 fancy Vests, Saturday at $1.50 Men's 2.50 fancy Vests, Saturday at $1.95 Men's $3.50i Shoes, Saturday at $3.15 Men's 4.00 Shoes, Saturday at $3.35 j Notice:-This Ad Good for Sat. Only Store Closes at 7 o'Clock Saturday I The Peoples Warehouse Mnrrtagc lilceiiHC Issued. A marriage license has been Issued to Paul L. Belts and Eugenia MoAl- :: SAVE YOUR COUPONS GROCERIES I! AT LESS II Sugar. 16 tt,s $1.00 1 1 Soap. 20-bar box 65C Soap, 7 bars for 25C Borax, per bar f"j Syrup, 2 gallon Jkt 05C Syrup. 4 gallon Jkt $1.80 11 Corn, Extra Standard, per can IJ Tomatoes, Extra Standard, per can J Qj. J J Pink Beans, per tt q Small White Beans, 18 lbs $1.00 Republic Coffee, "Best on Earth." per lb 25C Egg-o-See, 2 packages OC Fresh Country Butter, per roll.- -tOC s s Where it pays to trade: : INSANE Ml F HAD Sl lT CASE, PISTOL ' AND SEVERAL DEI.VSIOXS, Says lie Is From Tennessee, Has a Brother In California, and Belongs to the I. O. O. F. In Xew Mexico 111 flilef Concern Is That He Has Xo Cartridges Tor His Pistol Acted Stranirely, But Did Xot Attempt to Steal, or Do Violence. This morning a mart named Prank' Rohb, wns arrested Just above town by Marshal Ourdane, upon Informa tion that the man had been acting in a demented manner. Shortly before his arrest Robb had entered a house In that portion of town, and though he did not steal auything, alarmed the occupant by his strange actions. He was found In the road Just above the wagon bridge by Marshal Gurdane and when the officer appeared he was lamenting that he did not have some cartridges for a pistol which he car ried. Marshal Ourdane was rather pleased that the ammunition was lacking. On blMng taken Into custody Robh was taVen to the county Jail, where he was locked up to await examina tion. He had 150 In money and con siderable other personnl effects, In cluding a suit case which he carried. He gave his home as Gallatin. Tenn., and said he had a brother In Califor nia. In a pocketbook was found a cord showing him to be a member of an I. O. O. F. lodge In New Mexico. Close of rmliolle School. On Simdny, June 17, the closing ex ercises for the Catholic school on the reservation will be held at the Catho lic mission. The closing exercises will be held at 2 p. m., while In tho fore noon at 10:30 there will be a religious feast conducted by Father Neate, Finger Wns Mutilated. While working with a velocipede yesterday, George Gray had a finger caught In a sprocket wheel of the machine, with the result that the tip of the finger was taken off, making a New Furniture Bankrupt, Stock Furniture Second Hand Furniture A new line of fine Furniture has Just been placed on display In our store. It was bought at the wholesale house by us. and selected to suit the tastes and pockets of persons In this community, , Our new line Is of the best, so you will not have things misrep resented here, and on our bankrupt stock we can save you so much that it will make you smile, Graham Furniture Co. Postoffice Block IRRIGATION Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines One drop of gasoline, nine times more air makes the power. Expense stops when engine is shut down SPRAYING PUMPING SAWING GRINDING 2 to 50 horse-power. All sizes in stock Write for Catalogue and Prices : Fairbanks, Morse & Co. .ItCcSSS The East Orecnninn a on atom Dmimn'a iunMoAn t. leada and tho people appreciate it and show it bv theie liWal nsAmn.